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Phuket Police formally charge British boyfriend for death of Sophie Anderson

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2 hours ago, Redline said:

Let's see what the results are.  Charges mean nothing here because it is a negotiation with the police right?  If real charges were brought against all motorists, don't you think traffic deaths would decrease, and not increase?  My tire blew out, my breaks failed, I work 2 jobs, my family needs money...and these excuses fly even though people die, and the penalties are minimal.  Do you drive here?  I have been run off the road many times.  People have slammed on their brakes in front of me many times because they were following too close, or sleeping, or someone pulled in front of them without looking.  His pregnant wife died, leave him alone.  I truly doubt that a Thai whose wife died would be charged at all.  It's just bad luck, not a <deleted> up.  I have a Thai wife, but give me a break :post-4641-1156694572:

I"ve read your post several times and I have to admit that I've no clue what you're talking about.

"His pregnant wife died, leave him alone" ?


In answer to your question, I"ve been driving here for over 20 years. I've been fortunate not to have any accidents resulting in death but the two accidents that I have had both involving motorbikes were both resolved quickly and at no point did the police treat me any differently than the Thai people involved. On both occasions the Thai's were ordered to pay costs for the damage done to my car and that was that.My nationality was never mentioned , just that I had a relevant driving license and insurance.


"I truly doubt that a Thai whose wife died would be charged at all"

Why do you continue to perpetuate these urban myths that foreigners  are always wrong and Thai's are always right?







On 5/28/2017 at 2:46 PM, JustNo said:

Shame on you BiB, you let Thais get away with murder in the form of reckless driving in cases FAR worse than this, but when a farang is involved you have no qualms in locking him up, leaving a 5 year old now without a mother and a father. This man had been through enough, his life is in tatters, and now you throw the book at him when there wasn't much 'recklessness'  in this case as it is. I forgot, he isn't minted and you didn't get a brown envelope on your desk. Sort it out Thailand, you are a shambles when it comes to 'justice' 

Err, he hasn't been locked up, the child is by another man and why would there be brown envelopes with it being a farang that died.


Some of you need to unstrap the tinfoil hats.

2 hours ago, JamJar said:


The vehicles did brake. But not just the vehicle in front of the bike. You can see the vehicles in front slowing down in succession, but not coming to an actual stop.  First a small white car, then a silver pickup with tarpaulin and then the white pickup.  The small white car began to brake at least five seconds before the incident, at 21 seconds. So by the time we see the white pickup, traffic has slowed considerably.

I viewed the footage frame by frame. 

There are some dashes on the central divider. Sophie can be seen on the ground in between the four and fifth dash. None of  the three vehicles in front went past that point at speed. So the traffic in that lane had already slowed down before Danny reached that point.


In the first pic the vehicles had already slowed down, moving at around 10 miles per hour. No sign of the bike.

In the second pic you can see a motorcycle emerging, still metres from the back of the white pickup. Not clear if that is them or not.  After that the bike disappears, being overtaken by the truck in the other lane. 

The white pick-up doesn't actually stop, it is moving with the flow of traffic in it's lane.


It takes quite some torque for a bike to wobble and slide on braking, unless the tyres are over inflated and the surface slippery.

If over-inflated tyres, he would have noticed that beforehand and adjusted his riding style accordingly or simply let some air out of the tyres.

He certainly hasn't mentioned anything regarding a slippery road surface.


So either his approach was too fast or he tried and failed to manoeuvre between the truck and pickup.






He never tried to manoeuvre between the truck and the pickup, and that is clear in the video.

11 days ago this was posted on another thread;

His words here which tie in exactly as you see in the video;


“I was driving straight forward – I didn’t go around a parked car – and literally I went to brake because a car all of a sudden braked in front of me.
“The bike slid, like wobbled. I tried to stabilise it, but I wasn’t been able to. It’s two people on a scooter, it’s a very difficult thing to do – and the bike slid to the right side.”
After quickly picking himself up off the road, Mr Glass turned around to witness the horrific image of the truck running over Ms Anderson."


