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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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Just now, simple1 said:

Nonsense question. Do you believe all members of non Muslim society are peaceful...

In other words, you know we are right and that you are wrong.


What I know is that no other religion is trying to dominate the world through terrorist means.

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Just now, iReason said:


Did you have a problem with them when you were a kid?

Exactly. When I was "a kid" 1950s there were hardly any Muslims at all in the UK


Census Year Number
of Muslims
Population of
England and Wales
(% of population)
per mosque
1961 50,000 46,196,000 0.11[20] 7 7,143
1971 226,000 49,152,000 0.46[20] 30 7,533
1981 553,000 49,634,000 1.11[20] 149 3,711
1991 950,000 51,099,000 1.86[20] 443 2,144
2001 1,600,000 52,042,000 3.07[20] 614 2,606
2011 2,706,000 56,076,000 4.83[21] 1,500 1,912
2014 (estimate) 3,047,000 5.4[6] 1,750 (2015)[23] 1,741
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On 5/23/2017 at 1:25 PM, Flustered said:

Wow, the suicide bomber was from America!


I am listening to the news while typing but no mention of the bombers nationality, where did that surface,? I missed it.

That's not what he said. The bomber was a home grown British terrorist.

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Just now, Flustered said:

Exactly. When I was "a kid" 1950s there were hardly any Muslims at all in the UK


Census Year Number
of Muslims
Population of
England and Wales
(% of population)
per mosque
1961 50,000 46,196,000 0.11[20] 7 7,143
1971 226,000 49,152,000 0.46[20] 30 7,533
1981 553,000 49,634,000 1.11[20] 149 3,711
1991 950,000 51,099,000 1.86[20] 443 2,144
2001 1,600,000 52,042,000 3.07[20] 614 2,606
2011 2,706,000 56,076,000 4.83[21] 1,500 1,912
2014 (estimate) 3,047,000 5.4[6] 1,750 (2015)[23] 1,741

seems like the breeding out of white non believer population is starting to work

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2 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Anyway this thread is now dominated by the anti Muslim brigade not for me now so im out of it. 

That I think is where you are wrong.....The UK is a free country, you can do what you like, religion is no problem either......No problem to me or any Brit unless a particular religion wants to kill kids or anyone in our country because of an old book that has no relevance to most UK folk.....


It is very simple for any Muslim in the UK who ain't happy to go and be happy in a Muslim based country and live their life out happy, same as most UK folk do....EASY...And you folk who may be planning stuff,  go somewhere where you will be happy and not SHELTER in a country that is free and who's Queen is the head of the Christian religion of England.......You got the balls to leave.......Naaaaaaaah, to many benefits here....

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27 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Really where do you live and what religion. I don't see Christians having 4 wives or the women walking behind the men and covering themselves up because men can't control there urges.  I will say it again. I have not heard an effective argument yet from Islam on the inequality.


To remind you we have moved on from 2000 years ago as nearly everyone else has too. Except Islam of course.

You can add not allowing females to leave the house without a male family member, and that a woman is worth less than a man under inheritance laws, never mind death for apostasy.

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I actually think Islam is in the middle of reform. Like the reformations of the past , it will be bloody and violent. But this time it's playing out across our screens. IS and the like are just part of the fanatical fight back against this reform.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's not what he said. The bomber was a home grown British terrorist.

You have miss timed your post.


When I posted, someone quoted that the bomber was American but that was a mistake. 


It was after my post that the identity/nationality was known.

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13 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Exactly. When I was "a kid" 1950s there were hardly any Muslims at all in the UK


Census Year Number
of Muslims
Population of
England and Wales
(% of population)
per mosque
1961 50,000 46,196,000 0.11[20] 7 7,143
1971 226,000 49,152,000 0.46[20] 30 7,533
1981 553,000 49,634,000 1.11[20] 149 3,711
1991 950,000 51,099,000 1.86[20] 443 2,144
2001 1,600,000 52,042,000 3.07[20] 614 2,606
2011 2,706,000 56,076,000 4.83[21] 1,500 1,912
2014 (estimate) 3,047,000 5.4[6] 1,750 (2015)[23] 1,741

Of more significance to me in that chart is the increase in mosques. That is where the radicalisation goes on. Wahhabi clerics should be banned from western countries.


BTW, do you know how many churches there are in Saudi? Easy answer- NONE.

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:


The jesuits conquered and own the world.


By creating rivers of blood.

