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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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4 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. It was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



You do not understand. Lets leave it there. Intel agencies NEVER disclose the information they are given by other allies. They are not fully in the picture of the ground operations their allies maybe conducting and they know that any unauthorised disclosure could result in the deaths of intel operatives and agents that belong to their allies. That is as easy as I can make it, if you still don't get it, don't worry, just move on.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

What would you have said a year ago before your messiah had invented the term 'Fake News'. 


I am glad you can so glibly defend a traitor.

As you have not qualified that with an "IMO" or similar you have just slandered the president of the USA.


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8 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

And that's the real issue, a destructive moron at the helm. Time for Congress to step up and do their job, and cut the partisan BS. Trump's not acting as a conservative anyways. 

If Congress ever tried to Impeach Trump. the People would remove Congress and find a lot of rope and nearby trees while doing it. You get my drift. It's all noise that will never ever happen


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As you have not qualified that with an "IMO" or similar you have just slandered the president of the USA.


you have to give him sympathy, we have to believe ,that he believes ,what he believes ,and no facts will change that mindset  

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1 minute ago, myfriendu said:

..the People would remove Congress and find a lot of rope and nearby trees while doing it. ...

LOL. But this isn't about Venezuela.


This is the short-attention-span, high personal debt, low net worth, working 9 to 5, microwaved TV dinner USA versus drive-thru on the way home we are talking about.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

What would you have said a year ago before your messiah had invented the term 'Fake News'. 


I am glad you can so glibly defend a traitor.

Was that the sound of Judge Al's gavel?


Trump is a traitor.  Case closed!  Next!  :laugh::laugh:


If the oversight committee reports later that this didn't happen, or not in the way being characterized will you be silent, or too busy flopping and twitching over the next breathless breaking "news" from the MSM Vultures? 

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As you have not qualified that with an "IMO" or similar you have just slandered the president of the USA.


Slander would require a detailed account of why he was not a traitor.I am not sure that would stick. ON TV whilst at a public rally he called for the Russians to hack a member of Governments emails - traitor.

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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

If the oversight committee reports later that this didn't happen, or not in the way being characterized will you be silent, or too busy flopping and twitching over the next breathless breaking "news" from the MSM Vultures? 

And if it is found out that it did happen what will your response be? Call for his resignation or impeachment, or continue to defend him in the brain dead fashion that is becoming so familiar on these threads.

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17 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You do not understand. Lets leave it there. Intel agencies NEVER disclose the information they are given by other allies. They are not fully in the picture of the ground operations their allies maybe conducting and they know that any unauthorised disclosure could result in the deaths of intel operatives and agents that belong to their allies. That is as easy as I can make it, if you still don't get it, don't worry, just move on.

3 people in the room, all of whom say 'it never happened'. so why the hell should we believe anything the fake news WaPo ever prints from here on out? what's the difference between 'the reporter just made shit up' vs. 'anonymous sources say...'??

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22 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. It was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



You got to be kidding? Do you think for one minute that the agreements between allies allows for exchanged secrets to be shared with Russia? It's statements like this that reinforce my belief that there needs to be IQ thresholds for voting. 

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9 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Was that the sound of Judge Al's gavel?


Trump is a traitor.  Case closed!  Next!  :laugh::laugh:


If the oversight committee reports later that this didn't happen, or not in the way being characterized will you be silent, or too busy flopping and twitching over the next breathless breaking "news" from the MSM Vultures? 

I'm still waiting for the hosts of the pathetic opinion show that tried to humiliate Anne Coulter when she predicted that Trump would win the presidency, and all the late night hosts that said Trump would never win to admit they were wrong, but of course they are too gutless to do so. Never expect an apology from any Trump hater, it's not in their makeup to admit that they are wrong.

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2 minutes ago, myfriendu said:

3 people in the room, all of whom say 'it never happened'. so why the hell should we believe anything the fake news WaPo ever prints from here on out? what's the difference between 'the reporter just made shit up' vs. 'anonymous sources say...'??

This is where your 'iq' as you put it, is letting you down. That is NOT what General McMaster said. I cannot even be bothered to humour you. Watch and LISTEN to what was said.  McMaster does not deny that the President gave classified information, he just says that no details of intelligence ops etc were given. This story is not fake news. The White House staff are taking cover, Trump is throwing more anger tantrums and the senior GOP members have buttoned down the hatches. Keep up.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

And if it is found out that it did happen what will your response be? Call for his resignation or impeachment, or continue to defend him in the brain dead fashion that is becoming so familiar on these threads.

Get cracking Don.

The FCC is a department that you control. An EO that causes an FCC rule.