1 hour ago, Goldieinkathu said:

two accidents that I have had both involving motorbikes were both resolved quickly and at no point did the police treat me any differently than the Thai people involved. On both occasions the Thai's were ordered to pay costs

Your going to blow the minds of a lot of ThaiVisa posters with your statement, as in there minds they have the victim mentality.

All interactions I've had with Thai Police have been the same, always friendly, respectful, professional and they really didn't care where anyone was from, as we were all treated the same way.

11 hours ago, happyas said:

He never tried to manoeuvre between the truck and the pickup, and that is clear in the video.

11 days ago this was posted on another thread;

His words here which tie in exactly as you see in the video;


“I was driving straight forward – I didn’t go around a parked car – and literally I went to brake because a car all of a sudden braked in front of me.
“The bike slid, like wobbled. I tried to stabilise it, but I wasn’t been able to. It’s two people on a scooter, it’s a very difficult thing to do – and the bike slid to the right side.”
After quickly picking himself up off the road, Mr Glass turned around to witness the horrific image of the truck running over Ms Anderson."




I know what he wrote...but as we can see, it was not "all of a sudden"....unless he wasn't paying attention in the first place or just moving too fast.

On 28/05/2017 at 10:43 AM, geriatrickid said:

That is unfair. The facts of the case were not even established properly. It was  not intentional on his part. A critical part of a criminal case is to show intent to do harm and it just  wasn't there. The deceased was the mother of his child. Yes, he may have made an error, but this isn't about punishing him, but of saving face. The Thai who was responsible is charged too, but the charges against Mr. Glass allow the locals to save face and for  Phuket to avoid taking responsibility for its unsafe road conditions and the fact that the drivers are incompetent and dangerous.

Any chance that your view is biased because of  this man's former dreadlocks, tacky tattoos and flaky lifestyle? I make no bones about not  having any use for people like Mr. Glass, but I don't advocate for their being harassed and  persecuted like this. The man is suffering. The two families are suffering. The woman died a painful horrid in his presence. He has to live with that. 

Another critical part of that criminal case is to demonstrate that he acted in a safe way rather than in a careless, unsafe and dangerous manner, even if intent wasn't proved and I think that's the basis of the police action - what would we classify it as in the West, manslaughter, death through negligence, dangerous driving resulting in death.

24 minutes ago, nausea said:


 Another perspective - from the vegan subculture. 


36 minutes ago, nausea said:


 Another perspective - from the vegan subculture. 


He doesn't really get to the point until around 13.20....

15 minutes ago, stevenl said:



To be fair, he makes a good point when he accuses certain people of creating fetish content.  But that's about it.

1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

Agreed, a fruit cake!

This guy would have to be 10 times as unhinged a nutter than the nutters he's raving on about.


The Danny guy, also, i have heard is a recovering drug addict , add to the mix that he saw from very close proximity the mother of his unborn child killed in a very horrific manner would IMO make him very, or even more mentally unstable.

That sight will be with him forever and tho' i don't like the guy i feel for him immensely in this aspect.

This can explain a lot of his more bizarre actions post crash.

16 hours ago, Goldieinkathu said:

I"ve read your post several times and I have to admit that I've no clue what you're talking about.

"His pregnant wife died, leave him alone" ?


In answer to your question, I"ve been driving here for over 20 years. I've been fortunate not to have any accidents resulting in death but the two accidents that I have had both involving motorbikes were both resolved quickly and at no point did the police treat me any differently than the Thai people involved. On both occasions the Thai's were ordered to pay costs for the damage done to my car and that was that.My nationality was never mentioned , just that I had a relevant driving license and insurance.


"I truly doubt that a Thai whose wife died would be charged at all"

Why do you continue to perpetuate these urban myths that foreigners  are always wrong and Thai's are always right?








