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thai mother's and son's


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Just have to relate this story.

  I amnot sure if any you read or remember my post about step son going to Rangsit  University and his keeping his gf's new car in Rangsit for himself well she is in Chiang Mai without it. And how he would also lend said car to relatives to come to Lomsak.All the while rightful owner is in Chiang Mai

 Well this same prince of a man told the wife 2 weeks ago he needed 55000 baht for some school expense. immediately. So i sent the money. Then a week later him and gf come to visit and stay a week. The whole week the son is big spender squandering money on every relative and especially his mom. I told the wife I think he is spending the money I sent him.The wife gave me the shut up and do not talk that way again  look unless you want real trouble. So I never mentioned it again.One week later the son and gf went to Chiang Mai because her studies were starting.

  3 days later son shows up again for another visit.This time he brings his gik or gf from Rangsit.. My wife was all excited to see him and told me do not tell his gf. I got angry with the wife saying it is so wrong what he is doing. he has a good gf who is rich and her parents own the Mc Cormack hospital and the Overbrook. hospitals in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. He is set for life if he respects what is there. The wife tells me every one loves her son you have to expect all women to love him.She was proud of him having extra women. She seemed to feel he deserved many women he was so great.

 I told her I give him to much money if he can afford 2 gf. No answer.

  i can understand the young con man son he is young and stupid but my wife going along with it is crazy.Her son can do no wrong . 

 PS No wonder I am having health problems ha ha ha


Edited by lovelomsak
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You'll get better fast if you stop sending him 55,000 baht next time. Do what I did, (this was not in Thailand but the same applies).


After helping the brother of a friend a couple of times out of small financial jams (he just has bad luck you know...), turned out his bad luck was at the track...so the next time he needed a cash infusion to prevent getting his ribs broken by the loan shark, I sent him a loan agreement, instructions: read and sign, mail back and loan dept will review. Never had any money requests after that.

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Better read than lord of the rings both pure fiction of course but a good Thursday night read.

Will now await the obvious hoped for replies he craves.

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10 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

You seem to have money to throw away. Can I give you my account number?

You are the stupid one in the family...

Sent from my HTC 10 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





there are different definitions of stupid. 

Some may think giving him the money is stupid. I see it as baiting the self destruction trap.

 His gf's parents are prepared to set him up for life.They own 2 hospitals. He will graduate as a medical technician. they are prepared to set him up in practice and hospital connections their hospitals. His wife will be pharmacist.They will be wannabe High So or maybe lower High So. But if he keeps going the way he is with the money he gets he will in all likely hood be found out and lose it all. So who loses the most.?


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i wouldn't go near a woman or family from any country who behaved like this, but everyone to their own. if you're aware of how you are being treated and disrespected and have a happy life then fine, enjoy.


an ex gf, educated middle class girl, married a german guy. he paid 2.4 million baht sin sot. she often tells me how stupid he is (apparently 300,000 baht would have been acceptable) and how her family look on him as being stupid and a fool who doesnt understand thai culture. of course they all wai and smile when they meet and he probably thinks that they love him and because he's the big man...


why didnt i marry her? because i know her; she's a liar and even now wants to go back to my place for fun... he really has no idea, but if he's happy...

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This story - if true, I hope it is not, but OP has 2872 posts - is rather extreme.....


But yes, sons are adored to the extreme by their Thai mothers.

The traditional excuse for this is that the sons "will take care" of their mother when she is old.

Just another example of the conflict between old Thai culture as it was long ago, and real life as it is today.


Thai culture is a decaying culture.

Even more than Western culture.

Makes me sad.






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Another example that supports the theory:

- A Farang and his Thai-Wife could live a peaceful and harmonious life, if it wasn't for the "family".
Having married a Farang, it is just expected by the family, that the daughter will manage to divert some "Farang-Assets" toward the family. If the daughter can not "deliver", she might be classified as a "failure" or even worse. (Bad daughter).

That being the case, the Thai-Wife is under constant pressure. I would not want to walk in their shoes.
Sooner or later, this must affect the marriage in a negative way.

Ideally, a Farang should marry an orphan with no children. Unfortunately, Mr. Farang will have to engage in a looong, looong search.:saai:

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10 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

This story - if true, I hope it is not, but OP has 2872 posts - is rather extreme.....


But yes, sons are adored to the extreme by their Thai mothers.

The traditional excuse for this is that the sons "will take care" of their mother when she is old.

Just another example of the conflict between old Thai culture as it was long ago, and real life as it is today.


Thai culture is a decaying culture.

Even more than Western culture.

Makes me sad.






The story is true. 

 And you are completely right about Thai mother's adoring their son's. This thread was just to show how far it goes to the extremes.

  It appears to me my wife will accept her son being a cheating husband in the future as his right.

  As far as him taking care of her in the future the jury is still out on that one. I will not commit to saying he will or will not. I do know her selfish daughter will not help her at all for sure..

 My wife is a small village women late 40's and is stuck with old values in a modern world. I truely  care for her and am probably the only person in her life that does care about her.

