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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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35 minutes ago, Morch said:



Inciting violence is hardly funny is it?


No, it isn't.

How disappointing Morch. I am sure there will now be people queuing up to take out 40 million people in the USA - Not! But will there be rednecks planning violence against journo's due to Trumps little 'joke' - you betcha.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

How disappointing Morch. I am sure there will now be people queuing up to take out 40 million people in the USA - Not! But will there be rednecks planning violence against journo's due to Trumps little 'joke' - you betcha.


You're still not funny.

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5 hours ago, wayned said:

One of the CNN commentators coined a proper phrase describing him "man child".

Exactly what I thought. When does he work as Prez and not as a daft man child? Madhouse!

He deserves to be in such a house.



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"Remember, he was a nut job, not a Dem or a liberal, he was a nut job. He was not the 'left and it's supporters', he was a nut job. "

"It is not fun. Some redneck will go out soon enough and lay into a reporter in the same way that Mr Pres has just 'told him to do'."


Remember folks, when liberal democrats do it, they're just a 'nut job' it has nothing to do with their ideologic leanings but when a conservative does it they're 'redneck' gun toting, bible thumping right wingers!


Does Guinness World records have a current title holder for the most double standards? Libs / dems would easily win that one.

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Today on twitter has been hillarious - and on TV the liberlal reactions have been the same.


So let me get this right:  Trump tweeting a joke gif of him wrestling CNN is childish and wrong, and will incite violence against journalists. But stabbing an actor playing Trump in a daily play in NYC is not?




Edited by ELVIS123456
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This is isn't about conservatives or liberals or Republicans or Democrats. This is about the President of the United States spending time on twitter denigrating journalists with who he has a personal quarrel with because he is watching television and doesn't like the narrative. Now his supporters are trying to pass off his latest  tweet as 'a joke'  Not many people laughing with you Mr President- but many laughing at you.


Trump claims the media is against him. He refuses to understand that the people who disagree with he  and his agenda is  because he is coming across as a narcissistic meglomaniac who uses coarse and rude langage; who attacks people personally; and who is viewed as not being competent due to lies and deceit. In addition, he has overly criticised and made highly offensive remarks to America's allies such as Australia; German; France and South Korea. He has shown more support of countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt which are ruled by unrepresentative governments,


Instead of accepting that there are people who do not agree with him by not responding just as previous Presidents have done, he calls his opponents names and tries to blame what he calls fake news.  Trump even refuses to believe he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and spins a tale of 3 million illegal immigrants lining up to vote for Clinton. If there is such a thing as fake news- that one has to head the top of the list.


If Donald Trump wants to be taken seriously as President, he needs to stop watching television and go to work and actually present a positive piece of legislation that puts Americans to work. He needs to stop responding to every alleged slight as a personal vendetta. This man is not only denigrating the office of the Presidency but he is making America the laughing stock of the World.

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Remember folks, when liberal democrats do it, they're just a 'nut job' it has nothing to do with their ideologic leanings but when a conservative does it they're 'redneck' gun toting, bible thumping right wingers!


Does Guinness World records have a current title holder for the most double standards? Libs / dems would easily win that one.

They win by a mile.


The list of Liberal violence in the US since Trump won has been long and extensive. And that includes a Republican politician being shot.  Tell me if I am wrong, but has a Conservative shot any Liberal politicians lately? Did Conservatives after Obama won in 2008 behave like the Liberals have behaved after Trump win in 2016? 


Only a truly delusional Liberal could think that Trump's tweeting a gif of him back slamming a bloke with a CNN logo for his head, is any more real violence, then when Trump actually back slammed a guy at a WWE event. Back then it was a joke and done for the show, and now it is exactly the same - done for 'the show'.  Liberals are so crazy and prone to violence when criticised or ridiculed, that they cant take a joke.  



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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

This is isn't about conservatives or liberals or Republicans or Democrats. This is about the President of the United States spending time on twitter denigrating journalists with who he has a personal quarrel with because he is watching television and doesn't like the narrative. Now his supporters are trying to pass off his latest  tweet as 'a joke'  Not many people laughing with you Mr President- but many laughing at you.


Trump claims the media is against him. He refuses to understand that the people who disagree with he  and his agenda is  because he is coming across as a narcissistic meglomaniac who uses coarse and rude langage; who attacks people personally; and who is viewed as not being competent due to lies and deceit. In addition, he has overly criticised and made highly offensive remarks to America's allies such as Australia; German; France and South Korea. He has shown more support of countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt which are ruled by unrepresentative governments,


Instead of accepting that there are people who do not agree with him by not responding just as previous Presidents have done, he calls his opponents names and tries to blame what he calls fake news.  Trump even refuses to believe he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and spins a tale of 3 million illegal immigrants lining up to vote for Clinton. If there is such a thing as fake news- that one has to head the top of the list.


If Donald Trump wants to be taken seriously as President, he needs to stop watching television and go to work and actually present a positive piece of legislation that puts Americans to work. He needs to stop responding to every alleged slight as a personal vendetta. This man is not only denigrating the office of the Presidency but he is making America the laughing stock of the World.

