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Thaksin Accused By Assets Examination Committee On Deals

Jai Dee

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Thaksin accused by AEC on deals

Ousted PM set to face charges over land purchase and bomb scanners

Deposed premier Thaksin Shinawa-tra is believed to have been involved in two fraudulent cases involving a controversial land plot purchase by his wife and the new airport's bomb-detection scanners, the spokesman for the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) said yesterday.

Sak Korsaengruang said the AEC's panel found that Thaksin had violated Article 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act over the 2003 land purchase which Thaksin's wife Pojaman made at an auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund.

The provision prohibits government officials - including prime ministers - and their spouses from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation.

Under the condition, Thaksin as prime minister had violated the law as he had authorised the Fund, Sak said.

However, Pojaman was not found guilty under this context as she had not been a government official, he said. She had only supported Thaksin to con-duct the wrongdoing, he added.

The next step was for the Fund to submit an appeal to the AEC to launch legal action against Thaksin, Sak said.

Thaksin is among 22 individuals accused of violating the Criminal Code's Articles 157 and 83 for having struck the new bag-gage-handling system contract and approved the Airports of Thailand's (AOT) contract to buy the 26 bomb scanners directly from US-based scanner maker GE InVision Inc.

Aside from Thaksin, former transport minister Suriya Jung-rungreangkit is among the accused.

On the first count, the AEC cited that the AOT, which comes under the Transport Ministry, mischievously struck the baggage-handling deal with ITO Joint Venture, though the system had already been designed by the MJTA group of consultants.

The AOT also hired Quatrotec Inc as the design inspector, though the company was only set up shortly before being awarded the deal. The individuals were also accused of allowing ITO to quote a huge profit.

While the original contract said ITO would receive Bt3.997 billion from the installation of the system, ITO agreed to pay its sub-contractor Kawasaki Heavy Industries only Bt3.094 billion, resulting in a Bt902 million differential. The AEC also accused ITO of overcharging AOT for the CTX 9000 DSi scanners and accessories.

On the second count, the AEC said the AOT struck a contract to buy the bomb scanners directly from GE InVision, apparently to help ITO and its sub-contractor Patriot Business Consultants.

Moreover, the purchase price was quoted in an aggregate sum of US$35 million (Bt1.2 billion), leading the AEC to believe the AOT wanted to hide how much each of the scanners actually cost and that the AOT could be overcharged for the scanners.

"As Thaksin and Suriya maintained the political posts when the malfeasance occurred, we need the AOT and Transport Ministry to file complaints to the AEC so that we can bring the case to the next level," Sak said.

Ahead of the announcement yesterday at 8am, the AEC dispatched a group of 10 officers to Suvarnabhumi Airport, where the AOT office is located, to take documents related to the CTX scanner purchase, the electrical pipe project and the Airport Rail Link projects.

Thirteen large boxes of document were gathered, involving the procurements and meeting minutes.

Regarding the land transaction, the controversial purchase was made back in 2003 when Pojaman paid Bt772 million for four plots in the Ratchadaphisek Road area, which were put up for auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund.

Earlier, Thaksin's chief lawyer Noppadon Pattama insisted the deal had not breached Article 100 because the ex-prime minister did not directly control the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 26 December 2006

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Thai ex-premier faces corruption charges

THE Bank of Thailand will file corruption charges against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra after graft-busters found two fraudulent cases involving the deposed leader.

The central bank would bring the case to a criminal court, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula said today.

Corruption busters appointed by Thailand's ruling junta found yesterday that Mr Thaksin was involved in an alleged overpriced purchase of equipment at Bangkok's new Suvarnabhumi airport and a controversial land deal in 2003.

The junta, which came to power after toppling the Thaksin government in a bloodless coup in September, justified the putsch by saying that rampant corruption during his five years in office had undermined democracy.

The army-installed Government is investigating his family's business deals, including their January sale of Shin Corp shares to Singapore's Temasek Holdings, for alleged violations of Thai laws.

Mr Thaksin's family sold their 49 per cent stake in Shin Corp, a telecom giant founded by the ousted premier, to the Singaporean state-linked investment firm for $US1.9 billion ($2.43 billion) under a tax free deal.

The tax deal triggered months of street protests demanding Mr Thaksin's resignation over alleged abuse of power and corruption, culminating in the September coup.

After the power grab, the military reinstated the anti-corruption commission, which had been dormant for more than a year, and set up

Source: The Australian - 26 December 2006

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Lawyer of Thaksin family asks AEC to postpone date of testimony

Mr. Weerapat Srichaiya, the lawyer representing the children of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Panthongtae and Ms. Pinthongta, as well as Khunying Potjaman’s secretary Kanchanapha Honghern submitted a letter to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC), asking for the committee to postpone the date for the siblings to testify in Shin Corp share transfer case from tomorrow to next month.

