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Why is Thailand still such a dangerous place?


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Why is Thailand still such a dangerous place?
By The Nation


The junta, seemingly incapable of stopping the bombs and other criminal activities, tries to wish away foreign criticism


Rather than having the foreign and tourism ministries dismiss international organisations’ low opinions of safety and security in Thailand, it would be far better if the ruling military junta did its job effectively. It could start by admitting it has failed to guarantee citizens’ safety.


The National Council for Peace and Order that seized power in the May 2014 coup, toppling a civilian government, has yet to live up to its name.


It has soldiers backing up police and other security agencies throughout the country, and yet no one feels completely safe. Threats to personal and public security are rife.


The news media are full of stories about crime and violence committed by both locals and foreigners. We see cross-border crime, the smuggling of drugs, weapons and unfortunate people, insurgencies and even sporadic gouts of terrorism. 


The junta never seems able to explain the cause or causes of all this. There has never been a straightforward answer regarding the motivation behind the August 2015 bombing of the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok that left 20 people dead and more than 100 others injured, mostly foreign tourists.


Suspects were eventually arrested and trials got underway. But where was the assurance that such a horror would not recur? Instead we’ve seen more bombs in the capital, some detonated, some not.  


Bombs went off in seven southern provinces last August, including in the popular tourist destinations Hua Hin, Phang Nga, Krabi and Phuket. No person or group ever claimed responsibility for those incidents, which also claimed several lives. The investigation was as shoddy as the intelligence was poor. Authorities ended up with mere speculation that Malay Muslim insurgents were behind the attacks.


There were more mysterious blasts in Bangkok this past April and May, in or around the government lottery office, National Theatre and military-run Phramongkutkhlao Hospital. Dozens of innocents were hurt, and the junta has yet to offer a satisfactory explanation.


Only by chance was a package of pipe bombs noticed near a subway station and a shipment of grenades halted in the post office. Only because the transporting vehicle had an accident in Trat last week did we learn that military personnel have been making money by smuggling war weapons.


Again, the junta is remaining infuriatingly reticent, inviting confusion, rumours and bitterness when it’s supposed to be fostering order and a sense of security.


Add to this the never-ending litany of violence in the southernmost provinces that has claimed more than 6,800 lives since 2004, and citizens can only ask, “Where is the peace? Where is the order?”


It is clear enough by now that the peace and order the junta had in mind was what it imposed on warring political factions through draconian, anti-democratic measures.


It has been too busy castigating politicians, the media and “meddling foreigners” – accusing them of damaging Thailand’s image – to address the very real security threats that seem to be increasing in number and severity by the week.


Denunciation of international assessments – such as the latest one on travel and tourism from the World Economic Forum – will not improve Thailand’s reputation for being a relatively dangerous place. That can only be achieved by making the country safer, by stopping the bombings and minimising severe crime. That is also part of the peace and order we seek.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/today_editorial/30317923

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-13
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Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

Just read he news every day.

Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet.

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8 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:


Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

Just read he news every day.

Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet.

My My Sir perhaps you do not leave your home and drive to the local shops or see the latest local news that makes the civilised world turn their backs on the horror in this neck of the woods.


You are right every country has a problem of one sort or another, many country's try and do something about it. But what causes these problems? Mainly I have to say religion as its as corrupt as the day is long.


But most of the time its the so called sh>elites who want control and the wealth that goes with it. So you see little excuses of men filling peoples heads full of propaganda and then we all suffer as per London and Manchester.


Locally that could be sorted out with the right brains in control. but alas no brains around that neck of the woods as those GT200 devices the greens paid well over the top for did not work or ever would as they could not even find a golf ball for which they where first created to do. Then the blimp that never flew and sits in its hanger bought off a very doggy website and guess who was behind that website? Easy to find out when you know the business.


A Disgrace and I remember one man saying the GT200 worked yet his men where either tired or not trained well, yet The UK Government put the con artists behind it, behind bars for 10 years for the con. So who was right your little man or the BG? No need to ask we know the answer and where the backhanders went.


Safe not likely, me I would rather live in a war zone that in a place where you cannot even trust your own family and that is so sad to say. I live in hope you will be free one day soon.


It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full


Excuses excuses


What about the blind who cannot see and have to relay on either Propaganda, Lies or I hope they will be given the Truth one day.

