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Former FBI director to lead Russia inquiry


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He's awaaake and someone forgot to remove the phone from his crib::



In need of a special  school 'councel' apparently


nevermind, the man-baby in chief is likely just a few cheeseburgers away from following bosom-buddy Ailes...  (what a waist)

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8 minutes ago, sujoop said:

He's awaaake and someone forgot to remove the phone from his crib::



In need of a special  school 'councel' apparently


nevermind, the man-baby in chief is likely just a few cheeseburgers away from following bosom-buddy Ailes...  (what a waist)

He still got presidential tweets I could retweet his tweets in here for God sake ....take his hand lead him He is a good man but he is lost like all of us.

Edited by Farang hunter
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

The response from Democrats and Republicans alike has been highly favorable. Do you have any respect or use for facts at all?

Seriously? A poster on this thread has already tried to cast doubt on his integrity.

I was referring to TVF posters, not Washington people.

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1 hour ago, Farang hunter said:

He still got presidential tweets I could retweet his tweets in here for God sake ....take his hand lead him He is a good man but he is lost like all of us.

Eh, no, Trump is not a good man.  If he was like a Forrest Gump who had a good heart but didn't know any better, there would be universal sympathy.  But Trump is nothing like that.  He's rotten to the core.  Trump only cares about himself.  He doesn't care if America wins, he only wants to win.  Whether America wins or loses is unimportant.  The only thing that matters to him is that Trump wins.  Don't you guys get it yet?

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7 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

*Trump and Obama warned by intelligence officials of Flynn's involvement with Russian figures. 

*Obama warns Trump immediately after election about Flynn. Trump ignores the warning (of course, he would. He hates Obama).

*Trump hires Flynn, even after being made aware of Flynn's Russian contacts.

More like Trump hires Flynn, because his Russian connections. It's likely he was told to do so by Russia (Kompromat, loans etc.).


Flynn's role was to be the trusted middleman between  USA-Russia off-the-record discussion (Read: Trump-Russian elites)


Now Trump is very, very afraid, this link is going to blow on his face and tries his best to stop it happening. Russia is trying to avoid this as well and therefore tries to back him up.


I'd think Trump is now cornered Shriek. Nobody knows how he is going to behave or do next.   

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trump is very angry about this development.

He's trying to paint himself as a victim and the investigation as a witch hunt.

So the big question now is this -- IF ( and it seems very possible) that trump REFUSES to cooperate with the investigation, of course that makes him look guilty, but can he get away with that without legal consequences?

In other words, is refusing to cooperate with the investigation possibly grounds for impeachment in itself? 

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4 hours ago, sujoop said:

He's awaaake and someone forgot to remove the phone from his crib::



In need of a special  school 'councel' apparently


nevermind, the man-baby in chief is likely just a few cheeseburgers away from following bosom-buddy Ailes...  (what a waist)


If the hat fits wear it...

donald-trump.jpg.7ddfa0686c9b12ec6fca4621a507f201.jpg  + 67f8c9d922da979b986ebefa73c78b4b_witch-hat-svg-scrapbook-cut-witches-hat-silhouette-clipart_432-432.png.47fdc3081e5034d1fac1068e7784a640.png

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16 hours ago, tonray said:

He is a good man. Great choice for this job. I am sure Trump is furious with the deputy AG ....would have loved to see his face when he heard of the special counsel. :annoyed::mad:

You are assuming Trump has something to hide. In reality the outcome is going to be the same whether the FBI continues the investigation or whether the Special Counsel does it. The facts are the facts and nothing there changes.  It is all a quagmire to begin with.  The Russian hacking part of the investigation will never be open to the public as the Intelligence agencies would have to reveal what they know and how they know it.  Probably classified. That leaves the public having to believe what they are told by the government. Few Americans have confidence in any of the branches of government at this point, so there will still be doubt. The Trump campaign/Russian collusion issue would certainly be a problem if true but after 4 months of Senate, House and FBI investigations nothing so far has remotely suggested that there was any collusion.  The Special Counsel is only going to pick up the pieces already investigated, tie up loose ends with further investigation and issue a report.  If nothing is there the doubters will still call it a fix.  I am happy the Special Counsel has been appointed.  My hope is that he can bring it to a conclusion since the FBI seems unable go make headway after 4 months. Maybe this will lead to some kind of conclusion. Of course some will accept and some will deny no matter how it turns out. Even if the Trump campaign is cleared, the vitriol that exists today particularly on the left is just too great. My prediction is that after four months there is little more to uncover, the Trump campaign will not have been found to be colluding but the Democrats will call foul and then look for another issue.  It is all getting tiring and it would be nice for just one day to hear nothing out of Washington, D.C.  Politicians are pathetic people, who enjoy whipping up something out of nothing to keep themselves in the news and in front of the camera.

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What bothers me somewhat about the way this is going is that it seems that all the focus is on a limited area. The already known Russian attempts to influence the U.S. election towards trump and the much more serious possibility (not proven at all) of direct collusion between trump and/or trump campaign associates/family in this known Russian effort.

Of course also, the Comey connection (firing obviously related to the Russia investigation)and possibility that Comey's notes may point to an actual obstruction of justice case.

All well and good, but there is so much MORE that deserves investigation about the trump regime and potentially impeachable crimes.

Namely, the financial corruption angle. The obvious reality that the trump family business empire is profiting greatly from his presidency. At a minimum, they should force that the trump taxes be released.

There has been absolutely NO indication of any financial corruption. In order for investigative agencies to launch an official investigation there must be some indication of financial wrongdoing. Please do point out where this exists. If your upset that Trump's businesses turn a profit please share with us the problem. Still harping on the Trump taxes? Kind of doubtful that he is going to release anything at this point.

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Eh, no, Trump is not a good man.  If he was like a Forrest Gump who had a good heart but didn't know any better, there would be universal sympathy.  But Trump is nothing like that.  He's rotten to the core.  Trump only cares about himself.  He doesn't care if America wins, he only wants to win.  Whether America wins or loses is unimportant.  The only thing that matters to him is that Trump wins.  Don't you guys get it yet?

So, America is going anyway, honestly I look forward to the Germans 

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12 minutes ago, Trouble said:

You are assuming Trump has something to hide. In reality the outcome is going to be the same whether the FBI continues the investigation or whether the Special Counsel does it. The facts are the facts and nothing there changes.  It is all a quagmire to begin with.  The Russian hacking part of the investigation will never be open to the public as the Intelligence agencies would have to reveal what they know and how they know it.  Probably classified. That leaves the public having to believe what they are told by the government. Few Americans have confidence in any of the branches of government at this point, so there will still be doubt. The Trump campaign/Russian collusion issue would certainly be a problem if true but after 4 months of Senate, House and FBI investigations nothing so far has remotely suggested that there was any collusion.  The Special Counsel is only going to pick up the pieces already investigated, tie up loose ends with further investigation and issue a report.  If nothing is there the doubters will still call it a fix.  I am happy the Special Counsel has been appointed.  My hope is that he can bring it to a conclusion since the FBI seems unable go make headway after 4 months. Maybe this will lead to some kind of conclusion. Of course some will accept and some will deny no matter how it turns out. Even if the Trump campaign is cleared, the vitriol that exists today particularly on the left is just too great. My prediction is that after four months there is little more to uncover, the Trump campaign will not have been found to be colluding but the Democrats will call foul and then look for another issue.  It is all getting tiring and it would be nice for just one day to hear nothing out of Washington, D.C.  Politicians are pathetic people, who enjoy whipping up something out of nothing to keep themselves in the news and in front of the camera.

"My prediction is that after four months there is little more to uncover, the Trump campaign will not have been found to be colluding but the Democrats will call foul and then look for another issue."