According to the letter, Mr. Panthongtae will be on a trip to Japan tomorrow while Ms. Pinthongta is currently taking an examination in London, England. Thus, Mr. Weerapat has asked the AEC to allow Mr. Panthongtae to testify on January 10th and Ms. Pinthongta on January 24th. As for Mrs. Kanchanapha, she will be on a business trip tomorrow, and the lawyer would like the AEC to reschedule the date for her to testify to January 12th.

Mr. Viroj Laohaphan, the head of the AEC subcommittee for probing the Shin Corp share case, said the reasons for postponement will have to be considered in detail tomorrow. If the reasons are justifiable, then the date will have to be delayed. In addition, the AEC will do it best to speed up the investigation process while maintaining the impartiality of the case.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 December 2006

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Taken from the Bangkok Post. today at 14.38, marrying up with J.D,s posts.



Noppadol: Thaksin'll prove his innocence


Ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will return to Thailand ton prove his innocence as probe panel finds him guilty in CTX bomb scanners and the Ratchadaphisek land deal scandals, said Noppadol Pattama, the family's legal aide.

Mr Noppadol denied Mr Thaksin's involvement in the two alleged corruption cases.

Mr Noppadol claimed that Council for National Security (CNS) and Assets Scrutiny Committee (ASC) might try to present their work achievement before the end of the year by linking Mr Thaksin with the scandals.

As a former committee member overseeing policies of Suvarnabhumi airport, Mr Thaksin is not involved in the purchase of CTX 9000 bomb scanners at the airport, said Mr Noppadol.

Mr Noppadol said ASC interpreted laws "inaccurately" for finding that Mr Thaksin and Khunying Potjaman Shinawatra were guilty in the land deal.

ASC found on Monday that Mr Thaksin and Khunying Potjaman guilty in the land purchase because, according to the Counter Corruption Act Article 100, state officials and their spouses are prohibited from engaging in contractual agreements with state agencies while they are in office.

Khunying Potjaman bought 772-million-baht land deal from Bank of Thailand's Financial InstitutionsDevelopment Fund through a bidding process while her husband was in power.


How,s he going to manage that under the present exile conditions ???

Maybe thinks he,s still the C.E.O. :o

marshbags :D:D


With so many ongoing investigations i reckon his lawyer is " inaccurately " trying to manipulate the laws of the last constitution and forgetting the current situation on whose in charge here NOW.

I,ve lost track of how many there are but it,s serious stuff and expanding more by the day.

The Tsunami scandal will not go away that,s for sure with at least 12 countries requesting investigations and wanting / expecting answers. ( not lies or make believe answers " Noppadon Pattama " )

Edited by marshbags
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Lawyer of Thaksin family asks AEC to postpone date of testimony

Mr. Weerapat Srichaiya, the lawyer representing the children of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Panthongtae and Ms. Pinthongta, as well as Khunying Potjaman’s secretary Kanchanapha Honghern submitted a letter to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC), asking for the committee to postpone the date for the siblings to testify in Shin Corp share transfer case from tomorrow to next month.

According to the letter, Mr. Panthongtae will be on a trip to Japan tomorrow while Ms. Pinthongta is currently taking an examination in London, England. Thus, Mr. Weerapat has asked the AEC to allow Mr. Panthongtae to testify on January 10th and Ms. Pinthongta on January 24th. As for Mrs. Kanchanapha, she will be on a business trip tomorrow, and the lawyer would like the AEC to reschedule the date for her to testify to January 12th.

Mr. Viroj Laohaphan, the head of the AEC subcommittee for probing the Shin Corp share case, said the reasons for postponement will have to be considered in detail tomorrow. If the reasons are justifiable, then the date will have to be delayed. In addition, the AEC will do it best to speed up the investigation process while maintaining the impartiality of the case.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 December 2006

Exam? Don't the schools in England close for Christmas/New Years?

Oh, shoot, they do not want to testify so why not take a trip instead.

Yeh, everybody just learned today that they can not make it to the meeting long scheduled for tomorrow.

Let's see what the AEC decides about the reasons and that will tell a lot about how serious they are.

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Lawyer of Thaksin family asks AEC to postpone date of testimony

Mr. Weerapat Srichaiya, the lawyer representing the children of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Panthongtae and Ms. Pinthongta, as well as Khunying Potjaman’s secretary Kanchanapha Honghern submitted a letter to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC), asking for the committee to postpone the date for the siblings to testify in Shin Corp share transfer case from tomorrow to next month.

According to the letter, Mr. Panthongtae will be on a trip to Japan tomorrow while Ms. Pinthongta is currently taking an examination in London, England. Thus, Mr. Weerapat has asked the AEC to allow Mr. Panthongtae to testify on January 10th and Ms. Pinthongta on January 24th. As for Mrs. Kanchanapha, she will be on a business trip tomorrow, and the lawyer would like the AEC to reschedule the date for her to testify to January 12th.

