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PM puts forward 4 questions for the people to answer before the election


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35 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

if Thailand is so bad - why don't you go back home?

Quite rude that!!


During WW2 Thailand backed the wrong horse and at the war's conclusion Britain had the option, through the 'spoils of war' of actually taking over here and who knows; making Thailand a colony or a protectorate. The Americans could see where Thailand would be helpful to them in the not too distant future; (they used Thailand very much). They lent on Britain; big time. The deal was done and Thailand bought their freedom to be independent for 2 million tons of rice.


When I read the rants of Matt96. I am reminded of those times.


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11 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

they are also people with position. I don't agree with them but I wanted to know what arguments do they have.


I am not lie US leftists who hear themselves only.

People with position? What, like Grand Wizard?

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5 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

Thai soldiers did not die at that war and Thailand kept it's independence. therefore the strategy was right.


It LOST the war and bought its independence for 2 million tons of rice.

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5 hours ago, chainarong said:

The problem that U do have is a catch 22 problem , its the devil U do and the devil U don't,   U go back to pre Coup era and there will be trouble , U come up to now and U have a dictator in the making and a military Junta establishing itself for the long run , in both case this is not a satisfactory out come , Politically Thailand is in trouble big time, unfortunately you can't trust the previous crowd to govern properly, for U can bet your bottom dollar the PTP would win big time in a free election and U can't expect anything but totalitarian governance from the Junta, I'll back 50/1 an over throw within a decade if not sooner.........................................................:coffee1:.  

Best thing for a Catch 22 is an Article 44.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:


This is the saddest thing I have been reading in a loooong time!

I think it is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.


A sort of cross between "a stream of consciousness" and what happens when you put a dogs howls at the full moon into Google Translate...

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2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

Thaksin was a populist who bought his power by robbing toilers in favor of parasites. and used this power to rob Thailand.

Thaksin is popular, extremely popular, more popular than your beloved elites.

30 baht health care is not robbery it is a good thing!

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


but Thia political system managed to get rid of a populist.

The Thai political system didn't get rid of Thaksin.

The Thai military and elites got rid of the Thai political system

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

lie lie and lie. Thai is a meritocracy. there are plenty of examples when people from poor family became big businessmen, uni professors, generals and statesmen

but you pretend they don't exist because they break your scheme of "slavery"

I'm sure there are examples of poor who have made it, but for every one of them that did, there is 1 million who didn't.

Thailand is woefully unequal and it only got that way because it is almost the exact opposite of a meritocracy.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


i speak on behalf of myself only.

Indeed you do, but you represent the rotten core of Thai society.

I guess most of them know to keep their ugly beliefs hidden, lucky for us you (and Chitpas) are not that bright and we catch a glimpse.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


so why for a decade he is in exile?

For peace (his and his followers).

He will be home.

Whether he deserves it or not, it will be to a heroes welcome

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


poor get and will get a real support. they will be able to succeed by themselves, without robbing other.

Poor will get support... when?

Venture outside Bangkok and Thailand borders on being a third world country in terms of infrastructure and social services.

This situation has come about because people like you think that any government money not spent on them is robbery.

The poor will get support only when democracy returns to Thailand - this is why the return of democracy is inevitable.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

Thaksin will lose same as commies lost when the situation in rural areas improved in 80-es

Thaksin hasn't lost yet.

Every election since 2000 he has kicked elite ass.

Time after time after time.

So prepare your ass, because another whipping is on its way.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


you mean the US propaganda?

1) government can and will control it

2) globalists are defeated at their own stronghold - the US. now its time to teach the Us ignorant electors how they are robbed by globalist elite.

for my opinion, government should make better counter propaganda. I hope they will do it.

You're denying there are millions of poor people in Thailand?

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


and did they ask permission from these"regional parties"?

You clearly have no understanding of how your own rigged system works, I'm beginning to think you may not qualify as an elite.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

what we see now are just terrorist attacks. they are acting not like people confident in their win.

