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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:


You are wrong about Engelbert Humperdinck ... :smile:



Assuming you meant the famous composer.

Famous composer :shock1:  I meant the one who changed his name from Gerry Dorsey.

2 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Not my dress sense....more that of a

civilized society


4 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Well there you go. 

I could not have done too badly as I got my contract renewed, then after

two years got replaced by a Philipino on half my wage.

4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:


I could not have done too badly as I got my contract renewed, then after

two years got replaced by a Philipino on half my wage.

As i said there you go. 8 years renewal here retired now.

13 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Welcome to the 1930's. Enjoy!

When I first moved to SEA in the late seventies there were still a lot of folks wearing safari suits, can't see why they have gone out of fashion! :shock1:


Here you go. Be sure to have long nose hair and deep yellow teeth. Scent options Benson&Hedges, Old Spice or body odour. You'll have to fight off the "pretties" with a stick like the pathetic clone of this guy I saw up here approaching teens at a local mall.knee-high-socks.jpg

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, swissie said:

Years ago, a school was opened in my village. Was invited to the opening. Was informed, that it is expected to appear "dresses-up", as local Government Officials and a member of the Royal-Family would be present.

I threw myself into the only "suit" I had. Dark blue, well tailored and discustingly expensive.

I asked the mirror on the wall: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the sharpest looking Farang of them all?"
Mirror said: "Never-mind you fool, get going, you are late already."

Indeed, I was late, procedures had already begun, but I was whisked inside anyway.
Once inside, my heart missed a beat: EVERYONE dressed in shinig white suits, me in dark blue! Of course, I stook out like a sore thumb.
During the lenghty procedure, the member of the Royal-Family, glanced at me, clearly amused, smiled and sent a hardly noticable nod my way. I answered in kind.

- The next couple of weeks, I enjoyed "Star-Status" in the village. The friendly smile, directed at me by the member of the Royal-Family had not gone unnoticed by the villagers. All of this, by unknowingly violating "men's dress sense" or better, unknowingly "violating dress codes". Strictly a Rural-Thailand episode.


Nice to know, that the same member of the Royal-Thai-Familiy, appears frequently on Thai-TV, smiling at me.



Who are you? You need to give details like, "expat" or English Teacher , Backpacker becomes long term hanger on, or Retired Farang. Otherwise what you wrote don't make much sense don't you realize that? Yeah, you live in the village, doing what? Please, I look forward to that.

2 hours ago, Katia said:

Okay, I always wonder... *why* socks with sandals?  I wear sandals to keep my feet cool... socks would defeat the purpose.  If I need the warmth/protection of socks, I wear shoes...  Maybe wearing socks with sandals if the socks are awesome, to show them off, but it doesn't sound like that's the case here...

Because in Thailand you can pick up some fairly nasty infections with bare feet in sandals, and due to developed antibiotic resistance here the infections can take a long time to cure.

I wear socks with Crocs for that reason. And a pox on the fashion police.

  • Like 2
56 minutes ago, CGW said:

Reading through this thread it appears many of you out there have lost your way and no longer dress like a gentleman should in the tropics :shock1:

My daily attire never changes, I have seven safari suits with tailored shorts, long socks with garters and I polish my brown brogues every morning for 20 minutes.

A dab of brycreem on the hair, Pith hat, well manicured nails and were good to go :sleep:

I certainly get some comments from the ladies!

You chaps should smarten up!

Either this is a very good leg pull, or you are a total w&&&&r.


1. Won't dignify the socks/sandals combo with a comment

2. Depends on the outfit - recent fashion says outside the pants just a little below the hip bone look fantastic provided the shirt is slim-fitting/tailored. Even at 50, I still like Emporio Armani, John Varvatos and Diesel but have been known to slum it at H&M.

3. Don't have to worry about that - I'm a moderate gym rat - 5 days a week

4. Being bald is not all the rage.

Very few guys rocking the shaven/bald look have the head shape/bone structure to carry it off.

I'm lucky enough to retain a full head of hair but too much grey for my liking.

I dye it black which is my natural colour.

For those who are thinning, hair transplants are incredibly refined these days. Get the right FUE surgeon and a course of meds and you need never be without your crowning glory.

5. Never an issue.



I have a hole in one of my socks , should I repair it or buy  a new pair? It seems ashame to let the good sock go to waist, unless I cut holes in them,  I could make into gloves or even a puppet to amuse myself. Advice needed .

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Monkeyrobot said:

I have a hole in one of my socks , should I repair it or buy  a new pair? It seems ashame to let the good sock go to waist, unless I cut holes in them,  I could make into gloves or even a puppet to amuse myself. Advice needed .