How wrong you are - I cannot even begin to describe.


Politics has changed - forever. G W Bush did nothing in response to the 8 years of ridicule and abuse he copped. All he did was give Liberals the sense that they are entitled to behave this way.  After a long period of abuse and criticsm, Trump is entitled to make fun of CNN - just like the rest of us Conservatives do.  


Have you even seen the recent videos showing CNN 'journalists' are liars without integrity.  Didn't several of them recently resign because they went too far BUT ONLY AFTER they were caught deliberately lying and fabricating stories.  CNN are going down and Trump has made fun of them. Get real and have a laugh.


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15 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Today on twitter has been hillarious - and on TV the liberlal reactions have been the same.


So let me get this right:  Trump tweeting a joke gif of him wrestling CNN is childish and wrong, and will incite violence against journalists. But stabbing an actor playing Trump in a daily play in NYC is not?




One incident is by an little-known (?) actor, the other is by the current POTUS.


The actor regularly engages in portrayals of fiction. POTUS, on the other hand,  engages in .. er, um .. portrayals of fiction.

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Everyone likes a 'good' joke and I  watched the video but  it wasn't funny because it represented a direct attack on the media.  When Trump was a private person- it didn't really matter, but he is President of the US and has take an oath to uphold the US  Constitution which includes freedom of speech.  If he doesn't agree with how he is being represented by the media- then he needs to have his minions spell out directly what his agenda his and how it will benefit the American people.  Instead, he is wasting his time watching the news media and responding with personal attacks on individual news people.


In addition, he could hold a news conference with the press and answer questions directly and speak authoritatively on what he plans to do about healthcare; immigration, infrastructure etc. Instead, he is wasting his time trying to convince people like me that everyone else is wrong because of fake news and only he is right.


If he wants to garner my support let him stop using abusive rhetoric; let him stop attacking people personally; let him stop pursing a useless border wall. Instead, speak softly- put out programs that will give Americans Universal Health care; give us a fair and equitable immigration policy; give us tax reform that will distribute wealth from the 1% back to the 99%; give Americans free college Tuition; give us the infrastructure bill and finally gives us a foreign policy that makes sense. Let him do just one of these things and you will see a positive media response.


On the other hand, you cannot expect people like myself and the majority of the media to support bizarre behavior; a lack of any firm agenda; and discourse which is un Presidential.

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There have been some very good and interesting posts on this subject, with valid points made from both sides of the camp.

I can't say if this video was a joke or a dig at CNN. That point is actually moot, as the President is not supposed to be a comedian. He is also supposed to be above responding to criticism in a manner that is anything less than completely dignified. Pretty much every politician everywhere is criticised by their press and they all seem to be able to take it on the chin and give their responses evenhandedly. It is not the fact that Trump tweets responses that people find objectionable, it is the often vulgar, crass and personal insults that he uses to do so. This isn't just any politician, but the "leader of the free world," the person people look to for guidance and inspiration and they expect to see a calm, level headed person they can respect, whether they agree with his policies or not.

Simply put, this is just not the case here. The amount of pure and unadulterated lies he has come out with, combined with racist policies, and a very mean spirit in dealing with the disabled, families of dead veterans, ex veterans and anyone who criticises him is about as unpresidential as it is possible to get. And that is the core of the matter. If he wants to be respected as the President, he needs to start behaving in a Presidential manner, which to date he has shown no sign of even understanding.

Much of the negative press he gets stems precisely from this.

Edited by darksidedog
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4 minutes ago, klikster said:

One incident is by an little-known (?) actor, the other is by the current POTUS.


The actor regularly engages in portrayals of fiction. POTUS, on the other hand,  engages in .. er, um .. portrayals of fiction.

Humour - good to see - we need more of it.


Politics without humour is dangerous - Trump was 'taking the Micky'.



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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:


If he wants to garner my support let him stop using abusive rhetoric; let him stop attacking people personally; let him stop pursing a useless border wall. Instead, speak softly- put out programs that will give Americans Universal Health care; give us a fair and equitable immigration policy; give us tax reform that will distribute wealth from the 1% back to the 99%; give Americans free college Tuition; give us the infrastructure bill and finally gives us a foreign policy that makes sense. Let him do just one of these things and you will see a positive media response.

I think I can speak for the President when I say:  I do not want to even try to garner your support. :smile:

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If he wants to garner my support let him stop using abusive rhetoric; let him stop attacking people personally; let him stop pursing a useless border wall. Instead, speak softly- put out programs that will give Americans Universal Health care; give us a fair and equitable immigration policy; give us tax reform that will distribute wealth from the 1% back to the 99%; give Americans free college Tuition; give us the infrastructure bill and finally gives us a foreign policy that makes sense. Let him do just one of these things and you will see a positive media response.


In other words pander to liberals and socialists for a pat on the back by the establishment media? 

Um.. do you even understand why he won?

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3 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

In other words pander to liberals and socialists for a pat on the back by the establishment media? 

Um.. do you even understand why he won?