So hold the election and find out.

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


leftist Pridi Banomyong thought the same. but died in exile. lol

That's true, but poor old Pridi didn't have the benefit of social media to communicate with the masses.

The world has moved passed you people, you are all yesterdays news.

The end is nigh

2 minutes ago, Matt96 said:


oh yeah, the favorite anti-elitist example. red bull kid is a son of nouveau riche , not a real elite



So the elite club is no longer taking members - kind of contradicts your earlier meritocracy claims now doesn't it.

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4 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

The level of your gullibility is truly unfathomable.


Exaggerated accusations of corrupt politicians is no more than an excuse for the Generals to keep on overthrowing democracy.

Corruption in Thailand is omnipresent, always has been probably always will be.

Now the fact there has always been corruption doesn't justify its ongoing existence but to somehow single out one group (Reds) and say that they are unfit for office because they are corrupt and then not hold others (read Generals who are at the very least equally corrupt but more likely to be much, much more corrupt) to the same standard is dishonest.


Some PTP politicians are corrupt - Thailand cannot have democracy

Some* Generals are corrupt - unelected military rule is just fine

Your logic is flawed


Newsflash for you here - the system will never clean up as long as the military keep breaking the law and overthrowing elected governments by coup.

If you want a clean(er) system - then you must stop supporting military interventions and let democracy do its work.

Things won't change overnight, but they will eventually.

If you keep supporting the current cycle, things will never improve.


General Sarit, previous Thai General / Dictator


"After Sarit's death, his reputation took a blow when an inheritance battle between his son, Major Setha Thanarat, and his last wife, Thanpuying Vichitra Thanarat, revealed the massive extent of Sarit's wealth, which totaled over US$100 million.He was discovered to have owned a trust company, a brewery, 51 cars and some 30 plots of land, most of which he gave to his dozens of mistresses." 


I wonder what people will be reading about the current mob 20 years from now.


Why are you so lenient to the Generals?

I guess your either have a huge imagination or your misreading my posts or living in your own little world.


I never said there should not be any democracy.. i said just voting someone out who was corrupt of who ruined the country is not enough. Also one should block returns of corrupt politicians by proxy. If one gets a ban.. then running it by proxy should be banned too. 


I am not lenient about generals and hope they get convicted for corruption too. Anyone that is corrupt deserves jail-time and his or her money taken away.  I do find it funny how you say the generals are more corrupt without any proof while there is ample proof of red corruption. I guess your a religious person too..they love believing in stuff without proof. But let me be perfectly clear that I want everyone who is corrupt to be punished. If you look back at posts you could see me applaud when corrupt democrats got jailed. I like the democrats far more then the PTP but i cheered when corrupt members got their due. Unlike many here that seem to only want people on the other side to get punished. I want them all to be punished. Read back how i condemned the episode of Prayut his nephew and brother. 


I support whatever it takes to get to the corrupt shins.. in this case it was a coup.. many have been prosecuted that would otherwise have escaped.  Fact remains as long as the PTP was in power they hid their misdeeds and were largely shielded. Now they are not. I can only hope that there will be a time that the army is not shielded and gets investigated too. But for now.. some in jail and convicted is better than at all. 

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

I guess your either have a huge imagination or your misreading my posts or living in your own little world.


I never said there should not be any democracy.. i said just voting someone out who was corrupt of who ruined the country is not enough. Also one should block returns of corrupt politicians by proxy. If one gets a ban.. then running it by proxy should be banned too. 


I am not lenient about generals and hope they get convicted for corruption too. Anyone that is corrupt deserves jail-time and his or her money taken away.  I do find it funny how you say the generals are more corrupt without any proof while there is ample proof of red corruption. I guess your a religious person too..they love believing in stuff without proof. But let me be perfectly clear that I want everyone who is corrupt to be punished. If you look back at posts you could see me applaud when corrupt democrats got jailed. I like the democrats far more then the PTP but i cheered when corrupt members got their due. Unlike many here that seem to only want people on the other side to get punished. I want them all to be punished. Read back how i condemned the episode of Prayut his nephew and brother. 


