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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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President Trump has 7 1/2 years to go in his presidency. The stock market hit new highs while Comey the Leaker testified. The only person I know in Washington that I know will be indicted is Hillary Clinto for "pay to "play" while she was Secretary of State. Maybe they'll also reopen the email scandel. The "lame Duck" media and the Progressive Socialist Democrats will be the big losers over yesterdays hearing. As for Comey, his career is over and will be know as the "leaker" and no one in government would ever hire him again. I wonder if Comey was the General Flynn "Leaker"! More to come!

Edited by tomwct
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26 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

So far, there is zero evidence.

Just made up stuff in New York Times that got repeated.

As much as people may dislike Trump, there's no smoke or fire.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

No smoke?  Flynn was fired for his lying about his Russian connection; Sessions recused himself from the investigation because of his Russian Connections, Kushner has been defended by the WH because of his back channel attempts using Russian intelligence communication; the numerous ties with the Russians by Trump's people is well documented, were they overt or covert? Comey claims "there was no fuzz" on the evidence confirming Russian hacking of our 2016  elections; that will certainly be resolved with Muellers' investigation. If Hillary would have won, would anyone want an investigation of her contacts with the Russians?  There is smoke, dagnabbit!

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17 hours ago, puck2 said:

Talking about and checking the behavior of a liar-POTUS is dealing with national security and a felony??

What about researching if the new POTUS is a (criminal) liar?


If he would be free of any (criminal) failure why did he fire Comey and why does he want to avert a serious scrutiny ? Alone this reaction shows and improves the real and vile character of this ….. . And that he has to conceal a lot.


In school I learnt that the liar and fraudster commits a crime. But you make it vice-versa, punish the „leaker”, not the criminal. The new US rigt-wing moral. Congratulation.

Thank you. 45 defenders ALWAYS want to deflect and then blame. I enjoyed this on YT.


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17 hours ago, dutchisaan said:



Man, you really live in the Trump fantasy world!

Don't all 45 defenders? Like their bigoted leader .... delusional. They remind me of children putting their hands over their ears and closing their eyes and mumbling la la la la la la over and over. 


45 defenders do not really care a/b democracy or America, but only their racist/bigoted agendas IMO. I'd love to ask all 45 defenders if they consider themselves bigots or racists (def. look it up).

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14 minutes ago, rijb said:

Yes.  I even have electricity and indoor toilets.


I'm talking about when, if ever, classified evidence might be provided to the public.

Classified evidence will not likely be provided the public until unclassified; however, we may see some new information from the closed session and we will see the results of the investigation.

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14 minutes ago, tomwct said:

President Trump has 7 1/2 years to go in his presidency. The stock market hit new highs while Comey the Leaker testified. The only person I know in Washington that I know will be indicted is Hillary Clinto for "pay to "play" while she was Secretary of State. Maybe they'll also reopen the email scandel. The "lame Duck" media and the Progressive Socialist Democrats will be the big losers over yesterdays hearing. As for Comey, his career is over and will be know as the "leaker" and no one in government would ever hire him again. I wonder if Comey was the General Flynn "Leaker"! More to come!

Oh, you have already elected Trump for the second term. You seem to overlook the leaks in Trump's WH. At least Comey admitted it and was smart enough to use it to get a special counsel to ensure the  investigation continued even in his absence. Why do you insist on mixing Hillary with this; is she was involved with the Russian hacking of our election, I am sure it will be outed. If Comey were the Flynn leaker, I say good on you Jim, because it was obviously true.

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21 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

So far, in fact since his election, and before, we've heard accusations about inappropriate links with Russia, but NOBODy has turned up any actual evidence.  

The opposition to his presidency has had seven or eight months to turn up some real evidence, but failed to do so, so isn't it about time, in the absence of that evidence, that the accusation be put out to pasture??  


                   If you don't want to see something, you can convince yourself it's not there.  It helps if you close your eyes and don't hear any truth.


