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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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I will give it another half-page of right wing liberal media HRH apologist jibes before someone from the Trump aologists formerly vociferous red-capped, Trump election ra ra club comes along and says, "But Obama was the worst POTUS ever..." or something equally vacuous.

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16 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:
This is what is called a "non-denial denial"
Here's the heart of McMaster's refutation:
"At no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed.  And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known."
The Washington Post story never said that the President disclosed sources or methods. Nor did it say that he disclosed any military operations. That doesn't mean that the President didn't disclose information that had been classified.




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5 minutes ago, In the jungle said:

It's going to be interesting to see how he is received when he visits Israel and Saudi Arabia this week.


Well for one, any (dis-) information the Israelis or Saudis want leaked will be immediately communicated to Trump.


Putin is playing chess, Trump is trying to figure out Tic-Tac-Toe.

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WaPo needs to do a better job of naming sources ....


  said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, 


Pretty vague description. Smells like a rumor or ear to the wall eaves dropping.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Can't disagree with you there.  But as far as a legal issue- it's not.


For another example, look up why the SR71 isn't called the RS71.  LBJ bragging out of turn...

Technically what Trump has done is not a legal issue because the President is able to pretty much declassify whatever he wants. HOWEVER, that declassification would normally be done with the consultation of the respective chiefs of the Intelligence agencies. The real damage here is that Trump has conveyed intelligence that was given by an Ally, and Trump has no business declassifying it. In this instance any attempt to declassify must come with the permission of the originator of the intelligence. The ally (a member of FVEY) now may well not share further intelligence with the USA. Indeed the possibility of Five Eye becoming Four Eye for the tenure of Trumps Presidency now exists. That would be a major blow to US intelligence efforts to keep the US safe.


Interestingly we are now seeing a case of the boy who cried wolf on the news at the moment. Live streaming on CNN/MSNBC is showing that nobody is trusting anything the White House says about this. With the farce of the Comey sacking and the White House staff giving a completely false narrative, everyone is questioning the account given by McMaster, saying 'why do we believe that when Trump told us that his staff never have the full info because he is so busy'! 


Another great start to the week and that Oval office definitely has no corners to hide in now.

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2 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

Screenshot 2017-05-15 17.13.10.png

I saw Dershowitz really go off this morning, like he's never done.  I'm guessing that since he's Jewish, he may be thinking that the ally in question (source of the highly classified intel) was Israeli intelligence.  Those guys don't mess around.  If Israel doesn't trust Trump, they will withhold future intelligence....which would be extremely damaging for US national security. 

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24 minutes ago, In the jungle said:

It's going to be interesting to see how he is received when he visits Israel and Saudi Arabia this week.

I reckon he will be very well received in Israel, 90% of his "backers/staff" are Jews! Wonder how that came about?

Saudi, when has the US ever said anything bad about them, H certainly didn't despite her so called agenda! they will always do what the US tells them! or else!

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I saw Dershowitz really go off this morning, like he's never done.  I'm guessing that since he's Jewish, he may be thinking that the ally in question (source of the highly classified intel) was Israeli intelligence.  Those guys don't mess around.  If Israel doesn't trust Trump, they will withhold future intelligence....which would be extremely damaging for US national security. 

I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but this kind of speculation only gives ammo to anti-semites who think that all Jews are agents of Israel or have some sort of sub rosa connection to that nation.

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"Reporters spent much of the evening camped out outside of Press Secretary Sean Spicer's office, hoping for answers.


At one point, a reporter spotted a handful of staffers, including Mr Spicer and Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, walking into the Cabinet Room.

Muffled yelling was heard coming from the area near the room, but after a reporter tweeted about the noise, press staffers quickly turned up their television volume, blasting the sound to drown out everything else."


From today's Telegraph.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The report says he gave them the information spontaneously. I can believe that. He is like a kid showing off a new toy. And now his narcissistic tendencies have shown how he just has to get liked by people. The man is handing over top secrets to the Russians. What next? I believe the calls for his head are going to be louder and more numerous every day now.

I couldn't agree more.  I imagine that anyone with an ounce of pride in our (USA) heritage must be feeling betrayed by our highest office -- regardless of for whom they voted.


