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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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39 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:



Be that as it may, would you rather have graduated from Grosse Point High School or whichever the best high school iin Roi Et is?


I would rather my countrymen in the world's richest country knew how to think clearly enough not to fall for the biggest scam artist in American politics.  As could have been predicted the biggest losers from Trump's ascendancy will be his own followers, which is hardly surprising since he has spent a lifetime double-crossing anyone foolish enough to trust him, i.e. employees, friends, mentors, wives, contractors, yadda, yadda, yadda.

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9 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

I would rather my countrymen in the world's richest country knew how to think clearly enough not to fall for the biggest scam artist in American politics.  As could have been predicted the biggest losers from Trump's ascendancy will be his own followers, which is hardly surprising since he has spent a lifetime double-crossing anyone foolish enough to trust him, i.e. employees, friends, mentors, wives, contractors, yadda, yadda, yadda.


Well, this time they voted for the biggest scam artist who just barely beat out the second biggest scam artist. Wouldn't you rather they stop voting for scam artists, of whatever stripe, altogether?

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19 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Well, this time they voted for the biggest scam artist who just barely beat out the second biggest scam artist. Wouldn't you rather they stop voting for scam artists, of whatever stripe, altogether?

I just don't think it is worth my time to argue the obvious with someone who is able to refuse to see it.



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48 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Well, this time they voted for the biggest scam artist who just barely beat out the second biggest scam artist. Wouldn't you rather they stop voting for scam artists, of whatever stripe, altogether?

The cheating, scamming and corrupt business practices of Donald Trump are well catalogued and recorded. With over 3000 class actions still outstanding against him from contractors he failed to pay, there is no doubt about the moral bankruptcy of the man child. Now I have a serious request  as I genuinely want to learn. What exactly has occurred that makes Hillary Clinton the second biggest scam artist. What or who exactly has she scammed. What are you basing your statement on? Is it factually based or just a hunch you have? I have no dog in the fight and if America wants to go down the toilet it can as long as it doesn't affect me and my children. I have not read or seen anything factual that would lead me to conclude that Clinton is a scam artist, let alone even remotely on the same scale as Trump.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

For the subject matter that is a really really funny reply. Thanks for brightening my day up.

I''m not from the US. 


When I ask people where they come from and they say an American state, I say oh, I'm from Grampian. I can't remember one knowing where that is!


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2 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I''m not from the US. 


When I ask people where they come from and they say an American state, I say oh, I'm from Grampian. I can't remember one knowing where that is!


But you know where California, New York, and Florida are, right? Nobody should expect you to know South Dakota.

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12 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I''m not from the US. 


When I ask people where they come from and they say an American state, I say oh, I'm from Grampian. I can't remember one knowing where that is!


And why would you say you are from a place that was only a local Government Region from 1975 to 1996? Or do you mean you are from the Grampian Mountains region? (which is not what you said). If you said I am from Aberdeen (for example) in Scotland then I am sure you would not leave the people you meet so puzzled. In the time it took to write your post you could have googled "map of US states" and got 95 million answers of which the first would have told you what you wanted to know.

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Don't feel bad.

I've met Californians that think Las Vegas is "back east".

Sorry, but being a long time Californian, I don't know any that would think that.  It's advertised on every TV station and I-5 to Vegas is a parking lot most weekends. LOL

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16 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Isn't it just a few hours drive? 

Depends on where you are in California.  California is a huge state.  Top to bottom can take some 14 hours of driving.  Vegas is about 5 hours from "LA".  LA being a very large metro area.  One of the biggest.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Well, this time they voted for the biggest scam artist who just barely beat out the second biggest scam artist. Wouldn't you rather they stop voting for scam artists, of whatever stripe, altogether?

Why would you say HRC is the 2nd biggest scam artist?  Oh, I know, you believed the Russian bloggers.  Ok, that explains your nutzoid statement.  Just for fun, name one scam that HRC has allegedly spearheaded, WHICH IS NOT ESPOUSED BY RUSSIAN BLOGGERS (who v. likely rec'd detailed assistance from Kushner, Manafort, Stone, Trump Jr, Trump Sr, Ivanka, and who knows who else).


