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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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What is truly remarkable, is that when reality stands up and hits the inept one in the forehead after such loony statements as:


Banning all Muslims

Repealing the ACA on day one

A big beautiful wall; 40/50 feet tall, 2000 miles long, with a big beautiful door.

And Mexico will pay for it.

Deporting all illegals (11+ MILLION of them)

Defeating ISIS in 30 days.


When even when the inept one knows he was talking out of his butt and backs slowly into the camp of reality,

the Trumpeteers don’t.


As about faces come almost daily, the Trumpeteers just try to move the goal posts.



Just one example; when faced with astronomical monetary costs maintaining a “solar wall”,

actually a see through fence now, (Wouldn’t want to get hit by those “60 lb sacks")


One poster opined: “Maybe payment can be made by the Mexicans foregoing their wages??”





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Trump should have done one honest thing (I know it's an oxymoron to put the words Trump and honest in the same sentence)  ......and admitted he was waaaaaay over his head, and graciously (or otherwise) resigned.  It would have been better for him, his family, associates, and his money-amassing abilities.


Each day he stays in power, is an added day to the downward spiral he's taking himself, people close to him, and Americans down.  


In a warped way, I also hope he hangs in there, along with Kushner and the other very flawed people he surrounds himself with.  It's 'som nam na' (Thai for; 'karma coming back to kick you in the teeth').   It will further expose the Republican Party for what it is, and hopefully, enough voting Americans will put the US on a track to improving things.


P.S. I just watched a very well-produced video on ww coral bleaching.  It's very real.  Already, about 1/4 of corals have died in the past 20 years, and the destruction is accelerating.   That's another factor which will poison peoples' attitudes toward Trump.  It was very stupid for him to pull the US out of the Paris Accord.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I also find that incredible.  He's accomplished nothing but create chaos. Yet some still support him.

It sounds like some Trump supporters are digging in for other reasons...




A lot of people out there are tired of being called stupid, whether directly to their faces or indirectly with the raised eyebrow of the highbrow. I almost think they can deal with being called racist, sexist or homophobic (which some are, some aren't and who cares anyway, since liberals are exactly the same,) but cannot deal with being ridiculed for their allegedly inferior intellects.

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

What is truly remarkable, is that when reality stands up and hits the inept one in the forehead after such loony statements as:


Banning all Muslims

Repealing the ACA on day one

A big beautiful wall; 40/50 feet tall, 2000 miles long, with a big beautiful door.

And Mexico will pay for it.

Deporting all illegals (11+ MILLION of them)

Defeating ISIS in 30 days.


When even when the inept one knows he was talking out of his butt and backs slowly into the camp of reality,

the Trumpeteers don’t.


As about faces come almost daily, the Trumpeteers just try to move the goal posts.



Just one example; when faced with astronomical monetary costs maintaining a “solar wall”,

actually a see through fence now, (Wouldn’t want to get hit by those “60 lb sacks")


One poster opined: “Maybe payment can be made by the Mexicans foregoing their wages??”






Your post is not accurate. It's mostly mis-quoted or incomplete. 


Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas issued to Muslims, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims.


Trump said "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare"

So he said he would ask congress to start working on that on day one, not that he would repeal it on day one. 


The wall is in negotiation now. 


Trump said the 11 million illegals are "subject to deportation at any time". And they are. If they are caught they likely will be deported if they entered ILLEGALY, but he is concentrating on convicted criminals.


Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said "We are going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction, they will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."


You often accuse people of "making stuff up"?

Edited by bushdoctor
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13 minutes ago, rijb said:

It sounds like some Trump supporters are digging in for other reasons...




A lot of people out there are tired of being called stupid, whether directly to their faces or indirectly with the raised eyebrow of the highbrow. I almost think they can deal with being called racist, sexist or homophobic (which some are, some aren't and who cares anyway, since liberals are exactly the same,) but cannot deal with being ridiculed for their allegedly inferior intellects.