OK, they weren't married.  He should be executed!


5 hours ago, JamJar said:



I know what he wrote...but as we can see, it was not "all of a sudden"....unless he wasn't paying attention in the first place or just moving too fast.

Or, happened to be checking his rear view mirrors (essential frequently when riding a scooter) at the wrong moment - and looking ahead again found that the vehicle ahead had braked unexpectedly - necessitating hitting the brakes, hard.


Its happened to me a few times :sad:.


I only watched the beginning of the boyfriend's first video, as the delusional comments about 'talking to her/she's forgiven me' made me cringe - to put it mildly!


Nonetheless, I gather he's been riding a scooter here for many years and can easily understand how this type of accident happens.

7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Or, happened to be checking his rear view mirrors (essential frequently when riding a scooter) at the wrong moment - and looking ahead again found that the vehicle ahead had braked unexpectedly - necessitating hitting the brakes, hard.


Its happened to me a few times :sad:.


I only watched the beginning of the boyfriend's first video, as the delusional comments about 'talking to her/she's forgiven me' made me cringe - to put it mildly!


Nonetheless, I gather he's been riding a scooter here for many years and can easily understand how this type of accident happens.

"I only watched the beginning of the boyfriend's first video, as the delusional comments about 'talking to her/she's forgiven me' made me cringe - to put it mildly!"


Sure, but as i said in #164..it has to have had a huge impact on him.

He actually got splattered from her injuries.,think about that.


What difference would the pregnant girlfriends 'agility' made in this accident?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It makes the difference in that if he had mentally risk assessed in the first place, she would not have been on the bike, and therefore the (any) accident would not have happened.
Having said that it's done and I can't help having sympathy for him. Should've stayed away from social media, which didn't make him any friends

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Or, happened to be checking his rear view mirrors (essential frequently when riding a scooter) at the wrong moment - and looking ahead again found that the vehicle ahead had braked unexpectedly - necessitating hitting the brakes, hard.


Its happened to me a few times :sad:.


I only watched the beginning of the boyfriend's first video, as the delusional comments about 'talking to her/she's forgiven me' made me cringe - to put it mildly!


Nonetheless, I gather he's been riding a scooter here for many years and can easily understand how this type of accident happens.




I simply don't agree with this assessment.  If this was the case, why in all of his descriptions of what occurred, has he not mentioned that he glanced into his rear view mirror?

He hasn't mentioned it, because it did not happen.

How fast do you need to be going in order to lose control of a motorbike, throwing the pillion passenger to the right and yourself to the left.  Why didn't they both fall to the left?

I think because the back end moved to the right, this doesn't happen if you are driving defensively because you KNOW you have precious cargo onboard. It was his job to take care of them. He didn't. he was reckless. No doubt.


I too have been riding in Thailand for many years. They only time I came off the bike was due to my own reckless action. I deliberately rode a dangerous curve too quickly to see if I could do it. I didn't. The resulting scrapes reminded me to not play the ass when riding a bike.


On 5/29/2017 at 9:25 AM, psyvolt said:

Your going to blow the minds of a lot of ThaiVisa posters with your statement, as in there minds they have the victim mentality.

All interactions I've had with Thai Police have been the same, always friendly, respectful, professional and they really didn't care where anyone was from, as we were all treated the same way.

I dont think any minds are going to be blown away. Yes allot of posters talk about being victims but in all those posts there are always the opposite statements too. So it's the never ending debate on TV, some posters have their view and no matter what you say not going to change that.  I dont think anything on TV will ever change.  If a poster makes a statement that the sky is blue you will have arguments over that. 


I don't ride motorbikes in LOS as it's strictly down to my wife who has the most experience.  Even then, she's been over the bonnet of two cars in years gone by. 


Notwithstanding, I don't trust this guy as something not quite right.

13 hours ago, JamJar said:


He doesn't really get to the point until around 13.20....