                  Imagine there's a large old house in your neighborhood.  Many people go in and out of the house at all hours, carrying bottles of Trump vodka and Trump wine, playing loud music.  Boisterous screams, shouts and laughter bellow out.   You would be right to assume it's a party house. You also see the house owner coming and going, always with a stupid grin plastered to his face.


                      It would therefore be reasonable to call the house owner a party-goer.


                      That's one analogy a reasonable person can make re; Trump and his cohorts. He's swimming in the thick of mafia dons, Russian agents, Republican dirty tricksters, inept/lying Republican politicians.  Only Trump fans could fool themselves into believing Trump is clean.



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There are many ugly characteristics re; how Trump fights his opponents.


                          One, is to find one less-than-stellar characteristic of his opponent (just one will do!) and blow it up like it's the Hindenburg blimp, and keep harping on that one flaw, no matter how insignificant it really is.    Trump did it with HRC.  The only flaw he could dig up about her was the 'unsecured email server.'   To any reasonable person, it was not a big deal.   However, Trumpsters grappled on to that like she was giving N launch codes to all America's enemies.   


                            Now Trumpsters have found a possible flaw in Comey's otherwise stellar text from yesterday.  They've got their claws in an issue that is really not a big deal.   btw, the notes that Comey passed on to his friend were written by Comey himself (can Billy Joel plagiarize himself for taking words from one of his own songs?), and the notes were never classified.   



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14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Credibility???  What credibility?


He didn't have any as a candidate. And if it's at all possible, he's proven himself as "president" to have even LESS than any.


The question of the current era is... just how low can he go?

And a follow up question might be how low and disgustingly un American will the republicans aka RussiaReps go for their party v democracy?

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33 minutes ago, dcutman said:


No matter how much the biased media tries to discount this fact, Trump is and will remain President through this term and most likely trough a second. 

Get used it.


 While that is a possibility, at this point I would consider it remote. Trump is wreaking havoc on the future-scape as it pertains to the 2018 mid-terms and he has the RNC along with numerous Congressmen and Senators who will be facing tight re-election contests very nervous. GOP popularity is declining, especially in the swing states that elected Trump. The GOP will in no way permit Trump to destroy their majorities. No, I seriously doubt that Trump will ever be impeached, at least not as long as the Republicans control the House. However, the very real prospect of losing the Senate and their majority suffering a severe decline in the House is enough to have the RNC plotting how to avoid such a "disaster".


Which is why I envision the use of the 25th Amendment. It wouldn't take much to convince Pence, who is already salivating at the thought of becoming President, and the majority of the Cabinet to band together to declare Trump unfit to govern, thereby putting Pence in the Oval Office, someone the country at large sees as a far more rational and level-headed figure (not that he would be much of an actual improvement...he wouldn't). In one move, the GOP would eliminate the entire Russian cloud, terminate the Congressional investigations, get rid of a continual source of embarrassment, end their having to forever make excuses and explain Trump's irrational and humiliating behavior, and do away with the single biggest threat to their majorities. Once they decide to act, it would be quite simple to convince Trump to resign rather than suffer the overwhelming public humiliation of leaving office having been declared mentally incompetent. His ego would force him to grab that out.


So, I wouldn't count too heavily on seeing the orange one still in office at age 78. In fact, I just don't see him celebrating his 72nd birthday in the White House. Possible, but not probable at this point. He's too much of a loose canon for the RNC to afford letting him continue to erode their mid-term prospects.


So here is your nightmare scenario...you don't have to worry about the Democrats. Not in the least. They don't have the votes to get an impeachment off the ground, even if the evidence of criminal wrongdoing was discovered and proved overwhelming. The Democrats are powerless to do anything.