Four months is nothing in an investigation spanning the globe and extending into uncooperative countries.  I partially agree with you, I don't think anyone in the Trump campaign knowingly colluded with the Russians, but I could be wrong.  However I wouldn't be surprised if members of the Trump campaign were unknowingly used by the Russians (making them useful idiots), and that is worth learning about.


Regarding finding another issue, that won't be necessary; issues are already waiting in line.  Is Trump using the office of the Presidency for personal gain?  Is anyone in his staff or family doing so?  Did Petraeus sway military policy in Syria because of payments from Turkey?  Has Trump illegally attempted to stop investigations (which is illegal even if the investigations find nothing)?

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10 minutes ago, Trouble said:

There has been absolutely NO indication of any financial corruption. In order for investigative agencies to launch an official investigation there must be some indication of financial wrongdoing. Please do point out where this exists. If your upset that Trump's businesses turn a profit please share with us the problem. Still harping on the Trump taxes? Kind of doubtful that he is going to release anything at this point.

There is a very obvious indication of financial corruption, which is probably somewhere in line for investigation:  After the election Trump doubled the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago to $200,000.  After entering being sworn in he made Mar-a-Lago his 'Winter White House', traveling there at great expense to taxpayers, having official dinners there, and making it a highly desirable club to belong to for anyone hoping to influence US policy.


This is just the most blatant example, Trump hotels are also benefiting from his office, and I suspect that his family will negotiate some favorable business deals because daddy is the President.  The list of things that Trump can be investigated for is long, but finding out if and how Russia influenced the election is the first priority.

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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

There has been absolutely NO indication of any financial corruption. In order for investigative agencies to launch an official investigation there must be some indication of financial wrongdoing. Please do point out where this exists. If your upset that Trump's businesses turn a profit please share with us the problem. Still harping on the Trump taxes? Kind of doubtful that he is going to release anything at this point.

Really? REALLY??? I would hope you make that comment in jest, because if you're serious then you really have had your eyes (and ears) closed for some time now.


*Flynn paid $500k+ by Turkish government to act on their behalf. Flynn squashes a US military operation that Turkey didn't want.

*Manafort under investigation for possible illegal financial dealings with Russia.

*Carter Page under investigation for alleged financial ties to Rosneft, the Russian state oil company in return for lifting sanctions.

*Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy recorded making comments about why Ryan thinks Trump is paid by Russia (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/05/the-case-for-why-paul-ryan-really-thinks-russia-pays-trump.html).

*"Donald Trump Jr. of course infamously said that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” and we’ve recently seen reports that Eric Trump explained to a golf journalist that the Trump Organization was able to keep building courses through the financial crisis because “we don’t rely on American banks — we have all the funding we need out of Russia.” (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/5/12/15629410/trump-russia-lester-holt-business-ties)


This is just a tiny,  TINY compilation of the scores of questions about Trump and his associates regarding possible financial improprieties/illegalities. And, just for the record, Trump's businesses, apart from some of his real estate transactions, do not turn a profit. His "profits" come from his immoral actions that cheat workers and contractors out of what's owed them, from his duping investors repeatedly, from his past ability to convince banks to loan him millions and then turning around and declaring bankruptcy (which is why American banks will no longer even answer his phone calls), and from his dubious activities that have led to literally thousands of lawsuits against him. Sorry, but his businesses have left nothing but a long trail of red ink that has stained the lives of thousands of honest, hard-working people while he smirks and walks away.


There are only three possible outcomes from all of this Russia stuff.

1) Trump and his associates are totally innocent. If that's the case, then why all of the stonewalling with regard to his taxes? Given his pathological need for approval and praise, if he were as dazzlingly successful and innocent as he claims, then why not open up everything to public scrutiny? He need not reveal any of his trade secrets, but he could simply open his books for public examination. If all is as he says it is, then he would be shown to the entire world to be one of it's greatest business successes and he would justifiably be entitled to all of the praise and adulation that he could ever hope for. Plus, he would gain the ancillary benefit of rubbing his enemies' noses in both his success and his innocence.