Mr. Viroj Laohaphan, the head of the AEC subcommittee for probing the Shin Corp share case, said the reasons for postponement will have to be considered in detail tomorrow. If the reasons are justifiable, then the date will have to be delayed. In addition, the AEC will do it best to speed up the investigation process while maintaining the impartiality of the case.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 December 2006

Exam? Don't the schools in England close for Christmas/New Years?

Oh, shoot, they do not want to testify so why not take a trip instead.

Yeh, everybody just learned today that they can not make it to the meeting long scheduled for tomorrow.

Let's see what the AEC decides about the reasons and that will tell a lot about how serious they are.

This is indeed the realities of Thai law. The process just gets drawn out and drawn out, whilst people behind the scenes are either buying people off or trying to create as many diversions as possible.

If the son of a well known poo-yai can get away with cold blooded murder(allegedly) with monies suggested at over 1 million USD(allegedly) in order for a certain judge to vote a certain way, then the billions that Teflon Toxin has at his disposal, I just fear that true justice will never be seen. I do live in hope :o

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Lawyer of Thaksin family asks AEC to postpone date of testimony

Mr. Weerapat Srichaiya, the lawyer representing the children of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Panthongtae and Ms. Pinthongta, as well as Khunying Potjaman’s secretary Kanchanapha Honghern submitted a letter to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC), asking for the committee to postpone the date for the siblings to testify in Shin Corp share transfer case from tomorrow to next month.

According to the letter, Mr. Panthongtae will be on a trip to Japan tomorrow while Ms. Pinthongta is currently taking an examination in London, England. Thus, Mr. Weerapat has asked the AEC to allow Mr. Panthongtae to testify on January 10th and Ms. Pinthongta on January 24th. As for Mrs. Kanchanapha, she will be on a business trip tomorrow, and the lawyer would like the AEC to reschedule the date for her to testify to January 12th.

Mr. Viroj Laohaphan, the head of the AEC subcommittee for probing the Shin Corp share case, said the reasons for postponement will have to be considered in detail tomorrow. If the reasons are justifiable, then the date will have to be delayed. In addition, the AEC will do it best to speed up the investigation process while maintaining the impartiality of the case.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 26 December 2006

Exam? Don't the schools in England close for Christmas/New Years?

Oh, shoot, they do not want to testify so why not take a trip instead.

Yeh, everybody just learned today that they can not make it to the meeting long scheduled for tomorrow.

Let's see what the AEC decides about the reasons and that will tell a lot about how serious they are.

They're trying to buy more time as still, up until today, their testimonies would contradict each other as they haven't even bothered drilling Pin and Pan to asnswer/lie correctly when asked to testify.

They should simply not be allowed to leave the country. Enough with the childish games. Maybe The young lady was going for a PAP test. :o

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Thaksin's kids seek probe delay

Children of the ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra sent a lawyer yesterday to ask that their appearance in front of the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) to give details on controversial Shin Corp deals be deferred - from today till next month.

Panthongtae Shinawatra said he was taking a trip to Japan and would meet the AEC on January 10, while his sister Pinthongta said she had an examination in London and would meet the AEC on January 24, their lawyer Weerapat Srichaiya said.

Viroj Laohaphan, head of the AEC panel investigating the case, said they would have to consider if these were sound reasons for the probes to be postponed.

The AEC has summoned Panthongtae and Pinthongta to testify in person about their involvement in the tax-free sale of Shin Corp shares held by Ample Rich. The committee said the two could be liable for punishment if they failed to do so.

Kanjanapa Honghern, a secretary of Thaksin's wife Pojaman, has also been summoned, but asked for her hearing to be postponed to January 12, as she would be "busy" today.

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said Pinthongta would finish her exams on January 18 and would return to Thailand on January 20.

Pojaman, Noppadon said, hadn't received a letter from the AEC summoning her to appear. However, all family members would testify, if requested.

The AEC formerly ordered six people involved in a controversial share transfer in 1997, including Pojaman, to appear in person before the panel on January 4 to hear formal charges against them.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

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Thaksin 'will return' to fight graft charges

Thaksin Shinawatra's chief lawyer said the deposed premier will return to the country if he is charged with involvement in a controversial land plot purchased by his wife and the new airport's bomb-detection scanners.

Noppadon Pattama insisted the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) had made a wrong interpretation of the law in accusing Thaksin of breaching Article 100 of National Counter Corruption Commission law for the land purchase by his wife.

He said the AEC had violated Thaksin's human rights by interpreting the law in order to incriminate him. "Developed countries do not interpret the law to suggest that someone is guilty," he said. The provision prohibits government officials - including prime ministers - and their spouses from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation.

