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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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1 minute ago, riclag said:

 Thank you myfriend ,It's nice to hear the facts and logic that you used.I would love to see a discussion on here  about the MSM fact reporting .

0500 on the East Coast but expect there won't be any new "facts" emerging too quickly.


Until then, we get to read bs filler from the usual suspects blathering on about how smart they are.  It's so....Trumpian.  :laugh:

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14 minutes ago, riclag said:

Well said, I don't understand how people can call President Trump all these names.He has shown his loyalty by his unequivocal devotion and support to the military and law enforcement agencies ,through his speeches,rallies and executive orders.


Interesting that you would seem to believe that Trump supports the military. Quite the opposite is true as is evidenced by his disgusting slap in the fact to all of our warriors who were ever taken as prisoners of war. "I prefer people who weren't captured." Or his disrespect to the family of a fallen warrior. Or his freezing of Federal hiring which has left 45,000 vacancies in the VA, most of which wind up being filled by veterans. Or his disrespect to all of the men and women who have earned the Purple Heart by his callous statement, "I always wanted to get a Purple Heart" (perhaps he could have gotten his wish had he not used five bogus medical deferments for "bone spurs", which mysteriously didn't keep him from playing college sports). Or his support of cutting food stamps, which a significant number of junior enlisted grade families depend on. As a Vietnam era veteran, I refuse to support someone who thinks that support for the military is measured by how much he is willing to spend on shiny new toys for our armed forces. Far better that he support the men and women who stand in harm's way...which he has demonstrated is not of consequence to him.

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29 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

A brain surgeon who makes a diagnosis without seeing or examining the patient should have their license revoked. 


Hitch your wagon where you will, but get ready for a bumpy ride.


And yet you refuse to address any of the monumentally stupid things he has done that I enumerated. Any one of which would prompt a licensed psychiatrist to consider as potentially indicative of mental instability in someone his age. Odd.

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41 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So far there isn't even any smoke, just a load of hot air.

Using a tactic beloved of the Trump supporters...so, I would assume, were the eight Congressional hearings into BENGHAZI!!! ? The same hearings that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars yet failed to uncover the first concrete piece of evidence that Clinton was to blame for anything? Seems all that was a "tempest in a teapot". Even Gowdy finally had to admit, "We got nuthin' ".


However, in this case, there's a hell of a lot of smoke. Several Republican Senators have come out in condemnation of Trump's blunder, Bob Corker of Tennessee being one of the most prevalent ("The White House is in a downward spiral"), along with numerous current and former intelligence officials. The fact that you don't like having Trump's endless stupidity shoved in your face is not sufficient justification for denying reality.

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23 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

I don't have the qualifications to perform brain surgery, either, but I would tend to put some measure of confidence in a brain surgeon's diagnosis. To put the shoe on the other foot, you are no more qualified to diagnose the mental stability you so want Trump to have than I am his lack thereof, yet you have no qualms with asserting that it is so.


You obviously did not read the linked article, further diminishing any fragment of credibility you might have had. One of the doctors in attendance at the meeting correctly indicated “The Goldwater Rule is not absolute. We have a ‘Duty to Warn,’ about a leader who is dangerous to the health and security of our patients.” She drew that assertion from the rules governing the psychiatric community, to wit: " “Duty to Warn” is a term with some history. In 1974, a trial known as the Tarasoff case established the law — now in force in 38 states — saying that if a patient is in imminent danger of physically hurting someone, his or her doctor may break confidentiality and alert the likely victim or call the police." So much for your "craphouse lawyer" argument about bringing them up on charges. You really should try using Google before spouting off about subjects you really know little about. It keeps you from looking like quite so ignorant.

A psychiatrist can't diagnose without a personal evaluation, they can only give an opinion. 

The supposed health professional wittering on about a 'duty to warn" sounds as if she is suffering from the mental disease known as "thinking my opinion is more important than other people's opinions".

You may have missed that I actually worked in the health industry and over my many years knew hundreds of Drs very well, and not all of them were excellent practitioners. Some of them were actually egotistical buffoons and I would have given their opinions as much credence as I do as that of a monkey. I would expect some of the petitioners to fall within that category.

When it comes to "subjects I do know about" mental health would definitely be one of them, and I do have a qualification.


One thing is for sure, Trump sure "owns" a whole lot of people. They just can't stop thinking about him.


Back to the OP, we are all still waiting for a shred of actual evidence to emerge. I don't think we are in any danger of anything eventually coming out either. As usual it's all anti Trump hysteria. I think psychiatrists will be adding a diagnosis relating to it in the future.

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45 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

What are your qualifications that you came to this diagnosis?

