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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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Conservatives Are Turning On Trump As Wall Street Journal Calls Him Weak And Not A Real Man


"Half his tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn," Peggy Noonan wrote in Murdoch's Wall Street Journal, in an article entitled "Trump Is Woody Allen Without the Humor."



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"Everyone thinks he was whacked"


The US government ruled Mikhail Lesin’s death an accident, but multiple intelligence and law enforcement officials suspect it was a Russian hit. The government is withholding information so today BuzzFeed News has filed a lawsuit to pry the records loose.


Vladimir Putin’s former media czar was murdered in Washington, DC, on the eve of a planned meeting with the US Justice Department, according to two FBI agents whose assertions cast new doubts on the US government’s official explanation of his death.



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5 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

I'm afraid the nation we long for is slipping away. Democracy.......Is that what you called it when Trump was elected and the radical left looted cities and assaulted the police.


It's only democracy when the crazy left gets their way. Pretty much disgraceful. They won't be happy till we become a full blown Socialist nation. My Pu### hurts so I can't work and the government owes me a living will be the norm. The radical left won't rest till the gov. takes care of all citizens from cradle to grave. Oh, you're here illegally, ahhh no problem. We'll school your kids, give you free medical care.


So, please don't talk about Democracy.

We're not. We're talking about Trump which is something totally different. Don't tell me you support this nut case? Surely not!

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5 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

What's hilarious are these made up "Titles"  for made up stories.

How about these stories give facts, hard proven facts and not assumptions.


Meanwhile, in the real world, Special Councel Mueller goes to work.

Every day.

Regardless of all the panicking deflection and desperation from the inept one and the "alternative news" with their  "alternative facts."


And the wheels of justice are turning.

Stand by...


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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

Meanwhile, in the real world, Special Councel Mueller goes to work. Every day.

Regardless of all the panicking deflection and desperation from the inept one and the "alternative news" with their  "alternative facts." And the wheels of justice are turning. Stand by... :coffee1:

                               I hope Mueller's team are allowed to follow leads and come to conclusions.  I worry that their conclusions will be sanitized before being published.  Similar to how Kushner, Don Jr. and Manafort were allowed to testify last week, IN PRIVATE SESSIONS, AND NOT UNDER OATH.   In other words, Reps will continue to try and shield Trump and his criminal cohorts as much as they can, and I don't think Mueller is immune from that.


                                Note; the same Rep politicians who are moaning about what a great AG Sessions is (to reasonable folks, Sessions is abysmal as AG) .....are the same Reps who say Mueller is great.   I think Mueller is good, but let's not get too giddy in our expectations.  As much as anything else, Mueller is a don't-rock-the-boat insider and conservative.  What the US really needs is a firebrand investigative team who will leave no stone unturned, and who won't shy away from reporting facts - no matter what the ramifications.

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5 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

What's hilarious are these made up "Titles"  for made up stories.

"Russian investigation COULD prove" this, could prove that. And, this drives the rabid dogs into a frenzy, you all know who you are. When you use the word "could" what you're saying is-- I don't have any facts, I'm probably making things up, but no one can call me a liar.

How about these stories give facts, hard proven facts and not assumptions.

                        There are a lot of facts, and a lot more yet to be released,  unless Trumpsters can continue stifling the truth, and continue clenching their eyes and ears closed to any facts in the matter.


                                      A few of the hundreds of facts (which implicate Trump and his cohorts in illegal and possibly treasonous activity):   Look at the email trail, which Don Jr himself released (minutes after being told the NY Times would release the same emails imminently)....   Look at the heading of the emails ("Russia - Clinton - private and confidential.") sent to Manafort and Kushner - which enticed them to adjust their very busy billionaire schedules and come to Trump tower to meet with the Russian agents.  Look at Don Jr's statement "I love it....." when informed in a prior email that Russian agents had dirt on HRC which they would give to Trump's campaign staff.   Later that afternoon, Trump Sr. made the announcement that he would soon be making an announcement about releasing thousands of Dem Party emails.   

