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London/Finsbury Park: 'Several hurt' as vehicle hits pedestrians


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8 hours ago, gamini said:

I have many wonderful Muslim friends in Indonesia and Malaysia. But you probably don't know anything about these countries  0r the fact that the largest Muslim population in the world is in Indonesia both of which have a completely secular government and are very integrated with the West..putting all Muslims into the same category shows your ignorance,  racism t and appalling attitude.

Indonesia has a secular government? Really? Just try to puth the word Atheist on the application for Id and you will see the secularity. Btw it is mandatory you state your religion on Id there. Hardly secular. Did you follow what happen to the mayor of Jakarta. The defamation charges. The countries are ok i like it there but you cannot call them secular. There is no problem with muslim people most of them are good people,problem is in the ideology,  intoilerant,violent and medieval.  And if someone refers to some peacefull part of quoran should also follow the latest suras which negate the previous ones (the peacefull ones)

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11 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


I am not a Prepper and do not believe in their philosophy. Change often involves destruction. Economists know this. People who fear change are probably the least able to respond to it. My home is Thailand. There are many dangers and many challenges but generally I have learned a lot about patience from the local people.


Safe spaces imply protection. Occupying a safe space would mean not confronting reality. For recuperation, a safe space might be necessary. For life, one probably needs to exert control and influence as best they can.


If you were going for a dig at liberals, the fine but don't make the mistake of assuming liberals want to hide from reality. We are more likely to embrace reality than the right wing nihilists.

I'm welling up.

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2 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

I'm not a Corbyn supporter and definately not a hater( voted labour more than conservative in  my lifetime) but I think he may need to wind in some of  the cringe worthy play acting for political gain....not nice. 


I suspect he can get away with almost anything right now because he is the globalists' only realistic alternative to Theresa May, who is completely unacceptable to them. You will only hear good things about Corbyn and bad things about May in the globalist media until May is gone.

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7 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Really, you don't think their religious teachings have anything to do with why Muslims can't get on in society with people of other beliefs or religions?


Followers of that religion separate themselves from the rest of society in a non Muslim country.. or try to dominate it... seeing none believers are the enemy... and disgusting sinful creatures.  Maybe they are nice to your face, in your place of work.  But when it comes down to it they see you as much less than them at best, and hate you at worst. 


They won't accept you or tolerate you close to them.. I mean in their household, marrying a relative etc.  Their religion is in no means tolerant of anything. 


You must see a pattern.. that every country that Muslims live in as a minority has these problems going on.. just look at the bombs in Southern Thailand, for example, that is nothing to do with Muslims being angry about Palestine. 


Their religion grates and goes against any beliefs, societies, cultures, that don't allow them to be dominating it.


I can't agree that the masses need religion to keep them under control.  It's hardly working now is it?  Look a the most peaceful countries with the lowest crime rates... and you will find those are the counties with the highest number of none religious people.  Religion controls the masses to keep them down, fearful, in their place, and to manipulate them.  Do you think these things are good things? 


All the energy and money wasted on religion, and the crimes and atrocities committed in its name would not be there if religion was not there to nurture and propagate them.

Religious intolerance only comes to the fore when its members are piqued by something. Muslims, Christians - all religions - coexist peacefully and have done so for centuries when everyone is living comfortably and nobody has a grievance.


Your theory seems to be that Muslims who live in the UK are attacking the UK because they want to take over the nation for Islam. In Southern Thailand they want autonomy. Not in the UK. The connection between the two - and the underlying cause of all Islamic jihad - is simply damaged pride.


We need a solution because the situation is escalating. More attacks will take place unless the politicians tackle the root cause. I have an explained the root cause and the solution. The first step is to restore Muslim pride by giving Palestine independence. It needs to be understood how that issue is a cancer eating at their soul.  Independence for Palestine will lead to general rejoicing in the Muslim world. There will be a knock-on feel-good factor throughout the Muslim world that will help more than anything defuse the tension, because it will have restored a good deal of pride. That's the first and essential step. Then take it from there.


If the root problem is solved, then jihadist attacks in Europe, which is a reflection of Muslim loss of face generally, will evaporate. I am the only one offering a sound and workable explanation and solution for this problem.