Guy is knows nothing about Thailand and making assumptions or  repeating what he has heard from others. 

Live off of $200 a month... as he said "it's allot of money over there"  all these vegans trying to capitalize on this accident. 

6 hours ago, ericthai said:

Guy is knows nothing about Thailand and making assumptions or  repeating what he has heard from others. 

Live off of $200 a month... as he said "it's allot of money over there"  all these vegans trying to capitalize on this accident. 


I tried and failed to save you wasting thirteen minutes and twenty seconds of your life. You watched it didn't you? :saai:

On 5/27/2017 at 11:52 PM, KhunBENQ said:

I don't see anything unusual in formally charging both drivers.

What would happen in your country in such a case?

The video evidence that I have seen clearly ridicule his statements:

No sudden/hard break in front of him. Slow traffic on the left lane, that's all. He simply "woke up late".

At worst careless driving. A highway traffic code offense. A civil court might find liable for damages.

My point was that in order to have a criminal case, one must have criminal intent. Can you honestly say that this man  had malicious intent to do harm? Call him stupid or whatever, but I don't see the criminal intent here. He was driving along and did not react properly. This is very different than one who has positioned the vehicle as the Thai driver did, such that it would cause injury. And that's what upsets me. IMO he is charged only because they don't want a Thai to be held responsible for the tragedy.


In my last country (Germany) this would be called "negligent homicide" and is a criminal case.

Traffic accidents are among the most frequent cases of this type.

Punishment can range from a fine up to 5 years imprisonment depending on the case.

In any case you are a criminal convict (criminal record).

It is well possible that he comes out with a fine in Thailand.


Different countries, different charges.

In the US it even seems to vary between the states.



14 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

At worst careless driving. A highway traffic code offense. A civil court might find liable for damages.

My point was that in order to have a criminal case, one must have criminal intent. Can you honestly say that this man  had malicious intent to do harm? Call him stupid or whatever, but I don't see the criminal intent here. He was driving along and did not react properly. This is very different than one who has positioned the vehicle as the Thai driver did, such that it would cause injury. And that's what upsets me. IMO he is charged only because they don't want a Thai to be held responsible for the tragedy.

What a load of rubbish!


At worst, a woman and unborn child is dead.... and you are more concerned about the traffic code. Pathetic.


Apart from that, perhaps you can explain to us all the difference between careless driving, causing the death of another and reckless driving causing the death of another. 


Ludicrous that you write  "IMO he is charged only because they don't want a Thai to be held responsible for the tragedy.".


In fact many people are surprised that the truck driver was charged at all. Not stopping didn't look good and maybe there was some other reason. perhaps trucks of that size not allowed on that road. But I have no idea as to why he was charged.

Yet here you are suggesting that it was his fault. Ridiculous.

  • 2 months later...
On 5/28/2017 at 4:56 AM, cyberfarang said:

The guy was staying in Thailand as an illegal worker, he shouldn`t had been here anyway. If he felt non proficient on riding a motor bike, as said in his own statement; "It’s two people on a scooter, it’s a very difficult thing to do" then he was negligent in taking his girlfriend as a passenger and placing her life at risk.


And as you say; why is he hiding his face in shame if this guy believes he shares no blame in this whatsoever, that does say it all. Very unfortunate for the pregnant girlfriend who placed her trust in a complete incompetent that has shattered so many lives. Shame it wasn`t the other way around and she survived the crash instead of him.

I absolutely agree. He said it was the fault of the car who braked suddenly. He did not keep safe distance with the car. . He was the one who swerved to try and avoid the car. He is the one responsible for the accident and this woman's death because he should have been in control of his vehicle. In his face and attitude  in his videos, there is something weird, deeply selfish,  in this guy. He hid his face at the police station. He didn't have an ounce of recognizing that he had his part of responsibility, which is gross, he was the driver and the one who didn't control his bike  !! 

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