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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry


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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter



Police question three Russian men arrested March 21 on suspicion of overstaying their visas and extorting Thai businesses in Pattaya


BANGKOK — A new set of harsher punishments for foreigners who work illegally is necessary in the name of protecting the “lives and property of Thai people,” a Labor Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.


The revised labor law, which came into effect Friday, prescribes tougher jail terms and fines for both foreign employees and their Thai employers who violate visa and work permit regulations. The same law also added more severe punishment for those engaged in human trafficking.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2017/06/28/visa-violators-threaten-thai-lives-property-labor-ministry/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2017-06-28
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As though the mafia are going to give a rat's dropping about harsher laws. It'll be teachers without work permits and the like who will be the ones really made to suffer.

Harsh punishments for employers? Yeah, right. That's gonna happen...

Edited by baboon
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This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

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Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


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I thought I read recently where the PM clearly stated suspects would not be paraded in front of the media in future. He must have only been referring to Thai suspects. Farang suspects are still fair game it seems.

Edited by Cadbury
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It's true. All these foreigners are ruining Thai lives. People barely making enough to survive. Mum's selling their children into the sex trade, etc. 


Thank god the government are here to protect the Thai people from this poverty and misery. 

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36 minutes ago, chowny77 said:

How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property??

If working illegally and doing a job that can be done by a Thai, then it is harming the People and country, it is taking a job off a local and likely not collecting income tax.

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2 hours ago, chowny77 said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

Don't worry about it, it is just the Thai administration becoming ultra xenophobic day by day because they are so incompetent at running their own country effectively they blame everything and anything on foreigners . A fascist state just a door knock away

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When moving around the country, visiting small, large and medium scale industries, I've noticed that the people working at those industries don't speak Thai, when close to Laos the  workers speak Lao, when close to Cambodia thy speak Cambodian and when close to Burma the language is Burmese. I asked the owner of a small business in Isan whey she used Lao workers, she told me the local Thai people refused to work for her. The Lao workers were paid according to how much they produced; wife and husband from a Lao village, when working hard, could make up to 100,000 THB/month. When this came to the knowledge of the Thai community, people from the local community came running and asked for a job.

So why bother, when Thai workers are too lazy, or not capable of doing the job. Somebody has to keep the country moving, and the people doing it should be rewarded, not punished.

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There really needs to be a total shake-up on all foreigners living Thailand. Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place. For example: if a foreigner has money in the account which accrued whilst in Thailand, then this should be investigated to ensure no law was broken, that the person/s must supply evidence of where the money was obtained from, as they do now in Europe. 


I'm aware of many foreigners could be breaking the law or earning huge sums of money without paying the appropriate tax to the country or even are getting a income in Thailand without having the appropriate permits. This should also be tightly controlled. 


All foreigners are visitors, unless they have residency rights or citizenship, and thailand does have the right to control them as they see fit, according to the law that exists.

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8 minutes ago, the guest said:

There really needs to be a total shake-up on all foreigners living Thailand. Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place. For example: if a foreigner has money in the account which accrued whilst in Thailand, then this should be investigated to ensure no law was broken, that the person/s must supply evidence of where the money was obtained from, as they do now in Europe. 


I'm aware of many foreigners could be breaking the law or earning huge sums of money without paying the appropriate tax to the country or even are getting a income in Thailand without having the appropriate permits. This should also be tightly controlled. 


All foreigners are visitors, unless they have residency rights or citizenship, and thailand does have the right to control them as they see fit, according to the law that exists.

"Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place"


Did you work for Stasi before or?

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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I thought I read recently where the PM clearly stated suspects would not be paraded in front of the media in future. He must have only been referring to Thai suspects. Farang suspects are still fair game it seems.

The photo is from 21st March, not today.

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29 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place"


Did you work for Stasi before or?

I'm just assuming he is on a wind up...

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

this is the kind of knee-jerk reaction you get with far right wing govts, such as military dictatorships

I don't see the problem, there are loads of russians working in Thailand and like all of us they have to follow the laws.

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4 hours ago, baboon said:

As though the mafia are going to give a rat's dropping about harsher laws. It'll be teachers without work permits and the like who will be the ones really made to suffer.

Harsh punishments for employers? Yeah, right. That's gonna happen...

Laws and regulations, whether one likes them or not, are there to be abided by and followed. People violating such laws and regulations, whoever they may be, should expect to be punished. As guests, as foreigners , we do not have to be here if we don't like the laws and regulations. As Thais, people should try and change such laws in democratic ways, if they don't like them. However, as long as laws are in force they must be followed, otherwise a proper society can't be run properly.

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2 hours ago, SirBuwanaDogbossKing said:

Yep..............that's because they are foreigners..duhhhhhhhhhhh


I think he meant it only had farang in the sense that there are no arrested people from Lao, Myanmar, Cambodia etc, which are around and working illegally in much larger numbers. Yet, the western ones are the main target.

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

this is the kind of knee-jerk reaction you get with far right wing govts, such as military dictatorships

Like the former "elected" governments did?

The knee-jerk reactions I mean?

The former government was anything but left or centre, more like, ehhhhhh, far right?

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10 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

Laws and regulations, whether one likes them or not, are there to be abided by and followed. People violating such laws and regulations, whoever they may be, should expect to be punished. As guests, as foreigners , we do not have to be here if we don't like the laws and regulations. As Thais, people should try and change such laws in democratic ways, if they don't like them. However, as long as laws are in force they must be followed, otherwise a proper society can't be run properly.

Well ... that's why Dictatorships turn into Tyrannies !

It's because people like you follow orders without ever thinking or questioning.

Just like soldiers become murderers by just following orders.


... all the misery could be ended if people would just simply start to think !

Edited by brain150
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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It's true. All these foreigners are ruining Thai lives. People barely making enough to survive. Mum's selling their children into the sex trade, etc. 


Thank god the government are here to protect the Thai people from this poverty and misery. 

So illegal work compell mothers to sell their children to sex trade and the real cause of human trafficking is the Pad Thai?

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10 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


Well, it will be about expats if their employers don't keep their paperwork up to date. The expats will go to jail while the employers will just pay bribes, I mean fines.


Not even the more paranoid of governments about immigration (I have in mind the UK and the USA) have come up with the notion that foreigners working without work permits will "threaten lives and property" of locals. How exactly could this be possible unless they are referring to technicians lacking technical skills and know-how who fix things that go on fire or whatever - in that case, they should just enforce the rules on people doing such repairs or bring in better ones.


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15 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

Laws and regulations, whether one likes them or not, are there to be abided by and followed. People violating such laws and regulations, whoever they may be, should expect to be punished. As guests, as foreigners , we do not have to be here if we don't like the laws and regulations. As Thais, people should try and change such laws in democratic ways, if they don't like them. However, as long as laws are in force they must be followed, otherwise a proper society can't be run properly.

How do Thai people get to use democratic ways to change laws, exactly?

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