Well, I can read:





Plus, you don't have to be a mental health expert to question these type of delusions to judge Trump to be mentally "off":


- The inauguration was the biggest ever;


- He invented the term "priming the pump':


- "In a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about healthcare";


- Despite his own people telling him the opposite he insists that Obama had him tapped.


I could provide a few dozen more examples.


Do you question anything this man says/does? I admire loyalty but to cling to try and justify this man's unstable behaviour as anything short of odd is quite another thing.



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45 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Goldwater sued and won against those that proclaimed him mentally ill after he lost his bid. The rule put into place afterwards was known as the Goldwater rule. The 50 odd phsychiatric qualified people that have signed the petition, or whatever it is put themselves at risk of the same court conviction.


Which would seem to speak to the integrity of their character...the fact that they regard this person as deranged enough to be putting the country at serious risk and speaking regardless of the potential damage to their careers. Far more integrity than the con man has ever evidenced.

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5 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Which is precisely what they did.

If they think the GOP is going to remove Trump based on the opinions of a tiny, tiny fraction of American psychiatrists, they must be seriously mentally challenged, and that is my OPINION.

Trump isn't going anywhere before the next election, unless he chooses to do so.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

If they think the GOP is going to remove Trump based on the opinions of a tiny, tiny fraction of American psychiatrists, they must be seriously mentally challenged, and that is my OPINION.

Trump isn't going anywhere before the next election, unless he chooses to do so.


If you think Trump isn't going anywhere based on the opinion of a TVF commenter, you must be seriously mentally challenged, and that is my OPINION.

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40 minutes ago, iReason said:

Ain't that the truth.


Well, not quite.

Everyone who voted for him.


And while his approval numbers are in a unprecedented steady decline,  

there is a growing number of those who have been conned by him that are waking up. :thumbsup:





Even the darling poll of the Trumpeteers, Quinnipiac, puts the inept one down the tubes at 36%. The lowest in the polls.


Would that be the same polls that predicted a Clinton win? He hasn't even been in for a year yet- early days. He only needs a big win on health care costs and it will all change.

As they say, a week is a long time in politics.

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4 hours ago, impulse said:


Of course, precedent is relevant.


Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of The Donald.  Never have been.  But I am a huge fan of the fact that a private citizen has broken the stranglehold on high office that's been clutched firmly by the Republicrats and the Demicans for my entire lifetime.  I wish it were someone besides Trump.  I really do.  But he's the guy that suited up, took the field. 


And it was only his arrogance and outsized ego that saw him through when all the other potential citizens have dropped out or shrunk from the fight since Perot, Nader and all the others.  


So I'm going to cut the guy some slack while he gets his sea legs underneath him, especially since every career politician on both sides of the crooked aisle are scared to death that he's the start of a trend that's going to dash their dreams of riding their party's gravy train to the top office if only they suck up to the party elite for a few more cycles.  They'll do anything to discredit the guy and get back on their career path.  With mainstream media eager to help- for their own reasons.


Maybe in 2020, we'll get a private citizen that will bring us back to the government the founding fathers envisioned.  If we do, it will only be because Trump was arrogant and egotistical enough to stay in the race and open the door for them.  And if that happens, that's a good thing on whole, no matter how bad Trump looks in the slanted media.


Yup, great comment ,It's a revolt of the establishment.It is a Cause..Trump took one for the American Team.I like the message he brings"Change".

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Would that be the same polls that predicted a Clinton win? He hasn't even been in for a year yet- early days. He only needs a big win on health care costs and it will all change.

As they say, a week is a long time in politics.


Would you be referring to the "big win" that McConnell said was DOA in the Senate? I'd say that doesn't really qualify as a "big win". Nor does his tax plan that Republicans are backing away from. Or his infrastructure plan that will explode the deficit and hence the national debt, which Republicans are likewise backing away from. That's OK, though. You can file those alongside all the "promises" he's broken, like "locking her up", draining the swamp, putting the miners back to work, defeating ISIS within 30 days, building a "big, beautiful wall", etc., etc., etc. Sorry, your boy is a loser of YUUUGE proportions.

Edited by Traveler19491
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29 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Interesting that you would seem to believe that Trump supports the military. Quite the opposite is true as is evidenced by his disgusting slap in the fact to all of our warriors who were ever taken as prisoners of war. "I prefer people who weren't captured." Or his disrespect to the family of a fallen warrior. Or his freezing of Federal hiring which has left 45,000 vacancies in the VA, most of which wind up being filled by veterans. Or his disrespect to all of the men and women who have earned the Purple Heart by his callous statement, "I always wanted to get a Purple Heart" (perhaps he could have gotten his wish had he not used five bogus medical deferments for "bone spurs", which mysteriously didn't keep him from playing college sports). Or his support of cutting food stamps, which a significant number of junior enlisted grade families depend on. As a Vietnam era veteran, I refuse to support someone who thinks that support for the military is measured by how much he is willing to spend on shiny new toys for our armed forces. Far better that he support the men and women who stand in harm's way...which he has demonstrated is not of consequence to him.

