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Trump criticised for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks


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6 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

With respect, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. Where are Trump's tweets against white nationalist/supremacist violence? Where are his public statements demanding increased Federal involvement in suppressing this violence? Where is his commitment of both dollars and manpower to fighting this problem? Where are the public statements of concern from GOP Senators/Congresspersons about this problem? Where is the vitriol from the right wing echo chamber? Where are the denunciations from Jones, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, et al?


I'm sorry, but your attempt to assert that the right has more than a passing nod to this enormous problem is lame at best, laughable at worst. No, the right will never contribute either the resources or the support to attacking this problem for the simple reason that a not inconsiderable portion of their support comes from these very same people, and to insinuate that they have anything more than a very slightly passing acknowledgment of it is disingenuous.


There are lots of risks in any contemporary society.


This thread is about the risks posed by islamic terrorism.


Please stay on topic.


If you wish to discuss the risks arising from white supremacists, please start your own thread.


Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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6 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Where are his public statements demanding increased Federal involvement in suppressing this violence? Where is his commitment of both dollars and manpower to fighting this problem? Where are the public statements of concern from GOP Senators/Congresspersons about this problem? Where is the vitriol from the right wing echo chamber? Where are the denunciations from Jones, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, et al?

I can't tell you it's classified. :biggrin:

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On 2017-6-5 at 10:44 AM, Kwasaki said:

No his a billion-air. :laugh:


Anyone seen a Muslim believer as a bouncer at a pub. :biggrin:

I said I was talking from an Aus point of view. Go to any night club in Kings Cross in Sydney or the counter part in any other city and you will see Lebanese Muslim bouncers

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3 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:


There are lots of risks in any contemporary society.


This thread is about the risks posed by islamic terrorism.


Please stay on topic.


If you wish to discuss the risks arising from white supremacists, please start your own thread.


Actually, you are wrong again, but that is hardly surprising. If you will look at the title of the thread, it indicates that the thread is about Trump's tweets, NOT about "the risks posed by islamic (sic) terrorism". That's your topic. I was asking a question specifically about Trump's tweets, contrasting them with his lack of concern about a greater domestic problem, hence on topic .I would suggest that it is you who needs to stay on topic.

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43 minutes ago, iReason said:


Bigotry grandly illustrated.

Look at all those big bad 'bigots' in Poland, Hungary and Japan who were smart enough to prevent Islamic terrorists from coming in and killing their people.
Your hollow buzzwords don't work anymore fella. You've gotta start doing better than that.

Edited by Rigby40
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12 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Actually, you are wrong again, but that is hardly surprising. If you will look at the title of the thread, it indicates that the thread is about Trump's tweets, NOT about "the risks posed by islamic (sic) terrorism". That's your topic. I was asking a question specifically about Trump's tweets, contrasting them with his lack of concern about a greater domestic problem, hence on topic .I would suggest that it is you who needs to stay on topic.

You make a great point. We need to start discussing the domestic threats from BLM, antifa and BAMN.

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22 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I said I was talking from an Aus point of view. Go to any night club in Kings Cross in Sydney or the counter part in any other city and you will see Lebanese Muslim bouncers

In the past I worked with a few Turkish Doorman they are Muslim although they smoked drunk and liked the lady's so weren't bothered about religion 

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21 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

Don't be alarmed, get used to it? What a defeatist remark.


You may as well say get used to the Caliphate and Sharia Law.


No, that is not what I said or inferred.

Western countries long ago sowed the seeds to the present conditions by interfering in Muslim countries, often in a hostile way.

They followed this up by allowing Muslims from now hostile countries to settle in the west.

Many kids of these migrants do not have a future in what is now their homeland. They are not allowed by their religion to engage in the culture of their new country.

They can't learn at the schools, speak mostly poor English (or whatever ). They end up with low esteem and no prospects. They are easy prey for radicals.

A new way needs to be taken to address these issues for disillusioned young western bred Muslims.

If not, more and more attacks will occur. There is no need for these morons to get sophisticated weapons, a knife easily purchased does the job, if you are willing to die. 