As to the value of religion, I disagree with you. Atheism is fine for intellectuals like you and me, that's maybe 10% of people. The rest need an imposed sense of morality. Without it there will be far greater chaos. You are assuming religion is actually the root cause of the terrorism. That's a mistake. The root cause is damaged pride and low self-esteem. Yes, the west has been the cause of that by sponsoring the invasion of Palestine, hence Muslim grievance towards the west in general is real and certainly, by any objective measure, justified.


To everyone: understand before you attack.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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3 hours ago, CLC Survivor said:


Craven fear-mongering centred on bigotry and prejudice.


A citizen of the UK no mater what ethnicity or religion has every right to expect that all levels of government take their views and needs into consideration. It is an essential part of democracy and is expressed through the political process.


The muslim creep theory is only speed by actual creeps. Well done. I hope you are proud of the company you now keep.

Citizen of UK are screwed. It is their problem and i do not care. You allowed this on yourselves. I just wonder how many more deaths there must be so people wake up.

The muslim creep theory is unfortunately a fact based on numbers.  If you do not see statistics you are either blind or stubborn to accept the facts.



And yes i am happy be far from that part of the world.


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3 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

What's that got to do with Finsbury Park? 

Nothing.    It's called trolling and deflection and will earn a suspension if it continues.

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3 hours ago, Flustered said:

The Muslim creep theory as you put it is fact, not theory. In 1950 in North Western Europe there were 349,051 Muslims (0.3% of population). In 2010 there were 10,392,204 (6.61% of population).


You are right that this is not creep, it is rapid Islamification of Europe.




Do you and other Muslims not understand how concerned and fearful we are of this rise of a religion that's sole purpose is domination of all other creeds?


Regarding the attack in Finsbury. On the news just now the BBC were interviewing several well known Muslims including the leader of the Muslim Youth Council. He stated that Muslims were beginning to fear walking on the streets of the UK.


Again I say, Welcome to our world. We are afraid to walk the streets of many Muslim dominated cities in the UK. We do not know where the next Islamic Terrorist attack will come from We fear anyone who looks like an orthodox Muslim especially the women dressed in Niqab or Burka. They could be suicide bombers dressed as women which has happened around the world. They could be rapists and murderers from Somalia on the run as has happened in the UK.


Again, welcome to our world of fear that you started by your refusal to integrate into a society so alien from your own that you want to overrun it and suppress it in the name of Islam.


Very well said. But i am not sure if it was his refusal to integrate.. I think it was the problem of government to realizing the failure of integration and doing something against it. Now it is too late i tough.

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Just now, Flustered said:

That's a very good point.


Even Muslims must be afraid of Muslims, not just the rest of us.

interesting turn on your response, sir....


muslims must flee the fanatical extremists who preach hate, terror etc..


whites in their homelands must free the ass lickers of the local friendly KKK clubs... and the list goes on.....but I think that the point is clear..

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46 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Religious intolerance only comes to the fore when its members are piqued by something. Muslims, Christians - all religions - coexist peacefully and have done so for centuries when everyone is living comfortably and nobody has a grievance.


Your theory seems to be that Muslims who live in the UK are attacking the UK because they want to take over the nation for Islam. In Southern Thailand they want autonomy. Not in the UK. The connection between the two - and the underlying cause of all Islamic jihad - is simply damaged pride.


We need a solution because the situation is escalating. More attacks will take place unless the politicians tackle the root cause. I have an explained the root cause and the solution. The first step is to restore Muslim pride by giving Palestine independence. It needs to be understood how that issue is a cancer eating at their soul.  Independence for Palestine will lead to general rejoicing in the Muslim world. There will be a knock-on feel-good factor throughout the Muslim world that will help more than anything defuse the tension, because it will have restored a good deal of pride. That's the first and essential step. Then take it from there.


If the root problem is solved, then jihadist attacks in Europe, which is a reflection of Muslim loss of face generally, will evaporate. I am the only one offering a sound and workable explanation and solution for this problem.


As to the value of religion, I disagree with you. Atheism is fine for intellectuals like you and me, that's maybe 10% of people. The rest need an imposed sense of morality. Without it there will be far greater chaos. You are assuming religion is actually the root cause of the terrorism. That's a mistake. The root cause is damaged pride and low self-esteem. Yes, the west has been the cause of that by sponsoring the invasion of Palestine, hence Muslim grievance towards the west in general is real and certainly, by any objective measure, justified.