2) Trump is innocent, but his associates are guilty. Same argument as above for Trump, however, he doesn't come off clean. If his associates are guilty, then he is guilty by association. That a businessman as wildly successful as Trump claims to be would surround himself with people of such dubious character would speak to a glaring lack of judgment on his part. It would also speak to an apparent inability to vet the people he associates with adequately. Which would disqualify him from serving as President, as he is obviously incapable of choosing the right people who are supposed to choose the right people.

3) Trump is guilty, which would explain his stonewalling and his absolute refusal to allow anyone to examine his taxes or anything pertaining to his finances. It would explain his compulsive need to attempt to discredit anyone involved with this investigation. It would explain Comey's firing. In short, it would explain pretty much everything about this fiasco.

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:

No, but the investigations got started because journalists started investigating the statements made by anonymous sources.  Once they started looking under rocks they found slimy critters willing to testify.

One/another reason Trump wanted to tarnish/diminish the media. He knows dictators can not be born/thrive where there free/honest/factual reporting. He and all other world dictators are on his side. He loves them more than ..... well not more than power or money.

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18 hours ago, iReason said:



"In my capacity as acting attorney general I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a special counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,’’ Rod Rosenstein, the deputy Attorney General, said in a public statement."


"According to the Washington Post, the legal order that Rosenstein signed authorized the special counsel to look into “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.’’


"The order also said that Mueller would have the right, if he deemed it necessary, “to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.”



I found viewing this video so refreshing.


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On 5/18/2017 at 5:34 PM, binjalin said:

At least not impeached good sir. Now let all the noise and clatter stop until we find the truth and if it is nothing we can hope the haters and loudmouths on here can admit they were wrong? if collusion is found then it's goodbye Mr President 

So, if it turns out that the investigation proves that allegations were true, then can I assume that all of us "haters and loudmouths" will be getting an apology from you for the name calling?

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Just curious, but why does an "innocent" man immediately start digging for any tiny thread that might weaken those investigating him? As I said above...if he's innocent then why doesn't he make everything public? If you've got nothing to hide, what are you afraid of? The Trump supporters refuse to even consider the thought that a man who goes to such lengths to limit/restrict/impede/shut down an investigation might possibly be hiding something. Now, what a couple of his supporters on this thread are immediately going to point to in the linked article is the regulation that says that a special counsel can not have worked for anyone representing those being investigated within the last two years. True. However, the article also points out that the DoJ can waive that rule. Again, if Trump is innocent, what possible motive could he have for invoking or refusing to waive such a rule. I can only think of one.




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                                  Mueller is still being vetted for the job - to gauge whether there are any 'conflicts of interest.'  His law firm has had some interactions with some of the people who will be investigated.  He will probably get the nod, but at this time, it's not a sure thing.  


                                   I hope he's vetted better than the way Pence vets people who are in line for top gov't jobs.  Pence essentially does nothing.    Pence gets a name from Trump, then grins and says, 'yes sir.'   The average student at a US college knows more about nominees for top positions than Pence.  Either that, or Pence is knowingly facilitating seriously flawed people like Flynn and Sessions and DeVos to top positions.   It has to be one or the other.   


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Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

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2 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

trump could avoid mentioning Russia now, but get real, everyone knows he won't. 

He can't help himself. 

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10 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

What a marvelously simplistic post. If Trump felt that the heat was off of him, then why would he set about trying to weaken the Special Counsel (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-looking-at-ethics-rule-to-weaken-special-investigation-sources/ar-BBBjyx3)? Why would the White House be examining the legal procedures involving impeachment (http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-impeachment-research-white-house-2017-5)? As I've suggested several times now, if the man is innocent, why not open up everything to examination? 