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4 minutes ago, swissie said:

Ideally, a Farang should marry an orphan with no children. Unfortunately, Mr. Farang will have to engage in a looong, looong search

Or he could just take the matter into his own hands and make it happen ?

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2 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

The story is true. 

 And you are completely right about Thai mother's adoring their son's. This thread was just to show how far it goes to the extremes.

  It appears to me my wife will accept her son being a cheating husband in the future as his right.

  As far as him taking care of her in the future the jury is still out on that one. I will not commit to saying he will or will not. I do know her selfish daughter will not help her at all for sure..

 My wife is a small village women late 40's and is stuck with old values in a modern world. I truely  care for her and am probably the only person in her life that does care about her.

The story is so recognizable.


May I add something of myself.

In my marriage I never doubted that I had a duty towards my wife - "taking care" of her after I will die ( I am only 4 years older, but statistics tell us....). I never even thought about it, as it seemed to be the normal way: of course she should inherit my savings....

Then one of her sons moved in with us.

He did not ask me.

My wife did not ask me.

He is stupid (OK, I can live with that) and he is lazy (NO......).

Every satang that I will leave to my wife will go to him....

Now I am not sure that  I will let my wife inherit the savings that I worked for.



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4 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

Tell her you won't be able to giver her son money anymore, since you need it for your own girlfriend. After all, tell her, you want her to be "proud" of you too! :laugh:

Yeah like all those poor oppressed muslim women.

Who raised the male children that oppress them?

Their mothers....


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11 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

You seem to have money to throw away. Can I give you my account number?

You are the stupid one in the family...

Sent from my HTC 10 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I have to agree...the OP writes...."  i can understand the young con man son he is young and stupid "........I think you've got that wrong....he is young and clever.....you are the stupid one.

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"Well this same prince of a man told the wife 2 weeks ago he needed 55000 baht for some school expense. immediately. So i sent the money. Then a week later him and gf come to visit and stay a week. The whole week the son is big spender squandering money on every relative and especially his mom. I told the wife I think he is spending the money I sent him.The wife gave me the shut up and do not talk that way again  look unless you want real trouble. So I never mentioned it again."


Seems like you have become her bitch instead of being the man of the household lol. It's not good to become pussy wipped :) Man up I say!

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11 hours ago, thequietman said:

This is a picture of you. 


haha yes, he's getting treated as a doormat & getting walked over by everyone. Time to man up and stop being walked on, or being a walking ATM.



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11 hours ago, orchis said:

"up to him"

correct .......   I would just stay out of it completely,   it's not your business to know what he's upto ....   don't give him any money and don't be a title tat on him ..

just forget anything he does ,   it's not your business.

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14 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

I think you've got that wrong....he is young and clever..

The Son may seem he clever one at the moment , he has the OPs money, two gfs and a bright future..................at the moment .

   He was a nice GF , clicks his fingers and gets 50 000 Baht , studying and seems to have a great future ahead of him 

BUT, he is squandering the money , cheating on his gf and it could all come crashing down around him .

   If he had any sense , he would use the money wisely and made sure he stayed with his gf .

   He may end up , as so many Thais do, had everything and threw it all away 

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12 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

The whole week the son is big spender squandering money on every relative and especially his mom. I told the wife I think he is spending the money I sent him.The wife gave me the shut up and do not talk that way again  look unless you want real trouble

Absolutely pathetic .

Someone conned you out of money and they are waving it in your face and all it took was a look from someone and you melted

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11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

The story is so recognizable.


May I add something of myself.

In my marriage I never doubted that I had a duty towards my wife - "taking care" of her after I will die ( I am only 4 years older, but statistics tell us....). I never even thought about it, as it seemed to be the normal way: of course she should inherit my savings....

Then one of her sons moved in with us.

He did not ask me.

My wife did not ask me.

He is stupid (OK, I can live with that) and he is lazy (NO......).

Every satang that I will leave to my wife will go to him....

Now I am not sure that  I will let my wife inherit the savings that I worked for.



Oldhippy - get out there and start spending now because if you don't the lazy little bugger is going to piss it all away.

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its your life and your money so spend both how you want. guys in thailand seem to like to complicate their lives for no reason. unless you are having kids with a thai it is better just to keep to your own kind who you can understand and relate to. i have a couple kids with a thai girl. she has 4 brothers who i have nothing to do with. they get up to all sorts of crazy things. one is married to a western woman and has a thai wife as well. i stay out of it at all costs. keep it fun and simple will be my rule when i retire back to thailand.

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11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

This story - if true, I hope it is not, but OP has 2872 posts - is rather extreme.....


But yes, sons are adored to the extreme by their Thai mothers.

The traditional excuse for this is that the sons "will take care" of their mother when she is old.

Just another example of the conflict between old Thai culture as it was long ago, and real life as it is today.


Thai culture is a decaying culture.

Even more than Western culture.

Makes me sad.






Me too ... but I'm making the best of what's left of it ... My wife was traditional thai dance instructor ... very few can do that anymore  -- a dying breed --- a dying culture -- a dying nation -- but enjoy what's left

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