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Do you think life is fair or not

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41 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Actually agnosticism offers more freedom than being atheist. Therefore preferred. 

 Separate questions hence agnostic atheist. One refers to belief while the other to knowledge.

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1 minute ago, notmyself said:

 Separate questions hence agnostic atheist. One refers to belief while the other to knowledge.

There is no knowledge on neither. There is just belief. 

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Life  is.

Fair or  not  it is  what  you  have  the  capacity  to  make of  it.

Or not.

Yes,  shi.t happens. Some  ask  for  it. To others it happens

Thats  life.

" Fairness" should  be defined  by  equal humanitarian  rights.

But that  does  not  imply equal  life.















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3 hours ago, NotEinstein said:

As others have correctly stated, the concept of fairness is just that and irrelevant in the reality of nature.


Science is getting closer to proving that we humans don't have "free will" and are entertained by a highly filtered approximation of what is actually going on, including allowing us to think we are "in charge" to keep us "happy".

Science  ( scientists) will only  prove  themselves  to  be  happy  with  the  bs  of their conclusions...approximately !

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11 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Oh, I don't know - 'life's a bitch and then you die' sums it up pretty well!

Your born, you take shit.

You get older, you take more shit

You move up in the world, into the rarefied atmosphere and you cant even  remember what shit looked like.

Welcome to the layer cake son.

(or something along those lines)

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People spend far too much time worrying about other people's lives.  That is the other person's life and whatever fortune, good or bad, that falls on them is their business, not yours.  They will handle it the way they deem fit.


The only thing that matters is your life and how you live it.  Fair and unfair are only matters of your own mind.  Disabilities can become abilities.  You can turn misfortune into fortune.  It is all about ATTITUDE.  Those with a positive attitude live positive lives.  Those with poor attitudes usually live troubled lives.   Attitude is the key that locks or unlocks the "is life fair" riddle.


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All in all I think I am better off as I am rather than all things being equal/fair. I have much more than I would have if everything was fair. I am not handsom , brilliant, wealthy or above average in hardly anything. Mostly lucky to be born white in a western civilization.

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4 minutes ago, Guy360 said:

People spend far too much time worrying about other people's lives.  That is the other person's life and whatever fortune, good or bad, that falls on them is their business, not yours.  They will handle it the way they deem fit.


The only thing that matters is your life and how you live it.  Fair and unfair are only matters of your own mind.  Disabilities can become abilities.  You can turn misfortune into fortune.  It is all about ATTITUDE.  Those with a positive attitude live positive lives.  Those with poor attitudes usually live troubled lives.   Attitude is the key that locks or unlocks the "is life fair" riddle.


I lost interest in this topic, when one poster said "when will you guys start believing in God?"

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7 minutes ago, Guy360 said:

People spend far too much time worrying about other people's lives.  That is the other person's life and whatever fortune, good or bad, that falls on them is their business, not yours.  They will handle it the way they deem fit.


The only thing that matters is your life and how you live it.  Fair and unfair are only matters of your own mind.  Disabilities can become abilities.  You can turn misfortune into fortune.  It is all about ATTITUDE.  Those with a positive attitude live positive lives.  Those with poor attitudes usually live troubled lives.   Attitude is the key that locks or unlocks the "is life fair" riddle.


But this thread isn't about "attitude," is it?  It's also not about what makes one happy.  Or how hard one works.  It's about whether you think life is fair.  For example, a child "with a positive attitude" but gets sold by his parents into a life of sexual servitude may not have a positive attitude for long.  Or do you blame the child?  

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6 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

OK, thanks, but I don't really have any interest in Cambodias history.

Well you asked who Pol pot was. Its like asking who Hitler was without reading about early 20ty century Germany.But if you have no need/or interest in being educated, up to you.

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48 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Science  ( scientists) will only  prove  themselves  to  be  happy  with  the  bs  of their conclusions...approximately !

better  than "faith/belief"

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3 minutes ago, kannot said:

faith is stupidity

Blind faith is stupidity.  Faith is having a belief in something that you know could happen. Blind faith is having a belief in something you have never seen, but have only been told about by others.

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God is for people with a scant education up there with ghosts being born again and so on , the people who peddle this nonesense simply sell hope.

religion has been at the top of the list for wars and death since man started bowing down to the sun.

the world has been here for millions of years , ruled by reptiles, semi apes, evolution is a proven fact a scientific fact, religion is a theory propagated by chaletons.

life is what you make it, nothing is pre ordained, as my local priest used to tell us kids you just have to believe , even though it's bullshit to anyone with half a brain ( the last sentence is mine ).

wonder if the moderators will consider this worth a ban.

never mind you did ask.

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19 minutes ago, Guy360 said:

People spend far too much time worrying about other people's lives.  That is the other person's life and whatever fortune, good or bad, that falls on them is their business, not yours.  They will handle it the way they deem fit.


The only thing that matters is your life and how you live it.  Fair and unfair are only matters of your own mind.  Disabilities can become abilities.  You can turn misfortune into fortune.  It is all about ATTITUDE.  Those with a positive attitude live positive lives.  Those with poor attitudes usually live troubled lives.   Attitude is the key that locks or unlocks the "is life fair" riddle.


You are talking purely from the perspective of the "haves" not the "have nots". Some people never get the chance to turn misfortune into fortune. Tell me how some 12 year old girl sold into a brothel in Mumbai is going turn her life around, no matter how positive her attitude. Very easy to offer that kind of advice when you have never had to face real hardship and start life from the very bottom, with no light at the end of the tunnel..

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My belief is life is fair when the notion of time (which is an illusion) is taken out of the equation. Things may seem temporarily unfair but we don't see the big picture, we are trapped (for want of a better word) in our finite sequence of events which will lead to a greater understanding of our true reality (not the one we live in), to detach from our ego and see others as another version of ourselves. Call it Karma. Everything is a process, matter and events don't exist other than for this reason.

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2 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I believe  what I  believe.

I do  not believe  God is a peanut  called  Geoffrey.

Geoffrey  may be a  part of  your  need  for  counselling..

I do  respect  your  existence.

Your  belief .. ? I am a  little  bit  doubtful of.

I  can only  hope  you  respect  my  opinion.

when people "believe" something without a shred of evidence such as Geoffrey the peanut,   base their whole life around it, will  kill you for it, you realise without any evidence what a ferked up world it is.

Id  say the last person who needs counselling is me and the first is anyone who believes something without evidence ,making the majority of the world in need of counselling for the stupidity of "belief" based on "nothing"

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Just now, Bikeman93 said:

My belief is life is fair when the notion of time (which is an illusion) is taken out of the equation. Things may seem temporarily unfair but we don't see the big picture, we are trapped (for want of a better word) in our finite sequence of events which will lead to a greater understanding of our true reality (not the one we live in), to detach from our ego and see others as another version of ourselves. Call it Karma. Everything is a process, matter and events don't exist other than for this reason.

everything is random and has no reason

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