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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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7 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Nothing.   You missed it.


I think he's suggesting you're like Jimmy Bakker, or probably any TV evangelist, repeating the same old message, hoping that somebody, anybody, will believe it, or that it may come true.

That's the Fox News model, and it's been shown to work with many people. 


It was adopted by Trump, most notably with his constant repetition of "fake news" whenever facts are reported that aren't too his liking.  Obviously it works with the Trumpies, who ignore all the fake news invented by Trump.

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Trump has had one 'public offering' using the stock market.  The call letters were (surprise) DJT.   The stock went from  $35 to 17 cents, but Trump still slinked away with millions of $$'s, while investors were shafted.   

Look at minute 41 of the following video. . . . . 



Yet another vignette on what makes Mr. '7-Bankruptcies' Trump tick.  And he's the person that 47% of voting Americans wanted to steer the economy.   


If someone had written this as a script for a fictional movie, 5 years ago, every movie making company would laugh the guy out of their offices.   

"Ha ha ha, are you kidding me?!   It's too ridiculously outlandish.  Completely unbelievable.  Go home and write a script that's at least a tiny bit believable, and maybe we'll option it.  ha ha ha."



On ‎20‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 2:41 PM, Thakkar said:


Yeah, Skywalker. Trump was elected on a hateful message of misogyny, racism, assholery, bluster and buffoonery. As long as he keeps all that up, he’s good with his base.


"Because Trump says so"


"CNN Trump voter panel excuses Trump for not condemning Nazis because ‘they’re still Americans. Their ideology may make us sick, but that’s what’s wonderful about America!”




27 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Because Trump says so"   "CNN Trump voter panel excuses Trump for not condemning Nazis because ‘they’re still Americans. Their ideology may make us sick, but that’s what’s wonderful about America!”


It proves the belief that there's nothing that Trump can do or say, that's so bad, that he'll lose his hard core.  Absolutely nothing.  

6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He's obviously no Einstein.


Hey, he has "a very good mind," he said so himself!  Why would he lie about something like that?




On 11/21/2017 at 5:32 PM, boomerangutang said:

Trump has had one 'public offering' using the stock market.  The call letters were (surprise) DJT.   The stock went from  $35 to 17 cents, but Trump still slinked away with millions of $$'s, while investors were shafted.   

Look at minute 41 of the following video. . . . . 



Yet another vignette on what makes Mr. '7-Bankruptcies' Trump tick.  And he's the person that 47% of voting Americans wanted to steer the economy.   


If someone had written this as a script for a fictional movie, 5 years ago, every movie making company would laugh the guy out of their offices.   

"Ha ha ha, are you kidding me?!   It's too ridiculously outlandish.  Completely unbelievable.  Go home and write a script that's at least a tiny bit believable, and maybe we'll option it.  ha ha ha."



Yep, it's called manipulating the market, and it's done around the world by big investors, buying a LOT of shares, creating a run, and selling out on the top before the suckers are caught.


Nothing new about that.


I don't like it either, but it's not illegal.


He's probably not far in front of Branson for number of bankruptcies, but that's how entrepreneurs operate, they thrive on risk, and even better if they are risking others money..

10 hours ago, Opl said:

"Just over a year ago, 81 percent of white, evangelical Christian voters supported a presidential candidate who could be the perfect avatar for everything they claim to oppose. Why? We support him until the last breath because he gives us access that no other President has given us.” 


They've also committed the biggest voter flip-flop in history.


" In 2011 and again just ahead of the election, PRRI asked Americans whether a political leader who committed an immoral act in his or her private life could nonetheless behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public life. Back in 2011, consistent with the “values voter” brand’s insistence on the importance of personal character, only 30% of white evangelical Protestants agreed with this statement. But this year, 72% of white evangelicals now say they believe a candidate can build a kind of moral wall between his private and public life. In a shocking reversal, white evangelicals have gone from being the least likely to the most likely group to agree that a candidate’s personal immorality has no bearing on his performance in public office. "    http://time.com/4577752/donald-trump-transformation-white-evangelicals/ 


No surprise, Trump's supporters are almost as big a bunch of hypocrites as Trump himself.


Very interesting links, heybruce.


