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Netizens Rage Over Dog Killed In Truck Hit-And-Run


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3 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

Aggressive Soi dogs, some of them almost wild, roaming around biting people and yet people are upset when one gets run over.

Round them all up, put them in a pen ....................

 I think people are upset because the dog was run over on purpose.


Get it?



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37 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

A few years ago my secretary saw her Labrador run over and she sat on the street with him as he died in the middle of the road, and all the while cars just drove around her. So I suggest add UK people to your hate list along with the rest of humanity. 


26 minutes ago, meatboy said:

was that DELIBERATE.


21 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I assume that the cars drove by deliberately.

Surely not by coincidence?


I suspect that many drivers (in the first quoted post), drove by as there was no space to stop plus, the owner was 'on the scene' to take care of her dog.


We probably all have examples of empathetic, caring people - and those who consider animals inferior species and therefore unworthy of consideration - unless they benefit mankind in some way.


But this thread is about a man who deliberately murdered a dog.

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4 hours ago, mikebell said:

It's made my day.  One down a million to go.  When will bleeding-heart liberals realise animals are secondary to man.  If they roam the streets unchecked they are fair game.  Dogs cause accidents (with fatalities) and spread diseases.  Eradicate this problem. If the dog has an owner charge him with causing damage to a vehicle.  No dog should be loose on the street without consequences.


2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



I suspect that many drivers (in the first quoted post), drove by as there was no space to stop plus, the owner was 'on the scene' to take care of her dog.


We probably all have examples of empathetic, caring people - and those who consider animals inferior species and therefore unworthy of consideration - unless they benefit mankind in some way.


But this thread is about a man who deliberately murdered a dog.

Referring to my post above - its exemplified by mikebells' post.....


But ignoring the inhumanity of man towards 'inferior' species - this thread is about a man who deliberately murdered a dog.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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While I don't condone the driver running over the dog I can only assume that the dog is used to having drivers
brake and wait for it to get out of the way. In Canada dogs do not sit on the road. The occasional dog will
get hit crossing the road. In Thailand they often sit or sleep on the road. Unless the dog was deaf
he would have heard the truck. Most dogs have excellent hearing. He just chose not to move. 99.9 % of drivers
would have stopped (Thais don't like to use the horn) This poor dog met the driver who this time did not.
For me it is the dogs owner who is 100% to blame.

So if a human is walking on the road and doesn't move, get killed. It's his fault? Seriously sick attitude you have
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And what's with the infatuation for Huskeys? I couldn't think of a more inappropriate breed for Thai to 'own'? 

I think they watched the cute film (Eight Below) about the "smart" pack of dogs that survived the Antarctic and want one !


The bloke next door to me "acquired"

a husky puppy and was planning on keeping it in his rented third floor 33 square meter apartment, it yapped constantly for a few days while he was at work.

Someone complained to the building management and the

apartment owner told him to get rid of it. :rolleyes:


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I agree that there may be too many dogs in the sois but breaking or using the horn is not too hard. In the soi we moved into we did take the mother to the vet to get fixed and did find owners for the puppies. 2 were left so we got them vaccinated (....). Since we have already 3 dogs this was what we could do.
Now: Since the neighbours have kids which go to a private school they are picked up every morning. The dogs bring them to the bus which always stops at the corner of the soi. Since the driver always stops there they would wait until the bus is gone.
Except one morning, where the one kid was late and the driver did speed-up and steer to make sure to kill poor Koala. He was one of the friendliest dogs I know.
The driver was angry since she was late so he had to 'get rid of his anger'.
Anger over anything seems to be a real problem in Thailand!! Seems to justify everything!
Koala was hiding first after being run over then came to look for help. He did die on the way to the hospital.
He was in so much pain however did not cry. He always wanted to ride in my truck and always tried to get inside. He was so happy to be finally inside and died very piecefully.
Amazing dog and such a waste.
Attached the video from my security cam.

Sick people. I hope a hell exists for their afterlife
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1 minute ago, johng said:

I think they watched the cute film (Eight Below) about the "smart" pack of dogs that survived the Antarctic and want one !

The bloke next door to me "acquired"
a husky puppy and was planning on keeping it in his rentrd third floor 33 square meter apartment, it yapped constantly for a few days while he was at work.
Someone complained to the building management and the
apartment owner told him to get rid of it. :rolleyes:


A friend of my girlfriend 'acquired' one as well, but kept it on slippery tiles all the time. It's now full grown and has back legs so bent out of shape that it needs to be seen to be believed.


Another one bites the dust...

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The intellectual level from some of the comments confirms my theory to stay away from most foreigners here in Thailand as they have a brain with the size of a pea...
There is a reason some are here and not stay in their home country.
Please the nice guys don't take it personal. There are some exceptions though

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15 hours ago, meatboy said:

read your post,at least the owner sat with her dog in her arms while he died, this owner and those who witnessed the poor defensless animal in agony on the road couldnt care a <deleted>.