The AEC believed Thaksin as prime minister had violated the law as he had authorised the land auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF).

Noppadon insisted that Thaksin did not authorise the fund. "The FIDF is a juristic entity separate from the Bank of Thailand [bOT]. If Thaksin could not order the BOT, how could he order the FIDF," he said.

He said he had told Thaksin - who is in Beijing - during a telephone call yesterday morning about the accusations that derived from the primary investigation by the AEC.

Noppadon said Thaksin is ready to return to prove his innocence and his dignity saying there has been an attempt to harass him, his wife and children.

As a Thai citizen, he has the right to return, but he had stayed away for the last three months for the sake of the country's national reconciliation.

Noppadol said that Thaksin will not return to politics as his family wants him to wash his hands off politics. "There will not be mobs to pressure the Constitution Court," he said.

Thaksin is among 22 people accused of violating the Criminal Code's Articles 157 and 83 for having struck the new baggage-handling system contract and approved the Airports of Thailand's (AOT) contract to buy the 26 bomb scanners directly from US-based scanner maker GE InVision Inc.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula yesterday expressed confidence that the FIDF could handle the case involving the land purchase on Ratchadapisek Road. "The guilt will fall on the buyer. I believe the Fund is capable of handling this," he said. The minister said he is waiting for the document from the AEC, which on Monday ruled that Thaksin violated the National Counter Corruption Act by letting his wife buy the land from the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

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Thaksin 'will return' to fight graft charges

Thaksin Shinawatra's chief lawyer said the deposed premier will return to the country if he is charged with involvement in a controversial land plot purchased by his wife and the new airport's bomb-detection scanners.

Noppadon Pattama insisted the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) had made a wrong interpretation of the law in accusing Thaksin of breaching Article 100 of National Counter Corruption Commission law for the land purchase by his wife.

He said the AEC had violated Thaksin's human rights by interpreting the law in order to incriminate him. "Developed countries do not interpret the law to suggest that someone is guilty," he said. The provision prohibits government officials - including prime ministers - and their spouses from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation.


The AEC believed Thaksin as prime minister had violated the law as he had authorised the land auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF).

Noppadon insisted that Thaksin did not authorise the fund. "The FIDF is a juristic entity separate from the Bank of Thailand [bOT]. If Thaksin could not order the BOT, how could he order the FIDF," he said.

He said he had told Thaksin - who is in Beijing - during a telephone call yesterday morning about the accusations that derived from the primary investigation by the AEC.

Noppadon said Thaksin is ready to return to prove his innocence and his dignity saying there has been an attempt to harass him, his wife and children.

As a Thai citizen, he has the right to return, but he had stayed away for the last three months for the sake of the country's national reconciliation.

Noppadol said that Thaksin will not return to politics as his family wants him to wash his hands off politics. "There will not be mobs to pressure the Constitution Court," he said.

Thaksin is among 22 people accused of violating the Criminal Code's Articles 157 and 83 for having struck the new baggage-handling system contract and approved the Airports of Thailand's (AOT) contract to buy the 26 bomb scanners directly from US-based scanner maker GE InVision Inc.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula yesterday expressed confidence that the FIDF could handle the case involving the land purchase on Ratchadapisek Road. "The guilt will fall on the buyer. I believe the Fund is capable of handling this," he said. The minister said he is waiting for the document from the AEC, which on Monday ruled that Thaksin violated the National Counter Corruption Act by letting his wife buy the land from the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

To Quote from the above:-

He said the AEC had violated Thaksin's human rights by interpreting the law in order to incriminate him. "Developed countries do not interpret the law to suggest that someone is guilty," he said.

How hypocritical can you be / unsensitive and out of touch with reality considering all the inhuman attrocities that took place on his watch ??? :D:D

marshbags :bah:

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Thaksin 'will return' to fight graft charges

Thaksin Shinawatra's chief lawyer said the deposed premier will return to the country if he is charged with involvement in a controversial land plot purchased by his wife and the new airport's bomb-detection scanners.

Noppadon Pattama insisted the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) had made a wrong interpretation of the law in accusing Thaksin of breaching Article 100 of National Counter Corruption Commission law for the land purchase by his wife.

He said the AEC had violated Thaksin's human rights by interpreting the law in order to incriminate him. "Developed countries do not interpret the law to suggest that someone is guilty," he said. The provision prohibits government officials - including prime ministers - and their spouses from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation.


The AEC believed Thaksin as prime minister had violated the law as he had authorised the land auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF).

Noppadon insisted that Thaksin did not authorise the fund. "The FIDF is a juristic entity separate from the Bank of Thailand [bOT]. If Thaksin could not order the BOT, how could he order the FIDF," he said.