He won because he pandered to the lowest common denominator in the American public. He continually lied. He has no comprehension of how pathetic his tweets are every day. He demeans women with his attacks against them. He isn't the POTUS, he is the AHA instead.....Oh sorry, this means "A Horses Ass" 

What is fascinating about all this is when will he shoot himself in the head and be forced to resign? Hopefully sooner than later.

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11 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

How wrong you are - I cannot even begin to describe.


Politics has changed - forever. G W Bush did nothing in response to the 8 years of ridicule and abuse he copped. All he did was give Liberals the sense that they are entitled to behave this way.  After a long period of abuse and criticsm, Trump is entitled to make fun of CNN - just like the rest of us Conservatives do.  


Have you even seen the recent videos showing CNN 'journalists' are liars without integrity.  Didn't several of them recently resign because they went too far BUT ONLY AFTER they were caught deliberately lying and fabricating stories.  CNN are going down and Trump has made fun of them. Get real and have a laugh.


Once again one of the trumpeteers mention the resignation of CNN reporters, because they f**** with there reporting. Hey, at least they where man enough to resign!

Now we are all waiting for the want to be POTUS to cough up to his lies and resign!

You better get real, sometime, because POTUS has a big agenda the comming days. But instead of working for the American people, he spend his time on twitter or in one of his resorts.

So, who has to get real, I will give you the answer;

Trump, you and the other trumpeteers that keep defending this lying, nasty, narsistic bully.

Stop defending sombody that only shows no repect for anybody but himself. You and the other Trump fans are taken for a ride, and you don't want to see this.


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2 minutes ago, Mansell said:

He won because he pandered to the lowest common denominator in the American public. He continually lied. He has no comprehension of how pathetic his tweets are every day. He demeans women with his attacks against them. He isn't the POTUS, he is the AHA instead.....Oh sorry, this means "A Horses Ass" 

What is fascinating about all this is when will he shoot himself in the head and be forced to resign? Hopefully sooner than later.

Wrong. And because you people don't understand why he was elected, you will keep losing.

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The responses to my post by the Trump supporter actually represent why he is failing as President. He won't even try and provide any type of narrative or agenda to gain the support of the majority of people who did not vote for him and that indeed is sad in itself. A President should always want to gain support and represent all the people not just those who voted for him. A Present's agenda needs o be inclusive not exclusive. In addition, people who are his supporters are replicating his demeanor by attacking the messenger instead of pointing out credible accomplishments that are helping ALL Americans.


I definitely know why people voted for him- because they were fed up with politics as usual and many were desperate for an economy that worked for them. The problem is that while we all agree on  changes- Trump is not the answer because all the changes he wants to make will not solve the problems of the middle class and poor but will actually make America poorer.  He is not pushing his Trillion Dollar infrastructure bill which would create jobs but instead focusing on a $20 Billion border wall that will do nothing to help America's economic situation. Instead, he is supporting a Healthcare bill that will  force millions of Americans off the insurance roles and give a tax break to the wealthy. I don't see how this makes America great again.


What Trump's supporters fail to realize is that if he survives 4 years as President, he will need to have convinced millions of people like me that his agenda is the correct one- because he needs my vote. Otherwise, he will just be a note in the history book as a failed President who spent all his time fighting with the media instead of fighting for ALL Americans.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The responses to my post by the Trump supporter actually represent why he is failing as President. He won't even try and provide any type of narrative or agenda to gain the support of the majority of people who did not vote for him and that indeed is sad in itself. A President should always want to gain support and represent all the people not just those who voted for him. A Present's agenda needs o be inclusive not exclusive. In addition, people who are his supporters are replicating his demeanor by attacking the messenger instead of pointing out credible accomplishments that are helping ALL Americans.


I definitely know why people voted for him- because they were fed up with politics as usual and many were desperate for an economy that worked for them. The problem is that while we all agree on  changes- Trump is not the answer because all the changes he wants to make will not solve the problems of the middle class and poor but will actually make America poorer.  He is not pushing his Trillion Dollar infrastructure bill which would create jobs but instead focusing on a $20 Billion border wall that will do nothing to help America's economic situation. Instead, he is supporting a Healthcare bill that will  force millions of Americans off the insurance roles and give a tax break to the wealthy. I don't see how this makes America great again.


What Trump's supporters fail to realize is that if he survives 4 years as President, he will need to have convinced millions of people like me that his agenda is the correct one- because he needs my vote. Otherwise, he will just be a note in the history book as a failed President who spent all his time fighting with the media instead of fighting for ALL Americans.

 I will just say exactly the same thing as was said by young Rigby a little while ago:


Wrong. And because you people don't understand why he was elected, you will keep losing.

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1 minute ago, oldhippy said:

To all Americans on this forum:


Is THIS your president?

Must be realy embarassing?

I have a lot of american friends that did not wote for him and yes they are embarrassed. The people woting for him are to stupid to be embarrassed.

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This isn't about me losing, this is about America losing. If you believe Trump is America's savior, please provide one positive thing he has done to increase jobs in America; or bring in affordable healthcare; or make the tax code work for everyone. Instead, the Trump supporters keep telling me I don't know anything and attack me personally. How is any of that going to make America great again? Please do tell.

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