And when did the Jesuits do this? i did not read about it recently.


All you have done is to confirm that you want Islam to dominate the world.

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

That I think is where you are wrong.....The UK is a free country, you can do what you like, religion is no problem either......No problem to me or any Brit unless a particular religion wants to kill kids or anyone in our country because of an old book that has no relevance to most UK folk.....


It is very simple for any Muslim in the UK who ain't happy to go and be happy in a Muslim based country and live their life out happy, same as most UK folk do....EASY...And you folk who may be planning stuff,  go somewhere where you will be happy and not SHELTER in a country that is free and who's Queen is the head of the Christian religion of England.......You got the balls to leave.......Naaaaaaaah, to many benefits here....

Thanks for proving my post correct. Encompassing all bigotry and hatred with very little knowledge of the subject. One man does not represent a particular race or a particular relugion. But its easier to tar all with tbe same brush. Thanks sgain. Now it realy is time for me to find a non bigotory thread this has turned into.

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8 minutes ago, iReason said:


The jesuits conquered and own the world.


By creating rivers of blood.

A thousand years ago. Time for Islam to realise that some elements of it are not appropriate for those that want to live in the west. If they want to stone people to death, stay in sharia countries- don't try to make western countries sharia.

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1 minute ago, jeab1980 said:

Thanks for proving my post correct. Encompassing all bigotry and hatred with very little knowledge of the subject. One man does not represent a particular race or a particular relugion. But its easier to tar all with tbe same brush. Thanks sgain. Now it realy is time for me to find a non bigotory thread this has turned into.

You are NOT reading what I said, you are reading what YOU want to read....

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8 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Exactly. When I was "a kid" 1950s there were hardly any Muslims at all in the UK


Census Year Number
of Muslims
Population of
England and Wales
(% of population)
per mosque
1961 50,000 46,196,000 0.11[20] 7 7,143
1971 226,000 49,152,000 0.46[20] 30 7,533
1981 553,000 49,634,000 1.11[20] 149 3,711
1991 950,000 51,099,000 1.86[20] 443 2,144
2001 1,600,000 52,042,000 3.07[20] 614 2,606
2011 2,706,000 56,076,000 4.83[21] 1,500 1,912
2014 (estimate) 3,047,000 5.4[6] 1,750 (2015)[23] 1,741

And sometime around 1963 or 64 Enoch Powell gave what became known as the "rivers of blood" speech, in which he did little more than pose questions about the sustainability of open door immigration, what the continuation of it might do to "British values" and call for a discussion about it. The discussion never took place as he was roundly condemned , vilified as a racist and the rate of migration increased.

Not saying he was right but rather it was a discussion that needed to happen ( just as it was needed in other countries). 50+ years on the discussions are starting re national values and the extent to which immigrant communities should embrace them.

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2 hours ago, Watchful said:

Isn't this exactly what the Muslims did to the Jews? Isn't it strange how the Muslims ignore that the Jews were in Palestine long, long before them.


Fortunately, I have solution to the Muslim Problem! We have been screwing around trying to prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms. Instead, let's give nukes to both the Sunnis and the Shias.  They are so stupid that they'll kill each other off in a few weeks!








Actually, the people that became Muslim moved into Palestine AFTER the Romans exiled the Jews.

During the crusades, for a long time Palestine was Christian led.

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

You are NOT reading what I said, you are reading what YOU want to read....

People who are bigoted tend to just read what they want :cheesy:

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1 minute ago, Prbkk said:

And sometime around 1963 or 64 Enoch Powell gave what became known as the "rivers of blood" speech, in which he did little more than pose questions about the sustainability of open door immigration, what the continuation of it might do to "British values" and call for a discussion about it. The discussion never took place as he was roundly condemned , vilified as a racist and the rate of migration increased.

Not saying he was right but rather it was a discussion that needed to happen ( just as it was needed in other countries). 50+ years on the discussions are starting re national values and the extent to which immigrant communities should embrace them.

Enoch Powell  was a brilliant man who was both well educated and articulate.


Unfortunately this was the time of the rise of the Liberal left and he was unjustly pilloried.


To make matters worse, years later Bernie Grant came out and made several speeches that included much of Enoch Powell's doctrines. Bernie Grant was hailed by the Liberal left and PC brigade as a visionary.


Why should two men who shared the same view be treated differently?


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43 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Anyway this thread is now dominated by the anti Muslim brigade not for me now so im out of it. 

