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Advice for best plan for marriage visa

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Hi all, 


We're applying for a UK settlement visa but it seems there is a much longer wait involved now that they have changed the system. I got married in May on a METV tourist visa and would prefer to remain in Thailand with my wife while our UK application is getting processed. As far as I can tell this may be anything from 3 to 6 months at this point. 


Would it be possible for me to convert the Tourist Visa to a Non-O (multiple entry would be ok as I'm hoping it won't be needed for more than 3 months) by meeting the income requirement?  


If that's not possible, where would you recommend I go nearby. Is Singapore a good place to go? 



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I have just read a detailed post by elviajero. From that I'm still not clear if I can do it. My 60 days ended on May 31st and my 30 day extension goes to June 30th. I could get the income letter next week so would be able to go through the various steps, however I'm not clear if these are available to me as I've already extended this current entry on my tourist visa. 


If this is possible, can it be done at Jomtien or would I need to go to Chaeng Wattana?

Edited by athousand
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1 hour ago, athousand said:

I have just read a detailed post by elviajero. From that I'm still not clear if I can do it. My 60 days ended on May 31st and my 30 day extension goes to June 30th. I could get the income letter next week so would be able to go through the various steps, however I'm not clear if these are available to me as I've already extended this current entry on my tourist visa. 


If this is possible, can it be done at Jomtien or would I need to go to Chaeng Wattana?

It is possible to get a non immigrant visa/ 90 day entry and, if needed, a 1 year extension of stay, but I'm not sure you I'll be able to do that at Jomtien. 


Instead of that you could, towards the end of June, you could apply for a 60 day extension of stay to visit your wife. I't would be issued on the spot and there are no financial requirements.


If the settlement visa hasn't been approved by then you could do a border hop and get a 30 day stay that could be extended if required.

Edited by elviajero
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Thanks Tanoshi and Elviajero, 


When I get the income affidavit, could I apply at Chaeng Wattana? Does it need to be done at the office local to where we are staying (Pattaya)?  We got married at Ari district office, my wife's local district office is Bang Kapi. We have the Kor Ror 2 from the marriage at Ari from May 15th so we could use that? 


If I get the 60 day extension to visit my wife, does that mean that the longer term extension is no longer available?


I've been doing the in out for years now and am hoping not to have to border hop anymore. 




Sorry, one last question: the only marriage visa that I could get by converting from my tourist visa would be the extension that needs all these documents? I couldn't get the one that needs exit/entry every 90 days with less requirements?

Edited by athousand
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Thanks Jeab

If I go to Savannakhet, what's the turnaround time? I've been to Singapore, Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City on my hops and Singapore has been the easiest so far. With the stress now involved in a UK settlement application I'm looking for the easiest option. I was thinking that would be to do it within Thailand as I should have the required docs.

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1 hour ago, athousand said:

Thanks Tanoshi and Elviajero, 


When I get the income affidavit, could I apply at Chaeng Wattana? Does it need to be done at the office local to where we are staying (Pattaya)?  We got married at Ari district office, my wife's local district office is Bang Kapi. We have the Kor Ror 2 from the marriage at Ari from May 15th so we could use that? 


If I get the 60 day extension to visit my wife, does that mean that the longer term extension is no longer available?


I've been doing the in out for years now and am hoping not to have to border hop anymore. 




Sorry, one last question: the only marriage visa that I could get by converting from my tourist visa would be the extension that needs all these documents? I couldn't get the one that needs exit/entry every 90 days with less requirements?

Yes you can apply in CW, but it takes two visits to CW, two weeks apart. It doesn't matter where you were married. You can apply for the non immigrants visa at CW or maybe Jomtien, but any extension of stay must be applied for at the office covering the address you live at.


You can still get a 1 year extension at the end of a 60 day extension, but would need to apply for the non immigrant visa in between.


If you want a multi entry non immigrant visa you'll need to go to Savannakhet. Non immigrant visa issued in country by immigration is done on the basis that you are applying for a 1 year extension of stay.


If your moving to the UK soon, I would go for the 60 days now and review your options in three months time.


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That sounds ideal. We will get the extension here at the end of the month and then go back to Bangkok and wait. 


So, if we need to stay longer and get the 1 year extension, I will have got a 30 day extension to my tourist visa, a 60 day extension on that, and then a one year extension on that? I had no idea any of this was possible until today. 