He said he had told Thaksin - who is in Beijing - during a telephone call yesterday morning about the accusations that derived from the primary investigation by the AEC.

Noppadon said Thaksin is ready to return to prove his innocence and his dignity saying there has been an attempt to harass him, his wife and children.

As a Thai citizen, he has the right to return, but he had stayed away for the last three months for the sake of the country's national reconciliation.

Noppadol said that Thaksin will not return to politics as his family wants him to wash his hands off politics. "There will not be mobs to pressure the Constitution Court," he said.

Thaksin is among 22 people accused of violating the Criminal Code's Articles 157 and 83 for having struck the new baggage-handling system contract and approved the Airports of Thailand's (AOT) contract to buy the 26 bomb scanners directly from US-based scanner maker GE InVision Inc.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula yesterday expressed confidence that the FIDF could handle the case involving the land purchase on Ratchadapisek Road. "The guilt will fall on the buyer. I believe the Fund is capable of handling this," he said. The minister said he is waiting for the document from the AEC, which on Monday ruled that Thaksin violated the National Counter Corruption Act by letting his wife buy the land from the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

To Quote from the above:-

He said the AEC had violated Thaksin's human rights by interpreting the law in order to incriminate him. "Developed countries do not interpret the law to suggest that someone is guilty," he said.

How hypocritical can you be / unsensitive and out of touch with reality considering all the inhuman attrocities that took place on his watch ??? :D:D

marshbags :bah:

Democratic leaders do not ignore the law so that thousands of their electorate can be murdered on a political whim. The irony in Mr. Thaksin demanding the full legal protection and due process that he denied so many. And his human rights are violated by a charge being brought against him! Of course we should ignore the fact that in the past 20 years no Thai leader has ever violated the human rights of his own people so badly as Mr. Thaksin. He and his badly dressed lawyer have some gall even talking about human rights without even an apology for all the deaths caused by the Thaksin regime.

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Gen. Suchinda: it is easier to monitor Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin if he is in Thailand

General Suchinda Kraprayoon (สุจินดา คราประยูร) views that it is easier to monitor Pol.Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra if he is in the country.

In response to TRT’s request for ex-PM Thaksin as a witness for the case of TRT dissolution, Gen. Suchinda said that Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin can return to the country to give his testimony on the case. He remarked that if ex-Pm Thaksin is found guilty while he is still in Thailand, policemen can put him under arrest immediately.

Gen. Suchinda admitted that ex-PM Thaksin’s return to Thailand might stir up political conflicts; however, he believes that the government can control the situation.

As for news alleging the undercurrent's relationship with Gen.Chavalit Yongchaiyudh (ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ), Gen. Suchinda believes that the latter has nothing to do with the movements.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 27 December 2006

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Banharn : Dr Thaksin should stay abroad as for now for the sake of peace

The head of the Chart Thai Party Banharn Silapa-Archa (บรรหาร ศิลปอาชา) believes that former Prime Minister Thaksin should not return to the country at the moment due to the possible political turmoil that may result.

Mr. Banharn personally believed that the incident in which Mr. Nopadol Pattama (นพดล ปัทมะ), the attorney of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, said that Mr. Thaksin would travel back to Thailand to address allegations by the Assets Examination Committee was inadvisable. Mr. Banharn said that Mr. Thaksin's return at the moment would only cause political turmoil, not to mention underground movements, and risks to the former Prime Ministers own safety.

Meanwhile the head of the Chat Thai Party added that the incident in which the Cabinet approved 500 million baht as a working security budget for the National Security Council was a rational action due to the Armys costs and necessities.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 27 December 2006

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PM prepares to discuss possibility of PM Thaksin's return with NSC

The Prime Minister is preparing to discuss with the National Security Council on the possibility of former Prime Minister Thaksin returning to Thailand.

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanon, commented on the incident in which Mr. Nopadol Patama (นพดล ปัทมะ ), the attorney to former Prime Minister THaksin Shinawatra, revealed that Mr. Thaksin may return to Thailand for his hearing following the Asset Examination COmmittees verdict that Mr. Thaksin was guilty on many charges. Prime Minister Surayud said that he would bring up the matter in an upcoming National Security Council meeting tomorrow (Dec 27).

Gen Surayud also said that the state had followed all protocol in handling the matter and allegations of unjust proceedings was the National Security Councils responsibility. The Prime Minister said that if involved parties found the proceedings to be unjust then they should address the matter in court.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 27 December 2006

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Surayud to consult NSC Thursday over Thaksin's request to return

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said Wednesday that he would consult the National Security Council on Thursday as to whether to approve the request of former premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return to the country.

Surayud said he would chair the NSC meeting so he would consult the council over Thaksin's request.

