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Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn probe - source


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54 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Senior political figures keep memos like this to cover their butts. And just so you know...contemporaneous memos like these things are admissible as evidence in court.

"Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo."


"It was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation."


"An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."



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If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

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1 minute ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

A lot of words just to describe someone who has repeatedly shown that he is out of his depth


You don't out swamp dwellers by appointing more of them 

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Kind of feel sorry for Trump; what an idiot, bumbling his way from felony to felony, blissfully unaware.

I do not call obstructing justices a felony...


Nor would Trump if it had been Obama telling Comey to drop his investigations into Hillary... in actual fact I would like it when Comey has to testify (which he will) he should be asked whether he came under pressure from Obama or Trump re the the Investigations into Hillary. 

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9 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 


You mean the book he didn't write? The one where the actual author (who spent hundreds of hours in close personal contact with the orange one) has warned the public that Trump is not anything like what he wants us to believe (meaning Trump lied through his teeth)? That "Art of the Deal"?

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If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal.


Fiction, written by Tony Schwartz.



The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media.


So Trump is the baby in the bath?



He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties.


Yes, very slowly. His glacial pace is astonishing. 



The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands.


OK, so Trump is playing some sort of long game here?



All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense.


Other than a few supporters, most accept Russian interference to help Trump. Collusion is yet to be proven.



As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections.


OK, so what does this mean exactly? We did it in Nicaragua, so it's OK for Russia to do it in the U.S.?



Obama in London calling against brexit for example.


No clue what this means? Just the usual Obama deflection? I want an FDR or Lincoln deflection to spice things up.



The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 


Do you like to look a car accidents too? I guess if you don't care about your country then it is "fun".

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2 minutes ago, Basil B said:

I do not call obstructing justices a felony...


Nor would Trump if it had been Obama telling Comey to drop his investigations into Hillary... in actual fact I would like it when Comey has to testify (which he will) he should be asked whether he came under pressure from Obama or Trump re the the Investigations into Hillary. 



"Besides these specific prohibitions, section 1503 contains the Omnibus Clause, which states that a person who "corruptlyor by threats of force, or by threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors toinfluence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice" is guilty of the crime of obstruction of justice. This clauseoffers broad protection to the "due administration of justice." Federal courts have read this clause expansively to proscribeany conduct that interferes with the judicial process.

To obtain a conviction under section 1503, the government must prove that there was a pending federal judicial proceeding,the defendant knew of the proceeding, and the defendant had corrupt intent to interfere with or attempted to interfere with theproceeding."


Unfortunately for you, fortunately for the rest of America, your opinion is totally and completely irrelevant. Obstruction of justice IS a felony, and Trump has now opened the floodgates.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The saddest part about the whole thing though, is that the people around him, who should be reining him in are letting him continue to do it, and even lying to try to cover most of it up.

I suppose they don't want to get fired.

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

About 11: AM Wednesday is when White House staff start calling their personal attorneys and getting ready for the s#$t storm that is about to hit their lives.

Sounds like things are heating up at the White House


"White House sources say Trump is cursing up a storm - ranting and raving. Yelling at staffers & using the "F" word. He's losing it tonight."


Well, didn't Bannon wished to bring the US government down? The plan seems to be working for now.


The good part is that when Trump saga is over, the is likely be healing movement to stabilize USA afterwards.

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8 minutes ago, Basil B said:

I do not call obstructing justices a felony...


Nor would Trump if it had been Obama telling Comey to drop his investigations into Hillary... in actual fact I would like it when Comey has to testify (which he will) he should be asked whether he came under pressure from Obama or Trump re the the Investigations into Hillary. 

Comey already did testify before Congress on July 7. I don't have a transcript handy but presumably if Trey Gowdy and others would have asked that question. If not, that would be because nothing was there.

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Many respectable staff are about to ask the question of "Is this worth throwing away any future career prospects at this point ?" I would expect a few major defections within the next 2 weeks (if Trump does not fire everyone first).



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19 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

perhaps they would be better off reading some Dr. Seuss.

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28 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

You're confused. The potential scandal isn't whether or not Russia interfered in the U.S. election. It's whether Trump's operatives and possibly Trump himself conspired with the Russians to do so.

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15 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Comey already did testify before Congress on July 7. I don't have a transcript handy but presumably if Trey Gowdy and others would have asked that question. If not, that would be because nothing was there.

July the 7th??? today is 17th May you must have the pages in you diary mixed up...