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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                               I hope Mueller's team are allowed to follow leads and come to conclusions.  I worry that their conclusions will be sanitized before being published.  Similar to how Kushner, Don Jr. and Manafort were allowed to testify last week, IN PRIVATE SESSIONS, AND NOT UNDER OATH.   In other words, Reps will continue to try and shield Trump and his criminal cohorts as much as they can, and I don't think Mueller is immune from that.


                                Note; the same Rep politicians who are moaning about what a great AG Sessions is (to reasonable folks, Sessions is abysmal as AG) .....are the same Reps who say Mueller is great.   I think Mueller is good, but let's not get too giddy in our expectations.  As much as anything else, Mueller is a don't-rock-the-boat insider and conservative.  What the US really needs is a firebrand investigative team who will leave no stone unturned, and who won't shy away from reporting facts - no matter what the ramifications.

Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General and an ambitious Democrat, could step up for that role.  Many of Trump's financial and political crimes took place in Manhattan which is in the jurisdiction of the NY AG.  Federal pardons issued by Trump would not protect anyone from state prosecution.  When Trump fires Mueller and pardons his family, both of which I view as inevitable, Schneiderman may see his main chance.


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On 7/28/2017 at 10:32 AM, Thakkar said:

The Boy Scout Chief Exec has had to apologize for Trump's remarks


Following on the heels of the Boy Scouts, the Suffolk County Police Department has become the second organization in two days to disavow statements from Trump after the President called for more police brutality during a Friday speech to law enforcement officers. 



watch the vid of his speech. The President of America actually called for MORE POLICE BRUTALITY!!


This is not normal, folks. We are now on the other side of the looking glass and if it still feels normal to anyone, they are like the proverbial frog in a pot of warm water that's heating away on the stove. If you ask that frog, "how's it going?" He'd smile, give the A-OK sign with his webbed feet and say, "So far so good!"



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Pres. Donald J. Trump exits Air Force One upon landing at Joint Base Andrews after announcing via tweet that retired Gen. Kelly is new Chief of Staff. Then something unusual happened, after coming out from the Air Force One, he went to some other direction with his umbrella!



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4 hours ago, iReason said:


Meanwhile, in the real world, Special Councel Mueller goes to work.

Every day.

Regardless of all the panicking deflection and desperation from the inept one and the "alternative news" with their  "alternative facts."


And the wheels of justice are turning.

Stand by...




Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all.



Edited by Grouse
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sujoop has a good point in that Trump will resign.  I have always thought he would last two years.  When the house start putting him down on a consistent basis, he realizes he can't get his own way, he will be gone.  This may coincide with the Democrats getting control of the house.


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sujoop has a good point in that Trump will resign.  I have always thought he would last two years.  When the house start putting him down on a consistent basis, he realizes he can't get his own way, he will be gone.  This may coincide with the Democrats getting control of the house.


How do you know the buffoon is not getting his way? He's getting more attention than anyone in history.

I bet his net worth is growing double digits monthly...
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i think most people know who have a brain/?

when putin and his mob took over

 they needed someone  to launder there money in usa

wow we have found a broke real estate man and dumb 

and real money in 20years went from a small salary 

to now the richest man in world 200billion

now do you understand why trump and friends helped them move there money into usa

buy a condo from trump properties 20million 

then flog  for 10 now i have legitimate money in usa

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5 hours ago, mogandave said:


How do you know the buffoon is not getting his way? He's getting more attention than anyone in history.

I bet his net worth is growing double digits monthly...


Do you think his primary motivation is monetary gain? In my experience, it will be things that cannot be bought: respect, reputation and legacy.

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5 hours ago, mogandave said:


How do you know the buffoon is not getting his way? He's getting more attention than anyone in history.

I bet his net worth is growing double digits monthly...