He said a decision would be based on the national security.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

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AEC agrees to postpone testifying of Thaksin's children

The Assets Examination Committee Wednesday approved the request of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's children to have their appearance before the panel postponed till next month.

Sak Korsaengruang, spokesman of the AEC committee investigating the tax-free sale of Shin Corp shares held by Ample Rich, said the panel agreed to approve the request of Panthongtae and Pinthongta Shinawatra and the request of Kanjanapa Honghern, a secretary of Thaksin's wife Pojaman.

Sak's committee has earlier summoned the three to testify in person on Wednesday about their involvement in the tax-free sale of Shin Corp shares held by Ample Rich.

Panthongtae sought permission to delay his appearance to January 10, Pinthongta to January 24 and Kanjanapa to January 12.

Sak said the three would not be allowed to have their lawyer testify on their behalf.

Source: The Nation - 27 December 2006

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Thaksin accused by AEC on deals

Ousted PM set to face charges over land purchase and bomb scanners

Deposed premier Thaksin Shinawa-tra is believed to have been involved in two fraudulent cases involving a controversial land plot purchase by his wife and the new airport's bomb-detection scanners, the spokesman for the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) said yesterday.

Sak Korsaengruang said the AEC's panel found that Thaksin had violated Article 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act over the 2003 land purchase which Thaksin's wife Pojaman made at an auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund.

The provision prohibits government officials - including prime ministers - and their spouses from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorisation.

Under the condition, Thaksin as prime minister had violated the law as he had authorised the Fund, Sak said.

However, Pojaman was not found guilty under this context as she had not been a government official, he said. She had only supported Thaksin to con-duct the wrongdoing, he added.

The next step was for the Fund to submit an appeal to the AEC to launch legal action against Thaksin, Sak said.

Thaksin is among 22 individuals accused of violating the Criminal Code's Articles 157 and 83 for having struck the new bag-gage-handling system contract and approved the Airports of Thailand's (AOT) contract to buy the 26 bomb scanners directly from US-based scanner maker GE InVision Inc.

Aside from Thaksin, former transport minister Suriya Jung-rungreangkit is among the accused.

On the first count, the AEC cited that the AOT, which comes under the Transport Ministry, mischievously struck the baggage-handling deal with ITO Joint Venture, though the system had already been designed by the MJTA group of consultants.

The AOT also hired Quatrotec Inc as the design inspector, though the company was only set up shortly before being awarded the deal. The individuals were also accused of allowing ITO to quote a huge profit.

While the original contract said ITO would receive Bt3.997 billion from the installation of the system, ITO agreed to pay its sub-contractor Kawasaki Heavy Industries only Bt3.094 billion, resulting in a Bt902 million differential. The AEC also accused ITO of overcharging AOT for the CTX 9000 DSi scanners and accessories.

On the second count, the AEC said the AOT struck a contract to buy the bomb scanners directly from GE InVision, apparently to help ITO and its sub-contractor Patriot Business Consultants.

Moreover, the purchase price was quoted in an aggregate sum of US$35 million (Bt1.2 billion), leading the AEC to believe the AOT wanted to hide how much each of the scanners actually cost and that the AOT could be overcharged for the scanners.

"As Thaksin and Suriya maintained the political posts when the malfeasance occurred, we need the AOT and Transport Ministry to file complaints to the AEC so that we can bring the case to the next level," Sak said.

Ahead of the announcement yesterday at 8am, the AEC dispatched a group of 10 officers to Suvarnabhumi Airport, where the AOT office is located, to take documents related to the CTX scanner purchase, the electrical pipe project and the Airport Rail Link projects.

Thirteen large boxes of document were gathered, involving the procurements and meeting minutes.

Regarding the land transaction, the controversial purchase was made back in 2003 when Pojaman paid Bt772 million for four plots in the Ratchadaphisek Road area, which were put up for auction by the Bank of Thailand's Financial Institutions Development Fund.

Earlier, Thaksin's chief lawyer Noppadon Pattama insisted the deal had not breached Article 100 because the ex-prime minister did not directly control the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 26 December 2006

Interesting that yet again one of the "alphabet-soup" agencies

charged with uncovering criminality have to wait for some

other entity to act even when they do have evidence of such

activity. Farcical thet , in the airport scanner case , they need

AOT (who they themselves have accused of being implicated)

to file a complaint.

I suppose it is a little less cynical or tragic than the recent

call for people who had an innocent family member murdered

(possibly by rogue police units) to file a cmplaint. With whom -

why the police of course.


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...Earlier, Thaksin's chief lawyer Noppadon Pattama insisted the deal had not breached Article 100 because the ex-prime minister did not directly control the Fund.

Source: The Nation - 26 December 2006

I think that lawyer wants us to think that he is 'naive', else EVERY family member of ANY politician could make transactions like this.