To everyone: understand before you attack.




What did Spain, Portugal and Greece do badly wrong recently?


Edited by Khun Han
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28 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Paul Watson on the attack



I don't normally bother with political youtubers of any type. But I watched this, and Paul Watson is so on the money it's almost comical. Corbyn straight on the scene at Finsbury almost parallels him unnecessarily dragging his mates back to his bedsit to see his kudos-winning black bonk dianne Abbott all those years ago. What a statesman! What a prime minister-in-waiting. Good job the globalists are only going to allow him a few months in the box seat.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I don't normally bother with political youtubers of any type. But I watched this, and Paul Watson is so on the money it's almost comical. Corbyn straight on the scene at Finsbury almost parallels him unnecessarily dragging his mates back to his bedsit to see his kudos-winning black bonk dianne Abbott all those years ago. What a statesman! What a prime minister-in-waiting. Good job the globalists are only going to allow him a few months in the box seat.

who is this fellow?...is he sort of left wing or is he more likely to have "Mein Kampf" as his favorite bedtime novel? or neither??

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5 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

who is this fellow?...is he sort of left wing or is he more likely to have "Mein Kampf" as his favorite bedtime novel? or neither??


I have no idea, and I don't care. I just watched the video. He raises lots of brutally honest issues that the loony left can only deal with by personal attack.  But I expect said loony left fellow members will be along soon enough to do exactly that.

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17 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

who is this fellow?...is he sort of left wing or is he more likely to have "Mein Kampf" as his favorite bedtime novel? or neither??

One of our resident apologists will be along to smear him by describing him as an alt right, Nazi white supremacist. He is none of those things, but dead against radical Islam and mass immigration so in my book he talks a lot of common sense. All parties in the UK are now against mass immigration as well, or claim to be now it is so unpopular.

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4 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Religious intolerance only comes to the fore when its members are piqued by something. Muslims, Christians - all religions - coexist peacefully and have done so for centuries when everyone is living comfortably and nobody has a grievance.


Your theory seems to be that Muslims who live in the UK are attacking the UK because they want to take over the nation for Islam. In Southern Thailand they want autonomy. Not in the UK. The connection between the two - and the underlying cause of all Islamic jihad - is simply damaged pride.


We need a solution because the situation is escalating. More attacks will take place unless the politicians tackle the root cause. I have an explained the root cause and the solution. The first step is to restore Muslim pride by giving Palestine independence. It needs to be understood how that issue is a cancer eating at their soul.  Independence for Palestine will lead to general rejoicing in the Muslim world. There will be a knock-on feel-good factor throughout the Muslim world that will help more than anything defuse the tension, because it will have restored a good deal of pride. That's the first and essential step. Then take it from there.


If the root problem is solved, then jihadist attacks in Europe, which is a reflection of Muslim loss of face generally, will evaporate. I am the only one offering a sound and workable explanation and solution for this problem.


As to the value of religion, I disagree with you. Atheism is fine for intellectuals like you and me, that's maybe 10% of people. The rest need an imposed sense of morality. Without it there will be far greater chaos. You are assuming religion is actually the root cause of the terrorism. That's a mistake. The root cause is damaged pride and low self-esteem. Yes, the west has been the cause of that by sponsoring the invasion of Palestine, hence Muslim grievance towards the west in general is real and certainly, by any objective measure, justified.


To everyone: understand before you attack.

Have you actually read the Koran and the Bible.  The teachings have a huge amount of violent and anti other religion content... describing what punishments to dish out to other people... from throwing babies onto rocks, stoning women, burning alive and wiping out entire races from the planet.  They are not peaceful.  All the time the threat to the actual believers themselves of eternal torture and damnation for doing anything to question or go against the religion.


When is this time religions have lived in peace with no one having any grievances?  Throughout history tribes, religions, nations have been fighting over their religious beliefs.


You think the reason that Muslims are causing so much destruction around the world is 'simply damaged pride'?!  Come on! You think they will be grateful to us if we give them Palestine?  No they won't.  They will gloat and be proud of their God and the terrorists for their victory over us.  It will make them even more dangerous and confident to keep attacking other people. 


