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Farang suing another farang for defamation.

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The only people that will win in the end will the lawyers...

try to settle it amicably or find another way to do it, don't

waste your time and money on the courts and lawyers

in his country, I'm speaking from costly and futile


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1 minute ago, CharlieH said:

"He said she said" on an internt forum is not a wise way to proceed with legal matters in a foreign country.


Mostly just looking for stories, not advice.

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Unless it impacts on your business then, no, life is too short.


Impugining your reputation? Forget it. The people who know you, friends and family, know otherwise, who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks?

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Many years ago, probably early seventies,    "Tiger" Ryberg had a bar on Silom Road near Patpong called Tigers.    Well some guy, whose name I can't recall, owed Tiger money  and since he wasn't paying, Tiger put up a big picture of the guy in his bar and said the guy was a no good thief.     Well the guy didn't like being called a thief so he got a lawyer and sued Tiger for defamation and won.      Don't know how much Tiger had to pay but the guy did win the case.     Maybe if anyone is still around that remembers the case  they can fill in more details.

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As Thai police don't investigate cases based on rumors, the courts only accept defamation...slander if one can proof that a significant financial loss has occurred.

Example........neighbor accuses you of murder, lessor gets the story and kicks you out, loss occurred....go to court.


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10 hours ago, Spaniel said:

Many years ago, probably early seventies,    "Tiger" Ryberg had a bar on Silom Road near Patpong called Tigers.    Well some guy, whose name I can't recall, owed Tiger money  and since he wasn't paying, Tiger put up a big picture of the guy in his bar and said the guy was a no good thief.     Well the guy didn't like being called a thief so he got a lawyer and sued Tiger for defamation and won.      Don't know how much Tiger had to pay but the guy did win the case.     Maybe if anyone is still around that remembers the case  they can fill in more details.

I knew Tiger and his great little bar, but no knowledge of the actual case. The big problem here is that one may very well win the case (I have won 3 of them !) but the court does not enforce the decision, and the only satisfaction you get is knowing that you won the case in court. On the use of lawyers, they can be well worth the money under certain circumstances, but not, I think, in a case such as this.

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Yeah, just want stories. Okay, a Brit who took a dislike to me was talking about me to another farang--who, unknown to the Brit, was my son.  We were at a party and I was dancing with some girls. The Brit said in disgust, look at that old fool, he rides those damned awful Harleys and is running around acting like he is 20.  My son just chuckled and later told me what he said. I went over to the guy and shook his hand and said; I hear you are envious of me being able to have fun at my age instead of sitting around bitching about others who are having a better time than you. Of course, the wimp denied saying it; then I introduced him to my son.  Funny, whenever we are in the same place, he leaves.

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It is worth it if you have proof. I am going to sue some farang trash who have defamed me in writing via email to others. No need for lawyers. Make a police report for defamation and violation of the ICT act,  attach translated emails,  all is forwarded to the prosecutor. They will examine evidence, proceed, the guys I have in mind will have to go to the criminsl court. As part of the welcome reception their mugshots are taken, and their butts thrown in the can until the court can hear the case, bail is available. On the day of the trial, once again first into the can and ait, then shackled and led before the court. Just the pleasure of seeing them like that is enough to compensate for my time. Hopefully some smart phone pics..My advice is do it !  Defmation is a big thing here if you can prove it.

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The plaintiff will have to show supportive documentation reflecting a monetary loss. Generally, without a monetary loss, most competent, professional, licensed lawyers will not take the case.


Some paralegals will take the case for a non-refundable retainer and increase their income with letter writing, and eventually tell their client they can't help them.

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