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Get young kids 'away from phones, tablets'


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Get young kids 'away from phones, tablets'



Photo from: www.maerakluke.com


BANGKOK: -- A GROWING number of young children have demonstrated symptoms similar to attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) because of their exposure to tablets and smartphones at a young age.


“Parents should stop letting young children play with tablets and smartphones,” the deputy head of the Mental Health Department Dr Samai Sirithongthaworn said yesterday. 


He said while young children play with these devices, images that change every three seconds adversely affect their brain. 


“Young children who have spent too much time on these devices are prone to be hot-tempered. They don’t know how to wait or live with others,” Samai said. 


He encouraged parents to let young children play with other children their age. “This way, their ADHD-like symptoms will gradually disappear,” he said. 


While many children suffer symptoms like a hot temper, hastiness, an inability to focus and clumsiness because of their environment or upbringing, about 420,000 children in Thailand had those signs because of a brain disorder. 


“When there is a brain disorder, it’s a real case of ADHD,” Mental Health Department director-general Dr Boonruang Triruangworawat said. 


He said if children with ADHD were mistaken as irresponsible, they might develop emotional and behavioural problems to a point of turning to narcotics or having criminal tendencies. 


“But if they receive proper care, they will be able to learn and work like others,” Boonruang said. He said treatment could cure about two-thirds of ADHD-affected children. 


To help children with ADHD, autism, learning disorders and intellectual disabilities, the Mental Health Department has encouraged teachers to evaluate students in their classes. 


“Many children can get better simply with the help of their teachers. But some need psychiatrists,” Boonruang said. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30316577

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-05-29
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I tried tablets with my kids, they caused fights and the kids wouldn't do anything  but play with them all day, so when the tablets broke they didn't get replaced. That was a couple of years ago already, and my kids are fine without them.

Now, what to do about the adults?

Edited by canuckamuck
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32 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I tried tablets with my kids, they caused fights and the kids wouldn't do anything  but play with them all day, so when the tablets broke they didn't get replaced. That was a couple of years ago already, and my kids are fine without them.

Now, what to do about the adults?

Very true-I see the young kids here mesmerized by their parents phones which are given to them as a form of surrogate dummy.Mind you,the parents themselves then go into a half crazed withdrawal state when the phone is handed over as it is the end of the world as they know and experience it, so it becomes a vital necessity to give the 4 year olds a phone of their own.All this from people who continually proclaim "We are poor"


I have not seen my 22 year old stepdaughter without a phone in her hand in 6 years.Ten selfies a day keeps the narcissism in play.

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If anybody finds a version of this article in Thai, please post a link.


This is a concern for my wife and myself re. our 2 year old grandson. His parents give him their phone then he screams the house down and hits them when they want it back.


The parents won't listen to our worries - my wife's, primarily, since I'm the step-grandad - no matter how often they're repeated.


Maybe the words of a prominent doctor will open their eyes a bit.

Edited by MartinL
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parents to lazy to do real parenting........just more laziness, kids are real hard work need 24hr  attention and entertaining.

Sadly I dont have any but get tired of the surrogate  dummys they now spend every second of their young formative years with.....whole family round a table texting each other messages...pathetic

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When I was a kid, Jesus was our free babysitter. Now it seems iPads, etc, are the new free babysitter. Just plonk your kid on a chair with a tablet and you get peace and quiet while you live 'your' life. 


People often ask why I don't have kids - I say it's because I love my free time and I'd be a selfish parent. Some people like me go out and have kids, and yet somehow I'm the odd/bad guy in society. 



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Get young kids 'away from phones, tablets'



Photo from: www.maerakluke.com


BANGKOK: -- A GROWING number of young children have demonstrated symptoms similar to attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) because of their exposure to tablets and smartphones at a young age.


“Parents should stop letting young children play with tablets and smartphones,” the deputy head of the Mental Health Department Dr Samai Sirithongthaworn said yesterday.  ......


Don't worry, doctors, the ruling regime will take care of this matter soon with their NEW computer crime act,.......... :ph34r::ph34r:

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My Gardners kid tossed one into my pool.

Better it than the kid.

Thais don't care. They just let stuff happen. Kid looks funny with a knife or a grenade post it on Facebook.  Then name him Mit.

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“Parents should stop letting young children play with tablets and smartphones...”


Because prohibition has worked so well in the past. What is needed is teaching responsible use of these devices. However, considering that personal responsibility is not one of the cornerstones of Thai upbringing and education, don't expect anything to change.