What you have to worry about is the Republicans. They see Trump as a threat, and as long as these investigations continue, that threat becomes a very serious one at that. The Republicans are that hideous "establishment" you hate so much. But the fact is, they still hold the ultimate power. They can force Trump to resign. If he refused and they considered him a big enough threat, they could simply come up with some evidence of collusion or obstruction and begin impeachment proceedings. It would be a huge gamble for the Republicans, but if they slipped far enough in the mid-term projections and felt they had nothing to lose...why not?

Edited by Traveler19491
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From today's NPR article articulating how Sessions is in the hot seat: 


"The White House stood behind Sessions. Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked if Trump has confidence in his attorney general, a question press secretary Sean Spicer would not answer earlier in the week.  "Absolutely, the president has confidence in all of his cabinet...."


Boomer's comment:  Uh oh.  We know how well that plays out.  More often than not, when Trump claims he has full confidence in one of his underlings, .....within days, that person is booted out.  Pass the Ritz crackers.




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13 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

 While that is a possibility, at this point I would consider it remote. Trump is wreaking havoc on the future-scape as it pertains to the 2018 mid-terms and he has the RNC along with numerous Congressmen and Senators who will be facing tight re-election contests very nervous. GOP popularity is declining, especially in the swing states that elected Trump. The GOP will in no way permit Trump to destroy their majorities. No, I seriously doubt that Trump will ever be impeached, at least not as long as the Republicans control the House. However, the very real prospect of losing the Senate and their majority suffering a severe decline in the House is enough to have the RNC plotting how to avoid such a "disaster".


Which is why I envision the use of the 25th Amendment. It wouldn't take much to convince Pence, who is already salivating at the thought of becoming President, and the majority of the Cabinet to band together to declare Trump unfit to govern, thereby putting Pence in the Oval Office, someone the country at large sees as a far more rational and level-headed figure (not that he would be much of an actual improvement...he wouldn't). In one move, the GOP would eliminate the entire Russian cloud, get rid of a continual source of embarrassment, end their having to forever make excuses and explain Trump's irrational and humiliating behavior, and do away with the single biggest threat to their majorities. Once they decide to act, it would be quite simple to convince Trump to resign rather than suffer the overwhelming public humiliation of leaving office having been declared mentally incompetent. His ego would force him to grab that out.


So, I wouldn't count too heavily on seeing the orange one still in office at age 78. In fact, I just don't see him celebrating his 72nd birthday in the White House. Possible, but not probable at this point. He's too much of a loose canon for the RNC to afford letting him continue to erode their mid-term prospects.


Agree completely.

I'd add that Pence is even more dangerous than Trump. While Trump is an incompetent narcissistic grifter, Pence is a true believer, a Christian Taliban.


He is now laying low and avoiding scrutiny, biding his time. It is time for the press to stop being distracted by the Trump freak show and shine a light on Pence's dangerous fundamentalist lunacy.


Between Trump and Pence, it's a choice between Kleptocracy and Theocracy. It is a choice between two poisons.


To ensure the healthy survival of secular democracy, Democrats have to at least win the Senate in 2018.

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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Agree completely.

I'd add that Pence is even more dangerous than Trump. While Trump is an incompetent narcissistic grifter, Pence is a true believer, a Christian Taliban.


He is now laying low and avoiding scrutiny, biding his time. It is time for the press to stop being distracted by the Trump freak show and shine a light on Pence's dangerous fundamentalist lunacy.


Between Trump and Pence, it's a choice between Kleptocracy and Theocracy. It is a choice between two poisons.


To ensure the healthy survival of secular democracy, Democrats have to at least win the Senate in 2018.

I would concur. I would also add that this is one major reason why the RNC will want to rid themselves of Trump. If the investigations continue and there is uncovered some evidence of Pence's involvement (quite possible), then the continuation of the GOP itself is threatened. An entire administration that was involved in collusion and coverup? The results in 2018 and 2020 would be earth shattering. Every single Republican who supported Trump and Pence and who tried their best to deflect or distract from the investigations would find themselves on the chopping block at re-election time.