Wonder how our Special Operations troops fighting ISIS feel right now.


A truly sad day for our country.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but this kind of speculation only gives ammo to anti-semites who think that all Jews are agents of Israel or have some sort of sub rosa connection to that nation.

You're correct, only speculation on my part.  Dershowitz is not a national security guy, just a well known attorney.  So to see him talk so emphatically about this was surprising.  But at one point, he did speculate that the source of the intel was probably Jordan or Israel. 

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23 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

WaPo needs to do a better job of naming sources ....


Pretty vague description. Smells like a rumor or ear to the wall eaves dropping.

Either way, it indicates a chronically leaky administration which will summarily be dismissed by Spicer et al as fake news... if McMaster's impromptu press statement hasn't done so already.

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12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I saw Dershowitz really go off this morning, like he's never done.  I'm guessing that since he's Jewish, he may be thinking that the ally in question (source of the highly classified intel) was Israeli intelligence.  Those guys don't mess around.  If Israel doesn't trust Trump, they will withhold future intelligence....which would be extremely damaging for US national security. 

Thanks for this perspective. I was suffering from tunnel vision thinking this intel was probably provided by a member of FVEY, however, if it is indeed Israel then as you say Trump could be treated to a fairly cold reception behind closed doors when he visits as the Israeli's take this stuff very seriously.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Thanks for this perspective. I was suffering from tunnel vision thinking this intel was probably provided by a member of FVEY, however, if it is indeed Israel then as you say Trump could be treated to a fairly cold reception behind closed doors when he visits as the Israeli's take this stuff very seriously.

In other words, you have no idea what you are talking about, just trying it on, and getting lots of Likes.  555!


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4 minutes ago, 55Jay said:


In other words, you have no idea what you are talking about, just trying it on, and getting lots of Likes.  555!


Thanks for the bolleux response. No in other words I am entering a discussion and was considering with other mature interested adults that source of the classified information was Five Eyes intelligence and now agree that there is a good possibility the intel source could be Israeli. Back in your hole please. By the way there are no 'likes' on the post in question as of now!

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Thanks for the bolleux response. No in other words I am entering a discussion and was considering with other mature interested adults that source of the classified information was Five Eyes intelligence and now agree that there is a good possibility the intel source could be Israeli. Back in your hole please. By the way there are no 'likes' on the post in question as of now!

Why not wait for more info instead of flopping around like a breathless high school drama student.  You are too eager.

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Trump's tweets on mishandled classified info come back to haunt him


"Here's a look, in reverse chronological order, at how Trump himself has viewed people who play fast and loose with sensitive material: "



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7 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Why not wait for more info instead of flopping around like a breathless high school drama student.  You are too eager.

There are 42 posts on here so far, would you like to say that to everyone? Why are you even reading the thread? We are discussing everything that is all over the news at the moment. Do we need your permission? I have not said anything that is not based on an informed knowledge of the intelligence community. Thank you for your comments, but no more are needed.

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anyone who believes this fake news is a moron 

the simple fact if it was true, As President he gets to decide what is classified and what is not classified.

and as a fact only the Russians and Syria are doing the job against isis ,so if it was true its the best thing the orange one has done in his short time in office 

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What he did was not illegal...But...if he continues to operate like the uninformed rube that he is, the tipping point will be reached in Congress, especially if he fails to deliver major items on his agenda like healthcare and tax reform. i think he has 9 months to get some major things done, if he does not placate them with some real work.....President Pence will be the next man up.

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Just now, myfriendu said:

anyone who believes this fake news is a moron 

the simple fact if it was true, As President he gets to decide what is classified and what is not classified.

and as a fact only the Russians and Syria are doing the job against isis ,so if it was true its the best thing the orange one has done in his short time in office 

Anyone who believes this is not significant is a moron. There is no smoke without fire and Gen McMaster has just been on TV and chose his words very carefully. The President can decide to declassify information ONLY when that information is sourced and owned by the US. When the information is given by an ally then it can only be declassified by the originator/owner. Yes Trump can try and do what he likes BUT the US will lose intelligence allies and as a result will be far less safe.


The fact you try and defend Trump on this is a good indicator of your make up and values.

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