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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry


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6 minutes ago, baboon said:

How do Thai people get to use democratic ways to change laws, exactly?

By learning what it means to be "responsible" !!!

[Not only Thais ... this pretty much is the same for ALL countries !!! Including the ones in the West that "call" themselves democratic]

Edited by brain150
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23 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Like the former "elected" governments did?

The knee-jerk reactions I mean?

The former government was anything but left or centre, more like, ehhhhhh, far right?

And here is the most common reaction on TVF to your (and your small band of fellow junta supporters) never ending obsession with the Shins:


Click and find out



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5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

this is the kind of knee-jerk reaction you get with far right wing govts, such as military dictatorships

It's the same regardless of the past several governments we've had. 

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41 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

Laws and regulations, whether one likes them or not, are there to be abided by and followed. People violating such laws and regulations, whoever they may be, should expect to be punished. As guests, as foreigners , we do not have to be here if we don't like the laws and regulations. As Thais, people should try and change such laws in democratic ways, if they don't like them. However, as long as laws are in force they must be followed, otherwise a proper society can't be run properly.

This is why Thailand doesn't function as a proper society  many don't even follow their own laws! No need to blame foreigners for the woes of this country. The place would be much worse off if it wasn't for their 25M+ visitors every year pumping billions into the economy. There is a lot holding back development in this country and I don't see foreigners having anything to do with it. 

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3 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Don't worry about it, it is just the Thai administration becoming ultra xenophobic day by day because they are so incompetent at running their own country effectively they blame everything and anything on foreigners . A fascist state just a door knock away

I think we are forgetting past history this year.


How many pedophiles have been found or people that have arrest warrants in their old country and are teaching.


Then you have all the laos and cambodian people working in the massage parlours and such.



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51 minutes ago, brain150 said:

By learning what it means to be "responsible" !!!

[Not only Thais ... this pretty much is the same for ALL countries !!! Including the ones in the West that "call" themselves democratic]

Correct. Thais can't change laws they don't like by democratic means.

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It's a smokescreen folks. The art of keeping a bad Government rolling along is to distract the gullible and to create an illusion that stops people from focusing on the real issues. Let's face it, we all know someone who has been nailed by immigration for "working." They are very active in arresting people already. Simple folk believe lies, so telling them farang working is endangering them makes them believe the Government cares (:cheesy:), and stops them asking about elections, freedom of speech and the like. Also makes them more likely to grass you up too. I agree that the real bad boys are unlikely to be affected by this, just some poor souls trying to actually teach the kids here something useful, but will be held up as evil sinners, the benevolent PM is saving them from.

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5 hours ago, Mattd said:

If working illegally and doing a job that can be done by a Thai, then it is harming the People and country, it is taking a job off a local and likely not collecting income tax.

If the job is something that a foreigner can do and be paid in cash and avoid taxes, the Thai will be paid in cash also.


Are you naive enough to believe that every Thai honestly and dutifully reports and pays tax on their cash income?

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6 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

I think we are forgetting past history this year.


How many pedophiles have been found or people that have arrest warrants in their old country and are teaching.


Then you have all the laos and cambodian people working in the massage parlours and such.



Come on, then: How many this year?

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5 hours ago, chowny77 said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

Thank you for all you`re doing for the Thai people and your contribution towards a third world country. May I ask; how do you earn the money in Thailand and whether you have a work permit or not?


The expats who are in Thailand and abide by the rules will also be caught up in the flack with the tougher laws. Probably means more hurdles to jump over at immigration. If some cannot stay in the country by without breaking the rules, then please clear off.

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4 minutes ago, bino said:

If the job is something that a foreigner can do and be paid in cash and avoid taxes, the Thai will be paid in cash also.


Are you naive enough to believe that every Thai honestly and dutifully reports and pays tax on their cash income?

Businesses here run two sets of books. The real one and one for the tax office. These businesses ain't paying much tax! That doesn't exactly help the country either. 

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As usual, I find some of the comments here to be totally negative and off base.   Try  getting a work permit in Australia or any other western country.   It's so easy and cheap in Thailand, people who are legitimate should have zero complaints.  My staff forgot to renew my work permit a couple months ago and therefore had to make a new one.   Took 1 week with no money under table to get it done (my staff did it, we do not hire companies to do it).  The fee (total cost) was 4,000 baht plus 150 for the doctor's certificate.  Seems to me I just paid $2,000 bucks to get my Thai wife's green card in USA extended between lawyers and fees.