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1 minute ago, Traveler19491 said:

I would concur. I would also add that this is one major reason why the RNC will want to rid themselves of Trump. If the investigations continue and there is uncovered some evidence of Pence's involvement (quite possible), then the continuation of the GOP itself is threatened. An entire administration that was involved in collusion and coverup? The results in 2018 and 2020 would be earth shattering. Every single Republican who supported Trump and Pence and who tried their best to deflect or distract from the investigations would find themselves on the chopping block at re-election time.


On the other hand, let's not discount Paul Ryan's ambition to become president. I believe he would be next in line after Pence. I admit to binge watching House of Cards lately, but my sense is that it's no longer about Ideology, Country or even Party, but just personal ambition with Ryan.


We live in interesting times. I only wish it weren't also dangerous times.

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Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.


1              President Trump was never under investigation.

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4              Russia did not alter the election result

5              Comey leaked his own memo.

6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.

7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue

8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.

9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.

10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   

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8 minutes ago, stander said:

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.


 That'd most likely be up to fed investigators to decide, neither proven nor disproven


8 minutes ago, stander said:

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4               Russia did not alter the election result


Neither proven or disproven .


8 minutes ago, stander said:

5              Comey leaked his own memo.



Edited by Rob13
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1 minute ago, stander said:

Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.


1              President Trump was never under investigation.

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4              Russia did not alter the election result

5              Comey leaked his own memo.

6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.

7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue

8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.

9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.

10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   


Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing:


1. The so-called President was not under investigation...at that point.

2. The conclusion that Trump did not obstruct justice is highly subjective and open to interpretation of the law. The final decision will be up to the Special Counsel.

3. There has been nothing whatsoever to affirmatively demonstrate that the so-called President had no knowledge of anything that may have happened. That conclusion will be up to the Special Counsel.

4. There is no evidence whatsoever that the Russian hacking of the DNC and attempts to hack an electronic voting machine manufacturer had no effect on the election. That conclusion will be up to the Special Counsel.

5. Comey did not trust the DoJ, did not trust Sessions, so leaked an unclassified memo of an unclassified meeting to prompt the appointment of a Special Counsel. It worked.

6. Loretta Lynch requested that Comey reword the language in press releases. Not illegal, but not ethical either.

7. Comey found much to criticize Clinton over, but insufficient evidence to request an indictment and acted within the bounds of his prosecutorial discretion, much to the chagrin, hand wringing, and whining of the trumpettes.

8. Right wing snowflakes, absent any facts to support the orange one, rely on screaming "fake news" in the face of facts.

9. The Special Counsel is just barely into his investigation and is still hiring staff, mostly consisting of criminal prosecutors, FBI agents, and people with extensive experience in both espionage and organized crime investigations. The Special Counsel is just getting started, but the poorly educated and willfully ignorant trumpettes want to posit BS about how this is all a made up scandal and a witch hunt, neither of which could be further from the truth.

10. The investigation into the involvement of Russia in meddling with our electoral process is just beginning, but the snowflakes on the right who prefer to live with their heads firmly deposited in the sand are desperate to make it all go away. The American people are fast becoming disillusioned with their carnival barker so-called President and his oafish antics. The slowly declining numbers of Trump supporters are down to the die-hard worshipers of the orange messiah who will never accept that he is nothing more than a two-bit con man who couldn't care less about them.


There were a couple of small errors in your post. I corrected them for you...no charge.

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2 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

So far, there is zero evidence.

Just made up stuff in New York Times that got repeated.

As much as people may dislike Trump, there's no smoke or fire.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

You can' tell me that someone who has as much business experience as Trump didn't know that trying to influence Comey was inappropriate. Any business person knows you can't ask certain questions when you are interviewing someone for a job, that certain behavior is inappropriate in a work place (sexual harassment), or you can't have private meetings with a judge who is deciding your case. At the very least he should have consulted with staff about the appropriateness BEFORE meeting with Comey. The fact that Trump went to great lengths to make sure there were no witnesses to these interactions with Comey strongly suggests that he knew full well the contacts were of an inappropriate nature.