The response to McCain was because McCain had been giving him a hard time. I doubt if he actually regards all those that were captured in the same way.

As a Vietnam vet, you would be aware that few sons of the American political elite served in Vietnam.


If 45,000 vacancies in the VA, most of which wind up being filled by veterans.is true, it sounds good to me. Vets appear to have a hard time gaining employment, so 45,000 jobs is pretty good.

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

The rush to judgement is the chickens coming home to roost though.  The Tweets.  The off the cuff remarks and lack of finesse.  Trump has laid the ground work for this climate, no use whining about the unfair coverage, gossip and leaks, and lack of cooperation.  It's one thing to be a maverick and punch the establishment and system in the face, but this cat has shot himself in the foot over and over again and the MSM is doing a dog pile.


He apparently likes this kind of corporate combat, but you can't run an organization like this.  His staff are ready to pop from the constant "brush fire management" on top of their normal jobs.   Trump entered bunker mentality mode because he can't even take a leak without it being leaked.  He's going to flame out.  A medical emergency is not unreasonable speculation.

I kinda wonder how he interviews them for job qualifications.These surrogates are very tough and are able to dish it out. That's a prerequisite! Most republican's are whimp's and let the liberals push them around.. 

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Would that be the same polls that predicted a Clinton win? He hasn't even been in for a year yet- early days. He only needs a big win on health care costs and it will all change.

As they say, a week is a long time in politics.

If I were a bit more callous, I would root for Trumpcare to become law.  That would seal the doom of the GOP in the next election.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Would that be the same polls that predicted a Clinton win? He hasn't even been in for a year yet- early days. He only needs a big win on health care costs and it will all change.

As they say, a week is a long time in politics.

On average, the polls predicted Clinton winning the popular vote by 3 percent. She won by 2 percent. What a massive failure!

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8 minutes ago, riclag said:

I kinda wonder how he interviews them for job qualifications.These surrogates are very tough and are able to dish it out. That's a prerequisite! Most republican's are whimp's and let the liberals push them around.. 

IMO most Republicans and Democrats are cut from the same cloth. Politicians first and always.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

There are agreements in place between allies that share classified information that dictate how that classified can be handled. 


Whether or not he broke any agreements is a problem for the State Dept. As far as the law goes he can use the info as he sees fit without doing anything illegal, whether it's stupid or not. 


At this point I haven't read or seen much to clarify what was actually said in the meeting or how much info he let slip.   Until WaPo or someone else can print some definitive information the majority of the responses here are reactionary. 

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21 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Comey?  Comey who?  :laugh:.  This one is MUCHO MORE BETTA'  Oh Goody! 

But somehow I think you will wind up disappointed.  Again.  I would keep all the Comey articles and links in a folder on your desktop.


Just another childish troll post.

Posted 4 minutes after my post of an article that was clearly unread.


No worries it will be gone soon...


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3 hours ago, digger70 said:

I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.


Wow. Who knew that Trump was running his own counter-intelligence operation?


Very spiffy.


Has he read anyone in his "plan", other than you?

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42 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Using a tactic beloved of the Trump supporters...so, I would assume, were the eight Congressional hearings into BENGHAZI!!! ? The same hearings that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars yet failed to uncover the first concrete piece of evidence that Clinton was to blame for anything? Seems all that was a "tempest in a teapot". Even Gowdy finally had to admit, "We got nuthin' ".


However, in this case, there's a hell of a lot of smoke. Several Republican Senators have come out in condemnation of Trump's blunder, Bob Corker of Tennessee being one of the most prevalent ("The White House is in a downward spiral"), along with numerous current and former intelligence officials. The fact that you don't like having Trump's endless stupidity shoved in your face is not sufficient justification for denying reality.

Claiming that some GOP senators oppose Trump is old news. The GOP opposed Trump before he won, and they haven't changed their opinion. He was elected to destroy their cosy junket on the public purse.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:

I'm still trying to figure out which beans he spilled.  Because if it was the thingy about the laptop bomb, I'm pretty sure that cat was out of the bag when they announced the ban on laptops on flights from certain countries.  And the jig was really up when they announced they would probably expand that ban to more countries in Europe.


And even if it wasn't common knowledge, I'd like to think we'd let Russia know about threats like that given that there's usually some Brits, Yanks, Kiwis (edit: and an occasionally Israeli, too) and other friendlies on Russkie flights nowadays...

It wasn't the beans it was 2 scoops of ice cream.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sure has removed the "Comey, Comey, Comey" hysteria from the public discourse. I guess the plan worked then. :clap2:

look over there, something shiny.

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