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Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change


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1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

wow; wonder what the people that voted for this guy think 

The sad and scary part is...they think just like him! As an American, it's embarrassing that majority of Americans believe the Universe was created in 6 days...about 7000 years ago...that dinosaurs and humans shared space at the same time.


In other words...they think The Flintstones is an historical documentary! :crazy: :bah: :1zgarz5:

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13 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

People will be in a tizzy about this, but it would be illogical for someone to be a Christian and not believe God has control of the universe He created. The man is simply expressing his faith. Nothing wrong with that.

Cue the haters.


Indeed. And he's an elected representative. So the people who voted for him wanted him. 


Democracy at work.


Perhaps he can pray for peace, justice, fairness for all and an end to poverty and exploitation whiles he's at it?

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Has Trump found religion in the Oval Office? 

The president is mentioning God more than ever during his public appearances. (sub-title)


"President Donald Trump has increasingly infused references to God into his prepared remarks — calling on God to bless all the world after launching strikes in Syria, asking God to bless the newest Supreme Court justice, invoking the Lord to argue in favor of a war on opioids."


“I’ve always felt the need to pray,” Trump said in that late-January interview."


“The office is so powerful that you need God even more because your decisions are no longer, ‘Gee I’m going to build a building in New York.’ … These are questions of massive, life-and-death.”


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Trump, the GOP and their financial backers - best described as a crime syndicate and as the world's most dangerous terrorist organization by Chomsky - know what they are doing is wrong.  It's all about share prices for their particular stock.  And they would think nothing of selling their mothers to the devil to make a buck.  Public ignorance allows such malice and corruption.

Edited by EvenSteven
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Paul Ryan Says It’s Stupid To Protect Earth – The Twitterverse Eats Him Alive


In the wake of Donald Trump’s “covfefe” debacle, efforts to bring Election 2016 back to life by tweeting about Hillary Clinton, and ongoing display of his infatuation with President Obama, one would think that anyone remotely associated with Trump would stay off Twitter. Nope.



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On ‎02‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 6:31 AM, canuckamuck said:

Good attempt at building a straw man, but I did not say any of that. The man is simply declaring his faith that ultimately God is in control.  He would be a hypocrite if he felt differently.  He also allowed that others would not agree with him. The man shows character, nothing less.

The man is a complete idiot:



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7 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The man is a complete idiot:



I reckon the world is in a mess because this amazing 'God' is completely p'd off with all those rockets, satellites and space stations messing up his living room up there. Imagine trying to get a days rest with all those things whizzing past every two or three minutes.

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13 hours ago, dogpatch55 said:

Yeah God has been doing a great job so far!!!!!!!!

Does he watch 'Match of the Day' or is it a waste of time because he decides the score based on the sins committed by some of the players?

Just askin'.


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On 2017-6-2 at 7:48 AM, overherebc said:

I posted the same in another thread but it applies here as well.

Climate change will be fixed by an invisible man in the sky who gave you 10 rules to follow and if you don't follow them you will be sent to a 'hell' where you will burn 'forever'  But, he loves you. Oh and by the way he needs money.

Can't claim this one to be honest.

George Carlin is the one but I do like it.


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On 6/2/2017 at 0:52 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes, such officials are the Christian American version of the Taliban. Sadly, the man that is quite likely to replace the perverted clown president mr. trump is one of them! Mike Pence, radical extremist far right wing Christian fundamentalist. That's OK for private people but in positions of power, a disaster.


It's so tragic. 

Years ago I did a research paper seeking information of the positive correlation between religiosity and mental illness.  Guess what the findings were or maybe they can be found on google.

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I believe Climate change is a natural phenomenon and occurrence.

The world has fires,  earthquakes, floods and tsunamis everywhere .. anytime.

I don't believe humans cause global warming ... 

The world has been here for millions of years and natural disasters occur.

Our polluted omissions going into the atmosphere are like a pin head .....


And i believe I am correct on this.

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13 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I believe Climate change is a natural phenomenon and occurrence.

The world has fires,  earthquakes, floods and tsunamis everywhere .. anytime.

I don't believe humans cause global warming ... 

The world has been here for millions of years and natural disasters occur.

Our polluted omissions going into the atmosphere are like a pin head .....


And i believe I am correct on this.

And I more strongly believe that you are wrong. Therefore I must be right because it's belief, not data, that counts. Of course there are those fools who say belief is better left to religion than to science. But you and I are clearly not among their number.

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

I believe Climate change is a natural phenomenon and occurrence.

The world has fires,  earthquakes, floods and tsunamis everywhere .. anytime.

