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Trump says he did not record conversations with former FBI chief Comey


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Trump says he did not record conversations with former FBI chief Comey

By Amanda Becker and Jeff Mason



U.S. President Donald Trump (L) speaks in Ypilanti Township, Michigan March 15, 2017 and FBI Director James Comey testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., May 3, 2017 in a combination of file photos. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Kevin Lamarque/File Photos


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not make and does not possess any tapes of his conversations with James Comey, after suggesting last month he might have recordings that could damage the former FBI director.


"With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea whether there are 'tapes' or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings," Trump wrote on Twitter.


Lawmakers investigating allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 election had asked the White House for any such recordings of Comey, whom Trump fired on May 9.


Shortly after dismissing Comey, Trump mentioned the possibility of tapes in a Twitter post.


"James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" Trump wrote on Twitter on May 12.


Allegations of ties to Russia have cast a shadow over Trump's first five months in office, distracting from attempts by his fellow Republicans in Congress to overhaul the U.S. healthcare and tax systems.


Comey's firing sparked a political firestorm. The former FBI head testified before a Senate committee that Trump had asked him to drop a probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn's alleged ties to Russia.


Trump has privately told aides that the threat of the existence of tapes forced Comey to tell the truth in his recent testimony, a source familiar with the situation said. The White House had said Trump would likely clarify whether he had tapes of Comey by the end of this week.


Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said Trump still had questions to answer about possible tapes.


"If the President had no tapes, why did he suggest otherwise? Did he seek to mislead the public? Was he trying to intimidate or silence James Comey? And if so, did he take other steps to discourage potential witnesses from speaking out?" Schiff said in a statement.


Earlier on Thursday, CNN reported that two top U.S. intelligence officials told investigators Trump suggested they publicly deny any collusion between his campaign and Russia, but they did not feel he had ordered them to do so.


Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers met separately last week with investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to CNN.


The two officials said they were surprised at Trump's suggestion and found their interactions with him odd and uncomfortable, but they did not act on the president's requests, CNN reported, citing sources familiar with their accounts.


The Kremlin has denied U.S. intelligence agencies' conclusion that Moscow tried to tilt the election campaign in Trump's favour, using such means as hacking into the emails of senior Democrats.


Trump has denied any collusion, and he continued to cast doubt on the investigations in a series of tweets on Thursday morning.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland, Patricia Zengerle and Susan Heavey; Writing by Alistair Bell; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-23
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12 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

I Donald j trump. President of the united states of America declare I am a pathological liar. I lied. So sorry guys but it's a disease.

................and The Republicans in Congress and the Senate will continue to support my lying by saying 'I am not a seasoned Politician'.

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I think I have got it worked out now. If Donald states something to be true, you know it is a lie, while things he denies, you know to be true.

To be fair, the term for a person like this is pathological liar. Haven't I heard that accusation directed his way before?

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I can't wait for the 2020 campaign and what new lies Trump will use:


"we are going to build a wall to keep those damned Canadians out !"


"On Day 1 I will label Paraguay a currency manipulator !"


"I will prosecute Ellen Degeneres for having a successful show !"


"The Chairman of the Federal Reserve will be replaced immediately"


"Coal Miners, those jobs are coming...just hang in there...."


and on and on and on.....

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Nice going, Donald!


Try thinking things through from now on.  (Like that's going happen.) 


That tapes threat tweet really worked out well for you.  Now, you have admitted that not only have you lied - as if that's a surprise - but it sure looks like (check out Chou Anou's post #8 and link above) you have engaged in witness intimidation.  Plus, this gives even more credibility to Comey's testimony of that one-on-one dinner conversation that could have been left as a "he said, he said" legal contest.  Maybe you should have taken every criminal defense attorney's advice to their clients of keeping your mouth shut (or fingers not tweeting).   


So, what kind of indication is this of how well the president is handling negotiating with seasoned foreign leaders and diplomats?  


Donald, maybe you should get some advice from this classic book called The Art of the Deal.   

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Obama WH ethics lawyer: Lack of Comey tapes example of 'witness intimidation'


"Norm Eisen, the former White House ethics czar for President Barack Obama, argued on Thursday that President Trump’s admission to not possessing tapes of conversations with former FBI Director James Comey amounts to witness intimidation."


“This lie increases Trump's legal exposure for obstruction and witness intimidation—more evidence of corrupt intent @Susan_Hennessey,

Eisen wrote on Twitter, copying Susan Hennessey, the managing editor of the Lawfare blog."



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56 minutes ago, TGIR said:

Trump said Comey "better hope there aren't any tapes"  Where exactly is the lie in that statement?


Other than childishly attempting to distract attention from the investigations into his cronies, (and now, him) while wasting other people's time, possible witness intimidation is the issue.


Which is being looked into.





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Trump ends his tapes tease, with another tweet, but the damage is done — to him


"Rep. Adam B. Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the committee, said Thursday that Trump’s tweets alone on the eve of the deadline were not enough to satisfy their request for a formal written explanation from the White House counsel."


“If the president's statement is accurate, it of course raises as many questions as it answers,” Schiff said in a statment."