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42 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

I have many close Muslim friends who I interact with regularly.

I have over the last four decades worked with hundreds of Muslims as both colleagues and clients.

Discussion of risk is not bigotry, nor is it racism.


Sounds like backtracking damage control after issuing a blanket bigoted statement:

"the risks that arise from having a Muslim population in ones own country"


Very Trumplike.


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19 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

You make a great point. We need to start discussing the domestic threats from BLM, antifa and BAMN.

Before we do that, how about you cite sources showing the numbers of deaths attributed to each organization...you know, just so you don't come across as some deflecting bigot.

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21 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Your hollow buzzwords don't work anymore fella. You've gotta start doing better than that.


They're not mine. I didn't invent them.

But the poster surely did define it.


bigot noun a person who is bigoted: religious bigots.

ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting a superstitious religious hypocrite): from French, of unknown origin.


bigoted adjective having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions

and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.


prejudiced biasedbigoteddiscriminatorypartisanintolerantnarrow-mindedunfairunjustinequitablecolored.


Your hollow deflective gibberish is just that.


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28 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Look at all those big bad 'bigots' in Poland, Hungary and Japan who were smart enough to prevent Islamic terrorists from coming in and killing their people.
Your hollow buzzwords don't work anymore fella. You've gotta start doing better than that.

How do the actions of Poland, Hungary, and/or Japan nullify the bigoted remarks of another individual? You really do need to practice on your deflection. It sucks.

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13 minutes ago, iReason said:


They're not mine. I didn't invent them.

But the poster surely did define it.


bigot noun a person who is bigoted: religious bigots.

ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting a superstitious religious hypocrite): from French, of unknown origin.


bigoted adjective having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions

and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.


prejudiced biasedbigoteddiscriminatorypartisanintolerantnarrow-mindedunfairunjustinequitablecolored.


Your hollow deflective gibberish is just that.


I am most certainly bigoted


and intolerant, biased and opinionated.


But I am NOT coloured.



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22 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I am most certainly bigoted


and intolerant, biased and opinionated.


But I am NOT coloured.


Color: the experience colored her outlookinfluenceaffecttaintwarpskewdistortbiasprejudice.


But thanks for being revealingly honest.  :thumbsup:


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2 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

The most important contribution Trump is making is being courageous enough to start a much need dialogue regarding the risks that arise from having a Muslim population in ones own country.


2 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

They're not outraged, they are just regurgitating the views programmed into them by the MSM.


I have spent the bulk of my life in predominantly Muslim countries.


I have many close Muslim friends who I interact with regularly.


I have over the last four decades worked with hundreds of Muslims as both colleagues and clients.


An open and global discussion about the risks arising from having a muslim population in one's own country needs to be had.


How else may those risks be effectively managed?


Discussion of risk is not bigotry, nor is it racism.



On further reflection, this is just a fascinating post. First, you paint all Muslims as suspect, then you immediately turn around and list your many "close Muslim friends" as well as the "hundreds of Muslims" that you have known and worked with. How is it that you have known and interacted with all these Muslims, whom you assert are just wonderful people, but, apparently, all the ones you don't know are to be eyed suspiciously for their posing a risk? Is there something magical about knowing you that suddenly eliminates all suspicion? Does knowing you suddenly remove any danger they pose? How is it that living among Muslims in a Muslim country is fine, but having Muslims in YOUR country poses a risk? How are you suddenly at a lower risk if you are living in a Muslim country, but your risk level suddenly shoots up when they are in your country?


Sorry, but your bigotry is showing.

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

I love it when bigots say some of my best friends are coloured. Or gay. Or disabled.

In this case, some of my friends are Muslim.

Does that game work if you say some of my best friends are bigots? :whistling:

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As Trump lashes out, Republicans grow uneasy


“Not that I’m aware of,” White House principal deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday at a news conference

when asked if the president’s tweets were being vetted by lawyers or aides."


“Social media for the president is extremely important,” Sanders said."


“It gives him the ability to speak directly to the people without the bias of the media filtering those types of communication.”