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The things which make Thailand rank so highly in the "table of dangerous places" do not impinge upon the lives of the wealthy and priviledged "elite".


The things we read about here, the murders, road deaths and dodgy electrical installations for example, do not effect the lives of this "elite".


They are of no interest to this elite.


The junta is therefore not interested.





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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:


Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

Just read he news every day.

Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet.

It is the most dangerous place in the world on the roads with over 20k being slaughtered every year, that does not happen everywhere does it.

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Thailand is a dangerous place.  The country has many laws which a corrupt and inept police force fail to enact.

Thai family values are another cause for concern: the idolising of male children by (grand)mothers result in spoiled brats who turn to violence if crossed.

The have-nots are increasingly disturbed by the increase of wealth among the few - much of it gained by dubious practices.


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Thailand remains highly dangerous to its citizens and visitors for multiple reasons. Road traffic is obviously right up there, crime, especially violent crime is rife, political insurgency in the south and random bombings, just to mention a few.

The major issue that I see, is that while plenty of time is spent on rhetoric, normally denying the existence of such problems, very little if anything ever happens that actually addresses and tackles the issues. Plans to tackle problems, such as the Pre-Songkran road safety drive, just fizzle out, or are withdrawn if people moan about the impact.

The Government is way too focused on its image and its popularity, but has no policies that address these issues, so Thailand is unlikely to become significantly safer, anytime soon.

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I am surprised that the media can write an article critical of the current Junta, I thought that is strictly off limits. 

Its good to see, but I was under the impression that the media cant be critical of the current regime.

Exciting times, free speech and democracy.

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I feel no less in danger here than anywhere I have lived. I find that too many people react to the hype.


In the end there are dangers everywhere in any country. Part of life. You just do your part and manage it. 





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Yes Thailand is a dangerous place, upset a Thai woman, and out comes the knife.

Upset a Thai man and all his mates join in to kick the s++t out of you.

Saying that i feel safer here than some other countries i have visited.

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There are no security checks in this country; you can go to any shopping mall or BTS station without any search of your bags. The token look with a flashlight is a joke; when they need the toilet or a coffee they just leave their post; if you just walk past them they don't stop you.

The immigration checks that are in place for registering tourists are not enforced for Airbnb bookings so unwanted elements can come and go as they please.

In my opinion it's only a question of time before there is a major terrorist incident in this country.

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4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:


Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

Just read he news every day.

Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet.


Thailand is more dangerous in one respect only, Road Deaths per capita.  The figures are insane.  Unfortunately road deaths far outweigh most other causes of deaths (other than loose balconies!).  If Thais can learn to control themselves on the roads its a reasonably safe country.

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Im with IMA Farang on this.

Try living in Central or South America. And with whats happening in Europe with terrorist bombings now almost a weekly occurance, couple that with no go areas. Thailand certainly isn't the safest place but is far safer than a lot of perceived safe havens.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Rather than having the foreign and tourism ministries dismiss international organisations’ low opinions of safety and security in Thailand, it would be far better if the ruling military junta did its job effectively. It could start by admitting it has failed to guarantee citizens’ safety.

There came a quick response:

Tool that fell off Red Line construction site "just your everyday accident" says Skytrain official

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13 minutes ago, Jimbo2014 said:


Thailand is more dangerous in one respect only, Road Deaths per capita.  The figures are insane.  Unfortunately road deaths far outweigh most other causes of deaths (other than loose balconies!).  If Thais can learn to control themselves on the roads its a reasonably safe country.

Fatality on the roads are predominately motorcycles.  If you drive a car, your risk of injury or death goes down significantly...to western levels I dare say.

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Berkshire claims that the risk of death and injury to people in cars is comparable to Western levels. I severely doubt this; with the Thai atrocious driving standards, the lack of action by the police, the substandard design, construction and maintenance of roads, and the low usage of seatbelts; very few car owners in the UK don't insist that front and rear seat belts are always used. As for keeping kids safe in the car, that thought seems to be nonexistent in a Thai adult's mind. Parents that I know here, who love their children dearly, have no no idea of how to keep them safe.

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On 6/13/2017 at 5:09 AM, IMA_FARANG said:


Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

Just read he news every day.

Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet

Great Work! No statistics, no never use those, just hit it with the  … What about … What about …. The “what-aboutery” defense. You have done you job gentle poster. You banged up the first post, used an emotional opinion rant; a classic, if well worn, deflection. The usual suspects have sprouted like mushrooms after a monsoon rain around your post and popped ‘likes’.  A job well done

The real question is why it has taken so long to acknowledge Thailand has a significant safety problem?! For year, no decades we had that throw away expat line “I feel so safe”. With my cultural background, I hear it with a Gomer Pyle inflection. In reality it has a Northern British accent. It takes two to five years on average before the chest thumping “I feel so safe” bellower goes silent. In that time two more have taken his place. What has changed is even the Thai media no longer hides or deflects like they used to. Many say it is that ‘website’ which basically ended the debate and forced Thai newspapers, that bastion of the free press; to acknowledge what was happening.

My question was that it? Was it just statistics on Farang body count. Matching that up with available statistics about homicide rate, handgun Deaths and of course traffic fatalities, that turned the tide?

Is there any other reason that the media now acknowledges the safety problem exist after 27 years of serious denial? Just asking.

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1 hour ago, KC 71 said:

I feel safer here than in my home country

There we go - the I feel so safe .... I feel safe ... I' am so safe. posters


Just like clockwork  ..   I'm feeling your safeness gentle poster!

Edited by LomSak27
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Can The Nation give us stats and comparison year by year from 2010 to date so that we can see for ourselves.?

It would be better if by category in order to make it easy for us to comprehend and evaluate. 

As for the South,well can any Previous Government explain why there is no investment or development in that region? Why infrastructure is poor?Why Schools and Hospitals roads etc etc are poor and inadequate? 

You must pay attention to that region in order to give the new generation hope of a brighter future and lure them to a more prosperous future and hope.

The Junta did not encourage crimes to be rife as insinuated here but actually they are doing a better job than Taksin and Co.?

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yes Thailand is a dangerous place, upset a Thai woman, and out comes the knife.

Upset a Thai man and all his mates join in to kick the s++t out of you.

Saying that i feel safer here than some other countries i have visited.

I remember many times, outside clubs and pubs in England, real fights going 'one-on-one' were never fair (usually involving one 'fighter' and one passer by). Mostly all the 'mates' join in the fun and give them a good kicking.


You're FAR safer anywhere here than you would be, for example, in Walsall (U.K.) on a Friday night.


2 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:


Thailand is more dangerous in one respect only, Road Deaths per capita.  The figures are insane.  Unfortunately road deaths far outweigh most other causes of deaths (other than loose balconies!).  If Thais can learn to control themselves on the roads its a reasonably safe country.


I find the times I am genuinely scared mostly involve crazy idiots on expressways.


2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Fatality on the roads are predominately motorcycles.  If you drive a car, your risk of injury or death goes down significantly...to western levels I dare say.

I'd go with that - after 17 years with bikes and cars.... bikes do hurt more, though cars have more accidents.


If they did give a toss, they'd start off with some real traffic police in traffic cars/bikes on the roads. Strangely western concept of 'patrolling the streets'.


The truth is that they really don't give a toss... just a token crowd of local police every 2-3 months going out to catch some schoolies and fine them for not wearing helmets.

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Besides the bombings and all the other criminal activities that we read/hear about every day, the one and only real 'dangerous place' label issue here is 'ON THE ROADS'... each and every time i go out on my bike i do wonder if some lunatic is going to cream me.

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

It is the most dangerous place in the world on the roads with over 20k being slaughtered every year, that does not happen everywhere does it.

You make a good point, but if you ride and drive defensively and use genuine common sense, something that most Thais do not have, you have a good chance of being safe.

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4 hours ago, MichaelJohn said:

There are no security checks in this country; you can go to any shopping mall or BTS station without any search of your bags. The token look with a flashlight is a joke; when they need the toilet or a coffee they just leave their post; if you just walk past them they don't stop you.

The immigration checks that are in place for registering tourists are not enforced for Airbnb bookings so unwanted elements can come and go as they please.

In my opinion it's only a question of time before there is a major terrorist incident in this country.

You cannot stop everyone who is carrying a bag or rucksack, and start searching through it, otherwise you are going to have queues right outside the BTS and MRT and right up the street. and the trains will soon be redundant, 


Edited by possum1931
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