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British voters wake up and ask - Who are the DUP?


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Yeah that guitar playing mob singing  " We are all rejoicing bringing in the sheep ". The knock on front door by the Jehovah lot at evening meal time.  :biggrin:


Tell them you're a Roman Catholic. They will assume that you are the cloven hooved spawn of the devil incarnate, and run like billy-oh!





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On 6/10/2017 at 9:37 AM, nausea said:

Oh, they'll know soon enough Laughing Gravy, the opposition will see to that; I think the Daily Mirror already has  a headline something like "Crackpot Coalition". Judging by her actions I think May (to be fair and non-partisan, Diane Abbot also springs to mind) is a prime example of the Peter Principle in operation.




Abbot and May - what a double act! Off to the Lords with them.

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18 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Are you contending that there were a significant number of Catholic soldiers fighting for William? I'm not saying it's not so. Just asking.

"a war that was primarily about James's attempt to regain the thrones of England and Scotland, resulting from the Invitation to William and William's wife, Mary, to take the throne. It is regarded as a crucial moment in the struggle between Irish Protestant and Catholic interests." Source Wikipedia.


No disrespect to Ireland or the Irish people and their sufferings. But this seems to be about the struggle between Protestant and Catholic factions and the desire to replace a Catholic monarchy with a Protestant one.


No doubt it was murkier in reality.



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5 hours ago, JAG said:

Tell them you're a Roman Catholic. They will assume that you are the cloven hooved spawn of the devil incarnate, and run like billy-oh!

Nah  !1  l just use to say in UK you wanna meet the Devil come on in.  :biggrin:

They never knocked again until a new lot started coming around.



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On 11/6/2560 at 10:54 AM, NanLaew said:

The same sort of excuse that some will arbitrarily toss out with regard to Corbyn's past history of happily sharing a podium with similarly odious elements?

NL, apart from being a fenian sympathiser of sorts your interest in this is to deflect attention from the SNP performance.


Apart from the loss of 21 seats (and 12 other very close calls including a dodgy result in Fife North East) and 500,000 votes, I am told they polled less than the Unionist parties. So not likely to be screaming so loud for a second referendum. I thought Salmond came across well reciting a Jacobin prayer after his result.


I remember that long ago time of the Scottish referendum when a group on here went home "to prepare for freedom". Went very quiet shortly after.


What happened to smokie by the way??

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