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Man, 58, confesses to sexual assault, killing daughter of ‘best friend’


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Man, 58, confesses to sexual assault, killing daughter of ‘best friend’
By The Nation




RAYONG: -- Construction worker Wichai Chotisena, 58, has confessed to sexually assaulting and killing his friend’s 11-year-old daughter in Rayong’s Pluak Daeng district.


He was brought to re-enact the crime at three locations – the school where he picked her up, a wooded area where he attacked her and a location where he disposed of her body – yesterday afternoon, while 100 policemen protected him from an angry crowd. 


The man faces charges of murder, disposing of the body to conceal the crime, sexual assault and taking a minor under 15 from her parents to commit a lewd act.


The girl’s body, found on Wednesday night behind a construction workers’ camp four kilometres from her home, is undergoing an autopsy at Bangkok’s Institute of Forensic Science at Police General Hospital.


Her father said that the medical examiner cited the girl’s cause of death as drowning but could not say if her head had been held under water or thrown into the water. 


Wichai was detained on Wednesday after his motorcycle was identified as matching the one seen in CCTV surveillance video picking up the Prathom 5 student from school the day before. After hours of interrogation, Wichai confessed to sexually assaulting and suffocating her when she screamed for help and tried to escape. 




He also claimed he attacked the girl after she called him loong ja, an endearing way to say “uncle”. After killing her, he hid her body  in bushes about four kilometres from her home – and removed her clothing to try and prevent her from being recognised. 


“I was drunk at the time. I would like to apologise to the girl’s parents for what I did out of impulse and alcohol influence despite the fact that we are best friends,” he said.


The victim’s father, 64, said: “I never thought he would do this to my daughter – I had asked him to pick her up from school twice before. Now he confessed to the crime so I will let justice run its course. If I have a chance, I will ask him how he could have done such a thing to my family.” 


The girl’s mother, 50, said: “If I have a chance to talk with him, I will slap his face and ask why he did this to my daughter.”

The girl was their only child.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30318828

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-23
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10 minutes ago, webfact said:

The girl’s mother, 50, said: “If I have a chance to talk with him, I will slap his face and ask why he did this to my daughter.”

The girl was their only child.

And slap it damn hard .....  

very sad and tragic end for the poor girl.

RIP ... Pim.

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A monster on 2 wheels, who took the life of an innocent young soul who

called him an uncle....

I was drunk he said, oh well, forgive him than,

and if so, half of this country criminals should be forgiven when they're

drunk or stoned... and some minister want to legalize using certain class

of drugs...

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Disgusting piece of filth.

Girls mother said she would slap his face, come on woman he needs a damn good thrashing, not a slap.

The poor girl called him uncle, she trusted him, and the scum violated and murdered her.

Scum like him always blame drink, drink didnt make him murder her, it was his twisted mind.

R.I.P. young lady, hope you are at peace.

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Shame the 100 police protecting this scum from the angry crowd, were unable to find something to distract their attention for a few minutes. In this case, mob justice, would probably be appropriate justice. If ever a person deserved to be torn limb from limb, this is it.

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Just now, ezzra said:


A monster on 2 wheels, who took the life of an innocent young soul who

called him an uncle....

I was drunk he said, oh well, forgive him than,

and if so, half of this country criminals should be forgiven when they're

drunk or stoned... and some minister want to legalize using certain class

of drugs...

  • He was an evil man before he was drunk, after he drank he was just a drunk evil man. :coffee1: I've been shitfaced more times than I can remember. I have never sexually or physically assaulted anyone, because I have no inner desire to do such things so when alcohol removes my inhibitions all I end up doing is dancing like a <deleted>. :unsure:
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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

And slap it damn hard .....  

very sad and tragic end for the poor girl.

RIP ... Pim.

no its OK!!!!!!!!!  he said he was drunk so its OK to do something as sick as this. jail is too good for this beast.

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I don't believe this urge suddenly came over him for the first time at the age of 58.