I don't believe humans cause global warming ... 

The world has been here for millions of years and natural disasters occur.

Our polluted omissions going into the atmosphere are like a pin head .....


And i believe I am correct on this.

You haven't done your homework, have you?  Or have you conveniently chosen not to?  Either way, it sounds like a confirmation bias and a misunderstanding and even more foolish denunciation of science.  Back to school for you.


Democracy and an uninformed citizenry are incompatible.

Edited by EvenSteven
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2 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

You haven't done your homework, have you?  Or have you conveniently chosen not to?  Either way, it sounds like a confirmation bias and a misunderstanding and even more foolish denunciation of science.  Back to school for you.


Democracy and an uninformed citizenry are incompatible.

Sadly most American citizens are uniformed and poorly educated and to quote Bill Maher...STUPID. Sad and unacceptable, but true. (BTW...I'm an American)

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

I believe Climate change is a natural phenomenon and occurrence.

The world has fires,  earthquakes, floods and tsunamis everywhere .. anytime.

I don't believe humans cause global warming ... 

The world has been here for millions of years and natural disasters occur.

Our polluted omissions going into the atmosphere are like a pin head .....


And i believe I am correct on this.

And there are those people who believe they don't need to see a doctor because God is going to heal their cancer. Those people die. You are engaging in what is referred to as "magical thinking".


Magical thinking is a term used in anthropology and psychology, denoting the fallacious attribution of causal relationships between actions and events, with subtle differences in meaning between the two fields. - Wikipedia


Your "belief" aside, scientists have, for decades, been measuring the composition of the atmosphere and the corresponding effects on climate patterns. They have even, by studying ice core samples, been able to observe the composition of the atmosphere going back hundreds of thousands of years (http://cdiac.ornl.gov/trends/co2/ice_core_co2.html). As human contributions of greenhouse gases have increased the levels of those gases retained in the atmosphere, there have been concurrent changes in climate patterns along with an overall increase in the average global temperature. While those same scientists will acknowledge that this is not "proof" of human causation, it is a logical and rational inference. Projections of the effects of continued increases in greenhouse gases have, so far, proven correct. For the global community to continue to bury our collective heads in the sand will likely have catastrophic consequences.


In my opinion, the only pinheads are those who are willing to gamble the welfare of humanity on doing nothing. My question would be this...what harm comes from taking strong, affirmative action on this issue? How are you harmed? What is the personal cost to you? I would submit that the primary opponents of climate action are those to whom it will have a detrimental economic effect. Namely, corporate interests who will have to suffer reduced profits from having to observe anti-pollution regulations. That cost will affect executive bonuses and shareholder dividends. We are, once again, talking about the wealthy. So, in order to effectively block any such actions, they construct a boogeyman...liberals, whom they claim want to destroy capitalism and jobs. Wrong. We just want clean air and water for ourselves and our children...and we don't mind if you and yours wind up benefiting also.


Oh, and for the record, I believe you are wrong in this.

Edited by Traveler19491
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29 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

And there are those people who believe they don't need to see a doctor because God is going to heal their cancer. Those people die. 

Right! And even worse, some of these idiots put their children in grave danger with this lunacy and the children suffer terribly before they die...when they could have been helped and even cured with simple, basic medical care. Most of these ignorant, superstitious morons get off lightly or without punishment as the USA allows fot such negligence when silly religious beliefs are the excuse. :post-4641-1156693976:

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13 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

You haven't done your homework, have you?  Or have you conveniently chosen not to?  Either way, it sounds like a confirmation bias and a misunderstanding and even more foolish denunciation of science.  Back to school for you.


Democracy and an uninformed citizenry are incompatible.

But like 45 and RussiaReps they don't LISTEN/Read/Learn.

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13 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Sadly most American citizens are uniformed and poorly educated and to quote Bill Maher...STUPID. Sad and unacceptable, but true. (BTW...I'm an American)

You know most American citizens?  Pretty impressive.  

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18 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

You haven't done your homework, have you?  Or have you conveniently chosen not to?  Either way, it sounds like a confirmation bias and a misunderstanding and even more foolish denunciation of science.  Back to school for you.


Democracy and an uninformed citizenry are incompatible.

"Democracy and an uninformed citizenry are incompatible."


Even the best informed, geniuses and the like are only reliable on their areas of expertise, so know as little as most others on most subjects....


Of course there are times when we all think that those holding a different opinion are so stupid they shouldn't be allowed a vote - but age and experience eventually made me realise that this elitist attitude is exactly that - elitist.


Previous generations fought hard to gain the vote that had previously been restricted to the wealthy - and for very good reasons.

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