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District chief defends Pattaya bar raids


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District chief defends Pattaya bar raids


PATTAYA:--Banglamung’s district chief defended the seemingly unending series of raids of Pattaya-area bars and nightclubs, saying authorities are simply carrying out orders from the military government.


Naris Niramaiwong met with reporters June 21 to try to quell the growing chorus of criticism online about repeated busts at pubs and gentlemen’s clubs. Many online users, both Thai and foreign, are complaining that authorities are overdoing it and are damaging Pattaya’s reputation with the constant stream of negative news.


Naris said district officials are under orders from the junta to wipe out human trafficking, crime, prostitution, drugs and guns. But he noted that the government orders align with the mission of police and the military to wipe out illegal activities.


Read more: http://www.pattayamail.com/news/district-chief-defends-pattaya-bar-raids-179257

-- © Copyright Pattaya Mail 2017-06-30
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It's pretty simple,,, drive the existing places out of business, with relentless raids, BIB go in,, buy them up for a song,, probably the whole Soi,,, then back to business as usual... Watch,,,

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It the bars/clubs pay, they don't get raided.

Or if they are to be visited, they get a pre-visit warning call.


Is this really wiping out illegal activities.????


Stop the real crooks, like the ones in brown.

Edited by mark01
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It is just a shakedown.  They are just extorting bigger bribes while trying to make sure there are no under aged kids working at these places.  It is a two for one special for the junta; better recognition from the west and more bribes here at home.

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It all seems so arbitrary ! Why this street to open at 6pm and not that one ? Why not just close all the bars and turn Pattaya into a ghost town ? Why not be progressive like Singapore and have 24 hour operating times ? They say the most terrifying thing is ignorance in action, like the world,s only roundabout that you cannot go round ! Just who is making these very silly rules ?

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18 hours ago, ianc66 said:


Are some of you ever going to get over it. This is a very poor comparison, and if your

little brains can't handle a clampdown on crime then why are you here. You guys are always

complaining about crime and rip offs.

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19 hours ago, Rimmer said:

Naris said district officials are under orders from the junta to wipe out human trafficking, crime, prostitution, drugs and guns.

Thai law provides criminal penalties for conviction of official corruption. Implementation of the law increased under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

Wipe out crime. Corruption is a crime. Start at the top not the bottom.


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It the bars/clubs pay, they don't get raided.
Or if they are to be visited, they get a pre-visit warning call.
Is this really wiping out illegal activities.????
Stop the real crooks, like the ones in brown.

They're colluding with some bar owners to reduce supply, then increase prices which provides them thicker more easily collected brown envelopes from their now true friends.

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38 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

It all seems so arbitrary ! Why this street to open at 6pm and not that one ? //

Not arbitrary at all. There is a zoning for entertainment and only a few limited areas can sell alcohol during daytime. The big majority of Pattaya bars are outside these special areas and then can only have "night time bar licences".

Bar owners know exactly what their licence says, but many choose to open during the day in spite of that, offering money to policemen in charge of the control for them to keep closed eyes. Now the Junta made stop this corruption and then licence terms must be observed.

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When I first started coming to Pattaya the bars and restaurants were allowed 24/7 and there wasn't any problems. Believe or not you did not see the same amount of drunks as you didn't have to pound as much booze down as you could because you were forced to go home in the early hours. You could drink and party all night long if you wanted. The bars didn't have to stay open but if there were customers they could. The trouble and BS started when the government started trying to force Buddhist principles on tourists coming to Thailand to vacation and party. If Thailand is going to survive as a tourist destination they are going to have to back off on there thinking at least on the tourist destinations 

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22 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

gosh, I hope my girlfriend is OK.


I had better call her.

No need she,s safely tucked up here beside me....no worries......she will be back with you later this morning......what a girl :thumbsup: you lucky so and so   :clap2:

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I like the rainbow folder on his desk. 

nice touch


aside from that the office looks like a mausoleum. seriously. 

like he spends an hour a day there. and another could sit in the seat with 5 minutes of work done to remove any personal items.  the next guy will keep the same bust of venerated and respected persons and nothing more except a baseball cap. or 2

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Throwing out the baby with the bath water.


Clamp down on exploitation of the under aged and drug peddling by all means but go too far and there will be no need for a number of the police, let alone packets of tea money, as there will be far fewer 'bums on seats' so to speak. 


There are a multitude of more wholesome resorts throughout the world and many of those are in Thailand.


The occasional less reputable venue won't be amiss, as long as the excessive growth of genuine crime is not the price to be paid.


Concentrate on the priorities Mein Fuhrer

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What I would do,    Get together the PM, police chief, Pattaya Mayor,  Planning ,  health.  at a 3 day crash course and decide what way you want it,    Sin city---or unclean beach resort.  Alternative The Eastern Seaboard shopping centre.-------Alkazar-Tiffany's show.

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IF this is just about enforcing existing licensing laws then I am all for it...so long as it is applied to ALL bars ( which we all know it wont be).


If you have the correct license, then you operate to the terms and conditions of that license. I know what would happen if I sold alcohol outside the permitted hours at my work in Australia. Is this really any different.


Obtain the license , pay the required fee and operate to the conditions of the license ........simple really.

Then any requests for brown envelopes should be reported with video evidence if possible to all relevant bodies.

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1 hour ago, jobwolf said:

Are some of you ever going to get over it. This is a very poor comparison, and if your

little brains can't handle a clampdown on crime then why are you here. You guys are always

complaining about crime and rip offs.


It is the selective and arbitrary clampdown that is the problem. If they were serious they would send someone into every go-go or beer bar, offer to bar fine and once the money is handed over close the place for being a den of prostitution and human trafficking. You and I know that won't happen. You and I know they only make a token effort for a few weeks to try and garner headlines that 'prove' they are doing something, and then they all go back to sleep again.

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15 minutes ago, novo58 said:

IF this is just about enforcing existing licensing laws then I am all for it...so long as it is applied to ALL bars ( which we all know it wont be).


If you have the correct license, then you operate to the terms and conditions of that license. I know what would happen if I sold alcohol outside the permitted hours at my work in Australia. Is this really any different.


Obtain the license , pay the required fee and operate to the conditions of the license ........simple really.

Then any requests for brown envelopes should be reported with video evidence if possible to all relevant bodies.


because the licences for any business within the Pattaya entertainment districts are NOT ISSUED unless heavy bribes are paid in the first place.

when they say "unlicenced businesses" a lot of these businesses have been waiting for licences for years, it is just unfair.

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