They need to get over it. They are guilty. They are complicit. They are the ones responsible (with the help of Putin) for elevating a dangerous, incompetent, arguably mentally ill, clown demagogue to the most powerful office on earth giving him the nuclear codes. They should swallow their pride and get with the program to help remove the ORANGE menace. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Your post is not accurate. It's mostly mis-quoted or incomplete. 


Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims.



It's an excerpt. 


Just to forestall unnecessary back and forth accusations of "taken out of context" here's the full speech:






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9 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:


Your post is not accurate. It's mostly mis-quoted or incomplete. 


Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims.


Trump said "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare"

So he said he would ask congress to start working on that on day one, not that he would repeal it on day one. 


The wall is in negotiation now. 


Trump said the 11 million illegals are "subject to deportation at any time". And they are. If they are caught the likely will be deported if they entered ILLEGALY, but he is concentrating on convicted criminals.


Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said "We are going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction, they will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."


You often accuse people of "making stuff up"?


I'm not accusing you of making stuff up. I'm accusing you of not looking stuff up:


"The problem with politics is if I tell you right now, everyone else is going to say, 'Wow, what a great idea.' You're going to have 10 candidates go and use it, and they're going to forget where it came from, which is me. But no, I have an absolute way of defeating ISIS."



He also claimed to know more about Isis than the generals do



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That video says nothing new. He wasn't banning all Muslims, he was suggesting a temporary ban on entering. 

Now what about your false statement that Trump was going to defeat ISIS in 30 days? 

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24 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:


Your post is not accurate. It's mostly mis-quoted or incomplete. 


Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas issued to Muslims, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims.


Trump said "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare"

So he said he would ask congress to start working on that on day one, not that he would repeal it on day one. 


The wall is in negotiation now. 


Trump said the 11 million illegals are "subject to deportation at any time". And they are. If they are caught they likely will be deported if they entered ILLEGALY, but he is concentrating on convicted criminals.


Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said "We are going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction, they will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."


You often accuse people of "making stuff up"?


Why did he even need the generals to submit a plan since he not only said he understood Isis better than the generals, but he also already had a plan?  I just don't get it.

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11 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

That video says nothing new. He wasn't banning all Muslims, he was suggesting a temporary ban on entering. 

Now what about your false statement that Trump was going to defeat ISIS in 30 days? 

"Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the H is going on..."


~ Donald Trump

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A troll post has been removed.   Continue and face a suspension.  


A poster's opinion is not 'fake news' and making fake news comments when it is clearly not fake is not permitted.  

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36 minutes ago, rijb said:

It sounds like some Trump supporters are digging in for other reasons...




A lot of people out there are tired of being called stupid, whether directly to their faces or indirectly with the raised eyebrow of the highbrow. I almost think they can deal with being called racist, sexist or homophobic (which some are, some aren't and who cares anyway, since liberals are exactly the same,) but cannot deal with being ridiculed for their allegedly inferior intellects.


As you probably know, I've posted similar sentiments on previous posts. That's nothing to do with being a Trump supporter, which I'm obviously not. My take on this was always related to pragmatic and practical position, rather than an moral/ideological one.


But then there's this - as the piles of bovine excrement keep coming from this administration at a pace that would ought to have sufficed for at least a full term, if not more, it gets harder and harder to fathom who actually believes and supports the president. 


Even including the at-least-he's-not-Hillary's, or the Obama-bad's or the whatever's - it boggles the mind. The man didn't do a whole lot more than talk (mostly rubbish), tweet (more of the same), and play golf. Well, if you don't include the real negatives. There's nothing actually done for his base, or for most Americans, at that. Nada. And I'm not even getting into Obamacare.


So yeah, I don't think it's particularly helpful calling Trump's base stupid, but then again, sometimes stupid is as stupid does. There's a point where it's better to accept losses and face reality. It doesn't imply HRC was a good candidate (she wasn't), it doesn't imply that the System is ok (it isn't). It's just that Trump ain't the man to make things right, but he sure seems like a man who can make things worse.

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41 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They need to get over it. They are guilty. They are complicit. They are the ones responsible (with the help of Putin) for elevating a dangerous, incompetent, arguably mentally ill, clown demagogue to the most powerful office on earth giving him the nuclear codes. They should swallow their pride and get with the program to help remove the ORANGE menace. 


