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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Have you learned nothing? There is a chance.

No chance in hell Jingy, deep down he is a coward and not too long from now he will run with his tail between his legs.

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On 6/27/2017 at 10:15 AM, webfact said:

The countries with the lowest confidence in Trump were Mexico, at 5 percent and Spain at 7 percent.

If Mexicans have no confidence in Trump, that is a good thing.  Mexico is a leech, dumping its low IQ social failures and criminals into the US and then sucking out remittances. I would be worried if Mexico thought highly of Trump. Instead, Trump is putting Americans before Mexicans.  Imagine that!

Edited by Usernames
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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

She was in the lead.

She got millions more votes.

i bett you they were the votes though which would have gone to Bernie.

In addition the little "deal" between the clinton woman and the treasenous wasserman, made Trump win. Very few votes came from the hardcore trumpers.

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14 hours ago, jackh said:

who cares? Or as Hillary would say, What difference does it make?"

Trump will power through all the rhetoric and bs  stirred up by the NWO elitists the world over and stay on task like a bulldog. THe winds of change are among us and by the time Trump settles in for his 2nd term, things will be well on the way to MAGA. Patience is the key. Democrats left our govt on tatters and a lot has to be done to get it back.

Ummmm, let's see.  Who has historically stayed on task like a bulldog:  Some notables:  Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Papa Doc, .....shall I go on?


14 hours ago, Thaidream said:

There isn't a snowballs chance in hell that Donald Trump will win an election again for anything- including dog catcher. I  have doubts he will be able to complete his current term.

I'd like to agree, but I can't help recall that there's still a sizable number of voting Americans who are stupid and very easily duped.  Unless they change, and become informed, reasonable folks, ....shysters like Trump can win elections.


Here's some insight on Trump's most recent lawyer and mouthpiece.  He changed from being Jewish to being a Bible Thumper, because he realized it was a fast track to riches.  He and his wife started an organization which begs many small donations from poor people. Now he and and his family are fabulously wealthy;   private jets, 60-million-dollar/year lifestyles, expensive properties in several states.  Just the sort of person Trump lauds.   



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7 hours ago, Salerno said:

I wouldn't say people hate Americans, I do believe there is a rather large dislike of American foreign policy throughout the world though.

Sticky topic. One could argue that foreign policy is conducted by Americans who voted foreign policy makers into office for decades.

Hate though is a nasty word and often misused, dislike would be more appropriate and certainly worldwide. Trump adds to the dislike.

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33 minutes ago, wabothai said:

Sticky topic. One could argue that foreign policy is conducted by Americans who voted foreign policy makers into office for decades.

Hate though is a nasty word and often misused, dislike would be more appropriate and certainly worldwide. Trump adds to the dislike.

Don't like Americans?  Then, don't go to America.  Hang out with your own tribe.  Most Americans don't care what people outside the country think.  Or what the America haters in America think.

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1 minute ago, Usernames said:

Don't like Americans?  Then, don't go to America.  Hang out with your own tribe.  Most Americans don't care what people outside the country think.  Or what the America haters in America think.

You sound like an ignant trumpster.

Most Americans do care.

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Just now, Usernames said:

Interesting results, these.  All those European countries who seem to distrust Trump are the same ones overflowing with violent, terrorists disguised as refugees. Frankly, I have a much harder time trusting the judgments of Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, along with their leaders, who have turned their own countries into a shooting gallery for disgruntled moslems.

Go ahead then and build your stupid  trumpster wall.

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18 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Interesting results, these.  All those European countries who seem to distrust Trump are the same ones overflowing with violent, terrorists disguised as refugees. Frankly, I have a much harder time trusting the judgments of Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, along with their leaders, who have turned their own countries into a shooting gallery for disgruntled moslems.


I admire your unrepressed lack of ingenuity; if no opening exists for an anti-Muslim rant, just ram one through anyway.






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10 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Interesting results, these.  All those European countries who seem to distrust Trump are the same ones overflowing with violent, terrorists disguised as refugees. Frankly, I have a much harder time trusting the judgments of Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, along with their leaders, who have turned their own countries into a shooting gallery for disgruntled moslems.

Let me link you to an article that was posted in Thai visa.

. The article showed how little of a threat Islamist terrorists posed to the UK. Then some other poster chimed in with a link to a web page that showed all the Islamist terrorist attacks that have occurred in Europe (including Turkey)


The grand total of people killed according to the the date on the web site inked to  is 2320.  (Significant that they didn't provide a total? I had to arrive at it via a spreadsheet) And this includes Turkey 90 plus percent of which isn't even in Europe. And some of these killings aren't terrorist killings. But let's let that pass and look at this number of 2320 killings rationally.

The total population of the area cited in this list is more than 750 million people. Divide those attacks by the number of years (16) and the yearly number of killings comes to 145 per year. That means that there is a bit less than 1 terrorist murder per 5 million people per year. 

So stop with the lying already about these western European nations being overrun with terrorists disguised as refugees. It's nonsense. And if you can't understand that, well, I'll leave it to others to draw conclusions about your powers of ratiocination.




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29 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Interesting results, these.  All those European countries who seem to distrust Trump are the same ones overflowing with violent, terrorists disguised as refugees. Frankly, I have a much harder time trusting the judgments of Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, along with their leaders, who have turned their own countries into a shooting gallery for disgruntled moslems.

America does its own killing with homegrown American criminals.  And since firearms are so easy to obtain in the USA, American criminals are much more prolific than these "disgruntled moslems" in the EU.