It seems to confirm what I have believed for a very long time that most organised religious groupings are more prettified tribes rather than moral, ethical or spiritual organisations.


Every tribe wants to grab  resources and empower itself to grab more. But what really energises a tribe is an external threat. All principles quickly go out of the window if an external threat can be created. Trump played on this fear very well.


I am not on Trump side, for he is a kind of american Berlusconi imho. But I do think Clinton is waaaay more dangerous. I think she is so corrupt and dishonest that the word devilish comes to my mind.


Concerning the intelligence of Trump voters, your reaction is typical. During the last 20 year, a part of the population in many countries has badly suffered from the globalisation. And now they are so stupid that they still vote ... The same in Thailand. Red vs yellow is for a good part global cities vs the ordinary people. The problem goes much deeper than Clinton vs Hillary. What we are seeing is a social backlash against the 18th century kind of model the ideological globalists dream of.


3 hours ago, Khunmanoun said:

I am not on Trump side, for he is a kind of american Berlusconi imho. But I do think Clinton is waaaay more dangerous. I think she is so corrupt and dishonest that the word devilish comes to my mind.


Concerning the intelligence of Trump voters, your reaction is typical. During the last 20 year, a part of the population in many countries has badly suffered from the globalisation. And now they are so stupid that they still vote ... The same in Thailand. Red vs yellow is for a good part global cities vs the ordinary people. The problem goes much deeper than Clinton vs Hillary. What we are seeing is a social backlash against the 18th century kind of model the ideological globalists dream of.

What we are seeing is a social backlash against demographics, economic progress in formally backwards countries, and, most of all, technology.  Technology has cost more jobs than globalization, and there is no turning the clock back. 


However there are people so desperate to believe they can return to a mythical golden age, when semi-skilled workers could earn a good living, that they bought the lies of the obvious conman Trump.  Trump will not make coal king again, and any manufacturing jobs he can bring back to the US (my guess is a net in negative numbers) will go to robots.  The fact that he scape-goated brown skin immigrants (not naked white women who came to the US to work illegally, he married one of them) appealed to simple people who prefer a scapegoat to taking responsibility for their own lives.


Regarding the corruption of HRC, it all seems to be based on overblown conspiracy theories and fake news promoted by fringe web sites, Fox News, and Trump.

56 minutes ago, Khunmanoun said:

I don't know about Uranium One, wait and see. But what i think is utter, sheer, total bullshit is the whole russian interference narrative. On top of that, when you know the degree of interference of the US everywhere, this kind of allegations is rather provocative.

The Russian interference thing is most definitely NOT total B.S. It was very real and it's likely to get worse if the U.S. under trump doesn't aggressively act to stifle it. (Of course he won't.)

What is still in real question is about the possibility of direct COLLUSION between the trump campaign and Putin's goals. 

We'll see about that.

But to suggest the Russians didn't interfere ... no, dude, you can't get away with projecting such total lies like that without challenge.

I get it, you're fixed in your belief system, but for anyone that thinks like you that isn't informed yet, watch this and tell us you still think the Russians didn't interfere:



29 minutes ago, Khunmanoun said:


The topic was about Russian interference in the U.S. election.

It's typical trumpist WHAT ABOUT game to divert elsewhere.

Glad you agree Russian did do this.

They did indeed do this.

Of course it had a big impact. Watch the video about the TIMING of the various leaks. 

Did it make all the difference? We'll never know but it was a very close election which was determined by about 70,000 votes in three states.

BTW -- Putin himself thinks he got trump elected. 

But on that question, did it make the difference, that is unknowable. 


Off-topic posts and replies removed.   Enough with the "....but, but, but Hillary."   She's not facing possible impeachment.  


Trump's name is coming off his SoHo hotel as politics weigh on president's brand



President Donald Trump's company has agreed to remove the Trump name from its hotel in Lower Manhattan and give up management of the property, the most visible sign yet of the toll his presidency has taken on his brand.


The decision, announced by the company Wednesday afternoon, follows signs that business has flagged for months at Trump SoHo, beginning during his polarizing campaign last year.


The hotel's sushi restaurant closed. Professional sports teams, once reliable customers, began to shun the property. The hotel struggled to attract business for its meeting rooms and banquet halls, according to reporting by radio station WNYC.


