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A friend of mine...........


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18 hours ago, Ian1980 said:

What you think? Going trought all the process or just think lose 3000 thb?

I would threaten him to cause problems telling tourist police, RTP and immigration.

Might work, might not work but might make him feel uncomfortable.

I borrowed a "friend" 20.000 Baht, same story, but got it back 2.000 Baht/month within 10 month after mentioning the possibility of telling police and immigration.


It's not the loss of money, it's more the disappointment about a person who abused your helpfullness.

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It is only a civil matter, anything can be done through legal channel is hire a attorney and take it to court. Since it is only 3000 baht, just like what everybody here are saying, forget about it and move on. 


Not paying back the borrowed money is not a crime in Thailand unless you can prove it was a fraud, there is nothing police can do. If police could get involve in such matter, a lot of people all over the world would be in trouble for not paying back loan and credit card debt.

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A friend you say, you have learnt a relatively cheap lesson,and never forget it,

never lend money to any one,it could have been a lot worse,move on,its gone.

regards worgeordie

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20 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

A foreigner or a Thai?

If it was a Thai, then you could forget it, they have no understanding of a 'loan'.  In this case, the farang is acting like a Thai!

The solution of course is to not lend again to anyone!

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20 hours ago, Lamkyong said:

precisely   so how would you know they are useless  ?? 

They are freakin useless.  How long have you been in this country anyway? Maybe if you remove your pink glasses you might see what is going on in this backward, corrupted country.

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Write it up as a loss and move on.


A small lesson learned.


The next friend/person that asks you for money simply say, "no;" I would rather keep you as a friend.


Never lend money and never invest in another person's business.

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Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. 

 From Shakespeare's Hamlet. 


Lesson learned I hope.


I declined to lend a sum of money to my wife's niece in my early days of living here. Although it caused some upset at the time, I have never regretted that decision. No one has ever tried again and no friendships have been lost.

Edited by Moonlover
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13 minutes ago, Gerard052 said:

They are freakin useless.  How long have you been in this country anyway? Maybe if you remove your pink glasses you might see what is going on in this backward, corrupted country.

please read post 17   in answer to your question 8 years  and the saying is ROSE TINTED GLASSES 

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A loan would have payment terms connected with it and an agreement to repay... and it would be your job to estimate the person's ability to re-pay... if there was no fixed date of repayment, then it seems to be just left to your having an easy attitude of 'pay me when and if you can... is this person working? How can he live here? 


Just don't make loans you cannot afford.. 

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50 minutes ago, mogo51 said:

If it was a Thai, then you could forget it, they have no understanding of a 'loan'.  In this case, the farang is acting like a Thai!

The solution of course is to not lend again to anyone!

If you are basing that on Pattaya alone, then maybe... but to say that Thai do not understand a loan is just wrong. I live in a village surrounded by a large family. They totally understand the difference between a gift and a loan and one step further, they understand the difference between a loan and an interest bearing loan. 


I have lent money to family members many times, and in large chunks sometimes too... they very much appreciated that I did not want any interest and they paid me back as soon as possible. I never have to ask. 

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Zero chance of using the police for 3,000 baht with no contract - you really must be joking.


As an example a contractor stole 60,000 baht and I had all documents an inch thick to prove it.


The police had no interest in the case - but I wouldn't leave their office until they accepted my formal complaint.


Long story short I got the money back but had to go to court around 4 times not worth it at all but I didn't know that when I started the process.



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Like somebody else said, it's a relatively small amount. Write it off. 

 Next time he asks for a loan (if he's got the balls to do so), just say no. Tell him your money is all tied up. 

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Ian I hope this guy is not your "best" friend or "only" friend as it is time to cut him loose, you don't need friends like this.

Just be happy that you did not lend him 300,000 Thb.

If he does pay you back at some point in time great, but don't lend to him again.

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its unlikely there is much you can do to force him to return your money if he doesn't have it. Let this be a lesson to you.. do not loan a person money if you can not afford to do so. It's nice that you want to help a friend but again don't loan money to someone if it will cause you trouble later.



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I would give him two weeks to pay, tell him that if the moneys is not forth coming in that time, tell him he had better move to another part of Thailand as you will keep on making his life a misery,  there are plenty of ways to do this, just use your imagination.

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22 hours ago, Ian1980 said:

Using police is useless?


Not really, if you can grease their palms enough.

I know it is only 3000 Bt, so it would be up to you to decide if it is worth paying more to get your revenge.

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