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The Headline „Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows“ doesn't say it all.The image of the USA started plunging in the eyes of non US people, when G.W.Bush was reelected, although he had started a fabricated war in Iraq. That the war was fabricated, was no secret at that election time.


Everybody with a normal sense asked himself, how can it happen that a POTUS got re-elected by cheating the nation and the world. One reason the USA had woken up to chose Obama after 8 years of G.W. . But the US electorate put many many big rocks on Obama's political street. It gave the Reps a majority in the congress.


But now the downfall to its lowest level. Surprised? Not at all. The POTUS and both chambers of the congress are in the hand of the Reps. As proven the average Rep is not so intelligent as an average Dem. That says it all.


Should I say that the States now have plunged under Trump, what means because of Trump?

My interpretation of the last election result: a lot of serious flaws in the US democratic system (should I say „so called?“) made it possible to give such a nut the (dangerous) power over the world number 1 state.


  • When you talk about democracy then you think the majority of the US people/votes should decide who wins the job of the POTUS. And not the winner takes it all – in the overwhelming number of the US states. Imagine: the Dems or Reps would have won in each state only by one vote more than the opponent. Great democrazy.

  • The members of the Supreme Court are not independent. They have to pay back that they have been nominated by the political system/parties and not because of their expert knowledge. The laughing stock, they can remain in this court until (dementia) death. No time frame for the election of a member for the highest Court. Therefore: political games after A.Scalia's death. What a pity that not more supreme judges had died.

  • The duration of the pre-election period is way too long. The candidates without much money don't have a chance. The powerful background money (mafia) wants to see its „money back“.

  • Too much influence on the electorat by advertising with so called alternative facts. That catches the not so intelligent people. In different words: the st...d.


But believe me I'm not an USA hater, I only don't like stupidity and unreliability. And that doesn't depend on the peoples nation, but applies to Trump and a lot of Reps.They change their opinion more often than you go to the toilet.

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1 hour ago, Usernames said:

Don't like Americans?  Then, don't go to America.  Hang out with your own tribe.  Most Americans don't care what people outside the country think.  Or what the America haters in America think.

Most Americans either do, or should care. Likability and economic, diplomatic and even military success are correlated.


For example, in the sphere of economics, people are more likely to visit the countries towards which they have good feelings. Inward tourism is a major plank of the American economy and employs millions of Americans. Respect for America as an offshoot of respect for its president gives American products abroad an extra veneer of salability, which translates to higher prices, brisker sales and ultimately more jobs for Americans.


There is nothing to be gained from being obnoxious, except votes from other obnoxious Americans, who derive a perverse pleasure in *trying* to bring everyone down to their level. Most Americans aren't like that, but those that are, tend to be pretty loud. And that screws with everyone's life.




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1 hour ago, Usernames said:

Interesting results, these.  All those European countries who seem to distrust Trump are the same ones overflowing with violent, terrorists disguised as refugees. Frankly, I have a much harder time trusting the judgments of Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, along with their leaders, who have turned their own countries into a shooting gallery for disgruntled moslems.

I suppose you prefer the judgement of Russians who have handed their country over to an ex-KGB thug who murders his political opponents and journalists, and enriches himself through massive corruption.

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23 hours ago, tomwct said:

No just the opposite! The silent majority is rockin' now and will continue for the next 8 years. Obama was taking us down the Socialist Europe Route and bankrupting us on the way. That has come to a stop! In two years everything Obama did will be reversed and America's Economy will be booming! God Bless America, while we make America Great Again. We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over! The Progressive Socialists Democrats of America (PSDA) are in decline and

will be for the foreseeable future. Looks like Hillary & Bernie maybe going to jail and not President Trump.

I'll have whatever you're having!  I could do with an escape from reality and boy it sure is working for you!

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7 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Why would we Americans be concerned with what other countries think of us? 


We determine our president and it is not a world wide popularity contest. 



Can you please let me know what planet you are living on?

It's people like you that don't have a clue what is going on in the world!

Please remember one thing; Remember 9/11? 

The Dutch and UK airforce send there F16's to New York airspace, to help the USA to protect there people.

And you still say, I'm not concerned what other countries think of us?

You are the same as your lying clown master. Just keep living on your own little planet.

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18 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Why would we Americans be concerned with what other countries think of us? 


We determine our president and it is not a world wide popularity contest. 



economically speaking, it matters:




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25 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Why would we Americans be concerned with what other countries think of us? 


We determine our president and it is not a world wide popularity contest. 



Quite right!  You have determined to chose a clown for President and we in the rest of the world choose to laugh and ridicule him.  Seems like a fair deal to me!

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1 minute ago, CutiePi said:

I'm not really concerned what the world thinks of America, American policy, or the new Trump administration. America will continue to set the world agenda and others will follow or get out of the way.

Tell that to the Chinese. Or, for that matter, the Europeans. Or the Russians (Eurasian). So far, they don't seem convinced.  In fact, let's throw in most of Asia while we're at it.

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23 hours ago, tomwct said:

No just the opposite! The silent majority is rockin' now and will continue for the next 8 years. Obama was taking us down the Socialist Europe Route and bankrupting us on the way. That has come to a stop! In two years everything Obama did will be reversed and America's Economy will be booming! God Bless America, while we make America Great Again. We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over! The Progressive Socialists Democrats of America (PSDA) are in decline and

will be for the foreseeable future. Looks like Hillary & Bernie maybe going to jail and not President Trump.

Those who believe themselves to be part of a silent majority pretty much always turn out to be members of a deluded extremist minority.

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Trump Vs. Obama, the respect gap:



Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

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