And, finally, why do you thing morality has to come from religion?  Morality can come from society, family, and other human beings with no agenda. 

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6 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Have you actually read the Koran and the Bible.  The teachings have a huge amount of violent and anti other religion content... describing what punishments to dish out to other people... from throwing babies onto rocks, stoning women, burning alive and wiping out entire races from the planet.  They are not peaceful.  All the time the threat to the actual believers themselves of eternal torture and damnation for doing anything to question or go against the religion.


When is this time religions have lived in peace with no one having any grievances?  Throughout history tribes, religions, nations have been fighting over their religious beliefs.


You thing the reason that Muslims are causing so much destruction around the world is 'simply damage pride'?!  Come on! You think they will be grateful to us if we give them Palestine?  No they won't.  They will gloat and be proud of their God and the terrorists for they victory over us.  It will make they even more dangerous and confident to keep attacking other people. 


And, finally, why do you thing morality has to come from religion?  Morality can come from society, family, other human beings with no agenda. 


Great post.

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35 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

One of our resident apologists will be along to smear him by describing him as an alt right, Nazi white supremacist. He is none of those things, but dead against radical Islam and mass immigration so in my book he talks a lot of common sense. All parties in the UK are now against mass immigration as well, or claim to be now it is so unpopular.

In fact Watson is an editor of Infowars, posting "content' from Infowars sources is against forum rules. Infowars are not viewed as a creditable site, are supporters and creators of conspiracy theories etc etc. Infowars and other similar organisations are of course loved by those from the alt right / fake news world who perpetuate misinformation campaigns.

Edited by simple1
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6 hours ago, CLC Survivor said:




Fortunately the millennial will get rid of all this whitey crap and put you white supremacists back in your box. It just will take time, effort and probably some hurt feelings in the process.

I'd like to think you are correct in suggesting that millennials will be a positive force. What a pity that they couldn't turn out to vote on Brexit; maybe too busy live streaming their avocado toast or quinoa salad lunch on Facebook. They did turn out in greater numbers to vote for 'free-lunch' Corbyn .

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9 hours ago, CLC Survivor said:


And some of my best friends are black. That does not provide evidence that I am not a racist. The argument that your partner is Asian so you cannot be racist rests on a fallacy that this single piece of information is meant to absolve you of any allegation of prejudice in the face of other evidence, to wit, your own statements that you hate Islam and your ongoing references to whites and non whites. The very fact that you use your partner's ethnicity as a prop is inherently racist.


Since the overwhelming majority of muslim people in the UK are non white, your attempt to remove race from your ongoing stereotyping and prejudicial assertions is clearly a means of self protection in the same way that you and others refer to 'indigenous' Londoners. As if we don't know what that means.


Your response to others calling you out for racial stereotyping clearly demonstrates that you do not really understand what the term means. Your defensiveness is revealing. Your attacks on other posters unacceptable.


Here is a reddit thread in response to a question about why the comment that my best friends are black does not absolve someone from racism.



Perhaps this might help and allow you and others to show a bit of respect to the community impacted by the events of Sunday evening just as muslims across the UK and the World showed respect to the victims of the terrorist attacks over the past few weeks.


Hope this helps but somehow I doubt it.

Talk about a verbose reply, have you run out of words. 

I have explained I don't like Islam, it's that simple, one should not label other members, you are setting a very dangerous precidence and indeed not on topic.

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You have hit the nail on the head, white Londoners are now a minority.
Statistics from last year’s census show that 45 per cent of the capital’s 8.2 million population class themselves as white Britons. That compares with a figure of 58 per cent when the last census was compiled in 2001.

Yes. London is truly multi-racial, and all the better for it.
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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

In fact Watson is an editor of Infowars, posting "content' from Infowars sources is against forum rules. Infowars are not viewed as a creditable site, are supporters and creators of conspiracy theories etc etc. Infowars and other similar organisations are of course loved by those from the alt right / fake news world who perpetuate misinformation campaigns.


Like I said, I've never heard of him before. What he talks about makes perfect sense to me. Do you have any decent rebuttals? Or would you just like him expunged on a technicality?

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