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Do you think life is fair or not

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17 hours ago, giddyup said:

Tell that to the 5 year old child who's raking through garbage on a dump to find something to sell so he can buy something to eat.

Children are resilient and some rise to the top no matter what if they are born with the right tools and have some luck, here an example of a small American child, (found on Youtube,kids funny answers to exam questions) his answer to a simple maths question shows he can think outside the box and that his parents were probably low class :-


Question Brian got 50 slices of cake,he ate 48 slices,what has he got now? 


Answer Diabetes,Brian has got friging diabetes

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23 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Children are resilient and some rise to the top no matter what if they are born with the right tools and have some luck, here an example of a small American child, (found on Youtube,kids funny answers to exam questions) his answer to a simple maths question shows he can think outside the box and that his parents were probably low class :-


Question Brian got 50 slices of cake,he ate 48 slices,what has he got now? 


Answer Diabetes,Brian has got friging diabetes

Don't be ridiculous, most spend their lives in abject poverty, with no opportunity to "rise to the top".  Half the world's population survives on less than $2.50 a day.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

Don't be ridiculous, most spend their lives in abject poverty, with no opportunity to "rise to the top".  Half the world's population survives on less than $2.50 a day.

I wouldn't say most live in 'abject' poverty, some yes, depends what you are used to, if you have enough to eat and a roof then poverty doesn't stop you being happy. Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world (money per capita ) and yet is the most unhappiest according to the world happiness index. $ 2.50 can go a long way in some places. With brains and luck you can escape 

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Just now, soalbundy said:

I wouldn't say most live in 'abject' poverty, some yes, depends what you are used to, if you have enough to eat and a roof then poverty doesn't stop you being happy. Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world (money per capita ) and yet is the most unhappiest according to the world happiness index. $ 2.50 can go a long way in some places. With brains and luck you can escape 

You aren't in touch with reality. Have you ever seen a slum in Manila, Mumbai or even Rio? Millions of people living in absolute squalor, with no access to healthcare or an education, and you seem to think anyone can escape from this with some "brains and luck".Pretty easy to have that kind of attitude growing up in an affluent society and never wanting for anything.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

You aren't in touch with reality. Have you ever seen a slum in Manila, Mumbai or even Rio? Millions of people living in absolute squalor, with no access to healthcare or an education, and you seem to think anyone can escape from this with some "brains and luck".Pretty easy to have that kind of attitude growing up in an affluent society and never wanting for anything.

I never had a Ferrari even though i wanted one, i have had to go without as well

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

You're a real humanitarian.

I do my best for my dependents, i can't weep for the slum dwellers of Manila, if they are unhappy with their lot they have to change things for themselves, Poverty wasn't unknown in Europe 80-90 years ago think of the Jarrow hunger march in 1936 or the great depression in America and elsewhere, it was solved by the people themselves.

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Just now, soalbundy said:

I do my best for my dependents, i can't weep for the slum dwellers of Manila, if they are unhappy with their lot they have to change things for themselves, Poverty wasn't unknown in Europe 80-90 years ago think of the Jarrow hunger march in 1936 or the great depression in America and elsewhere, it was solved by the people themselves.

No one was asking you to weep, perhaps show a bit of compassion and drop the silly "they can escape their poverty with a bit of luck and brains" attitude. Reminds me of Marie Antoinette who supposedly replied when told the peasants had no bread, "then let them eat cake".

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

No one was asking you to weep, perhaps show a bit of compassion and drop the silly "they can escape their poverty with a bit of luck and brains" attitude. Reminds me of Marie Antoinette who supposedly replied when told the peasants had no bread, "then let them eat cake".

That was falsely translated and misunderstood she didn't refer to cake but to the scale left in the ovens after baking bread. Compassion isn't worth a bowl of spit if you can do nothing to help, ''Oh dear, isn't that awful, switch the news off'' I have looked after my two stepdaughters since they were very young, they were malnourished when i came on the scene, now one goes to University, paid for by yours truly and the other is top of her class each year and will follow suit, no doubt my son as well who has been attested with a very high IQ, since i will be dead before then i have set aside a sum of money for his education, i can do no more, they have brains and have had luck, it is now up to them. What can i do for the poor of Manila, nothing!