And furthermore, anyone who thinks getting Russian mafia out is anything but positive should be sent along with them.


Some of the peanut gallery people who post here don't have enough money to make any positive difference in Thailand anyway.   Count your blessings there is still someplace you can afford to live and just go home if you don't like it.


Teachers etc. should be supported by the school they work for, how will they suffer ???


And furthermore, it's easy to see progress is being made.  There was so much to improve before and slowly but steadily there are improvements being made.  Obviously the previous fines and punishment for visa violators were so low it was a joke.   They ought to raise the fines 10 times more.  I support anything they can do to get the riff raff foreign residents out of Thailand !!!

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Can anyone tell me the meaning of section 4 (6) that says this act does not apply to the person that provides benefit to education. 


In my mind, it means part time tutors and educators do not need a wp. 

Which is in line with the constitution that protects academic freedom. 

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3 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

Really, and everybody is supposed to know that. Are you at TVN insider?

No, I'm just a simple soul who tries to read the opening post of a topic.


Take a look at this, which appears on the post.


"Police question three Russian men arrested March 21 on suspicion of overstaying their visas and extorting Thai businesses in Pattaya"


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The decree is fairly lengthy and seems to be effectively amending large chunks, if not all, of the 2008 Working of Aliens Act.  It is not clear why the government would want to amend the law by issuing a decree, rather than coming out with a new a Working of Aliens Act which could be easily passed by the appointed legislature, although it would be subject to public discussion under the new constitution and would take longer.  They must perceive the situation as being an emergency.  Another emergency decree was issued to do with the recruitment of foreign labour in August 2016. 


If I read it correctly, going through it at speed, the employer of aliens will need to be 75% owned by Thais and 75% of the shareholders will have to be Thai.  Also work permit fees are raised to B20,000.  However, this should be viewed as the maximum allowed by law. In the 2008 Act the maximum WP fee was B10,000 but they never charged that much.   

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I think we are forgetting past history this year.
How many pedophiles have been found or people that have arrest warrants in their old country and are teaching.
Then you have all the laos and cambodian people working in the massage parlours and such.

Come on, then: How many this year?

Take a bet on his reply (if there is one) starting with " Everyone knows that....."?
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6 hours ago, baboon said:

As though the mafia are going to give a rat's dropping about harsher laws. It'll be teachers without work permits and the like who will be the ones really made to suffer.

Harsh punishments for employers? Yeah, right. That's gonna happen...

And the government is one  of those employers for sure-----teachers.  Schools, local government groups for sure.  Jail  seems  silly for the worker.....just  send them home and ban them from re-entry.  

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26 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Can anyone tell me the meaning of section 4 (6) that says this act does not apply to the person that provides benefit to education. 


In my mind, it means part time tutors and educators do not need a wp. 

Which is in line with the constitution that protects academic freedom. 


Section 4 (6) refers persons coming to Thailand to perform missions related to education, culture, art, sport etc, as prescribed in the ministerial regulations.  I think that means people who come to teach at a seminar, perform at a concert or compete in a sporting event.  It seems to refer to one-off teaching events or lectures, not part time tutors and educators. 

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6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


Many Thais do their jobs so badly theyd  be  better off with foreigners doing it, look at most "Changs" a  blind  monkey would make a  better job of it

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2 minutes ago, Familyaffairs said:

Thais -who are visa violators- all around the world threaten lives....Treat them likewise, and no multiple entries. Reciprocate.

A local English language publication did a very sympathetic feature on, I think it was, 30,000 Thais working illegally in the US who were worried about being kicked out by the Trump administration.  The reporters suggested they didn't really want to be there illegally but had no choice as they had to sacrifice themselves to support families back home and that it would be very unfair for the Trump government to deport them.   The same publication has not published anything so far about this new decree.   

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6 hours ago, chowny77 said:

This is a crock of <deleted>! How does a foreigner working in Thailand harm Thai peoples lives and property?? All I know is that every baht I earn here in Thailand is spent in Thailand, so how would this harm Thai people? I have some Filipino friends and they do send money back home, surely this is more damaging than me spending my money here.

Don't get too upset. 
That journalist should get a good kick in the nuts for combining two unrelated stories.


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We've had 4 (FOUR) Thai gentlemen out to our new place, gave us estimates on the perimeter wall, we all agreed & not one of them showed up to work. I wonder how much pain & suffering would be rendered if I went out there & slammed the block in?

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