"Among them: whether Trump was intentionally seeking to mislead the public and silence Comey, and whether he took similar steps to discourage other witnesses from coming forward."


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Cheeto cannot help himself. He says whatever pops into his mind, at that very instant. And often tweets the same. He felt that by saying he might have tapes, it would somehow put Comey on the defensive. But, he forgot one thing. It was he that was lying, not Comey. And if anything, the tapes would prove that. DUH! Now, after much pressure, he has confessed to lying, yet again. It is second nature for this man to lie. He makes Bill Cinton look like a boy scout, when it comes to the truth, and that is a hard thing to do.


The lovely part of Trump, is that he cannot help but shoot himself in the foot. He does it nearly every day. He does it nearly every time he opens his mouth. Just keep talking Cheeto. Give your enemies everything their hearts desire. 

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Yon Comey has a lean and hungry face, such men are dangerous ! Two words come to mind whenever his photo appears, ruthless and untrustworthy, and there were many who were glad to see him fired.

The reports of licensed phrenologists concur with your observations 100%!

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump ends his tapes tease, with another tweet, but the damage is done — to him


"Rep. Adam B. Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the committee, said Thursday that Trump’s tweets alone on the eve of the deadline were not enough to satisfy their request for a formal written explanation from the White House counsel."


“If the president's statement is accurate, it of course raises as many questions as it answers,” Schiff said in a statment."


"Among them: whether Trump was intentionally seeking to mislead the public and silence Comey, and whether he took similar steps to discourage other witnesses from coming forward."


When is 45 not "intentionally seeking to mislead the public "?  Oh I hope criminal charges are on the horizon. Let's start seeing some results of these investigations. And how a/b shaming RussiaReps aka republicans for allowing such crap in the people's house.



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               Trump is such a bratty little kid.  You know how little boys twist words.  


                       Little Donny climbs down from the cupboard with cookie crumbs all over his mouth and fingers.  His mom says, "did you take a cookie?"  

"No mom, I didn't take a cookie!"   (in his mind he's thinking; 'I took lots of cookies, not just one cookie, so I'm not lying.')   


                     Similarly with the tapes, Lying Don says he didn't personally record tapes and he's not in possession of tapes.     There are several ways he can shimmy away from the truth, if pressed later, if recordings are found to have existed:   He can say:


"I personally didn't record, but someone else may have. How would I know?" or  ".....you didn't ask me about what other people did in the Oval Office."

"I personally didn't have tapes, but someone else may have them.  How am I expected to know?"


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4 hours ago, TGIR said:

Trump said Comey "better hope there aren't any tapes"  Where exactly is the lie in that statement?

Trump on a first date with a model - while they're undressing and ready to hop in bed; "you better hope I don't have a yeast infection."

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29 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

When is 45 not "intentionally seeking to mislead the public "?  Oh I hope criminal charges are on the horizon. Let's start seeing some results of these investigations. And how a/b shaming RussiaReps aka republicans for allowing such crap in the people's house.

                                 I somewhat agree; it would be cool to see some findings from one or more investigative committees, even if they're preliminary.    Thus far, all the dots being connected, comprise what we hear from mainstream media - nothing much at all from the committees or the FBI.  Certainly nothing useful from the WH or their spokespeople.    It's frustrating.   And all the while, the US has people running the country who could very well be Russian agents or agents for adversarial countries (Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, ....who knows?).


                           The other side of the coin is; we don't want findings which turn out to be half-baked (released too soon).  For comparison:  when Flynn, Sessions and other of Trump's highly flawed people were voted in to important positions,  Congress (who did the voting) found out soon afterwards that they didn't know (or pretended to not know) of very grave problems with Trump's nominees. 


                                      People like me, and tens of millions of other non-Trump-fans, knew Flynn and Sessions and DeVos and others were highly flawed BEFORE they were voted in.   Does that mean we're smarter ( or have access to better data) than Republican congresspeople?  That's not the whole picture.  It also means we care more about the well-being of the USA than Republicans do. 




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6 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Yon Comey has a lean and hungry face, such men are dangerous ! Two words come to mind whenever his photo appears, ruthless and untrustworthy, and there were many who were glad to see him fired.

A lean and hungry face?  It must be wonderful to live in your world

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6 hours ago, helpisgood said:

Nice going, Donald!


Try thinking things through from now on.  (Like that's going happen.) 


That tapes threat tweet really worked out well for you.  Now, you have admitted that not only have you lied - as if that's a surprise - but it sure looks like (check out Chou Anou's post #8 and link above) you have engaged in witness intimidation.  Plus, this gives even more credibility to Comey's testimony of that one-on-one dinner conversation that could have been left as a "he said, he said" legal contest.  Maybe you should have taken every criminal defense attorney's advice to their clients of keeping your mouth shut (or fingers not tweeting).   


So, what kind of indication is this of how well the president is handling negotiating with seasoned foreign leaders and diplomats?  


Donald, maybe you should get some advice from this classic book called The Art of the Deal.   

No attorneys want to defend him besides this guy now, who is just a carbon copy of DT that got rich off of Christian charities

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