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Editing-selling a book in LOS, work permit needed?

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Hi all,

I've been living in CNX since 12 years on a retirement visa status.

I've the idea (only the idea for now):

1) To edit in my name a photography book about CNX for sale here in LOS.

2) To print and sale in LOS my own pics.


I'm not good at all about all these visas and permits rules, so please:

Do I need a work permit? Whether yes have I to change my visa status?

In simple words: how this kind of job/situation would "work" for a foreigner regarding the law?


Thanks in advance for your time and comments.


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Yes you will need a work permit to work legally, but you will not get one unless you are employed by a company legally  operating in Thailand. You could start a business, but it probably wouldn't be practical or realistic.


Most foreigners doing this kind of work do it at home and don't declare the work. There is nothing stopping you getting someone else (a Thai) to sell the prints/book, but that income could create a tax liability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, but Yahoo sent all my ThaiVisa related messages to the SPAM folder. And just today cleaning the said folder I found them among dozens of true SPAMs :post-4641-1156693976:

First time for me. Don't know what happened...


Well, thanks to all here. I understand better now...

Previously I thought a WP was required, but of course I'ld not work for any company. As well as I have some thai friends here maybe just going the way elviajero suggests is the option...

Further more, setting a business and leaving now my retirement visa status wouldn't be so realistic just for such a "trivial job"...

Again thanks and sorry for any inconvenience for this late answer.



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Thanks Tim for your input. But I'm not so sure: this book I'm thinking about would be a pics/photographies book, as it could be drawings or paintings. Near no text, only maybe some short captions under the pics...

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I just read elsewhere a foreigner is allowed to work in Thailand if under marriage visa. Could you confirm this, please?

In my case above (the book), do I need a work-permit as well?

Thanks in advance...

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6 hours ago, gobs said:

I just read elsewhere a foreigner is allowed to work in Thailand if under marriage visa. Could you confirm this, please?

In my case above (the book), do I need a work-permit as well?

Thanks in advance...

Yes you can work with a visa based on marriage but the work permit would still be needed. I think that's right anyway.


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On 6/13/2017 at 4:50 AM, kimamey said:

Yes you can work with a visa based on marriage but the work permit would still be needed. I think that's right anyway.


Thanks kimamey...

Ok, needing a WP means working for a company/business not in my own name. Mmmmh, I've the feeling that's going round in circles :passifier:

Thanks anyway. I've to think more into this...

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13 hours ago, gobs said:

Thanks kimamey...

Ok, needing a WP means working for a company/business not in my own name. Mmmmh, I've the feeling that's going round in circles :passifier:

Thanks anyway. I've to think more into this...

What is your nationality? If you are a US citizen, there are some workarounds using rights under the US-Thailand Treaty of Amity.

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