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10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

That was falsely translated and misunderstood she didn't refer to cake but to the scale left in the ovens after baking bread. Compassion isn't worth a bowl of spit if you can do nothing to help, ''Oh dear, isn't that awful, switch the news off'' I have looked after my two stepdaughters since they were very young, they were malnourished when i came on the scene, now one goes to University, paid for by yours truly and the other is top of her class each year and will follow suit, no doubt my son as well who has been attested with a very high IQ, since i will be dead before then i have set aside a sum of money for his education, i can do no more, they have brains and have had luck, it is now up to them. What can i do for the poor of Manila, nothing!

I did say supposedly  re Marie Antoinette, and you understood my meaning. I really don't care if you do anything to help the millions living in poverty or not, just drop the "they can better themselves if they really try" attitude. Millions of people are struggling to put food on the table and they all can't meet an affluent falang to take them away from their poverty. I doubt if your son and daughters would have made it on brains alone, an education paid for by you gave them that opportunity.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

I did say supposedly  re Marie Antoinette. I really don't care if you do anything to help the millions living in poverty or not, just drop the "they can better themselves if they really try" attitude. Millions of people are struggling to put food on the table and they all can't meet an affluent falang to take them away from their poverty. I doubt if your son and daughters would have made it on brains alone, an education paid for by you gave them that opportunity.

Not all, not even many, can help themselves that is true but some can and will, as i said it depends on brains and luck. My brother is a multi millionaire, ( we come from a working class background) he hasn't above normal intelligence but he has business sense and as he said to me, he had luck, i wouldn't recognize a business opportunity if it slapped me in the face but i have done OK working all over Europe in Industry, same family, two different fates. In the village that i live in here i can see poverty (not abject) but they are no less happy than either myself or my brother, poverty doesn't necessarily translate to misery and it's all about happiness which can't be bought with a Ferrari or a villa with a swimming pool, of course dying in hospital is better than dying in a shack but with death it's all finished anyway.  

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12 hours ago, oilinki said:


Is there someone in the world who actually cares about you?

Yeah for sure my Mrs and some of her family :biggrin:  my 6 grown up children and my 10 grandchildren. :laugh:

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3 hours ago, notmyself said:


You sound like a Creationist who has never even heard of, never mind read, the dispute between Descartes and Kant some 400 years ago. Yes dear member, your argument was dismissed as an argument some 400 years ago.

LOL, I'm quite the opposite of that.

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My first wife (from PI) was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, domestic servants, etc., then Dad lost the lot playing cards and chasing women.  They wound up in a typical, poor area of Manila.  Fall from grace.  Mom dumped loser Dad and went to The Sandbox, worked her way up to manager of a restaurant, and built it into a booming success.   Oldest daughter, who had recently finished Uni and was working as a pretty face at Samsung, Manila, was hauled over to the Gulf by Mom, with an eye toward becoming a flight attendant on the Arab airlines.  That's when I met her.  She was just another Filipina in the crowd, Dime a Dozen, but got the job.  I taught her how to swim and she passed all the airline training.  She started at the bottom of course, but in time, was making relatively good money (for an Asian in the Arab world) whilst getting to visit main cities in Europe - places she had only dreamed of seeing.  We got married, she had to quit her job because of that (so unfair!), and followed me around the world for a number of years before we parted ways.  She now lives in Florida, USA, with her Mom and other relatives.   Not sure what she's doing but I suspect winding up in the US was a bit like winning the lottery compared to where she started.


My Stepdad was a poor, Mexican American kid in California.  Dime a dozen.  Served in WWII, shot, captured, and escaped from a German POW camp, walked for 2 weeks making his way to the coast and onto a fishing boat, they hid him and dropped him off in an Allied area.  Rest of his life was gravy after that I suppose?   After the war,  got himself into some kind of apprentice program to learn about aircraft engines, said he was the only "dark skinned" guy in his group.  Ate beans, lived in a spartan, shared flat and put himself through night school (college) earning 2 Associate's Degrees and landed a civil service job with the US Navy working on aircraft engines.  Retired, modest gov pension.  Landed a job at General Dynamics on the F16 program then later, Solar Turbines as jet engine inspector, retiring as Senior Inspector with a second pension.  Began receiving Social Security retirement benefits.  Continued on as a part-time consultant at Solar until he died. 