If in a couple of months I feel like I need to go for the 1 year extension, I just need the British Embassy letter, as well as the other docs? I read elsewhere on this forum that I need to provide two copies of the British Embassy letter and also need to get them translated and possibly also verified by the MFA before they will be accepted for the conversion to a Non -O and then for the 1 year extension?


thanks for all your help

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8 hours ago, athousand said:

Thanks Jeab

If I go to Savannakhet, what's the turnaround time? I've been to Singapore, Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City on my hops and Singapore has been the easiest so far. With the stress now involved in a UK settlement application I'm looking for the easiest option. I was thinking that would be to do it within Thailand as I should have the required docs.

Two day turn around put paper work in before 1100 pick up passport next day after1400.

Im pretty sure Jomtiem is one of the offices who will deal with changing TV to non o then extension will save you trips to Bangkok

Edited by jeab1980
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Here is my current plan - would it work?


1. Extend my Tourist Visa (already extended by 30 days) by 60 days for wife visit - locally in Jomtien at end of June - which would take me to August 30.

2. Will then move to Bangkok. 6 weeks later convert the extended Tourist Visa to Non-O at Chaeng Wattana. That would give me a further 90 days taking me to November 30. 

3. If needed, I could then apply for the one year extension. 


3 questions. 

1. Do I need two separate income letters from the Embassy - one to convert the tourist visa to non-O and then another one for the yearly extension or can the same one be used for both? 

2. What's the time limit for the income letter - could I get one now to be used in six weeks time for example?

3. I will be staying in a condo in Bangkok and doubt the landlord will inform immigration. Would I need to make a trip to Chaeng Wattana when I move there or could I just give them the Bangkok address when I go to convert the Tourist visa to non-O?


Thanks for all the help here - I couldn't have navigated this without it! 


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The officer at the information desk at Jomtien immigration said we could do as planned - we can extend the tourist visa extension to 60 day wife visit 2 to 3 days before my current extension runs out. 


He also said I needed to go to Chaeng Wattana to register my new Bangkok address as soon as I go to BKK. 


My wife spoke to him in Thai but his English was also very good. I have confidence in what I was told - which isn't always the case :)

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40 minutes ago, athousand said:

Yep. He also said that you can extend the tv 30 day extension for another 7 days which I hadn't heard before.

Yes thats to enable you to leave the country i would however seek clarification on the 60 day after 30days by @ubonjoe. Hope the information is correct but i have a doubt about it.

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The officer looked through my passport so could see that I'd already extended. I'm hoping he and Elviajero are right. I won't have any way to comfirm other than trying it out towards the end of June. I will report back. 


If anyone else here has any further info it would be much appreciated

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19 hours ago, athousand said:

As far as I can tell this may be anything from 3 to 6 months at this point. 

Who by the way gave you that advise?


UK Settlement Visas are processed within 30 days.


Taken from Gov.UK website for applications submitted in Bangkok, Thailand.


Settlement Visas


Most applications are processed within 30 days.

Number of days to process application 3 days 5 days 10 days 15 days 30 days
% of applications decided 5% 38% 71% 83% 100%
Note: actual processing times may vary depending on a range of factors.

The above data is for all decisions made in February 2017

Edited by Tanoshi
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24 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Yes thats to enable you to leave the country i would however seek clarification on the 60 day after 30days by @ubonjoe. Hope the information is correct but i have a doubt about it.

There are several offices that will do the 60 day extension after the 30 day extension. 

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46 minutes ago, athousand said:

I also forgot to mention that my wife told me the immigration officer said that we could convert the tourist visa to non-O at the Jomtien office no problem. 

Yes I know of several people including myself before now, who have done it at Jontiem.

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Tanoshi - a new process was introduced on April 21st. Before that applications were considered in Bangkok, now they are considered in the UK in Sheffield along with pretty much all other applications worldwide. This system has been phased in over the past few months globally. The effect seems to be that applications are taking much much longer than before and that they are massively understaffed and underprepared in Sheffield. The data published is for February this year - before the new system was in place. 


As far as I can tell that figure now can be totally disregarded. There are many reports of people applying with priority taking six weeks now. 

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1 hour ago, athousand said:

The officer looked through my passport so could see that I'd already extended. I'm hoping he and Elviajero are right. I won't have any way to comfirm other than trying it out towards the end of June. I will report back. 