Yes, Trump can certainly refuse to cooperate with any investigation, but doing so will not help his case. It will only cause the Special Counsel to dig deeper. Your "witch hunt" is far from being "contained". The investigation into the misdeeds of Trump, et al is only beginning. And if you honestly believe that the media will now stop questioning Trump and/or anyone associated with him, then you are truly naive. As the Special Counsel brings more information to light, fueling ever more questions, the situation for Trump will only be exacerbated. Refusing to answer questions will only aggravate his already precarious situation.

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There is a very obvious indication of financial corruption, which is probably somewhere in line for investigation:  After the election Trump doubled the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago to $200,000.  After entering being sworn in he made Mar-a-Lago his 'Winter White House', traveling there at great expense to taxpayers, having official dinners there, and making it a highly desirable club to belong to for anyone hoping to influence US policy.
This is just the most blatant example, Trump hotels are also benefiting from his office, and I suspect that his family will negotiate some favorable business deals because daddy is the President.  The list of things that Trump can be investigated for is long, but finding out if and how Russia influenced the election is the first priority.

Wow, a business increased prices because of an expected rise in demand??? Shocking! [emoji33]

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It's starting to look and sound as though someone (still) in the President's inner-circle, and currently on AF1, may be the first to be charged with criminal wrong-doing? The original crimes may not have been all that bad, maybe even done in ignorance of the law, but the subsequent attempts to cover it up may be what ultimately sticks. There is a lot of conjecture but my vote right now would make him a second-generation felon, although his father is out of prison now.

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51 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

isn't that great…..let him run the country…enough distractions and noise by the dems trying to derail his agenda.


if something is found then let us see it.

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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It's starting to look and sound as though someone (still) in the President's inner-circle, and currently on AF1, may be the first to be charged with criminal wrong-doing? The original crimes may not have been all that bad, maybe even done in ignorance of the law, but the subsequent attempts to cover it up may be what ultimately sticks. There is a lot of conjecture but my vote right now would make him a second-generation felon, although his father is out of prison now.

Yep, if it's Kushner, it's even more ironic, as they're heading towards Israel, where trump has promised this totally inexperienced young man will be solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict. That said, it's not really fair to blame Jared for his father's faults. 

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1 hour ago, Dagnabbit said:


Wow, a business increased prices because of an expected rise in demand??? Shocking! emoji33.png

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I posted:


" There is a very obvious indication of financial corruption, which is probably somewhere in line for investigation:  After the election Trump doubled the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago to $200,000.  After entering being sworn in he made Mar-a-Lago his 'Winter White House', traveling there at great expense to taxpayers, having official dinners there, and making it a highly desirable club to belong to for anyone hoping to influence US policy. "


I assumed connecting the dots would be a trivial mental exercise, but apparently it was too much for some people.  So here's the easy to understand summary:


Trump is using the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses and make lots of money.  That is illegal, and probably an impeachable offense (I only say 'probably' because I don't think these grounds for impeachment have been tried yet).


Do you understand my post now?

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8 hours ago, stander said:

Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

Stander is partially right.  However, Trump is like a kitty who can't sit still if a red rubber ball goes bouncing by.  He will be keeping this story alive by tweeting, and by making sounds out of his mouth.   The media don't need to hound Meuller.  They can get plenty of salacious stories from scores of others.  I estimate there are between 12 and 40 folks being looked at for criminal activities re; the Trump campaign.  Those people talk to others.  There are many recordings in their wake.  Lots of data yet to come forth.  Meuller is just one of many players in this drama.


7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

isn't that great…..let him run the country…enough distractions and noise by the dems trying to derail his agenda.  if something is found then let us see it.

                   Actually, those of us who want the best for America DON'T WANT HIM TO BE RUNNING THE COUNTRY.  So, the less he does, the better.   Similarly, the sooner he's out of office, the better. 


                              Maybe you forgot, but when Obama was in office for 8 years, Republicans constantly tried to stymie nearly every one of his policy proposals.  The difference between Obama and Trump is like night and day.  One is a decent sage compassionate person who wants what's best for all Americans.  The other is an egotistical scoundrel who wants to further enrich fellow millionaires and his immediate family.  

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