There is no doubt in my mind that this man has to some degree or other, "messed" with kids before. Such a shame his perverse predilection wasn't outed sooner. There's too much under-the-rug-sweeping and a "letting sleeping dogs lie" type attitude in the rural areas - possibly exists in city areas too - with regards this sort of behaviour. That needs to stop.


People have to know, to be taught, that it doesn't matter how much it goes against the grain to report another family member, possibly a respected elder, it has to be done. I'm not so much talking about the poor young victims here, but other older family members who must have some inkling or suspicions as to what is going on. It's their responsibility to stand up and protect those less able to. It's the only way to begin to stop sick creatures such as this man from doing such despicable acts.



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38 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

Tie him to a tree to be eaten by red ants in the same wooded area where he killed his victim.


I like the way you think, how about stoning him in a pit? The parents could sell the stones and give away free ones if he moves.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:


“I was drunk at the time. I would like to apologise to the girl’s parents for what I did out of impulse and alcohol influence despite the fact that we are best friends,” he said.


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

“I was drunk at the time. I would like to apologise to the girl’s parents for what I did out of impulse and alcohol influence despite the fact that we are best friends,” he said.

That´s always the excuse. Maybe the government should make LaoKhao illegal, and put a limit on 1 beer a day for old fools in this country. That one will also be passed on all supercrazed foreigners that spend their sorry lifes in Pattaya bar areas.

Anyway, this man should be hurt so much everyday for the rest of his life, so it makes him wish he was dead everyday he wake up and everytime he fall asleep.

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2 hours ago, SABloke said:

 I've been shitfaced more times than I can remember. I have never sexually or physically assaulted anyone, because I have no inner desire to do such things so when alcohol removes my inhibitions all I end up doing is

falling asleep.... and remembering the next day how sh*tfaced I was the night before 


I do not accept the effects of alcohol have any place in an alibi or defence claim

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"The victim’s father, 64, said: “I never thought he would do this to my daughter – I had asked him to pick her up from school twice before. Now he confessed to the crime so I will let justice run its course. If I have a chance, I will ask him how he could have done such a thing to my family.” 


"The girl’s mother, 50, said: “If I have a chance to talk with him, I will slap his face and ask why he did this to my daughter.


If she were my daughter, and I had a chance to talk to him, after inflicting much pain, he would draw his last breath there and then!  


I can't understand how Thais are so laid-back about situations like this, but hoot at them on the road, and a machete or a gun appears.  Something in the gene pool must have got ****ed-up somewhere along the line.


RiP to the poor girl.



Edited by Moti24
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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Shame the 100 police protecting this scum from the angry crowd, were unable to find something to distract their attention for a few minutes. In this case, mob justice, would probably be appropriate justice. If ever a person deserved to be torn limb from limb, this is it.

I remember that happening at Mor Chit many years ago. Didn't seem like a very Buddhist, Land of Smiles thing to happen, but then nothing about Thailand is what it seems.

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There's only one way to go: Death penalty. And knowing the Thai judicial system / jurisprudence, that's what he's likely to get.


Sometimes, apologizing cannot fix a crime of this level. He deserves death, but if you must reduce his sentence because he confessed, LWOP is just as good.

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I've never had a problem with an "eye for an eye" punishment.


I see no reason for this man to be alive beyond today.


Raping and killing a young child who trusted him. There can be few lower crimes than this.

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100 cops to protect him. Excellent allocation of resources. Keep up the good work, fellas. Don't skimp on that, God forbid the crowd rip him limb from limb, exact some justice and perhaps save you some paperwork. No need to mobilize all those cops for other things like investigating open cases.


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On 6/23/2017 at 6:18 AM, ezzra said:


A monster on 2 wheels, who took the life of an innocent young soul who

called him an uncle....

I was drunk he said, oh well, forgive him than,

and if so, half of this country criminals should be forgiven when they're

drunk or stoned... and some minister want to legalize using certain class

of drugs...

NOBODY has ever done such a thing while high (stoned) on weed-

however, this sort of thing happens OFTEN when perps are drunk on LEGAL alcohol

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