I support whatever it takes to get to the corrupt shins.. in this case it was a coup.. many have been prosecuted that would otherwise have escaped.  Fact remains as long as the PTP was in power they hid their misdeeds and were largely shielded. Now they are not. I can only hope that there will be a time that the army is not shielded and gets investigated too. But for now.. some in jail and convicted is better than at all. 

More importantly, I think we would all like to hear your thoughts on the charming posts by Matt96 in this thread.

Please do tell.

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1 minute ago, Smarter Than You said:

More importantly, I think we would all like to hear your thoughts on the charming posts by Matt96 in this thread.

Please do tell.

Go easy on poor old robblok. The man is practically Arthur Scargill by comparison to our Matt...

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1 minute ago, Smarter Than You said:

Thaksin is popular, extremely popular, more popular than your beloved elites.

of course he was popular. because he robbed toilers in favor of parasites.

even Aristotle knew how it works. and he wrote that ochlocracy (the mob rule) is wrong. Polity (the rule of capable) is right

5 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

The Thai political system didn't get rid of Thaksin.

The Thai military and elites got rid of the Thai political system

military, and elites- this is Thai political system. this is how Thailand succeed. that's why so mane foreigners want to live here


6 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

I'm sure there are examples of poor who have made it, but for every one of them that did, there is 1 million who didn't.

prove it. show me statistics.

what I see is new cars and new concrete houses with water and air cons built my average people - farmers.

even foreigners do business in Thailand easily. and they have much less rights than Thais


8 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Thailand is woefully unequal and it only got that way because it is almost the exact opposite of a meritocracy.

just your wishful thinking. just because Thailand does not fit in your western leftist conceptions


9 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Indeed you do, but you represent the rotten core of Thai society.

prove that I represent somebody


9 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

For peace (his and his followers).

He will be home.

oh yeah? he was invited to come back to face a fair trial. he did not.he mobilized his myrmidons for violence instead.


11 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Poor will get support... when?

they are getting now. may be some sugar daddies on pension dont know this. but I know exactly - its much easier now to get a loan with low interest for a farmer.


12 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

This situation has come about because people like you think that any government money not spent on them is robbery.

money should be spend on those who pay taxes. but for sure you dont agree - because you are a leftist - rob and share


13 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

The poor will get support only when democracy returns to Thailand - this is why the return of democracy is inevitable.

poor will get one more corrupt populist government which will be toppled by another coup

14 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Thaksin hasn't lost yet.

commies also had support. but they lost as a political power. same as Thaksin


15 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Every election since 2000 he has kicked elite ass.

and loose power again and again lol


16 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

You're denying there are millions of poor people in Thailand?

it depends on with whom to compare. if to compare with Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar where your beloved communists won  - they are not poor


17 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

You clearly have no understanding of how your own rigged system works, I'm beginning to think you may not qualify as an elite.

but you clearly understand it better. can you read Thai?


18 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

So hold the election and find out.

at first election system should be adjusted to protect it from populists. like it was done in Singapore


and they know that after that they have no chances. that's why they started to kill their own compatriots. they tasted their own people blood.


that's why they lost already.


20 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

That's true, but poor old Pridi didn't have the benefit of social media to communicate with the masses.

ahaha. leftists spoke the same "now we have Facebook. people will vote for us"


and them Trump got elected. ahahaha

 dream on, dear!


22 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

So the elite club is no longer taking members - kind of contradicts your earlier meritocracy claims now doesn't it.

the elite club is taking new members. but new members are certainly not of the same quality then Hereditary ones.


intellect is transferred through genes. that's why countries with eliminated elite (like Russia, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos, African nations) are so miserable.


