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Govt Backtracks Over Weak Basis For Threatening Facebook, Again

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15 hours ago, ben2talk said:

Thai's have perfected the art of the 'straight man'.


They could easily look you straight in the eye and tell you that any mosquitos still in Thailand must register with their local government and sign up for the extermination program.

Yeah, but. . . 


If they did, the locals are so brainwashed they would already be forming orderly queues.

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Military Governments are supposed to be strong but backtracking is a sign of weak Government and this lot have made more u-turns in three years than most Thai drivers!


So what do we have in charge?

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13 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

yeah bring it on. shut facebook down. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Facebook Is Now More Valuable Than Exxon | Fortune.com

Feb 1, 2016 - The social network's worth has skyrocketed in the five days since it delivered a blockbuster earnings report that revealed a 51.7% jump in ...

I guess Fortune's hack Claire Zillman doesn't know the difference between worth and value.

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51 minutes ago, mikebell said:

Let me see - I make it two bad laws this week, so far, to bite the dust with The Police reform also under fire.

Agreed....36 member panel of police and military on a reform committee, who, they themselves, also need reform...!  Hilarious.  Is there really honesty among thieves...?

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

for gods sake, stop this control nonsense, people have a right to free speech and to be able to express themselves  - if you are a target then you need to ask yourself why, yes there are limits to what should be allowed by people with sinister motives but the general population are just voicing opinions - if you don't like it then get out of the public eye



You cannot silence 7 billion people that live on this planet..........you cannot silence the 70 million that live in Thailand - you cannot silence anyone...................be seen to be doing the right thing and nobody will have much to say about it.  

If you give anyone advice in Thailand even the little man on a food barrow how to improve the menu or what to do about wild mongrel dog that attack tourist,  it's likely to regarded as criticism or defamation.  You might find yourself being threatened with police action.  If you publicly criticise a government official that is just about a Capital Offence....I'm writing this from a foreign country, Just as well???  TIT

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Well, let's think about this a moment.  And of course I'll just be making general comments, and referencing NO country or government in particular ...   


What kind of government do I really prefer, if I have to make the choice?   A govt that actually HAS the ability to control & police everything by virtue of the intellectual and financial resources at its disposal and competent, well-trained, intelligent, dedicated, dependable, incorruptible personnel, or one that pretends to & threatens such control but is actually as hapless as it is helpless and constantly in a flail, saying inflammatory & worrisome, but ridiculous things that achieve very little beyond an ever-diminishing credibility, both domestically & globally?





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6 hours ago, smedly said:

for gods sake, stop this control nonsense, people have a right to free speech and to be able to express themselves  - if you are a target then you need to ask yourself why, yes there are limits to what should be allowed by people with sinister motives but the general population are just voicing opinions - if you don't like it then get out of the public eye



You cannot silence 7 billion people that live on this planet..........you cannot silence the 70 million that live in Thailand - you cannot silence anyone...................be seen to be doing the right thing and nobody will have much to say about it.  

why? because when you have a very weak hand you have no choice but to bluff

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2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

Just wait until China allow Facebook in their country. Facebook will explode.

They will have a very difficult time overtaking WeChat, which is superior to Facebook in many ways. I don't think FB would be able to beat WeChat in the Chinese arena. The Chinese eat, sleep, and breath WeChat and use it for daily life, investing, getting taxis, movie tickets, train and air tickets, gifting, and so on, all from a single app that already deep in bed with the government. I wish old Zuck the best trying to crack that nut.

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Funny how governments try and control the population; especially military ones. Thais are used to freedom and blocking something Thais love; well there would be a huge outcry? Do the government dare do it?


Facebook, Youtube: are they traditional broadcasting services that need to be regulated? With Youtube its more the case you search for and choose a video and then play it? Or you create your own and then upload it? So the user chooses the content they want to watch rather than a broadcaster putting out the content they choose?

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Telecommunications regulators ... decided to drop a registration deadline ... after finding flaws in their own enforcement.

They're kidding! Not something that generally crimps Thai authorities' style. Though it no doubt helps the RTP avoid enforcement.

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Block facebook here in Thailand and start a thai facebook.  

A complete thai version: หนังสือหน้า.ไทย would be an option. And if someone wants to use the international version, let them apply for an international facebook license. This would generate extra income for Thailand and the users are known to the government.


Edited by FredNL
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2 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

One Government body trying to deal with another Government body. Internet boundaries have no boarders.


The power of Facebook and the internet. Wasn't the General going to start his own Facebook?

"Wasn't the General going to start his own Facebook?"

I believe you made a small typographical error sir.   That would surely be Farcebook?

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1 hour ago, WhizBang said:

Wait for it.  They have gone back into committee to reformulate their plan to control the media.  When they return they will have a foolproof plan.   :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

"....they will have a foolproof plan." 






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10 hours ago, smedly said:

for gods sake, stop this control nonsense, people have a right to free speech and to be able to express themselves  - if you are a target then you need to ask yourself why, yes there are limits to what should be allowed by people with sinister motives but the general population are just voicing opinions - if you don't like it then get out of the public eye



You cannot silence 7 billion people that live on this planet..........you cannot silence the 70 million that live in Thailand - you cannot silence anyone...................be seen to be doing the right thing and nobody will have much to say about it.  

facebo  like all other social plattforms / the internet itself just reflects what people are really inside without the curtain ( through anonymity ) ... u have great and inspiring things there and the worst humanity can dish up...why censor it ? porn,political, hatesites etc..real human character on display nothing more and if u fall for the Nigerian guy who promises u a billion ...u just displayed  a very basic human character trait that is greed.....and if u are one of the billlions who clued to porn sites u just victim of lust ...why censor it ... ??? if u are a political clown who has his power through repression ( the Thai situation ) this also shows a special low mix of mental defilements...

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Now they only have to backtrack on this idiotic law concerning registration of all phone user's fingerprints. Only I fear they will not bow to people's opinion as they bow to big international companies.

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Go ahead, take them all away, and see what happens.  Thai people use social media more than any other country (so I've read numerous times, and observed almost every single person using it) If there is one thing that would cause chaos, that would be it~game over. 

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21 minutes ago, Redline said:

Go ahead, take them all away, and see what happens.  Thai people use social media more than any other country (so I've read numerous times, and observed almost every single person using it) If there is one thing that would cause chaos, that would be it~game over. 

Nothing would happen!! A few moans; that's all. All the Junta have to say is the magic words "National Security" and that would be it. The people would be too scared to shout too loud; 15 years awaits them.


Juntas in Thailand have a history of disregard for their people. I don't see any changes.

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7 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Nothing would happen!! A few moans; that's all. All the Junta have to say is the magic words "National Security" and that would be it. The people would be too scared to shout too loud; 15 years awaits them.


Juntas in Thailand have a history of disregard for their people. I don't see any changes.

I'm not sure you are right on that  Do you really think Thai people would accept no social media?  Bring it on, I would love to see!

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12 minutes ago, Redline said:

I'm not sure you are right on that  Do you really think Thai people would accept no social media?  Bring it on, I would love to see!

Me too!! Thought provoking indeed!


I think the Junta is in tizwas here. They know people are getting 'educated' about things and they are struggling to control internet content. (I read they have an absolute army surfing as we speak for anything deemed <deleted>.)


I make you right about people using FBk and other sites. It is certainly a real challenge for the Junta. Right now they are racking their brains trying to find a solution to; 'how do we control everything without upsetting everybody'.


But when all said and done the military have an iron fist around Thailand and are not about to slacken their grip. 

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