If anyone else here has any further info it would be much appreciated

You qualify for the 60 day extension because you are married so there is no reason why the application would be declined. That said I wouldn't leave it to the last few days to apply. They will almost certainly accept an application anytime within the last couple of weeks. The 60 days will start from the day after your existing permit expires regardless of how early you apply, so nothing's lost by applying early.

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5 hours ago, athousand said:

Here is my current plan - would it work?


1. Extend my Tourist Visa (already extended by 30 days) by 60 days for wife visit - locally in Jomtien at end of June - which would take me to August 30.

2. Will then move to Bangkok. 6 weeks later convert the extended Tourist Visa to Non-O at Chaeng Wattana. That would give me a further 90 days taking me to November 30. 

3. If needed, I could then apply for the one year extension. 


3 questions. 

1. Do I need two separate income letters from the Embassy - one to convert the tourist visa to non-O and then another one for the yearly extension or can the same one be used for both? 

2. What's the time limit for the income letter - could I get one now to be used in six weeks time for example?

3. I will be staying in a condo in Bangkok and doubt the landlord will inform immigration. Would I need to make a trip to Chaeng Wattana when I move there or could I just give them the Bangkok address when I go to convert the Tourist visa to non-O?


Thanks for all the help here - I couldn't have navigated this without it! 


  1. You only need one, but make sure you keep the original when applying for the non immigrant visa.
  2. 6 months at CW
  3. CW do not enforce the address reporting laws like some of the provincial offices. You don't need to report anything when moving to Bangkok. They will want proof of address when applying for the visa/extension and a copy of your tennancy agreement would cover that.
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4 hours ago, athousand said:

He also said I needed to go to Chaeng Wattana to register my new Bangkok address as soon as I go to BKK.

Tourists not need to make any address reports to CW.

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elviajero - thanks so much for the detailed replies and excellent info!!! Saved me both a border  hop and a journey to Chaeng Wattana !


I'll go to extend the tourist visa in a couple of weeks at Jomtien. 


Just to double check -a tourist visa extended for visiting a wife is still classed as a tourist visa? I will get the tourist visa extended for visiting my wife from June 30th for sixty days. I will also be moving to Bangkok on June 30th. I would then apply in Chaeng Wattana for the conversion to Non-O about six weeks after arriving in Bangkok. So to do so, I bring the rental contract with me then, (along with the income letter etc) and don't need to visit earlier to inform them of change of address? 

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1 hour ago, athousand said:

elviajero - thanks so much for the detailed replies and excellent info!!! Saved me both a border  hop and a journey to Chaeng Wattana !


I'll go to extend the tourist visa in a couple of weeks at Jomtien. 


Just to double check -a tourist visa extended for visiting a wife is still classed as a tourist visa? I will get the tourist visa extended for visiting my wife from June 30th for sixty days. I will also be moving to Bangkok on June 30th. I would then apply in Chaeng Wattana for the conversion to Non-O about six weeks after arriving in Bangkok. So to do so, I bring the rental contract with me then, (along with the income letter etc) and don't need to visit earlier to inform them of change of address? 

Thailand's visa system differs from many other countries, which causes people confusion, but is actually very straightforward.


Visas are issued just for entry to the country and only state how many times you can use the visa (enter), and the last date you can make the final entry. They don't state how long you can stay. On entry, the IO grants permission to stay (a permit), which is limited and determined by the type of visa. Once you have entered you can apply to extend that permission to stay for any reason you qualify for. You cannot extend a visa as they have fixed expiry dates. When a visa is used or has expired it's finished with as a visa, and is only relevant for the qualification of future extensions (permits) of stay.


Sometimes the type of visa used to enter the country will determine what extension you can apply for; i.e. you need a non immigrant visa entry to qualify for a 1 year extension of stay based on being married to a Thai.


Once in the country you are always extending your permission to stay and not your visa. Someone entering with a tourist visa can extend, once, based on continuing their tourism. If that 'tourist' is married, or gets married, they also qualify for an extension to 'visit' their spouse. They type of visa used to enter the country, in this case, is irrelevant. At this point the reason for their permission to stay has changed from tourism to visiting their spouse.


Until you change to a 1 year extension of stay you don't need to worry about address reporting.


Edited by elviajero
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