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With a threat of 'tapes,' Trump tells ousted FBI chief not to talk to media


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With a threat of 'tapes,' Trump tells ousted FBI chief not to talk to media

By David Alexander and Susan Heavey


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FILE PHOTO: FBI Director James Comey arrives to deliver a speech at the Master of Science in Foreign Service CyberProject's sixth annual conference at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., U.S. April 26, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/Files


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump warned ousted FBI Director James Comey on Friday not to talk to the media, a highly unusual move that prompted fresh charges the president is trying to silence the man who led an investigation into possible collusion between Trump's election campaign and Russia.


On Twitter, Trump appeared to suggest that if Comey gave his version of contacts between them, the administration might produce tapes of conversations, although it was not clear if such tapes exist. The veiled threat added to the storm over Trump's abrupt firing of Comey on Tuesday.


Critics have assailed Trump for dismissing the FBI chief just as the agency is investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, and possible Moscow ties to the Trump presidential campaign.


The New York Times reported the president asked Comey in January to pledge loyalty to him and that Comey refused to do so. Such a request would undermine the standing of the FBI chief as an independent law enforcer and further fueled charges that Trump has overstepped the norms of his office.


"James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" Trump said in a string of Twitter posts on Friday.


Trump told Fox News he did not ask Comey to pledge loyalty and only wants him to be honest. Trump said he would not talk about the existence of any tapes.


CNN said Comey is "not worried about any tapes" Trump may have, citing an unnamed source familiar with the matter.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation probe and parallel congressional investigations have clouded Trump's presidency since he took office on Jan. 20, threatening to overwhelm his policy priorities.


Democrats accuse the Republican president of trying to dent the FBI probe by firing Comey and have called for a special counsel to investigate the Russia issue.




The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Richard Durbin, went further on Friday and said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should appoint an independent special prosecutor to pursue possible criminal charges related to Comey's firing, although he did not specify if he meant such charges should be against Trump.


But Rosenstein does not see the need at this time for a special prosecutor, CNN reported. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.


Trump told Fox News in an interview he did not think an independent probe was necessary.


In a statement, Durbin said that what he characterized as Trump's admission that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe was "dangerously close to obstruction of justice."


Durbin said Trump's tweet on Friday "could be construed as threatening a witness in this investigation, which is another violation of federal law."


Comey declined an invitation to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed meeting on Tuesday for scheduling reasons, said a spokesman for Senator Mark Warner, the panel's top Democrat. An official familiar with the matter told Reuters that Comey had agreed in principle to testify behind closed doors at some point.


As has happened on previous occasions since Trump took office, different versions rapidly circulated of an event - in this case phone conversations between Comey and Trump and a dinner they had at the White House.


The New York Times said Comey told associates he declined to make a pledge of loyalty to Trump when the president requested it while they dined just seven days after his inauguration. Comey instead told Trump he could count on his honesty, the Times said.


Trump says Comey had told him three times he was not under investigation in the Russia probe. He said in an interview on Thursday with NBC News that Comey gave him this assurance during the White House dinner and in two phone conversations. Trump said Comey wanted to have the dinner because he wanted to stay on in the job.


Comey has not publicly discussed any conversations he has had with Trump.




Trump also hit back on Friday at media reports questioning the credibility of White House accounts of why Comey was fired, which have changed over the course of the week, and threatened an end to regular White House press briefings.


"As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!" Trump said. "Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future 'press briefings' and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???"


Trump told Fox News he would decide in "the next couple of weeks" whether the briefings would continue.


The White House initially said Trump fired Comey on the recommendation of the top Justice Department officials: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein. In the NBC interview on Thursday, Trump said he would have fired Comey regardless of any such recommendations.


The White House has said Comey's firing was unrelated to the Russia probe. On Thursday, Trump told NBC he knew he ran the risk that by firing Comey he would "confuse people" and "lengthen out the investigation" into ties to Russia.


The president said he never pressured Comey into dropping the FBI investigation, and added that there was no "collusion between me and my campaign and the Russians."


Trump told Fox News he was surprised by the fierce reaction of Democrats. "I thought that this would be a very popular thing, that I did, when I terminated Comey, because all of the Democrats couldn't stand him," Trump said.