Do you think his primary motivation is monetary gain? In my experience, it will be things that cannot be bought: respect, reputation and legacy.

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Somehow, this inept fool believes "Tweets" are governing. As do his flock. SAD.


Why don't you get rid of the Electoral College while you're at it... :laugh:



The president began his first weekend under John Kelly as he often did under Reince Priebus:

launching grenades on Twitter.


"Nowhere in Trump’s tweets urging Republicans to “MAKE CHANGE!” and “switch to a 51 majority vote” did he acknowledge that the failed Republican legislation only had 49 votes."


"Though Republicans hold a 52-seat majority in the Senate, three GOP senators -- Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Susan Collins and McCain -- broke from the ranks and voted, along with Democratic lawmakers, to strike down the legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare."


"McConnell was trying to pass the legislation through budget reconciliation, which would have only required a simple majority of votes to pass."




I'm lovin' the continual meltdowns from the "great negotiator" and the "only one who can fix it."


Trumpeteers, will you ever admit you've been royally had?


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Uh oh!

Here's one that may really concern the supporters of the inept one:


How Trump's trade policy could hit your bar tab


"The Trump administration is currently considering administrative action to make American steel and aluminum production --two industries that have long suffered in the face of foreign competition -- more robust, including possible tariffs, taxes or restrictions on imported products, according to Trump administration officials and industry sources."
"Those moves could lead foreign markets to retaliate against American products and European officials have already signaled that they would take swift action -- possibly against bourbon -- if tariffs are imposed on European steel."
"Furthermore, there are concerns within the brewing community that restrictions on importing foreign aluminum -- the basis for the ubiquitous aluminum cans and bottles -- could make beer more expensive."
This is starting to get serious...
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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

Uh oh!

Here's one that may really concern the supporters of the inept one:


How Trump's trade policy could hit your bar tab


"The Trump administration is currently considering administrative action to make American steel and aluminum production --
two industries that have long suffered in the face of foreign competition -- more robust, including possible tariffs,
taxes or restrictions on imported products, according to Trump administration officials and industry sources."
"Those moves could lead foreign markets to retaliate against American products and European officials have already signaled that they would take swift action -- possibly against bourbon -- if tariffs are imposed on European steel."
"Furthermore, there are concerns within the brewing community that restrictions on importing foreign aluminum -- the basis for the ubiquitous aluminum cans and bottles -- could make beer more expensive."
This is starting to get serious...

Would rather smoke weed anyway..........

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6 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Would rather smoke weed anyway..........

Better not tell Sessions about that. He wants to continue to put people in jail for that. 

Well, scratch that, non-white people anyway.

He's from 'Bama, y'all. 

Edited by Jingthing
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WATCH: Explosive Dutch documentary says Trump has deep ties to Russia’s mafia underworld



Dutch TV documentary alleges that President Donald Trump has extensive connections to Russia’s ruling oligarchs and a history of illegal racketeering.

“Donald Trump’s business partners have included Russian oligarchs and convicted mobsters, which could make the president guilty of criminal racketeering charges,” wrote Steven Rosenfeld at AlterNet on Friday.

He continued, “That’s only one of the eyebrow-raising takeaways from a 45-minute Dutch documentary that first aired last week, ‘The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump, Part 1: The Russians.'”



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WATCH: Explosive Dutch documentary says Trump has deep ties to Russia’s mafia underworld

Dutch TV documentary alleges that President Donald Trump has extensive connections to Russia’s ruling oligarchs and a history of illegal racketeering.

“Donald Trump’s business partners have included Russian oligarchs and convicted mobsters, which could make the president guilty of criminal racketeering charges,” wrote Steven Rosenfeld at AlterNet on Friday.

He continued, “That’s only one of the eyebrow-raising takeaways from a 45-minute Dutch documentary that first aired last week, ‘The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump, Part 1: The Russians.'”



CNN needs to air it, the American people have a right to know!!!!!

The sooner the orange buffoon is impeached the better!!!!
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