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Can I book round trip and just wait in Airport to get Visa Extension?

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I need 30 days more in Thailand since my visa expires next week.


Can I book a flight to Cambodia and return the same day and just wait in the airport when the return flight arrives, or do I have to board the flight and enter cambodia and come back on the flight again?

Thanks for the help!

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3 minutes ago, chaam2017 said:



But how can the airport-visa people know I'm not coming from Europe or something?

And exactly how are you going to get from departures to arrivals?

This used to be possible, not anymore.

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You have to exit to get your boarding pass at the check-in counter. You also have to pay for a visa! 


Why not go to Singapore? No visa required for most nationalities.

Edited by joealx
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What visa do you have ?  A tourist visa entry can be extended by 30 days at an immigration office as can a visa-exempt entry.


As said if you plan to fly somewhere and return for a visa exempt entry you will have to enter the country you fly to. Depending on your nationality some countries offer a visa-exempt entry. 



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The rules state that you must enter another country, officially, before your return. I expect that would be enforced when using destinations that require a visa to enter. Several years ago, with online check in for my return already done, I arrived in Kuala Lumpur very late, with only about an hour until my return flight, and big queues at immigration in KL. I risked going to the transfer line, and returning directly without Malaysia stamps in my passport. I successfully reentered Thailand. I really do not recommend trying this.

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As has been said to re-enter Thailand you will need to show a arrival stamp/visa in the neighboring country in your passport.

On exiting Thailand , you will get a Thai exit stamp. entering another country such as Malaysia you will get an entrance stamp for that country.

When you leave that country you will get their exit stamp, and reentering Thailand you need to get a Thai entry stamp.

To be legal, you need to leave Thailand and enter another country, and leaving that country you need tor reverse the process.

The only exception to hat is if you have a current  extension to our visa AND you purchase  a re-entry permit to keep that extension valid.

It's not "rocket science:", you have to go out of the door legally, before you can come back in that same door.




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7 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

The only exception to hat is if you have a current  extension to our visa AND you purchase  a re-entry permit to keep that extension valid.

Are you suggesting that having a re-entry permit obviates the need for exit/entry stamps ?  If so you are mistaken. 

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Having or not having an entry / exit stamp for another country isn't really that important, as it may be possible to use an e-gate at the other country, a Singaporean (or a Singapore PR) doing a bounce run to Singapore as an example.

The plain fact is that what was proposed is illegal and it would be extremely difficult to actually achieve, you physically cannot get from departures to arrivals in any Thai International airport that I am aware of, it used to be possible at Suvarnabhumi, that avenue is no longer available even if you wanted to.

The whole exercise seems to me to be stupid in any case, why on earth would you go to all the trouble of purchasing a flight, checking in, going through immigration, then hang around in one of the worse places to wait at, waiting for the return aircraft to arrive and then nip back through immigration again, if going to all that trouble you might as just board the plane in the first place and save the hassle and possible arrest!

Edited by Mattd
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No I never suggested you could use a re-entry permit to avoid the required Thai exit stamps and the required other country entry stamps.

All I wanted to point out that if you already have a valid visa/extension in your passport you can return to Thailand and NOT lose your valid visa extension.

For example if I have a single entry tourist visa .(SETV) in my passport and a 30 day extension on that SETV the re-3ntry permit I buy can let me leave Thailand and still keep that SETV from being canceled automatically when I leave Thailand.

That is what the re-entry permit does, it keeps your current visa and extension valid when you exit Thailand  and want to return to Thailand after a short rip out of the country.

as an example if I get a SETV and enter Thailand with a 60 day entry stamp, I may then go to immigration and extend that 60 day entry stamp for 30 days more, giving me a total of 90 days (60 days entry stamp PLUS a added extension of 30 days)

Now if on day 80 of that 90 days I decide to take a short trip of 5 days to, for example Laos, the re-entry permit allows me to travel to Laos and return within that 90 day period.

I enter that reentry permit number on my entry card and the re-entry permit keeps the rest of that 90 day SETV visa and extension.

All I wanted to stress in my original posting is that a re-entry permit allows me to NOT automatically have my SETV cancelled when I leave Thailand. as long as I return within the period for which my re-entry permit is valid.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear in my other posting, but the above is what I intended to say.

I have done this myself and I know it is quite possible and legal.

I would recommend however re-entering Thailand by AIR if you try this as the international airport immigrations has dealt with such things before and LAND borders are generally less experienced than international airport immigrations and therefore you are more likely to have problems with land border crossings.

Seriously, I have been there before an done it.




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Oh dear .............  Here is what you said .......


"To be legal, you need to leave Thailand and enter another country, and leaving that country you need tor reverse the process.

The only exception to hat is if you have a current  extension to our visa AND you purchase  a re-entry permit to keep that extension valid." 


No need for a response. 

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3 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

As has been said to re-enter Thailand you will need to show a arrival stamp/visa in the neighboring country in your passport.

On exiting Thailand , you will get a Thai exit stamp. entering another country such as Malaysia you will get an entrance stamp for that country.

When you leave that country you will get their exit stamp, and reentering Thailand you need to get a Thai entry stamp.

To be legal, you need to leave Thailand and enter another country, and leaving that country you need tor reverse the process.

The only exception to hat is if you have a current  extension to our visa AND you purchase  a re-entry permit to keep that extension valid.

It's not "rocket science:", you have to go out of the door legally, before you can come back in that same door.




What happens if you are returning to your home country on your home country's passport and they never stamp your passport at you are a citizen. How do you show stamps of another country to the Thai border officials? Will they deny you entry into Thailand?

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On arrival at Suvarnabhumi airport, immigration does not usually check for the departure stamp of the flight's county of origin but I remember seeing a post by a member who who had turned around in Singapore without going through immigration there and was asked for his boarding pass stub by Thai immigration upon his return. He had left it on the plane and had to go and get it before immigration gave him the arrival stamp for Thailand.

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38 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Not any more! the path is blocked, take a look next time.

@sirbuwanadogbossking must be a ghost as he can go through a blocked wall. Comes in handy sometimes.

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14 hours ago, bbi1 said:

What happens if you are returning to your home country on your home country's passport and they never stamp your passport at you are a citizen. How do you show stamps of another country to the Thai border officials? Will they deny you entry into Thailand?

The info about your flight number that u actually flew in on would satisfy most of this concern to them.   (Actually having been on that flight, that is, rather than just having booked a ticket for it but not been on it.)

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