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AEC agrees to postpone testifying of Thaksin's children


Looks like we are in for more double standards on the testifying situation if it is already agreed and final ????

Bearing in mind the time it has already been going on there cannot be any excuse for not being able to attend.

Had the accused been someone other than Puyia they would have already have been sorted for one, paid their dues financially and been in the Bangkok Hilton for cheating the state.

They would have also had to abide by the panels ruling and attend the hearing or suffer the consequences in any case.

They would have been issued with arrest warrants immediately on failing to do so and taken into custody.

This is just another delaying tactic to allow the producing of phoney evidence / paper work to appear out of thin air, while at he same time causing a lack of confidence in the due process of the law.

On the subject of Thaksins return.

This would cause untold chaos, bloodshed and loss of life through out the kingdom should he get his planned and questionable wish to appear in person, that again is if it is based on fact and not fiction.

This is the real objective behind this masquerade / proposal and well we all know it, chaos and confusion to cover up a possible re establishing / takeover of his making.

I also think the government are well aware of this and they will delay as long as possible to allow his desperate need to return for ulterior motives.

When the investigations are at such a stage that he is shown to be guilty without possible further interference, then it would be such a time to allow him to come back.

Arrest him on site as he leaves the aircrft and escort him to a secret location where he will be out of harms way and proceed with the full force of the law in pasing a fair and just sentence which includes incarceration, big time.

They must of course ensure that he is only permitted to return by this mode of transport, direct to his corruptly wrecked substandard Bangkok airport and not via some backdoor method qhich would allow him to muster his supporters.

That,s if he,s serious and isn,t able to bring into action any possible ongoing plans that are being established in the convenience of his exiled accomodation where meetings of his Puyai supporters can be achieved.

There is after all enough already in the list of wrongdoings and his personal involvement on the question of financial matters and the systematic pillaging of the country.

Then we can get down to the more serious acts of human rights abuses that took place on his watch.

Guilty as indicated on this one, no question and forget the scapegoats and historical get outs.

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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On the subject of Thaksin's return if charges are filed the prosecutors could make it clear to the public that Thaksin should return and testify in court, but that to protect witnesses bail would be totally opposed. That would put the ball into Mr. Thaksin's court. Come and testify but run the risk of being held in custody pending trial or stay away, which could then even result in an arrest warrant if the authorites wanted to take this step at a later date remembering that some of the cases have a statute of limitation of 20 years. Of course to show a new approach in dealing with errant politicians the public should also be openly told that bail conditions for Mr. Thaksin would be exactly the same as for any other person. That would no doubt give Mr. Thaksin something to think about and would also all be within the law.

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(Bangkokpost.com) Breaking News

13:56 Political bans remain, Thaksin ignored

Meeting of Council for Natioal Security Friday did not discuss the lifting of bans prohibiting political parties from conducting activities nor did it talk about whether to allow ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return to Thailand, said Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont.

Gen Surayud said CNS did not consider the withdrawing Announcement no. 15 and 27 imposed months ago by coup makers to stop parties from involving in political activities.

Gen Surayud said the council did not talk about whether to allow Mr Thaksin to come back to Thailand to defend himself on alleged corruption charges that Assets Scrutiny Committee found him guilty.

Earlier this week, Mr Thaksin's legal advisor Noppadol Pattama said that the ousted premier would like to come back to Thailand to defend himself on charges including the Ratchadaphisek land deal and the CTX bomb scanners scandal.

It was earlier expected that these issues would have been addressed at the military's meeting today.

Gen Surayud said CNS members and some ministers were discussing how to solve southern unrest more effectively. He added that they initially agreed to raise living standards of villagers in southernmost provinces as suggested by the Interior Ministry.


I guess that puts the returning issue in perspective.

I also note the following at the latter part of the sentence:-


Gen Surayud said the council did not talk about whether to allow Mr Thaksin to come back to Thailand to defend himself on alleged corruption charges that Assets Scrutiny Committee found him guilty.


Could the guilty reference be fact or possibly some of the actual quote is missing ?????? :D

marshbags :o

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(Bangkokpost.com) Breaking News

13:56 Political bans remain, Thaksin ignored

Meeting of Council for Natioal Security Friday did not discuss the lifting of bans prohibiting political parties from conducting activities nor did it talk about whether to allow ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return to Thailand, said Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont.

Gen Surayud said CNS did not consider the withdrawing Announcement no. 15 and 27 imposed months ago by coup makers to stop parties from involving in political activities.

Gen Surayud said the council did not talk about whether to allow Mr Thaksin to come back to Thailand to defend himself on alleged corruption charges that Assets Scrutiny Committee found him guilty.

Earlier this week, Mr Thaksin's legal advisor Noppadol Pattama said that the ousted premier would like to come back to Thailand to defend himself on charges including the Ratchadaphisek land deal and the CTX bomb scanners scandal.

