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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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2 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:



Which is why I envision the use of the 25th Amendment. It wouldn't take much to convince Pence, who is already salivating at the thought of becoming President, and the majority of the Cabinet to band together to declare Trump unfit to govern, thereby putting Pence in the Oval Office, someone the country at large sees as a far more rational and level-headed figure (not that he would be much of an actual improvement...he wouldn't). In one move, the GOP would eliminate the entire Russian cloud, terminate the Congressional investigations, get rid of a continual source of embarrassment, end their having to forever make excuses and explain Trump's irrational and humiliating behavior, and do away with the single biggest threat to their majorities. Once they decide to act, it would be quite simple to convince Trump to resign rather than suffer the overwhelming public humiliation of leaving office having been declared mentally incompetent. His ego would force him to grab that out.




The ultimate irony would be if Trump were removed by such, only for the united GOP to push through huge tax cuts on the 1%, massive cuts in welfare, pass their health care bill, use the SCOTUS to cancel Roe vs Wade,  and everything the Dems/ liberals hate, while increasing their majority in 2018.

As I see it, the only thing holding them back from such is Trump, who is more populist that most GOP congressmen.

Be careful what you wish for :smile:.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The ultimate irony would be if Trump were removed by such, only for the united GOP to push through huge tax cuts on the 1%, massive cuts in welfare, pass their health care bill, use the SCOTUS to cancel Roe vs Wade,  and everything the Dems/ liberals hate, while increasing their majority in 2018.

As I see it, the only thing holding them back from such is Trump, who is more populist that most GOP congressmen.

Be careful what you wish for :smile:.


Indeed. This is the sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. The only glimmer of light at the end of this horrible tunnel is a Dem majority in the senate as a check on GOP abuse of power, whoever the president.

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

No smoke?  Flynn was fired for his lying about his Russian connection; Sessions recused himself from the investigation because of his Russian Connections, Kushner has been defended by the WH because of his back channel attempts using Russian intelligence communication; the numerous ties with the Russians by Trump's people is well documented, were they overt or covert? Comey claims "there was no fuzz" on the evidence confirming Russian hacking of our 2016  elections; that will certainly be resolved with Muellers' investigation. If Hillary would have won, would anyone want an investigation of her contacts with the Russians?  There is smoke, dagnabbit!

It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Indeed. This is the sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. The only glimmer of light at the end of this horrible tunnel is a Dem majority in the senate as a check on GOP abuse of power, whoever the president.

The British solved the problem by having an appointed/ hereditary House of Lords to put a check on the Parliament.

However it can't actually stop bills, only delay them, according to Wikipedia.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The British solved the problem by having an appointed/ hereditary House of Lords to put a check on the Parliament.

However it can't actually stop bills, only delay them, according to Wikipedia.

There is little hope of Dems gaining control,of The House. There is reasonable hope of them controlling the Senate. It won't help a lot, but it will help some. That's why it's such a dim, pathetic little light at the end of that tunnel.


I hate being a pessimist, but the GOP power grab is almost complete. Every poll and study tells us that the majority of Americans want some form of gun control, maintain women's right to choose, more liberal Canabis laws, less stringent sentencing over minor offenses, equal pay for all genders, progressive taxation and higher taxes on the rich, universal healthcare, equitable gay rights, and a host of other issues. Yet the GOP is on the wrong side of each of these. Yet, due to gerrymandering, dirty tricks and voter suppression, misinformation, shrewder tactics, more willingness to outright lie, a disengaged, apathetic, low-info electorate—they continue to beat Dems in elections.


American democracy is dying by a thousand cuts. I can only hope that I am wrong.

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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

There is little hope of Dems gaining control,of The House. There is reasonable hope of them controlling the Senate. It won't help a lot, but it will help some. That's why it's such a dim, pathetic little light at the end of that tunnel.