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Trump's only choice now is to clean house- everyone in the White House has to go- and that include Bannon; Priebus; Kushner and even Ivanka. they need to be replaced by people who have worked as close Presidential aides and know the system. I do not like Trump at all but there are too many real dangers out there like North Korea that have to be attended to and the chance of going to war increases by having such chaos in the White House.


Someone needs to tell Trump he must stop the Twitter nonsense; stay on script with foreign leaders and stop his narcissistic tendency to tell everyone how great everything is. The man is a walking time bomb.


There also must be an independent prosecutor appointed to determine if indeed there is any WH connection to Russia and if anyone collaborated with Russia to affect the election.Trump could well end this debacle by supporting such a move-  If things do not change- Trump may well be removed by the 25th Amendment or by an Impeachment conviction. The problem is a lot of damage to America will be done until this is sorted out.

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47 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

So in Art of the Deal, trump talks about making people think you're corrupt and working with the enemy while undermining those who's job it is to protect you? Very sneaky strategy. 

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3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

I feel sorry for his supporters who still defending this idiot


Huge difference between supporting the man and supporting what he represents to the USA, which is a transition to citizen politicians as the founding fathers envisioned, instead of career politicians who stake out their spot at the trough and live there for decades and become a complete ecosystem for their parasitic entourage and all the corporate lobbyists.


Not so much defending the guy as crossing our fingers that he's the start of a trend.  But that's an uphill battle even if he could leap tall buildings in a single bound.  And he isn't making it easy not to lose hope.

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7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

July 7, 2016. But am pleased to see you can correctly identify today's date accurately.



And I was referring to what happened in the few weeks that preceded last years US presidential election in November... the way Comey manged to swing the election for Trump on exaggerated claims. 

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'President doesn't get to jail journalists' - Reporters Committee


"The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press responded to a report from The New York Times published on Tuesday which suggested Trump made comments that former FBI director James Comey should consider jailing members of the press who published confidential material."


"But no president gets to jail journalists."


"Reporters are protected by judges and juries, by a congress that relies on them to stay informed, and by a Justice Department that for decades has honored the role of a free press by spurning prosecutions of journalists for publishing leaks of classified information," Reporters Committee Executive Director Bruce Brown said in a press release on Tuesday."



"Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey's associates," The New York Times said.

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Trump's philosophy on deal making shows an attitude of- I will do what I want or have to to get what I want. Sorry folks- this is the ravings of someone who is a narcissistic meglomaniac and is not only unethical but amoral. It is obvious the man is a serial liar and unable to control his emotions.

Donald Trump is not fit to be President or in fact hold any office in which he is responsible to the people of America.  He does not represent American values nor American ideals. Trump never worked a hard day in his life and has no idea how the middle class and poor struggle. He will continue to lie to the people to sustain himself in power but you can only fool some of the people some of the time.  People are starting to wake up and once he loses the support of the Republicans in the Senate he is finished. The Senate holds the power to convict him in an Impeachment trial. He is heading down a slippery slope.

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1 hour ago, Langsuan Man said:

Only thing you got correct;  will only be three and a half years, or impeachment, which ever comes first 

He won't finish his 2nd 100 days at this rate. The Republicans have given him just about enough rope now and should be ready to pounce so they can get their man Pence into the Oval Office.

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21 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump's philosophy on deal making shows an attitude of- I will do what I want or have to to get what I want. Sorry folks- this is the ravings of someone who is a narcissistic meglomaniac and is not only unethical but amoral. It is obvious the man is a serial liar and unable to control his emotions.

Donald Trump is not fit to be President or in fact hold any office in which he is responsible to the people of America.  He does not represent American values nor American ideals. Trump never worked a hard day in his life and has no idea how the middle class and poor struggle. He will continue to lie to the people to sustain himself in power but you can only fool some of the people some of the time.  People are starting to wake up and once he loses the support of the Republicans in the Senate he is finished. The Senate holds the power to convict him in an Impeachment trial. He is heading down a slippery slope.

Well he represents the values and ideals of  by far the majority of Americans I know in Thailand. They love the guy. 

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44 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

Only as to the facts. Things like "he/she meant..." are not admissible. God Bless You and keep trying mate. OO.

Give it up Jerry, your guy is dead.

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2 minutes ago, pegman said:

Well he represents the values and ideals of  by far the majority of Americans I know in Thailand. They love the guy. 


No.  We just hated the alternatives even more...  Career politicians determined to stay in power for life no matter what it costs the country.

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