They are not "guilty". They are not "complicit". They do not need to shoulder all the responsibility.

People vote for candidates for a whole lot of reasons. Often, not because they fully identify or support the candidate, but as a way to oppose the other guy. Are they more to blame than the opposition not doing its best? Are they to blame for long held resentment against "the System"? That's just an easy way out.


And no, they do not need to get on board any "program". That would be asking too much. Appealing for withdrawing support would do just fine.

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They need to get over it. They are guilty. They are complicit. They are the ones responsible (with the help of Putin) for elevating a dangerous, incompetent, arguably mentally ill, clown demagogue to the most powerful office on earth giving him the nuclear codes. They should swallow their pride and get with the program to help remove the ORANGE menace. 

I believe this 'war' between Trump supporters and Trump haters will hurt the image of the U.S. even further.  And I very much doubt it will lead to an impeachment.

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15 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Donald Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. 

You are correct. Donald Trump did not say that. But why would he have to wait for 30 days at all, since he said he already had a plan? And the plan had to be better than what his generals could offer since he said he understood Isis better than they did.

And then there's this:

Trump’s ‘Secret Plan’ to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama’s

Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.


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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You are correct. Donald Trump did not say that. But why would he have to wait for 30 days at all, since he said he already had a plan? And the plan had to be better than what his generals could offer since he said he understood Isis better than they did.

And then there's this:

Trump’s ‘Secret Plan’ to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama’s

Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.


Just like his properties: slap his name on somebody else's work and call it his.



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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You are correct. Donald Trump did not say that. But why would he have to wait for 30 days at all, since he said he already had a plan? And the plan had to be better than what his generals could offer since he said he understood Isis better than they did.

And then there's this:

Trump’s ‘Secret Plan’ to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama’s

Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.



Thanks for admitting you were wrong about what President Trump said. It's not necessarily an easy thing to do, but it is easy to believe things we continuously hear on various news outlets. There are a lot of false stories floating around out there from both left and the conservative side. 

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1 minute ago, bushdoctor said:


Thanks for admitting you were wrong about what President Trump said. It's not necessarily an easy thing to do, but it is easy to believe things we continuously hear on various news outlets. There are a lot of false stories floating around out there from both left and the conservative side. 

I never said that Trump promised to defeat Isis in 30 days. You're confusing me with someone else.

And kudos for resolutely ignoring the nonsense that Trump did say about Isis. And keep those blinkers on.


And the right wing fake news machine is much bigger than any left wing fake news machine. You should look up some articles about these Macedonian kids who created fake news websites. They had lots of success with right wing sites. But total failure with the left wing sites.  

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

Your post is not accurate. It's mostly mis-quoted or incomplete. 

Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas issued to Muslims, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims.

Trump said "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare"

So he said he would ask congress to start working on that on day one, not that he would repeal it on day one. 

The wall is in negotiation now. 

Trump said the 11 million illegals are "subject to deportation at any time". And they are. If they are caught they likely will be deported if they entered ILLEGALY, but he is concentrating on convicted criminals.

Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said "We are going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction, they will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."

You often accuse people of "making stuff up"?

"Trump wanted a temporary ban on visas issued to Muslims, he doesn't want to ban all Muslims." :blink:

Don't be glib. You know what I meant.


"A total and and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States"



Here’s Everything Donald Trump Promised to Do on ‘Day One’ of His Administration

"As a candidate, Donald Trump made a slew of "Day One" promises that any president would find daunting."

"He declared that repealing and replacing his predecessor's health care law would be "one of his first acts as president."


(A lot of gems in there BTW. Read on)


"Trump's campaign website noted the promise in clear terms, saying, "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare."



How's that going?


"The wall is in negotiation now." 


"In negotiation" you say? :laugh:


"Trump said the 11 million illegals are "subject to deportation at any time". And they are. If they are caught they likely will be deported if they entered ILLEGALY, but he is concentrating on convicted criminals."


Same as it was always before.