Put the sock with the hole in it over the other sock on one foot & the hole won't show.....:shock1:

6 minutes ago, Monkeyrobot said:

I have a hole in one of my socks , should I repair it or buy  a new pair? It seems ashame to let the good sock go to waist, unless I cut holes in them,  I could make into gloves or even a puppet to amuse myself. Advice needed .

All my socks have a hole.

How else would I get them on?

I have a hole in one of my socks , should I repair it or buy  a new pair? It seems ashame to let the good sock go to waist, unless I cut holes in them,  I could make into gloves or even a puppet to amuse myself. Advice needed .

I find it fashionably correct to mix or match.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk


Clothes make the man. The phraseclothes make the man is a proverb that means that people are judged according to the way they are dressed.


  • Like 1
9 hours ago, seajae said:

shorts and a tshirt everyday with crocs or sandals, only wear long pants and a shirt if going out, trousers and dress shirt for weddings and funerals. I dress for comfort not for other people(except my wife), shave twice a week or again if for an important occasion, only wear socks with shoes and shirt colour is what ever I want, it does include pink very rarely. Havent had a beard since the 90's and that wont change, get my hair cut when it starts to annoy me(around every 3 to 4 months), nose and ear hair I like to trim because if I dont my wife will grab them and rip them out when I am not expecting it, makes my eyes water so I try to keep ahead of her. Basically I  wear what I feel like, it may be casual most days but its always clean and same as I would wear in Australia with the same temps. 

Crocs! Maybe you don't subscribe to the old saying- you can always tell a man by his shoes. 



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4 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:

Sandals. shirts inside, gray hair, etc.... all the things that make me feel pity for these ugly men, young or old !





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5 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Keep finger and toenails professionally maintained and shave any hair off your feet/toes if you wear sandals.  Ears and nose must be waxed not clipped to be proper.  Last tip: Bleach your <deleted> if you intend to take it out in public.  If you are an <deleted>, bleach your whole body.

Sorry, you're going to have to elaborate, bleach what if you intend to take out in public. You're not a flasher are you?


Jeeze, it's not rocket science, make yourself presentable, unless you're a slob.

What's wrong with pink?

Socks & sandals - hmmm. Personally I don't think so...., unless you're feet are really disgusting.





I love reading these post. Some real toffs beating or trying to beat down what they see as lower class. So funny.

3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Well I am a Scot and there are plenty of guys, not ladyboys, in skirts over there.

When I worked in Scotland a colleague told me kilts are sized so that when you are on your hands and knees p.....d, you don't drag the hem in the swill....


Same applies to shorts, knee length chaps, no longer and not much shorter in the street.

Sorry, you're going to have to elaborate, bleach what if you intend to take out in public. You're not a flasher are you?
Jeeze, it's not rocket science, make yourself presentable, unless you're a slob.
What's wrong with pink?
Socks & sandals - hmmm. Personally I don't think so...., unless you're feet are really disgusting.

Most old men seem to have feet like an 'abandoned donkey '.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

3 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Answers is required:  Stupid.

The rest of your post is if i may say so is drivel. I and many others where wearing shirts out as you call it was wearing shirts like that in the 70's with no beer gut in sight.

What looks stupid is an oversized 'T' shirt hanging below you're a..e.


Dress shorts tucked in, beach / pool shorts out if not ridiculously long.

19 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

Adult men don't wear shorts in public, except on the beach.

Are you blind? Of course adult men wear shorts in public ...

all over the world. Well maybe not in the arctic :)

19 minutes ago, roo860 said:


Most old men seem to have feet like an 'abandoned donkey '.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Never really studied them myself. I mustn't be as old as I thought...


Don't actually give a toss as long as they are clean and well manicured and definitely don't smell.

4 hours ago, Chivas said:

This shirt hanging out nonsense started around 10 years and was simply fat geezers who could cover their guts up.

Its scruffy, untidy and looks awful especially if you're tall. Only way to conform is to get fitted T shirts which end at jeans top or whatever you're wearing below. That way you dont look out of turn.

I will add just one point......when you see golfers on the tv do they look smart or what with polos and chinos on all tucked in or do they look stupid  ??  Answers not required

questions shouldnt be asked then

6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Don't you ever go to Bangkok or Pattaya? I never wear shorts as I think they are very unattractive in adult men.


When you are tall. slim and goodlooking (well maybe not so much now as I am getting older) you want to take pride in how you look.

I look GREAT in shorts :)

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