How else would Russian fake-news perpetrators know to precisely target counties and precincts within swing states?  They had to have had detailed assistance from the above-mentioned turnkeys.  Note: many of those millions of fake news items (posted on FB and Twitter) came out of Russia and were paid for with rubles.  It's just now coming to light that all of Trump's inner circle, incl. Conway, Stone and Trump Jr re-tweeted and otherwise put wind in the sails of those fake stories paid for by Russkies.  Lots more to come.  Stay tuned.


After Watergate, 52 of Nixon's associates went to prison.   Trump-Russia imbroglio is bigger than Watergate.    Pass the popcorn.


1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

What state is Thailand? Hard to believe. Sorry, I've never studied US geography.

Michigan, home to Detroit, one of the most depressed cities in N.America.  Yet oddly, rich Chinese are buying up many low-priced properties in Detroit. 

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Are the Emoluments Lawsuits Filed Against President Trump Dead?

In January, two days after Donald Trump was inaugurated as President, an anti-government-corruption group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (crew) filed a lawsuit against him to great fanfare. The suit alleged that Trump was violating the Constitution’s foreign-emoluments clause, an obscure passage that prohibits government officials from accepting gifts or other benefits from foreign governments without approval from Congress. crew’s case would become just one of several emoluments lawsuits filed against Trump, but it was the first, and it came together during the early, emotional post-election period, when Trump’s many detractors were looking for something—anything—to suggest that he could be removed swiftly from office, or at least be prevented from using the Presidency to boost his business.


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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Maybe this is the era Trump wants to go to to MAGA. Trump fits into Government perfectly really.



There are many similar stories.  During the fifties the government deliberately released radioactive plumes in southern Utah to study the effects on livestock and humans, who, when they later learned the truth, began calling themselves "downwinders."  The government specifically chose this area because, among other reasons, the Mormon population there trusted the government to a high degree.


Nice guys.

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47 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Sorry, but being a long time Californian, I don't know any that would think that.  It's advertised on every TV station and I-5 to Vegas is a parking lot most weekends. LOL

My personal experience with some native Californians I spoke to in NORTHERN California. Why would I make that up? It was hilarious. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

My personal experience with some native Californians I spoke to in NORTHERN California. Why would I make that up? It was hilarious. 

I also lived in/around Sacramento for years.  You are aware Nevada is just a short drive away....Tahoe is split between the 2 states.


Hard to believe any natives would think this.  Unless very, very dim. LOL

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I also lived in/around Sacramento for years.  You are aware Nevada is just a short drive away....Tahoe is split between the 2 states.


Hard to believe any natives would think this.  Unless very, very dim. LOL

Yes, obviously very dim. 

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He will not finish his first term. Sooner it happens the better. Even before passing his huge tax cuts for billionaires his regime is running a giant deficit. $666b at the fiscal year end.

Trump's next screwup that's needs a proper investigation is the massacre of US troops  he oversaw in Niger. If it wasn't for the French Air Force all present would be dead. He knows better than the generals alright. 

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He will not finish his first term. Sooner it happens the better. Even before passing his huge tax cuts for billionaires his regime is running a giant deficit. $666b at the fiscal year end.
Trump's next screwup that's needs a proper investigation is the massacre of US troops  he oversaw in Niger. If it wasn't for the French Air Force all present would be dead. He knows better than the generals alright. 

Exactly. Why is the orange buffoon sending troops to Niger anyway?

This nightmare needs to go!

Impeach 45!!!!!
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5 hours ago, pegman said:

This Niger fiasco looks like it has legs.



In fairness, I often point out when our racist chums post infowars, breitbart or some other awful rag, so it should be noted that Palmer is far from centre of the road.  He has become more and more a victim of his own conjecture as in the following piece, but his theories seem increasingly sound- one might even say 'on the money.'



One hypothetical explanation would be that Michael Cohen has cut a deal and flipped on Donald Trump, which would make his public testimony inadvisable. Another explanation would be that Robert Mueller is about to drop the first Trump-Russia indictment next week, and he doesn’t want any public sideshows one way or the other.


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