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Lo and behold - man who threatened bank employees who came to repossess car is a cop


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This is a story of a failed banking system here in Thailand. Two years past due on a car. In the US you go 2 months and you'll wake

up and it's gone. Her police husband gives her 1000 cash every 2 days? He must work very hard getting that cash in his job as an

investigator. His salary is deposited in KTB every month by the government, so the 1000 cash is Tea Money that's an extra 15000 a month. Not bad bonus every month. Now will he be sent to detention for pulling a gun on the bank employees. I'm sure the bank told them they were coming. This is Thainess at it's best. Amazing Thailand.

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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Honda Jazz that was two years behind with the payments."

everything moves slowly here ,even repossession a car, 2 years

no repayments,they must have thought they got away with it.


regards worgeordie

if it was my job to reposes the car from a woman married to a cop i would e hesitant as well. they are all armed and above the law.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Now his wife has gone on television with a withering sob story about all the problems she and her husband have faced recently.

Yep. These poor Thai cops, paid almost nothing, having to buy their guns etc with their own money and so insanely honest they would never dream of making extra cash by using their status to rip off people ... :whistling:

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3 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

80% of tmost Thai families are a bit ashamed if one of their boys is a copper.

Not so, once they become one mum and dad have free health care, he can source money from the job to take care of his family....

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


Agree, and again I ask the question: 'Where is the National Police Chief?' Surely he should be making comments on these recent incidents to try to give some semblance of proper process and his personal professionalism and that of the force. Nothing!

Based on the form of the RTP, and Thai government in general, I imagine he'll step in at some point to deny that it happened. 

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1 hour ago, tomwct said:

This is a story of a failed banking system here in Thailand. Two years past due on a car. In the US you go 2 months and you'll wake

up and it's gone. Her police husband gives her 1000 cash every 2 days? He must work very hard getting that cash in his job as an

investigator. His salary is deposited in KTB every month by the government, so the 1000 cash is Tea Money that's an extra 15000 a month. Not bad bonus every month. Now will he be sent to detention for pulling a gun on the bank employees. I'm sure the bank told them they were coming. This is Thainess at it's best. Amazing Thailand.

Shhhhh! You shouldn't mention the B1000 every 2 days, it's private business.

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10 minutes ago, dcpo said:

Based on the form of the RTP, and Thai government in general, I imagine he'll step in at some point to deny that it happened. 

What happened? 

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Is this standard RTP training manual procedure?  It looks very close to a "shoot first, ask questions later" disaster scenario waiting to happen. The dopey cop understood enough to grab the due to-be-repossessed car and decamp in it, so he was aware he and his wife had another financial problem to resolve despite the lies and whinging of the wife to the contrary.  Using the threat of gunfire to resolve an otherwise peaceful, non-threatening situation is not exemplary or best police practice.  How do brain-dead officials like this hooligan disguised as a police officer explain their lack of community responsibility, incompetence and outright stupidity when dealing with the public?  How come authorities tolerate idiots being allowed to actually have handguns in  their possession for any reason?

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Just the type of role model Thailand needs, to be part of the law enforcement office, setting a fine example to others ! :coffee1:

It sounds to me like his wife hid the whole thing from him so it was reasonable for him to think it was a robbery. His response was excessive however.

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9 minutes ago, wprime said:

It sounds to me like his wife hid the whole thing from him so it was reasonable for him to think it was a robbery. His response was excessive however.

Ofcourse not banks will send letter after letter and make phone after phone call and he is not aware?Than why he pull out his gun and steals back the car instead of asking what its about?

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abuse of power
Threatening civilians with a gun
stealing a car using a firearm

What else?
Wonder whether it is to far fetched to add that he was on duty :-)

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