Comey had angered Democrats over his handling of the probe of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.


U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign of interference in the election aimed at tilting the vote in Trump's favor. Moscow has denied any such meddling.


Seeking to bolster Trump's case that he has had no concealed dealings with Russia, his lawyers said in a letter released by the White House on Friday that a review of Trump's tax returns from the past 10 years showed no income from Russian sources outside of a few exceptions, and indicated he did not owe money to Russian lenders.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-13
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              For weeks/months, Trump and the sheeple he surrounds himself with have been doing all they can to hide and destroy evidence of their law-breaking.   10 days ago, the WH was formally asked, by the Rep-led Senate Intel Committee to submit security papers (required for everyone to fill out when seeking security clearances).   How much has been released?   Zero.  Not one syllable.  Nada.   

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He thought the Democrats would be happy that he fired Comey because of Hilarys email investigation? Hysterical. Shows what a total lack of judgment the man has.

But to threaten the man not to talk to the press? Seriously?

To my mind the swamp that needs draining is the one that has been created since the new administration took power.

Every action adds more fuel to the fire regarding the Russians and their role in the election campaign.

I see no option other than a totally independent investigation to uncover the real truth.

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What the opposition has not figured out is they don't need to do anything but set him off....he will destroy himself in due time. An unstable wack job that embarrasses all Americans wherever they are.

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10 minutes ago, tonray said:

A liar and a cheat...nothing more than a scumbag in a fancy suit

Madoff was a liar and a cheat also, but at least Madoff had some class.  Trump has no class, unless you count things like gold-plating a toilet, or grabbing pussies.   Trump doesn't even know how to wear his made-in-China ties.  They hang down to his crotch.  Bright red with an arrow point end - is he sending a message?

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Madoff was a liar and a cheat also, but at least Madoff had some class.  Trump has no class, unless you count things like gold-plating a toilet, or grabbing pussies.   Trump doesn't even know how to wear his made-in-China ties.  They hang down to his crotch.  Bright red with an arrow point end - is he sending a message?

I am not sure Madoff had any more class than Trump, but I get your point. Madoff was a better actor perhaps in that he could fool just about everyone, Trump can only fool those who hate the system so much they are willing to compromise the values they have espoused for the last 10 years to destroy it.

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I really don't understand how the Trump apologists are unable to see reality. I think that with many of them, they would keep defending the idiot, even if the US currency had become the Ruble.

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1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

I really don't understand how the Trump apologists are unable to see reality. I think that with many of them, they would keep defending the idiot, even if the currency had become the Ruble.

That's a good point.  I'm very familiar with Americans, having resided there for over half a century. I've always known about redneck mentality and how right-wingers are more willing to make the effort to vote than liberals.  Right wingers really want the US to return to the halcyon days of their youth.  They think of sock hops, soda fountains, great R&R music, their first kiss, etc.  Trump touched a chord when he shouted his simplistic, "Make America Great Again."    Question to Right Wingers: How are y'all doing with that?  Are you now happily back in the past?

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1 minute ago, habanero said:

        I think if Comey talks, he is going to get "whacked" 

                           I think Comey will toe the gentleman / conservative line if he's interviewed or questioned about how he really feels about the tumult of the past months.   If he wasn't such a Republican 'good soldier'  he would speak frankly.  However, he's genetically predisposed to doing the establishment 'Duddley Do Right' thing.


                        I wish Comey had a bit of Cenk (from TYT) in him.  Then he would come out and speak the truth, loud and passionately.   Something like, "Yes, Trump is a dangerous imbecile who stabbed me in the back - because the FBI was getting very close to busting him open like a rotten barn door."

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Madoff was a liar and a cheat also, but at least Madoff had some class.  Trump has no class, unless you count things like gold-plating a toilet, or grabbing pussies.   Trump doesn't even know how to wear his made-in-China ties.  They hang down to his crotch.  Bright red with an arrow point end - is he sending a message?

I'm a co*k.