"President Donald Trump went on one of his infamous early-morning Twitter rants on Monday,

but Kellyanne Conway doesn't want you to read all about it."


"Conway, the pollster turned counselor to the president, told anchors on the Today show that the media has

an "obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little of what he does as president."



I'm so confused...

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1 minute ago, iReason said:

As Trump lashes out, Republicans grow uneasy


“Not that I’m aware of,” White House principal deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday at a news conference

when asked if the president’s tweets were being vetted by lawyers or aides."


“Social media for the president is extremely important,” Sanders said."


“It gives him the ability to speak directly to the people without the bias of the media filtering those types of communication.”






"President Donald Trump went on one of his infamous early-morning Twitter rants on Monday,

but Kellyanne Conway doesn't want you to read all about it."


"Conway, the pollster turned counselor to the president, told anchors on the Today show that the media has

an "obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little of what he does as president."



I'm so confused...

It is not you who is confused. It is the Trump camp, trying to water down or cover up this persons (I cannot call him a man) ludicrous and insensitive comments.

I often make mild offensive comments, get chastised on this forum. But I am not POTUS, or any shifty winker in public office. The 39% of US citizens that support 

this crude, dumb man show just how low the US has sunk in world opinion. I prefer Trumps former name  "Dumff" or some such. Reflects him perfectly.

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


Color: the experience colored her outlookinfluenceaffecttaintwarpskewdistortbiasprejudice.


But thanks for being revealingly honest.  :thumbsup:


Coloured was a quip. I full realise it was a double entendres.


Thanks for realising that I am indeed a pointy head but a little blunt these days ?

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22 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Donald Trump just finished telling Europeans they need to protect themselves. Look at the numbers. Shameful. Truth to weakness?




Everyone has acknowledged this issue, and it is currently being addressed.  DT has no business acumen or negotiating abilities.  He is a baby, and the weakness in his skills are shone by all his bankruptcies and scams.

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2 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:


On further reflection, this is just a fascinating post. First, you paint all Muslims as suspect, then you immediately turn around and list your many "close Muslim friends" as well as the "hundreds of Muslims" that you have known and worked with. How is it that you have known and interacted with all these Muslims, whom you assert are just wonderful people, but, apparently, all the ones you don't know are to be eyed suspiciously for their posing a risk? Is there something magical about knowing you that suddenly eliminates all suspicion? Does knowing you suddenly remove any danger they pose? How is it that living among Muslims in a Muslim country is fine, but having Muslims in YOUR country poses a risk? How are you suddenly at a lower risk if you are living in a Muslim country, but your risk level suddenly shoots up when they are in your country?


Sorry, but your bigotry is showing.

I haven't observed any killings by Islamic terrorists in any of the Muslim countries in which I have lived.


Risk arises out of context.


I will continue to focus on risk and solutions that can be implemented to ensure that it is effectively managed.


Keeping people safe will not be achieved by going round and round in circles spouting multiculturalism piffle.



Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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2 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

I haven't observed any killings by Islamic terrorists in any of the Muslim countries in which I have lived.


Risk arises out of context.


I will continue to focus on risk and solutions that can be implemented to ensure that it is effectively managed.


You can continue going round and round in circles spouting piffle.



Name a few of those countries and I will find terror attacks. 

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

Name a few of those countries and I will find terror attacks. 

Will they be one's that I have observed?


And are you suggesting that discussion regarding the risk of terror attacks in Muslim countries is ok?

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1 minute ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:
1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

Name a few of those countries and I will find terror attacks. 

Will they be one's that I have observed?


3 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:
4 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:


You can continue going round and round in circles spouting piffle.


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13 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:



Let's also focus the discussion in this thread upon the risk arising out of Islamic terrorists in Muslim countries.


I suggest we should focus on the fact that those Islamic terrorists don't leave a single country in the world unaffected.

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6 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


I suggest we should focus on the fact that those Islamic terrorists don't leave a single country in the world unaffected.

I agree.


And so on to the next point that requires discussion.


How do you effectively manage the risk that arises from Islamic terrorists?


Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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