I think you are letting emotions stand in the way of the point so if you don't mind I will leave you to it.

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8 minutes ago, CLW said:

The intellectual level from some of the comments confirms my theory to stay away from most foreigners here in Thailand as they have a brain with the size of a pea...
There is a reason some are here and not stay in their home country.
Please the nice guys don't take it personal. There are some exceptions though

I gather its more to do with the way various sections of the brain work.  Some people are empathetic, others less so - or not at all....


 Although lack of intelligence/inability to think beyond one's own, personal benefits are equally responsible.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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26 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



I suspect that many drivers (in the first quoted post), drove by as there was no space to stop plus, the owner was 'on the scene' to take care of her dog.


We probably all have examples of empathetic, caring people - and those who consider animals inferior species and therefore unworthy of consideration - unless they benefit mankind in some way.


But this thread is about a man who deliberately murdered a dog.

In the uk example given it was not a case of many drivers being callous, but all.


Your determination on what this thread is about is unsafe.


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6 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

In the uk example given it was not a case of many drivers being callous, but all.


Your determination on what this thread is about is unsafe.


"Your determination on what this thread is about is unsafe."


Really?  I could have sworn it was about outrage over a dog being deliberately murdered?

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Your determination on what this thread is about is unsafe."


Really?  I could have sworn it was about outrage over a dog being deliberately murdered?

Can you "murder" a dog. Linguistically speaking? 


"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."

Edited by Momofarang
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Done on purpose I suspect. Thai manhood at it's best. I've seen more cruelty towards animals in Thailand than almost any other country. Competes with China, South America and the Middle East. Surprising in a supposedly Buddhist country.

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Just now, oldhippy said:

hehehe I just looked up the definition of "murder".

I was going to copy paste it, but you beat me!


Thank you for repeating Momofarang's 'good argument'.


Nothing more indicative of posters with few reasonable points to discuss.

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5 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Done on purpose I suspect. Thai manhood at it's best. I've seen more cruelty towards animals in Thailand than almost any other country. Competes with China, South America and the Middle East. Surprising in a supposedly Buddhist country.

Indeed it could be a relative!!!  

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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Your determination on what this thread is about is unsafe."


Really?  I could have sworn it was about outrage over a dog being deliberately murdered?

Looks like your sworn testimony is not correct.

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Huskeys should be banned here.  Unless the are in AC, they suffer terribly, and they get skin diseases from mold under their fur.  Have you ever seen them in the snow?  That's when they are their happiest.

I like dogs but...and humans?


Road accidents in Thailand

  • 2nd in the world for road accident deaths, after Libya

  • 24,000 people are estimated to die on Thai roads every year

  • 73% of those killed are motorcyclists

  • 36.9m vehicles ply Thai roads - it's gone up by 30% in the last five years

World Health Organization
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3 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

Dog is too stupid when it is facing away from the car? Man, some people. As I said above, how about I sit you down on the road facing away from me and mow you down with a pick-up. Bet you would LOVE that.

You are aware that dogs hearing is significantly greater than humans....more than 4 times better than us?  Dogs can move their ears too... in the direction of the sound, so they don't have to be facing it.  You think the dog could not hear a car engine approaching it?  Dogs can hear things we can't.


You say that you want to mow me down with a pick-up truck?  Seriously, you want to kill me because you are upset about a dog getting run over?  What kind of person are you????


Are you one of those people who think dogs are just little fury humans?  Have you got a few yourself.. cuddled up in bed kissing them like they are children? 





Edited by jak2002003
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6 hours ago, mikebell said:

It's made my day.  One down a million to go.  When will bleeding-heart liberals realise animals are secondary to man.  If they roam the streets unchecked they are fair game.  Dogs cause accidents (with fatalities) and spread diseases.  Eradicate this problem. If the dog has an owner charge him with causing damage to a vehicle.  No dog should be loose on the street without consequences.


This is extremely harsh and probably highly unpopular... but you did make one highly valid point... 'No dog should be loose on the street'


In this case it seems the driver deliberately target the dog (as reported in Thai) due an argument with its owner surrounding the fact that the dog was always in the street blocking traffic. 

The owner is somewhat complicit, however, it appears that this was a deliberate act, killing an animal, its animal cruelty and there are laws against such actions. 



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1 hour ago, CLW said:

The intellectual level from some of the comments confirms my theory to stay away from most foreigners here in Thailand as they have a brain with the size of a pea...
There is a reason some are here and not stay in their home country.
Please the nice guys don't take it personal. There are some exceptions though

I am always worried when someone claims the intellectual high ground. 


In my opinion TVF is a collection  of the greatest intellectual brains on the planet who's sole purpose  is for the good of the country which gives them shelter.

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