How Trump's Day 1 deportation plans could backfire

"According to numerous sources within his transition team, Trump has multiple executive orders relating to his main campaign promises — a crackdown on immigration and constructing a wall on the southern border — primed and ready to go as his first acts as president."


"Building on a deportation framework established by Obama, Trump is likely to remove temporary protections granted to people in the country illegally during the Obama administration and to widen the scope of people eligible for deportation, specifically people with criminal convictions, and he may tamp down on the number of refugees admitted to the country."


—Begin deporting what Trump estimates to be more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants living in the country.


(Again. There's alot of gems in there. Read on)


So, what happened?


"Trump did not say he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said "We are going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction, they will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."


So, what happened?

Where is it?

Or, should we wait for the "secret plan"? ooooohh








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11 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Trump touts plan he ordered on ISIS


"On Jan. 28, 2017, Trump made good with a presidential memorandum."


"He said the plan would be one for "soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."


"Whether the plan actually leads to the defeat of ISIS is another matter. For now, we rate this promise In the Works."



"In the Works" :laugh:

"soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."

And 6 months later?



Ya got nothin'.


Hoodwinked again.

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Trump is simply retarded. So now in the face of defeat of the health bill, instead of working to fix the problems that were always going to occur with the biggest 'start-up' in Global History, Trump throws more teddy's out the cot, and instead of fulfilling his oath of office to take care of the American people, he says 'Frakk the lot of you". Such is his hatred for the name of Obama. Good luck America, you will need it.



Trump: 'We'll let Obamacare fail'



Trump was prepared to shoulder no blame for the failure of the bill on Tuesday, and warned he would now simply let Obamacare fail.
"We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We'll let Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us," Trump told reporters at the White House.



I cannot believe that he could stand and observe things that need fixing and say frakk you all. This is your President USA. And he thinks the Dems  will come running :cheesy: They will allow him to dig his gigantic hole in the swamp and bury himself and the GOP. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


 Are you clear now?

Very clear, another intolerable, uninspiring, angry, and hubristic Clinton supporter who wants to legislate your self-righteousness on others. By the way, I have been diagnosed on spectrum the of autism and I don't like the word 'retarded', just like ethic groups don't like the use of derogatory terms for them. Because, when I was a boy people like you would bully and insult me by calling me retarded. So, it ain't funny.


Now, I am supposed to fear going out by 'Platinium Member', whoever. Get over yourself. Then you go assuming and lecturing me about what I know about US Healthcare, just like Clinton. I have seen the good and bad, for starters, I know plenty  once with a great job I had private premium care. I am a disabled veteran so now I use the VA and after eight years Obama couldn't fix that cesspool. I have family on ACA and a doctor charges the government $200 per 15 minutes per drug prescription  And you are so thin skinned that any challenge goes as a Trump supporter. He doesn't run the country. Your also thinking small, it's not Trump, it's the culture. That bashing I would support with you.

Edited by Kim1950
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35 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

Very clear, another intolerable, uninspiring, and hubristic Cinton supporter who wants to legislate your self-rightness on others. By the way, I have been diagnosed on spectrum the of autism and I don't like the word 'retarded', just like ethic groups don't like the use of derogatory terms for them. Because, when I was a boy people like you would bully and insult me by calling me retarded. So, it ain't funny.


Now, I am supposed to fear going out by 'Platinium Member', whoever. Get over yourself. Then you go assuming and lecturing me about what I know about US Healthcare, like Clinton Seen the good and bad, for starters, I know plenty, I am a disabled veteran and after eight years Obama couldn't fix VA cesspool. I have family on ACA and a doctor charges the government $200 per 15 minutes per subscription. And you are so thin skinned that any challenge goes as a Trump supporter. He doesn't run the country.

I am not a clinton supporter I am right wing  and Trump is a disaster, My youngest son is also diagnosed on the spectrum of autiism and the word retarded does not apply. read the dictionary.  He will never take medication but be given the learning he needs and he is doing just brilliant. People like me NEVER called any other child names and NEVER EVER bullied. WHO IMPLIED IT WAS FUNNY!! YOU get over yourself.