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33 minutes ago, stander said:

Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.


1              President Trump was never under investigation.

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4              Russia did not alter the election result

5              Comey leaked his own memo.

6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.

7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue

8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.

9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.

10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   



I knew it! I just KNEW IT!


We live on different planets in two parallel universes and ThaiVisa is the communications portal. I bet your planet has pink unicorns, you lucky bastards.

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Just now, Thakkar said:


I knew it! I just KNEW IT!


We live on different planets in two parallel universes and ThaiVisa is the communications portal. I bet your planet has pink unicorns, you lucky bastards.

OK, that one made me laugh out loud! Wish you wouldn't do that when I'm drinking covfefe.

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2 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

OK, that one made me laugh out loud! Wish you wouldn't do that when I'm drinking covfefe.


I just wanted you to "wake up and smell the covfefe" —not snort it, man.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.


1              President Trump was never under investigation.

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4              Russia did not alter the election result

5              Comey leaked his own memo.

6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.

7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue

8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.

9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.

10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   


How do you come up with that, genius.


Who is 'we' by the way, I think even many of your fellow Trump fans will disagree with you here. They just don't care what Trump does.

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17 hours ago, rijb said:

But, not enough to buckle to the 'hand-crusher'.

I think Macron won that contest... hands down.



I think Trump will revert to the tugging technique. Lord knows he practices enough.



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1 hour ago, stander said:

Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.


1              President Trump was never under investigation.

2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.

3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

4              Russia did not alter the election result

5              Comey leaked his own memo.

6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.

7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue

8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.

9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.

10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   


                                     As for #10, you can hope hope hope (like a little kid on Xmas eve hopes for a candy-colored rocking horse) .....that the 'Russia story is dead' but it's got legs and they're getting longer and sturdier each week.  McCain equates it to a giant centipede.


                            Half the things you mentioned in your list are old news from months ago.  Are you sure you want to keep whipping a dead mule?   And the first 3 items on your list are what Comey/FBI were thinking IN JANUARY.  We're now in June.  A lot has happened in five months.  Whereas the more perceptive among us have known Trump and his cohorts were rotten to the core from the get-go, the majority of Americans are realizing it, as each day rolls by.  


                          If you left open a jar of mayonaise in January, it may not smell too bad after five days.   However, the same open jar would be vile, 5 months hence.   And we ain't seen nothin' yet.  Lots more to come.  Congress hasn't even mentioned many of the key pertinent points.  


                          Perhaps the FBI knows a few things.  Thus far, Trumpsters have succeeded in slowing the process.  But they can't forever keep back the tide of evidence pointing to Trump and his honchos, possibly including Ivanka - intrinsically involved with Russia's meddling in the US election.


1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

Agree completely. I'd add that Pence is even more dangerous than Trump. While Trump is an incompetent narcissistic grifter, Pence is a true believer, a Christian Taliban. He is now laying low and avoiding scrutiny, biding his time. It is time for the press to stop being distracted by the Trump freak show and shine a light on Pence's dangerous fundamentalist lunacy. Between Trump and Pence, it's a choice between Kleptocracy and Theocracy. It is a choice between two poisons. To ensure the healthy survival of secular democracy, Democrats have to at least win the Senate in 2018.

                             You're insinuating that Pence can be taken down because of his ideology.  Won't happen, because ultra-right wing 'Taliban of the west' ideology doesn't matter to Republicans.  Pence will be taken down for repeatedly lying to Congress and Americans.  So that leaves sniveler Ryan to occupy the WH.

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23 hours ago, Usernames said:

Disagree.  He took notes regarding his questions of the president on an investigation.  He had his FBI hat on.  He wasn't at home making a grocery list. He was on FBI time, doing FBI work, and he leaked it.