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                              When the press corps asks Spicer or any of the other goons deflecting for Trump, they can simply say, "No. We didn't hide or destroy any tapes."  Strictly speaking, that will be true, because everyone uses digital devices nowadays.  No one, except maybe a the guy with the biggest penis gourd in Pago Pago Land uses reel to reel or cassettes anymore.

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3 minutes ago, RobFord said:

It's a stand off with trump telling comey if you expose me I've got tapes on you.
Pull the trigger punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Or, Trump is lying.  It seems to me that if he could prove Comey actually told him he wasn't under investigation, then the best move would be to spring the tapes on him in case Comey did publicly state that. Of course, this genius move of Trump's is going to be very reassuring to everyone who spoke to him in the Oval Office.

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It's a stand off with trump telling comey if you expose me I've got tapes on you.
Pull the trigger punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

There are no tapes, and I'm guessing chump provided blowme with a golden parachute to help with the election, quash the investigation and keep his mouth shut.

The next guy will just be a yes-man
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I get the impression, that this pres' is a spoilt child in adults clothing. Surely the USA will not put up with this for the next 4 years.How can these ridiculous tweets, accusations without proof, and silly way of cutting interviews by just walking away from them, stand the test of time?I know this is the 21st century, but two countries executed their kings for virtually the same offences.in the 17th and 18th centuries.Is there not an equivalent way of dealing with this dangerous man, in modern times? wrongly or rightly, in his first 100 days, we stand on the eve of a possible nuclear war.

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50 minutes ago, RobFord said:

It's a stand off with trump telling comey if you expose me I've got tapes on you.
Pull the trigger punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


From what I understand Comey has decided not to go in front of the senate after Trumps tweet.

(or maybe the commentator on fox was speaking hypothetically, not sure 100%)


Lol….great move by the Donald.

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43 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I get the impression, that this pres' is a spoilt child in adults clothing. Surely the USA will not put up with this for the next 4 years.How can these ridiculous tweets, accusations without proof, and silly way of cutting interviews by just walking away from them, stand the test of time?I know this is the 21st century, but two countries executed their kings for virtually the same offences.in the 17th and 18th centuries.Is there not an equivalent way of dealing with this dangerous man, in modern times? wrongly or rightly, in his first 100 days, we stand on the eve of a possible nuclear war.

I could not agree with you more Dave

What an embarrassment, he must go through some dummies with all the spitting out he does  

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1 hour ago, RobFord said:

It's a stand off with trump telling comey if you expose me I've got tapes on you.
Pull the trigger punk.

                        Yea, like a Mexican stand-off, except Comey's got bullets, and Trump's got blanks (albeit loud and flashy).  Unfortunately, Comey can't help but be a gentleman, so he won't spill more than a few beans on Trump.   Trump is a mud-wrestler and likes getting dirty.  If Comey was a hog who also liked to get covered in mud, then it would be an interesting clash.

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1 hour ago, Caps said:

I could not agree with you more Dave

What an embarrassment, he must go through some dummies with all the spitting out he does  

Hi Caps.

When Trump won the election, i was one of the people who said "give him a chance, he has positive and remarkable intentions, he wants to put his country first" over the time, the scandal of a possible assisted win with Russian Support, he has refused to reveal his Taxes, which may expose foreign complicity. He has had many of his intentions thrown back at him bythe high courts. He has had great problems trying to repeal Obamacare.He has proved to be an unreliable leader and as for his promise, that he made to his audience at his golf course in the UK, nothing more of the "Britain has been our allies, so i would have no problem making trade with The British people" unless Theresa May has knowledge of something we are not party to.I truly believe that when he was sworn in, he thought it was like ascending to the throne. He is unprepared for the office of POTUS.He took on a job that he thought was going to be a doddle.He is not familiar with White house etiquette, and he is having a problem dealing with the reality that he is not an omnipotent entity.He first made me cringe, when he stated that he was far more smarter than the leader of the Armed forces.I know that he has to go through several channels before he can do anything drastic, but he does have the nuclear codes.I once made the comparison,that having Trump in the WH is like putting a commoner on the throne of Britain.A poster replied that i had made an uneducated statement, and he laughed at me. Methinks he is not laughing now.He is a common man, with common ideas, that do not a president make.

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