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I think Matt69 has us by the 'nuts' here because we can't say. or soon think. about the  big picture.


The arguments on both sides have to be tempered due to the strict laws in Thailand.


Enough from me on this for now. Goodnight!

Edited by owl sees all
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2 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I think Matt69 has us by the 'nuts' here because we can't say. or soon think. about the  big picture.


The arguments on both side have to be tempered due to the strict laws in Thailand.


Enough from me on this.

Oh come on, Matt69 is nuts.

But you are wrong about arguments on both sides having to be tempered, only one side must be wary.

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20 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

More importantly, I think we would all like to hear your thoughts on the charming posts by Matt96 in this thread.

Please do tell.

Why would i comment on his posts those are his own. Many parts of it I don't agree with other parts I do agree with. 

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1 minute ago, Smarter Than You said:

It will be educational for Robblok to read and comment on what it is he is really supporting here, don't you think?

I frequently disagree with the chap, but I really don't think he is cut of nearly the same cloth as this other, err, 'gentleman of the right' it is now our, 'very great pleasure' to be dealing with...

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6 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

It will be educational for Robblok to read and comment on what it is he is really supporting here, don't you think?

Am I saying your supporting the killing of kids by the reds ? am I saying that you support all that is done by your side ?. Why would i be responsible for opinions of others. I got my opinion on things.. and certainly don't support all the junta does.. I support far less then all.. told you many times.. see them as less evil by an ever decreasing margin. 

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

I frequently disagree with the chap, but I really don't think he is cut of nearly the same cloth as this other, err, 'gentleman of the right' it is now our, 'very great pleasure' to be dealing with...

The guys is far more extreme as me, same as I don't compare you with other red supporters. You all got your own opinions some go further than others. Your not extreme at all. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Why would i comment on his posts those are his own. Many parts of it I don't agree with other parts I do agree with. 

Because you are naive enough to believe that the coup was about stopping corruption and creating a better democratic system.

It is not.

The coup was about eliminating meaningful democracy in Thailand in order to maintain the status quo - masters and slaves.

So all of your carry on about Shinawatra populism and corruption is nonsense

Read Matt69's posts - this is what about 15% of Thais believe, these are the people who you are supporting.

These horrible, horrible people with these horrible, horrible beliefs.




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1 minute ago, Smarter Than You said:

Because you are naive enough to believe that the coup was about stopping corruption and creating a better democratic system.

It is not.

The coup was about eliminating meaningful democracy in Thailand in order to maintain the status quo - masters and slaves.

So all of your carry on about Shinawatra populism and corruption is nonsense

Read Matt69's posts - this is what about 15% of Thais believe, these are the people who you are supporting.

These horrible, horrible people with these horrible, horrible beliefs.




Your making absolutely no sense.. I have to comment on his posts because i believe in something.. Damm your making me responsible for other peoples posts. That is absolutely crazy... not that that is strange for people like you. Your kind thinks that your opinion is more valid as others. 


Masters and slaves,, your funny.  You think that your side is any different they are also elitist. Just look at YL during the floods. 


Give me a honest man of the people not a Thaksin and then come back to me.. until then your supporting a egocentric corrupt maniac that would have damaged the country a lot if he had not been removed. 


He was so selfish he made the coup happen with his amnesty.. without it it there would not been the support.. You keep forgetting that he is part of the problem. 



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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

Am I saying your supporting the killing of kids by the reds ? am I saying that you support all that is done by your side ?. Why would i be responsible for opinions of others. I got my opinion on things.. and certainly don't support all the junta does.. I support far less then all.. told you many times.. see them as less evil by an ever decreasing margin. 

False comparison.


The number of Reds that support killing kids is very close to zero (i.e. of the 30-40 million PTP supporters almost none would agree with the murder of children to support their political beliefs)

The number of Yellows that support the views of Matt69 is very, very high. (of the 5-10 million Yellows, 5 - 10 million would be clones of Matt69)


The killing of kids by Red sympathisers was an aberration, an exception whereas the support of the bile expressed by Matt69 are core principles of the Yellows.