It is about the murder of 22 kids in cold blood. What did you expect?


I note that ISIL in claiming responsibility claims it was an attack against crusaders where they assemble. Kids? Crusaders? Boy, have they got a shock coming. 

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24 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Thanks for proving my post correct. Encompassing all bigotry and hatred with very little knowledge of the subject. One man does not represent a particular race or a particular relugion. But its easier to tar all with tbe same brush. Thanks sgain. Now it realy is time for me to find a non bigotory thread this has turned into.

So just to confirm, you feel that religion has nothing to do with this terrorist attack?

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Ya all really have a problem over there now, especially the U.K. and France , Sweden. And you can analyze it till the cows come home. Or  unify the military , security services and police and round up all these wackos that are under surveillance , revoke there citizenship and deport them back to country of origin going back three generations. It is imperative to act now.

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43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You can add not allowing females to leave the house without a male family member, and that a woman is worth less than a man under inheritance laws, never mind death for apostasy.


And witchcraft... :whistling:



The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines these three sins against the faith in this way:


Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. 


Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same


apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith





Luke 17:1-2 – And He said to His disciples, "It is impossible that the causes-of-falling should not come.

Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for him if a mill’s stone were lying-around his neck

and he had been thrown-off into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to fall" (DLNT)




In his account of the Diocletian persecution, Eusebius commends the heroic martyrs but is determined to mention nothing about those who made shipwreck of their salvation, believing that such reports would not edify his readers (8.2:3).


He recollects Christians who suffered in horrible ways which included their being axed to death or slowly burned, having their eyes gouged out, their limbs severed, or their backs seared with melted lead.

Some endured the pain of having reeds driven under their fingernails or unmentionable suffering in their private parts (8.12)




Christians=Self-Righteous hypocrites.

Edited by iReason
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13 minutes ago, iReason said:


And witchcraft... :whistling:



The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines these three sins against the faith in this way:


Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. 


Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same


apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith





Luke 17:1-2 – And He said to His disciples, "It is impossible that the causes-of-falling should not come.

Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for him if a mill’s stone were lying-around his neck

and he had been thrown-off into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to fall" (DLNT)




In his account of the Diocletian persecution, Eusebius commends the heroic martyrs but is determined to mention nothing about those who made shipwreck of their salvation, believing that such reports would not edify his readers (8.2:3).


He recollects Christians who suffered in horrible ways which included their being axed to death or slowly burned, having their eyes gouged out, their limbs severed, or their backs seared with melted lead.

Some endured the pain of having reeds driven under their fingernails or unmentionable suffering in their private parts (8.12)




Christians=Self-Righteous hypocrites.

I think you could be Pope.

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57 minutes ago, iReason said:


And witchcraft... :whistling:



The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines these three sins against the faith in this way:


Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. 


Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same


apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith





Luke 17:1-2 – And He said to His disciples, "It is impossible that the causes-of-falling should not come.

Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for him if a mill’s stone were lying-around his neck

and he had been thrown-off into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to fall" (DLNT)




In his account of the Diocletian persecution, Eusebius commends the heroic martyrs but is determined to mention nothing about those who made shipwreck of their salvation, believing that such reports would not edify his readers (8.2:3).


He recollects Christians who suffered in horrible ways which included their being axed to death or slowly burned, having their eyes gouged out, their limbs severed, or their backs seared with melted lead.

Some endured the pain of having reeds driven under their fingernails or unmentionable suffering in their private parts (8.12)




Christians=Self-Righteous hypocrites.


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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

In other words, you know we are right and that you are wrong.


What I know is that no other religion is trying to dominate the world through terrorist means.

Yet more nonsense from you

Edited by simple1
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The security services say they don't have enough people to keep tabs on suspects and their whereabouts. I'll tell them how to keep tabs on suspects and their whereabouts...a tab around their ankles, just like pedophiles. ANYONE who is found delving into hateful extremism should be tagged, so the security forces know all their moves. Time to stop all the PC and nice cliche speeches after an event such as this.......and as Nike says 'just do it' get on with the job with rooting out the scum. radical events call for radical solutions.


My heart goes out to the people of Manchester 

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6 minutes ago, uptheos said:

The security services say they don't have enough people to keep tabs on suspects and their whereabouts. I'll tell them how to keep tabs on suspects and their whereabouts...a tab around their ankles <snip>

Already available under UK law



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