I am also a veteran of 6 tours of operational front line duty and never registered a disability on leaving so that I could continue flying in the reserve forces (losing a tax free pension in the process). Are you turning a comment on Trump into a pissing contest? What has THAT got to do with a post about Trump saying he would let Obamacare fail?? talk about pivot and spin!!The fact that a doctor charges 200 USD for 15 mins is nothing to do with Obama, he does it because they all ALWAYS HAVE,  do you think Obama is responsible for the fact your drugs cost ten times more than anywhere else in the world? This is a US self manufactured problem. Do you think the latest repeal and replace would have left you in a better position? Even the GOP didn't. If you lot would pull your heads out of your backsides and stop being obsessed with partisan politics and see that a free healthcare system is a good thing you might progress. As it is they have 9/10 of you in the USA all on some kind of drug or prescription medicine. That is why America is sinking under the cost of medical care. I have taken antibiotics less times in my total life than I have fingers and not a single other medicine or drug. Now I don't give a crap about clinton and it is getting tiring with Trump supporters using her as an excuse for Trumps criminal behaviour (just watch!). It is totally laughable. What Americans pay every year for medical treatment would pay for you to have a complete National health system at half the price if you got Doctors and big Pharma under control. Do you see Trump changing that? Not in ten lifetimes.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Please stay on topic.   


A continued derailing of the topic will probably result in suspension, which is easy enough to avoid.   The topic is about the Image of the US.  

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I am not a clinton supporter I am right wing  and Trump is a disaster, My youngest son is also diagnosed on the spectrum of autiism and the word retarded does not apply. read the dictionary.  He will never take medication but be given the learning he needs and he is doing just brilliant. People like me NEVER called any other child names and NEVER EVER bullied. WHO IMPLIED IT WAS FUNNY!! YOU get over yourself.


I am also a veteran of 6 tours of operational front line duty and never registered a disability on leaving so that I could continue flying in the reserve forces (losing a tax free pension in the process). Are you turning a comment on Trump into a pissing contest? What has THAT got to do with a post about Trump saying he would let Obamacare fail?? talk about pivot and spin!!The fact that a doctor charges 200 USD for 15 mins is nothing to do with Obama, he does it because they all ALWAYS HAVE,  do you think Obama is responsible for the fact your drugs cost ten times more than anywhere else in the world? This is a US self manufactured problem. Do you think the latest repeal and replace would have left you in a better position? Even the GOP didn't. If you lot would pull your heads out of your backsides and stop being obsessed with partisan politics and see that a free healthcare system is a good thing you might progress. As it is they have 9/10 of you in the USA all on some kind of drug or prescription medicine. That is why America is sinking under the cost of medical care. I have taken antibiotics less times in my total life than I have fingers and not a single other medicine or drug. Now I don't give a crap about clinton and it is getting tiring with Trump supporters using her as an excuse for Trumps criminal behaviour (just watch!). It is totally laughable. What Americans pay every year for medical treatment would pay for you to have a complete National health system at half the price if you got Doctors and big Pharma under control. Do you see Trump changing that? Not in ten lifetimes.

A hot button for me, some people with autism are called 'retarded', I know, I was called 'retarded' or worse. I do know the VA Healthcare System is poor. I go there every week. I would contend Trump is not the cause or solution for better Healthcare in the United States. It's not even politics, it's the culture. The culture would need to change before the politics. You are also granting more influence or power to Trump than he can exercise, either constitutionally or politically. He's already a lame president walking. How come universal healthcare works in Europe, well the US is not Europe. How come when I had a great job with a great company with premium healthcare for my family, I didn't pay taxes on that compensation. Why do Public Sector retirees get free healthcare for life. How can Non-Profit Hospitals revenue go to over pay or over staff with administrators. And, every congressman or senator has reelections to fund some by Phama or the Healthcare Industry and they also need to pander for votes. Somewhere we lost a sense of common good. Trump will pass. Though you don't need to look far at maybe Amazon, Apple, Google or the MIC that we are still a nation mostly wanting to make a buck, more the better. 

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