Having seen some opinion regarding this situation on tv, I have changed my mind. He signed a non disclosure agreement and can't legally leak anything to do with his FBI involvement. Could face up to 10 years in jail, apparently; also be fined.

IMO his behavior over the past year is somewhat strange and contradictory.


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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                                     As for #10, you can hope hope hope (like a little kid on Xmas eve hopes for a candy-colored rocking horse) .....that the 'Russia story is dead' but it's got legs and they're getting longer and sturdier each week.  McCain equates it to a giant centipede.


                            Half the things you mentioned in your list are old news from months ago.  Are you sure you want to keep whipping a dead mule?   And the first 3 items on your list are what Comey/FBI were thinking IN JANUARY.  We're now in June.  A lot has happened in five months.  Whereas the more perceptive among us have known Trump and his cohorts were rotten to the core from the get-go, the majority of Americans are realizing it, as each day rolls by.  


                          If you left open a jar of mayonaise in January, it may not smell too bad after five days.   However, the same open jar would be vile, 5 months hence.   And we ain't seen nothin' yet.  Lots more to come.  Congress hasn't even mentioned many of the key pertinent points.  


                          Perhaps the FBI knows a few things.  Thus far, Trumpsters have succeeded in slowing the process.  But they can't forever keep back the tide of evidence pointing to Trump and his honchos, possibly including Ivanka - intrinsically involved with Russia's meddling in the US election.


                             You're insinuating that Pence can be taken down because of his ideology.  Won't happen, because ultra-right wing 'Taliban of the west' ideology doesn't matter to Republicans.  Pence will be taken down for repeatedly lying to Congress and Americans.  So that leaves sniveler Ryan to occupy the WH.

Good points, all. One other thing...if it comes to the point where Pence turns out to be toxic also (which I tend to think he will be) and the Sniveler (excellent moniker) winds up sitting in the Oval Office, one decent thing that would likely arise would be a goodly amount of "gun shyness" about doing anything that might warrant scrutiny (and there's also the possibility that Ryan's hands aren't clean. An investigation of this nature turns up all kinds of things). Hence, it might come about that the Republican addiction to dirty tricks could die out for awhile. One can hope.

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30 minutes ago, stevenl said:

How do you come up with that, genius.


Who is 'we' by the way, I think even many of your fellow Trump fans will disagree with you here. They just don't care what Trump does.

He and I for starters.

However, I disagree that 10 is a starter. As the "Trump resistance" ( :passifier: ) has little else to beat Trump with, they will pursue this for the next 7 1/2 years.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


I knew it! I just KNEW IT!


We live on different planets in two parallel universes and ThaiVisa is the communications portal. I bet your planet has pink unicorns, you lucky bastards.

and on your planet HRC rules while all the liberals sit around the campfire singing kumbaya because they all get money from the rich to have happy lives without working.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and on your planet HRC rules while all the liberals sit around the campfire singing kumbaya because they all get money from the rich to have happy lives without working.

Idealic as they are, our lives aren't complete without the pink unicorns. Could you send some over, thanks.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Having seen some opinion regarding this situation on tv, I have changed my mind. He signed a non disclosure agreement and can't legally leak anything to do with his FBI involvement. Could face up to 10 years in jail, apparently; also be fined. IMO his behavior over the past year is somewhat strange and contradictory.

                           We expect no less from a Trump fan.  Dig and dig until you find one thing that would ordinarily be benign, but (with Comey) it's perhaps the most damaging thing comparatively.  Now put that in 6 ft tall letters on every billboard in town.   Comey won't face legal procedures, not even with Republicans in charge of a Salem witch trial.  Republicans are dumb and vindictive, but not that dumb, are they?


                             As for Trump's popularity.  He's lost about 10% since January among those who voted for him in November.  And he's gained zero.  I don't think there's one American who was against him in November, who has become a fan of his now.  His popularity among all Americans is down to 25%.  Trumpsters; Listen to the following video and weep.




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