It was earlier expected that these issues would have been addressed at the military's meeting today.

Gen Surayud said CNS members and some ministers were discussing how to solve southern unrest more effectively. He added that they initially agreed to raise living standards of villagers in southernmost provinces as suggested by the Interior Ministry.


I guess that puts the returning issue in perspective.

I also note the following at the latter part of the sentence:-


Gen Surayud said the council did not talk about whether to allow Mr Thaksin to come back to Thailand to defend himself on alleged corruption charges that Assets Scrutiny Committee found him guilty.


Could the guilty reference be fact or possibly some of the actual quote is missing ?????? :D

marshbags :o

It is nice to see the government have gotten their priorities right in not wasting precious time discussing Mr. Thaksin when there are important issues that affect many to discuss.

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Thaksin ignored. Look out for his over-sized suit lawyer coming back with yet more bizzare statements after receiving calls from you know who over in China. :o

It is important for Thaksin to keep himself in the News. If he disappears from it, he looks increasingly meaningless to what remains of his soft support, and it will aslo damage the morale of his harder support. Already I have heard some stories from Northern region villages that his enforcers who used to lord it over their fellow villagers are starting to have a hard time from those that never fell for Mr. Thaksins charms and were disadvantaged by his village cohorts. Mr. Thaksin cannot afford to have the power structures he built in the villages over 5 years start to collapse if he still dreams of a return to politics, which no doubt he does.

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Auditor-General plans to complete investogations on huge projects within this year

Auditor-General Khunying Jaruwan Menthaka (จารุวรรณ เมณฑกา) plans to complete investigations on mega projects within this year, while admitting that damage caused by some projects is unable to estimate the value.

Khunying Jauruwan said that her office is verifying many projects of last government, including CEO budget. She said that the conclusion will be proposed to the government for consideration on whether the project should continue. As for the construction of motorway, projects of EGAT Telecom Company, and smart card project, she said that the damage has led to difficulty in estimating the value.

Khunying Jaruwan informed that the Office of the Auditor General not only file a lawsuit against the wrongdoers, but also attach suggestion to the government to benefit the government’s management.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 January 2007

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Unusual 'Christmas gift' boosts AEC airport probe

Auditor-General Jaruwan Maintaka said yesterday she received an extraordinary gift on Christmas Day - over 10 boxes full of documents and evidence of corruption during the building of the new airport.

Jaruwan, who chairs the panel probing alleged corruption in the purchase of underground electric cables for Suvarnabhumi Airport, said the evidence received related not only to the purchase of the cable system but other corruption allegations also.

"The evidence shows a link between a group of people [involved in the corruption allegations]," she said.

Jaruwan said she would wrap up the inquiry into the underground cabling after the New Year holiday.

"It should not be a surprise. The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) had resolved the corruption case before I was suspended. The National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) had already obtained the investigation file for this case, which clearly implicated certain suspects,'' she said.

But she admitted the Asset Examination Commission (AEC) had faced difficulties in accessing confidential public information. She has been using the authority of the OAG to access information required from state agencies.

She said that once the AEC was dissolved, there was no need for another investigation body. Probes into alleged corruption should rest with the OAG and NCCC.

This year, she said, the OAG would look into use of the chief executive officers' budget by provincial governors.

Other corruption allegations the OAG will scrutinise include the collection of revenues from local administrative organisations, the use of land belonging to the State Railway of Thailand and the Smart Card project.

"We are checking how the concerned agencies bought the cards at a much cheaper price," she said.

Source: The Nation - 3 January 2007

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Khunying Jaruwan ready to announce conclusions of Suvarnabhumi Airport case

Khunying Jaruwan Maintaka (จารุวรรณ เมณฑกา), the auditor-general and member of the subcommittee scrutinizing the installation of underground electric lines of the Suvarnabhumi Airport, said the subcommittee is ready to announce the conclusions of the investigation. It also has a name list of those involved in this alleged corruption case. Khunying Jaruwan expressed confidence that the outcome of the investigation will not disappoint the public.

Regarding the ten large boxes of important documents the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) had brought from the new airport, Khunying Jaruwan said they have benefited many investigations of the airport cases.

At the same time, the auditor-general said she is satisfied with the performance of the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) during the previous two months.

She also suggested that the government should not set up a new agency to replace AEC after AEC has been dissolved. The government should transfer AEC’s responsibilities to the AOG and National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 January 2007

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Will we ever see the names of prominent politicians firmly put forwrd as guilty with evidence to prove?????

If it is going to be done through the legal system it is going to take time and if the level of evisdence is not high enough the answer will be no on at least some cases. However, personally I would rather things were done through the system even if that takes time. It is better than extrajudicial justice.

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