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use of multi meter to measure power consumption


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I found this in 2 mins.



i am not sure if your sauna has a plug on the cable, you can buy them on amazon . You also purchase allot of other types of these types of power meter, some more expensive then the other. You can also buy a din mount KWh meter that you could put on the cabling somewhere if you are that way inclined.


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On 7/10/2017 at 2:53 PM, Crossy said:


Measure the supply voltage (don't forget to select AC Volts)



Wise words of someone who had a meter blown up in his face one too many times :)


Edited by Jdietz
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Pictures of Thai watthour meters (with electro-mechanical discs) I see have the Revolutions/kWh indicated on the faceplate.  Such as 400 rev/kWh. Perhaps the electronic ones have the pulses/kWh and a blinking LED.  With a known load, you can check the accuracy of the meter using a stopwatch and counting revolutions/pulses for a set time. Or just calculate the consumption or load of a single appliance.  It's explained toward the bottom of this page:  http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~jef22/myweb4/eleccalc.htm


In the US, meters are marked with a Kh, indicating the Watthours per revolution of the disk. 7.2 Watthours/rev is common for residential service.  People used to do a rough test using a few 100 Watt incandescent lightbulbs as a load.


I watched a lot of meter discs spin during my 20+ year career in the electric metering industry in the US. Used to be a product/sales manager for a $40,000 electric meter test machine.

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