Edited by jaltsc
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1 hour ago, MartinL said:

If anybody finds a version of this article in Thai, please post a link.


This is a concern for my wife and myself re. our 2 year old grandson. His parents give him their phone then he screams the house down and hits them when they want it back.


The parents won't listen to our worries - my wife's, primarily, since I'm the step-grandad - no matter how often they're repeated.


Maybe the words of a prominent doctor will open their eyes a bit.



It is probably the  original one by  psychiatrists Boonruang, much longer than the Nation article,  it explains the problem of telephone and tablet in young children creating ADHD symtoms similar to hyperthyroidism, so I guess it could be what you are looking for. :wai:

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A relative has a 9 y/o child with serious ADHD issues (undiagnosed, they refuse to address). He spends all his time in front of an iPad. His personality is well, Autistic and chucks a wobbly when the iPad is taken from him. One such incident occurred with me at the breakfast table when I said "when eating at the table in my house, we don't use tablets". Sad to see him torn between his hunger and obsession. Not happy!


Another point brought out in the media recently is the change in creative-inventiveness of the new generation many of whose childhood bears no resemblance to that of ours where there was more freedom to climb trees and explore. In the modern world, this has all been quashed by safety security and liability concerns and of course the access to tablets and phones. No wonder this generation are the way they are!

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19 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:



It is probably the  original one by  psychiatrists Boonruang, much longer than the Nation article,  it explains the problem of telephone and tablet in young children creating ADHD symtoms similar to hyperthyroidism, so I guess it could be what you are looking for. :wai:

Thanks, Tchooptip.


That seems to be exactly what I wanted. My wife has read it and, recognising some of the signs as being present (even to a small degree) in our lad, she's forwarded it to his dad. 

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

When I was a kid, Jesus was our free babysitter. Now it seems iPads, etc, are the new free babysitter. Just plonk your kid on a chair with a tablet and you get peace and quiet while you live 'your' life. 


People often ask why I don't have kids - I say it's because I love my free time and I'd be a selfish parent. Some people like me go out and have kids, and yet somehow I'm the odd/bad guy in society. 



Jesus is not a thing i like but the rest of your posts about having kids makes a lot of sense to me. I don't want kids either. I am a big kid myself. 

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5 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

For a Thai article, why does it show a farang child?


Because they want to portray that Thai kids would never do such things, but that this culture comes from dirty FALANG kids....... 

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For once, the Dept of Mental Health seems to be talking sense. The gf's granddaughter is addicted to her iPad. Dad disappeared after she was born, mum moved out and left her with relatives. No one wants to deal with her tantrums so they leave her with an iPad or phone full of games all day. She doesn't listen to anyone and can't concentrate. I bought her an educational gizmo from Amazon but she couldn't follow basic instructions, just kept hitting every button, eyes darting in every direction. Her language skills for a 4-year old are terrible and people often have to shout to get her attention. Kindergarten is probably the only good thing happening in her life but I find it hard to believe the school report that she is a little angel. Unless there are big changes in her life, she is going to be one screwed-up adult.


What really disturbs me is watching her left to fall asleep, bottle of milk in mouth and face 4 inches from the iPad. 

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Welcome to the 21st Century!  Much the same was probably said about television in the 1950s, computer games in the 80s/90s.  Of course there is definitely some truth to it, but it's too late to put the genie back in the box.  At least my 2-year-old is getting some benefit from endless Peppa Pig videos on YouTube.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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Well everywhere I go, sky train, restaurant, even bars where supposedly people go to meet others ADULTS are staring at their phones all the time. 


Cant see why kids would do different. 


Also, if it is do damaging why are we not all screwed up by the phones. 


Article led is complete nonsense. Any parent knows the phones are like anything else too much bad. Sometimes OK. 

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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Well everywhere I go, sky train, restaurant, even bars where supposedly people go to meet others ADULTS are staring at their phones all the time. 


Cant see why kids would do different. 


Also, if it is do damaging why are we not all screwed up by the phones. 


Article led is complete nonsense. Any parent knows the phones are like anything else too much bad. Sometimes OK. 

I look at my phone for the entire duration of my BTS commute - usually ThaiVisa or The Guardian.  It beats watching the tedious video.  

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38 minutes ago, robblok said:

Jesus is not a thing i like but the rest of your posts about having kids makes a lot of sense to me. I don't want kids either. I am a big kid myself. 

Well, it was the fear of god. I'm an atheist, but when I was a kid, I didn't know it was all b*****. 

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