Trump SoHo has emerged as one of the clearest examples of how Trump's divisive politics have redefined his luxury hotel and real estate company, which spent years courting upscale customers in liberal urban centers where he is now deeply unpopular.



19 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Here is the latest Trump regrets.


I read some of them.  I'm not strong on forgiveness.  The people who voted for Trump, if they saw him in any of the debates or campaign speeches, are just plain stupid and easily duped.  Those are the nicest words I can come up with - to describe them.  They're partially responsible for the recent debilitation of the USA.   

25 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I read some of them.  I'm not strong on forgiveness.  The people who voted for Trump, if they saw him in any of the debates or campaign speeches, are just plain stupid and easily duped.  Those are the nicest words I can come up with - to describe them.  They're partially responsible for the recent debilitation of the USA.   

Agreed. And yet, some are still supporting him. Aggressively. As seen by posts here. With these supporters being either hard core republicans or "conservatives". Whatever that means. LOL


It shows how far people are divided. With many moving into the extreme right or left and only following media sites that support their side. No quarter is given.




Very bad news this week for both Governor Kim Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Iowa Legislature. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported the second quarter economic growth by state (GDP). Iowa’s economic growth was a negative .7%, dead last among all 50 states. Of the 50 states, 48 had positive growth in this period. Only Iowa (-.7%) and South Dakota (-.3%) had a negative growth rate.


While one quarter’s performance doesn’t predict future growth, it’s a huge embarrassment for the Iowa Republican Party. The Republican Governor and the GOP control majorities in both branches of the Legislature and have driven Iowa’s economy to last place in the nation. They can’t blame the Democrats for this economic disaster.



On 11/22/2017 at 9:30 PM, Jingthing said:


The topic was about Russian interference in the U.S. election.

It's typical trumpist WHAT ABOUT game to divert elsewhere.

Glad you agree Russian did do this.

They did indeed do this.

Of course it had a big impact. Watch the video about the TIMING of the various leaks. 

Did it make all the difference? We'll never know but it was a very close election which was determined by about 70,000 votes in three states.

BTW -- Putin himself thinks he got trump elected. 

But on that question, did it make the difference, that is unknowable. 

I watched the video and read the transcript of it.  It is a foolish piece.  First big mistake is not identifying the difference  between phishing and hacking.  Phishing can be done by the average kid and involves stupidity of the target.  The Clinton campaign got their emails phished by someone (not identified in the video) and there was evidence of illegal/unethical  acts in the emails.  Someone released them and the American people got the truth.  Hillary was ill and that was pointed out by many sources and that was discussed on social media.  Nothing new there. 


The video above has no smoking gun. 


Hacking would have been altering votes or some other activity which would have altered the election results and that wasn't done. 


Hacking the election would be grounds for impeachment.  Telling the truth about an opponent is not grounds for impeachment regardless how the information was gotten. 

2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:



Very bad news this week for both Governor Kim Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Iowa Legislature. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported the second quarter economic growth by state (GDP). Iowa’s economic growth was a negative .7%, dead last among all 50 states. Of the 50 states, 48 had positive growth in this period. Only Iowa (-.7%) and South Dakota (-.3%) had a negative growth rate.


While one quarter’s performance doesn’t predict future growth, it’s a huge embarrassment for the Iowa Republican Party. The Republican Governor and the GOP control majorities in both branches of the Legislature and have driven Iowa’s economy to last place in the nation. They can’t blame the Democrats for this economic disaster.



If Trump's buffoonery and cancelling of trade deals closes international markets to US farmers, we can expect Iowa and a lot of other farming red states to get very upset.

17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No facts matter to trump loyalists. Again to anyone else watch the videos. Putin ordered this. He got the info. He weaponized the info. His goal was to damage Clinton. It's clear and confirmed.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I realize you can't discuss the facts because there are none but I'll try.  1.  What information did Putin get?  2.  What did he do to change that information and make it a weapon?   

I realize you can't discuss the facts because there are none but I'll try.  1.  What information did Putin get?  2.  What did he do to change that information and make it a weapon?   

You saw the video. The answers are there. You do not even attempt to debate in good faith. Waste of time!

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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