I hate being a pessimist, but the GOP power grab is almost complete. Every poll and study tells us that the majority of Americans want some form of gun control, maintain women's right to choose, more liberal Canabis laws, less stringent sentencing over minor offenses, equal pay for all genders, progressive taxation and higher taxes on the rich, universal healthcare, equitable gay rights, and a host of other issues. Yet the GOP is on the wrong side of each of these. Yet, due to gerrymandering, dirty tricks and voter suppression, misinformation, shrewder tactics, more willingness to outright lie, a disengaged, apathetic, low-info electorate—they continue to beat Dems in elections.


American democracy is dying by a thousand cuts. I can only hope that I am wrong.

Off topic rant about the american electoral system that has nothing to do with the topic.

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44 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

It is illegal to speak to the Russian secret service when you are a civilian as they were at that time. How hard to understand is this?

That depends on how attractive she or he is. An 8 or greater is not illegal. Besides one has to show an intent to break the law, using the Comey standard. Intent of what w/r an attractive Russian SS agent, I'm not sure.

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21 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

It's so far off topic one has to wonder why it has not been removed?  Just asking.:wai:

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

And your reason for impeachment is?:wai:


That would be a good thread topic all its own, because the reasons are many and sometimes subjective.  Just remember that congress needs no reason at all.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                   If you don't want to see something, you can convince yourself it's not there.  It helps if you close your eyes and don't hear any truth.


                  Imagine there's a large old house in your neighborhood.  Many people go in and out of the house at all hours, carrying bottles of Trump vodka and Trump wine, playing loud music.  Boisterous screams, shouts and laughter bellow out.   You would be right to assume it's a party house. You also see the house owner coming and going, always with a stupid grin plastered to his face.


                      It would therefore be reasonable to call the house owner a party-goer.


                      That's one analogy a reasonable person can make re; Trump and his cohorts. He's swimming in the thick of mafia dons, Russian agents, Republican dirty tricksters, inept/lying Republican politicians.  Only Trump fans could fool themselves into believing Trump is clean.





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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

It is illegal to speak to the Russian secret service when you are a civilian as they were at that time. How hard to understand is this?

Utter silliness.  So, every time I am introduced to a Russian, I must ask if they are member of the Russian "Secret Service," before I can talk with them.  The absolute hysteria about anything to do with Russia being grounds for treason makes McCarthyism look like a mild walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. 

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5 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I wasn't calling YOU a buffoon, but if the shoe fits...


Never suggested you did so why do you find the need to respond in a derogatory manner toward me.  I have remained civil in my questions to yourself.:wai:

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15 minutes ago, attrayant said:


That would be a good thread topic all its own, because the reasons are many and sometimes subjective.  Just remember that congress needs no reason at all.

They may need no reason, but their constituents would have something to say if they were engaged in an obvious waste of money.

A congressman can issue an article of impeachment, but a majority is needed for it to go to the senate.

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Just now, stander said:

President Trump does nothing haphazardly. Every move is calculated. He gives them enough rope to hang themselves and their egos do the rest.

I would also add their lack of skills combined with their total dislike which clouds their minds, if you can find one, who has one.:wai:

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Why can't the media, after being shown they got it wrong with the 'Russia Connection', just stop quoting supposed 'anonymous' sources which so often turn out to be false news. The media is full of 'someone close to the matter' and it's just BS.

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Just now, binjalin said:

Why can't the media, after being shown they got it wrong with the 'Russia Connection', just stop quoting supposed 'anonymous' sources which so often turn out to be false news. The media is full of 'someone close to the matter' and it's just BS.

Because it's not about finding a 'Russian Connection'.....it's more about attempting to bring down the democratically elected President of the United States.

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The fun is going to start when Lynch refutes what Comey is saying, then it will be Holder, Abedin, and Podesta, and as soon as it's all tied together, turned into a RICO investigation and prosecution.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They may need no reason, but their constituents would have something to say if they were engaged in an obvious waste of money.


We all know that legislators answer to their constituents, but your "something to say" prognostication didn't bear true in 2000, after the huge waste of time and money that was the Clinton impeachment.  The House kept its R majority, and the Senate split 50/50, with Darth Cheney as the tie breaker. The presidency, of course, swung to the republicans thanks to an electoral-only victory.  Déjà vu.

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