You got the power...use it and shut these fake news site up .

keep up the good work donny ,the world needs you :partytime2:

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm still waiting for the hosts of the pathetic opinion show that tried to humiliate Anne Coulter when she predicted that Trump would win the presidency, and all the late night hosts that said Trump would never win to admit they were wrong, but of course they are too gutless to do so. Never expect an apology from any Trump hater, it's not in their makeup to admit that they are wrong.

Totally off topic and a trolling distraction post.

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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

And if it is found out that it did happen what will your response be? Call for his resignation or impeachment, or continue to defend him in the brain dead fashion that is becoming so familiar on these threads.

Ah, there you go!  :laugh:


 I'm not defending Trump and you know it.  What I'm on about is something your ego won't let you circle back around and admit, so you double down.  That's what Trump would do.  LOL.

Edited by 55Jay
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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Ah, there you go!  :laugh:


 I'm not defending Trump and you know it.  What I'm on about is something your ego won't let you circle back around and admit, so you double down.  That's what Trump would do.  LOL.

Wrong, when I did admit that someone had posted a perception I had not considered, you jumped all over it and started personal attack. Put your own ego in check and get out of my face please.

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4 minutes ago, pegman said:

Do you think for one minute that the agreements between allies allows for exchanged secrets to be shared with Russia?


You don't know either?  


One would think that the person  in the Oval Office would have the sense to understand the importance of the info and treat it with the appropriate care.  If this story is true, the problem isn't whether or not trump broke the law or an  agreement or did something he can't do, but that he's caused the US to lose the trust of it's allies. 


At this point, there's not enough facts to determine what was said or how much,if any damage has been done.

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Wrong, when I did admit that someone had posted a perception I had not considered, you jumped all over it and started personal attack. Put your own ego in check and get out of my face please.

Given you have been jumping all over any post I make and are constantly in my face whenever I post anything that you don't like :cheesy:

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9 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


You don't know either?  


One would think that the person  in the Oval Office would have the sense to understand the importance of the info and treat it with the appropriate care.  If this story is true, the problem isn't whether or not trump broke the law or an  agreement or did something he can't do, but that he's caused the US to lose the trust of it's allies. 


At this point, there's not enough facts to determine what was said or how much,if any damage has been done.

I doubt he cares that much about "allies" that won't pay their fair share and expect the US to carry the load almost alone. 

IMO he'd be justified for withdrawing and letting the lot of them suffer the consequences. It's time for the "allies" to man up and contribute in a meaningful manner.

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7 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


You don't know either?  


One would think that the person  in the Oval Office would have the sense to understand the importance of the info and treat it with the appropriate care.  If this story is true, the problem isn't whether or not trump broke the law or an  agreement or did something he can't do, but that he's caused the US to lose the trust of it's allies. 


At this point, there's not enough facts to determine what was said or how much,if any damage has been done.

First of all, the WaPo used annonymous sources to tell yet another raunchy fairy tale.

Then they forgot to take into account the fact that there were only 4 people in the room -- would one of them be so monumentally stupid at this point to risk geting easily tracked and caught passing information?

Maybe the WH structure itself has surveillance hidden away -- consider who controlled it all these years.

That would be a perfect way to undermine Trump and further empower the Deep State.

After all, didn't Obama, Hellish, Preet, Comey, Waters, etc., join The Resistance/The Deep State and deign to obstruct and destroy Trump?

Doesn't this stunt look a wee bit like that?

Very interesting that they chose WaPo to spread their mischief.

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6 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


You don't know either?  


One would think that the person  in the Oval Office would have the sense to understand the importance of the info and treat it with the appropriate care.  If this story is true, the problem isn't whether or not trump broke the law or an  agreement or did something he can't do, but that he's caused the US to lose the trust of it's allies. 


At this point, there's not enough facts to determine what was said or how much,if any damage has been done.

Maybe for you but I saw and heard numerous former senior intel agency folks on tv tonight saying  

that Trump has harmed the security of his country. The half denials by the 2 sec's confirm that.

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Made up story by the Washington Post. Besides the Russians four other people were in the room. The President, Sectary of State, National security adviser and deputy National security adviser.   All four said it didn't happen and the story was false.  More fake news from the left.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Wrong, when I did admit that someone had posted a perception I had not considered, you jumped all over it and started personal attack. Put your own ego in check and get out of my face please.

False flag, Al, nice try.  Not a personal attack at all.  I'm attacking your bias, and knee jerk process.


In answer to your Q, hell no..... if Trump did the deed, string him up by his buster browns.  I'm beholden to no politician or personality.  If he did, he might wish he'd kept Comey on though. :tongue:

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I doubt he cares that much about "allies" that won't pay their fair share and expect the US to carry the load almost alone. 

IMO he'd be justified for withdrawing and letting the lot of them suffer the consequences. It's time for the "allies" to man up and contribute in a meaningful manner.

Fair share? For what, fixing the American's stupendous screw ups? WMD's? Their quest for imperialism is on them. 

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