Not everyone can be a superstar.   But I'm relatively sure most on this forum can point out a few examples of people they know who started out with little or no means, and did ok for themselves.  Feeling bad or being made to feel guilty because others were born into less opportunity, is a fool's errand.  As Giddyup stipulates, it's half the world's population. 

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Children are resilient and some rise to the top no matter what if they are born with the right tools and have some luck, here an example of a small American child, (found on Youtube,kids funny answers to exam questions) his answer to a simple maths question shows he can think outside the box and that his parents were probably low class :-




Like saying they will all win the lottery eventually if they only buy enough tickets...lolz!

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13 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I am not interested in being educated on things I have no interest in. Is anybody really interested in learning about things that they have no interest in? Am I alone here?

The only countries history I have ever been interested in is American and Irish history, and I'm not American or Irish.

Yeah, yeah, you asked the question.If you wasn't interested in finding the answer to it, why did you post it?

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4 hours ago, notmyself said:


I lost interest when someone mentioned free will. I and any other person who is not mired in abject stupidity and willingness to servitude are deeply offended by a comment such as that. Was it a troll post? No. The reason why it was not a troll post is that the member actually believed it to be a valid question. Anyway, bed time.



Night, night:sleep:

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Life is fair to him, who doesn't have to share 60 % of the bed with his dogs, and his ;current' wife.

Life is fair to him who buys some snickers bars on a Friday, and  finds them still in the fridge Monday morning.

Life is fair to him, who does not have a mother in law who accuses him of being an uncontrollable, felang, alcoholic:post-4641-1156693976:because he drinks a bottle of beer each night with dinner.

Life is fair to him, who has satellite TV in the bedroom and is, therefore, not subjected to idiot soap's and crap Thai movies (that are always about Triads and fat girls who cant get a man) Although, i hate it when i am half way through a good movie and that dreadful prime minsters program about happiness and the people,just cuts into it. (then life is not so fair.)

C'est la vie.:smile:

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Just now, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Life is fair to him, who doesn't have to share 60 % of the bed with his dogs, and his ;current' wife.

Life is fair to him who buys some snickers bars on a Friday, and  finds them still in the fridge Monday morning.

Life is fair to him, who does not have a mother in law who accuses him of being an uncontrollable, felang, alcoholic:post-4641-1156693976:because he drinks a bottle of beer each night with dinner.

Life is fair to him, who has satellite TV in the bedroom and is, therefore, not subjected to idiot soap's and crap Thai movies (that are always about Triads and fat girls who cant get a man) Although, i hate it when i am half way through a good movie and that dreadful prime minsters program about happiness and the people,just cuts into it. (then life is not so fair.)

C'est la vie.:smile:

So much of this post made me join in laughing!


Your dogs only take over 60% of the bed??  I'm so envious as I'm frequently (half) woken up by being in a contorted position/hanging half out of the bed/a dog nudging me to lift up the 'cover' for them to get underneath/wanting to go out for a pee!


Additionally I couldn't agree more about watching a film when the political broadcast cuts in (guaranteed to annoy) especially as the programme provider knows this is going to happen.  But instead of organising films around it (or even re-starting at the point where the film was interrupted) , they have chosen to let viewers miss that 20 mins of the film!


Anyway (back on topic :laugh:) - we all know life isn't fair, and so there is no reason to believe in a kind, loving god.

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3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Yeah, yeah, you asked the question.If you wasn't interested in finding the answer to it, why did you post it?

I was just curious as I have never heard of him, does that answer your question?

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

I was just curious as I have never heard of him, does that answer your question?

Well, if you were not curious then, yes, you wouldn't have asked the question. But rather that ask the forum, could you not have just googled him? Then we wouldn't have all this ridiculous toing and froing.

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5 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Well, if you were not curious then, yes, you wouldn't have asked the question. But rather that ask the forum, could you not have just googled him? Then we wouldn't have all this ridiculous toing and froing.

and who was it that started this toing and froing?

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