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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

That is a lot of rambling and words when you could just as easily written "Sorry I can't, I have no idea".


By the way, If you think "Clinton Cash" is serious then I have another video you may like to watch. It's totally real also. Apparently the clintons are reptilians also.



I believe you just proved the first and last points in my previous post. Well that didn't take long did it ? How disappointingly predictable. Sigh.

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Au contraire - you proved my point. All bluster and  but but but Clinton. And you know what, you cannot give anything apart from a documentary with as much credibility as the one I posted. The topic is about Trump and how crap he is. it is YOU and your like that keep dragging it back to Clinton. Trump has NOTHING TO DO with Clinton.

1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Au contraire - you proved my point. All bluster and  but but but Clinton. And you know what, you cannot give anything apart from a documentary with as much credibility as the one I posted. The topic is about Trump and how crap he is. it is YOU and your like that keep dragging it back to Clinton. Trump has NOTHING TO DO with Clinton.


You're being disingenuous. My post was clear, I am not willing to go into details for the reasons I gave you. I also correctly called you out on your unwillingness to actually open your mind and research it yourself, instead you accuse Clinton Cash of having no credibility when the scandals documented therein are a matter of public record. Who told you that it had no credibility? CNN ? This is a typical tactic of the left. I am not "dragging anything back to Clinton" however continuously harping on about Trump winning the election and how evil he is without considering the alternative had he lost, is very irresponsible and removes credibility from the discussion. I will not engage you anymore as you can't be taken seriously, enjoy your lizard videos.

9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Au contraire - you proved my point. All bluster and  but but but Clinton. And you know what, you cannot give anything apart from a documentary with as much credibility as the one I posted. The topic is about Trump and how crap he is. it is YOU and your like that keep dragging it back to Clinton. Trump has NOTHING TO DO with Clinton.


You are incorrect in stating that Trump has nothing to do with Clinton. Trump in fact does has one thing to do with Clinton, and that one thing is that he became President and she did not.


15 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


You're being disingenuous. My post was clear, I am not willing to go into details for the reasons I gave you. I also correctly called you out on your unwillingness to actually open your mind and research it yourself, instead you accuse Clinton Cash of having no credibility when the scandals documented therein are a matter of public record. Who told you that it had no credibility? CNN ? This is a typical tactic of the left. I am not "dragging anything back to Clinton" however continuously harping on about Trump winning the election and how evil he is without considering the alternative had he lost, is very irresponsible and removes credibility from the discussion. I will not engage you anymore as you can't be taken seriously, enjoy your lizard videos.

But but but   Clinton.  :coffee1:  So you believe the Clintons Cash video but not the video about them being reptilian aliens? Sad!


17 minutes ago, Ahab said:

You are incorrect in stating that Trump has nothing to do with Clinton. Trump in fact does has one thing to do with Clinton, and that one thing is that he became President and she did not.

Does that mean Trump has something to do with you as well? The thread is about - Will TRUMP get impeached. It is NOT about 'but but but Clinton'.


Bored, Sleepy Trump Just Humiliated Himself At A State Banquet In Vietnam


Before he had even left, White House staff had cut short President Trump’s tremendous trip to Asia due to fears that he would become “tired” and “cranky.” The senior officials worried that the strain on our lazy and pampered President would lead to “unpredictable or undiplomatic behavior.”


It appears their fears were well founded, as the Daily Mail reports that President Trump had “a hard time” staying awake and focused at a state banquet attended by many world leaders, where Trump was a guest of honor.






Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met this weekend during a summit of international leaders in Vietnam, but American reporters and photographers were apparently not there to see it.




This thread has value to me to get updated on and discuss the latest developments in the Mueller investigation and other administration scandals.  It completely baffles me why people persist in attempting to have a dialog with dimwits who are demonstrably beyond the reach of rational discourse.  It's like believing that today you will be the one to get a member of the Flat Earth Society finally to see the error of his ways.  Is this really worth your time?


Somehow there will have to be a way to defeat Trumpism in America other than depending on these people to smarten up.  Like getting out the Dem vote, for instance.


Give it up.