Read what Matt69 has written - it is the very reason why they Yellows exist.

Look at who you have gotten into bed with.


The stench is going to be hard to get rid of.


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1 minute ago, Smarter Than You said:

False comparison.


The number of Reds that support killing kids is very close to zero (i.e. of the 30-40 million PTP supporters almost none would agree with the murder of children to support their political beliefs)

The number of Yellows that support the views of Matt69 is very, very high. (of the 5-10 million Yellows, 5 - 10 million would be clones of Matt69)


The killing of kids by Red sympathisers was an aberration, an exception whereas the support of the bile expressed by Matt69 are core principles of the Yellows.

Read what Matt69 has written - it is the very reason why they Yellows exist.

Look at who you have gotten into bed with.


The stench is going to be hard to get rid of.


So i take it you got statistics to back your claims up. I have a feeling your pulling numbers out of your ass.. or thin air. Your a total fake. 


If you claim i have gotten in bed with matt69 then you are in bed with kid killers...  (both are false claims). I think i will stop debating with you.. your a total crazy person. 

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

Your making absolutely no sense.. I have to comment on his posts because i believe in something.. Damm your making me responsible for other peoples posts. That is absolutely crazy... not that that is strange for people like you. Your kind thinks that your opinion is more valid as others. 


Masters and slaves,, your funny.  You think that your side is any different they are also elitist. Just look at YL during the floods. 


Give me a honest man of the people not a Thaksin and then come back to me.. until then your supporting a egocentric corrupt maniac that would have damaged the country a lot if he had not been removed. 


He was so selfish he made the coup happen with his amnesty.. without it it there would not been the support.. You keep forgetting that he is part of the problem. 



Own up to what you support.


Give you an honest man you say, and then what?

The Junta will say he's a crook and you will believe them and support another coup.


Masters and slaves - you are snuggled up close and cozy to those that want this.


He was selfish...

No, the coup was going to happen regardless of anything Thaksin or PTP did.

The coup was not about amnesty, the coup was not about corruption.

Matt69's posts tell you exactly what the coup was about, why can't you acknowledge it.

You may not have the same sickness Matt69 has, but you have hitched your wagon to their train.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the truth about the company you are keeping - are you ashamed or is it a case of self delusion?

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Its a good job other countries have immigration laws as this place would be almost empty if they did not, But I would like to see it and watch the J boys chat to themselves on TV, so funny to watch those with low Iq's try and bull the place up. Must have gone to the same school  of stupidity as the TAT lady.

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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

So i take it you got statistics to back your claims up. I have a feeling your pulling numbers out of your ass.. or thin air. Your a total fake. 


If you claim i have gotten in bed with matt69 then you are in bed with kid killers...  (both are false claims). I think i will stop debating with you.. your a total crazy person. 

You tell me the numbers, make and estimate, take a guess.

Have you the courage to answer two simple questions?


How many Reds do you think support murdering children?

How many Yellows do you think have similar views to Matt69?

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He was so selfish he made the coup happen with his amnesty.. without it it there would not been the support.. You keep forgetting that he is part of the problem.?


Then nothing to do with that scum bag from down south who planned it so he says for two years and his green inspired whistle posse


A customer just gave me a bottle of vodka (Brilliant Website he says), I usually give it to staff, but this one I will drink right now and then I will be able to believe you i think > not



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For Matt96:

"please tell me when did I ask for you advice how to spend my time? " Should have been, 'Please tell me when did I ask for your advice on how to spend my time?'


Its just by your ramblings, looks like you had a lot of time on your hands. I was just trying to channel that energy. I have started the process.


Energy is either positive or negative. On TV you can always get a fight, but is it worth it. Parallel universes.


By the way, if u have time on your hands watch Russell Brands documentary/film made circa2015. Might be what you are trying to get too?

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