12 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

This thread has value to me to get updated on and discuss the latest developments in the Mueller investigation and other administration scandals.  It completely baffles me why people persist in attempting to have a dialog with dimwits who are demonstrably beyond the reach of rational discourse.  It's like believing that today you will be the one to get a member of the Flat Earth Society finally to see the error of his ways.  Is this really worth your time?


Somehow there will have to be a way to defeat Trumpism in America other than depending on these people to smarten up.  Like getting out the Dem vote, for instance.


Give it up.

Yes, exactly. No benefit at all to engage hard core trumpists. Even more so when trumpist true believers aren't even Americans. :stoner:

15 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

It completely baffles me why people persist in attempting to have a dialog with dimwits who are demonstrably beyond the reach of rational discourse.

Guilty as charged for my part. I promise to try harder to ignore the Trump trollsters. 

2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


It appears their fears were well founded, as the Daily Mail reports that President Trump had “a hard time” staying awake and focused at a state banquet attended by many world leaders, where Trump was a guest of honor.

Let him sleep, it's better for everybody.

1 minute ago, Meljames said:

Let him sleep, it's better for everybody.

So is there any president that's awake?

With W we knew it was Cheney but I don't see Pence doing much except posing as the super straight Anderson Cooper.

4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So is there any president that's awake?

With W we knew it was Cheney but I don't see Pence doing much except posing as the super straight Anderson Cooper.

Good point. I  think the past year has been a kind of lesson on how long the country can operate without any leadership.  

6 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Firstly there would be no point in educating you about the realities of a Clinton presidency on this forum because based on previous posts, your symptoms of TDS are visible to all so it would be a total waste of energy and bandwidth. Secondly, if I were to go into any list detailing the numerous reasons why she would be a total disaster for the country, my post would almost certainly be deleted and me be suspended again for going "off topic" (ahem...). Thirdly, I too "am not American, Republican or Democrat, I am right of centre", and I managed to inform and educate myself on this topic, so there is no reason you can't too. For starters, avoid CNN and the BBC and you're half way there, and read (or watch the movie) Clinton Cash, it may open your eyes somewhat if you are indeed actually interested in having them opened. Am not holding my breath, but who knows, you may surprise us all.

TDS--Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Cute, did you come up with that yourself?  Regardless, please give me your diagnosis.


I am a retired USAF officer who drove past protesters holding signs saying "Would you help Hitler build gas chambers?" on my way to work on an ICBM test program.  I did my job to the best of my ability and take pride in my work.  My mother went through adolescence with her father in the Pacific during WWII, not knowing if she'd ever see him again.  My father told me of seeing military conveys heading south during the Cuban Missile Crisis when he had two toddler children (I was one of them) and a pregnant wife.  He was an insulin dependent diabetic who wouldn't have survived to take care of the family he started if things got bad.  My kid brother will spend the rest of his life dealing with PTSD from the first Gulf War and the cancer surgery that has left him permanently disabled.  Trump is a bone-spur draft dodger with no history of service or sacrifice.


I am very much a child of the cold war.  I have spent a lot of time considering the consequences of war.  I am keenly aware that the US deterrence policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) requires that the nuclear arsenal be on a hair trigger with the President having unchecked power to send missiles on their way to their targets (no recall, redirection or self-destruction possible) within minutes of the order to launch.  Nothing short of an immediate, high-level military mutiny would prevent this.  My top priority in supporting a president is that he/she be a qualified person who knows how very bad war is and the consequences of nuclear war.


For these reasons I don't think Trump is remotely qualified to be President.  Do you think I'm suffering from TDS?  If so, please explain how.


And people who decide to use the report function as a way of moderating a thread have been put on suspension.


11 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Firstly there would be no point in educating you about the realities of a Clinton presidency on this forum because based on previous posts, your symptoms of TDS are visible to all so it would be a total waste of energy and bandwidth. Secondly, if I were to go into any list detailing the numerous reasons why she would be a total disaster for the country, my post would almost certainly be deleted and me be suspended again for going "off topic" (ahem...). Thirdly, I too "am not American, Republican or Democrat, I am right of centre", and I managed to inform and educate myself on this topic, so there is no reason you can't too. For starters, avoid CNN and the BBC and you're half way there, and read (or watch the movie) Clinton Cash, it may open your eyes somewhat if you are indeed actually interested in having them opened. Am not holding my breath, but who knows, you may surprise us all.

Avoiding MSM is one of your problems.  You're getting your news from alternative news sites that spin the news too much.  Sad you buy into it.


We appreciate you not going into details....

11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

But but but   Clinton.  :coffee1:  So you believe the Clintons Cash video but not the video about them being reptilian aliens? Sad!


Does that mean Trump has something to do with you as well? The thread is about - Will TRUMP get impeached. It is NOT about 'but but but Clinton'.

Yes it does mean that Trump has something to do with me, he kept her corrupt butt out of the White House. His greatest achievement to date and if he does nothing else in the next three years it makes him great! You may not realize this but I was replying to a previous post, thanks for trying to keep the thread on topic though, good job!

5 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Yes it does mean that Trump has something to do with me, he kept her corrupt butt out of the White House. His greatest achievement to date and if he does nothing else in the next three years it makes him great! You may not realize this but I was replying to a previous post, thanks for trying to keep the thread on topic though, good job!

It might have kept Hillary out of the WH, but allowed another massively corrupt and inept person to be there in her place.  A person who's lies out pace every other president before him.


Sad post to suggest a win if Trump accomplishes nothing in the next 3 years.  Incredible.

11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It might have kept Hillary out of the WH, but allowed another massively corrupt and inept person to be there in her place.  A person who's lies out pace every other president before him.


Sad post to suggest a win if Trump accomplishes nothing in the next 3 years.  Incredible.

See what I mean?  What is the point of arguing with someone who chose Trump because of corruption?  There. Is. No. Point.

11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It might have kept Hillary out of the WH, but allowed another massively corrupt and inept person to be there in her place.  A person who's lies out pace every other president before him.


Sad post to suggest a win if Trump accomplishes nothing in the next 3 years.  Incredible.

Don't disagree with your post but when presented with a choice of two bags of poop for President, I think that Trump was the less smelly of the two (and less corrupt by a great deal). It really doesn't matter who is the President based on the checks and balances inherent to the three branches of government in the USA. We survived two terms of Obama, we can surely survive a few more years of Trump.


2 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

See what I mean?  What is the point of arguing with someone who chose Trump because of corruption?  There. Is. No. Point.

Actually I do not see what you mean. Hillary was much more knowledgeable about how government works and how corruption in government works than Trump ever will be. It was a choice between two horrible candidates, Trump was an outside and so was Bernie Sanders. If the DNC hadn't fixed the primaries to favor Hillary we might have had the choice of two outsiders (Trump and Bernie). If that had been the case I would likely be whining about having a socialist as President but it didn't so I am not.

14 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Leading by executive orders that can be overturned the day you leave office is not really leading.

When the President's party controls Congress, it's leadership failure and distrust of the President's own party. Barely two months since his inauguration, Trump had signed 23 executive orders.

hat said Trump issued more Executive Orders and Presidential Actions than Obama in the same period.



T vs O.JPG


after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

10 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

No. Because these things take time, investigations are in process, and there is decisive midterm election in 2018 that is relevant to any potential for impeachment. If this topic doesn't interest you or you think it's become irrelevant, maybe you shouldn't read it or post on it? Because the topic won't go away for a long time. The thread might, but the topic of the thread won't. Deal with that reality. 

39 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

Maybe ask again after the investigation is closed and the indictments served.

40 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

That really isn't the case.  Here is an unrolled tweet that is under 24 hours old. If you check out the writer and his network you will see that there are a lot of people who are still talking about impeachment extremely seriously.



So the purpose of this thread is to let Americans know what Mueller has already seen, and is seeing now, regarding Trump's lies about Papadopoulos and the very distinct possibility Papadopoulos used Greek cutouts to gain access to Kremlin officials and possibly Putin himself.



1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

A bloody stupid comment.

1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

after almost five thousand posts, has it occurred to any of you that the only place  (in the known universe) impeachment or resignation is still a serious topic is on this thread?

There won't be an impeachment. The only issue I see, what will happen to the delusional Trump haters? They still can't get over the election. How they behave when Trump will elected again for 2020? Will they implode of their hate? We shall see.


However, the good news is, Antifa and other fascists  are loosing grip day by day.

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