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U.S. isolated on climate at summit of world leaders


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U.S. isolated on climate at summit of world leaders

By Paul Carrel and Noah Barkin



US President Donald Trump (L) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend the panel discussion "Launch Event Women's Entrepreneur Finance Initiative" on the second day of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, July 8, 2017. REUTERS/Patrik STOLLARZ/Pool


HAMBURG (Reuters) - Leaders from the world's leading economies broke with U.S. President Donald Trump on climate policy at a G20 summit on Saturday, in a rare public admission of disagreement and blow to multilateral cooperation.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, keen to show off her skills as a mediator two months before a German election, achieved her primary goal at the meeting in Hamburg, convincing her fellow leaders to support a single communique with pledges on trade, finance, energy and Africa.


But the divide between Trump, elected on a pledge to put "America First", and the 19 other members of the club, including countries as diverse as Japan, Saudi Arabia and Argentina, was stark.


Last month Trump announced he was pulling the United States out of a landmark international climate accord clinched two years ago in Paris.


"In the end, the negotiations on climate reflect dissent – all against the United States of America," Merkel told reporters at the end of the meeting.


"And the fact that negotiations on trade were extraordinarily difficult is due to specific positions that the United States has taken."


The summit, marred by violent protests that left the streets of Hamburg littered with burning cars and broken shop windows, brought together a volatile mix of leaders at a time of major change in the global geo-political landscape.


Trump's shift to a more unilateral, transactional diplomacy has left a void in global leadership, unsettling traditional allies in Europe and opening the door to rising powers like China to assume a bigger role.


Tensions between Washington and Beijing dominated the run-up to the meeting, with the Trump administration ratcheting up pressure on President Xi Jinping to rein in North Korea and threatening punitive trade measures on steel.




Trump met Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time in Hamburg, a hotly anticipated encounter after the former real estate mogul promised a rapprochement with Moscow during his campaign, only to be thwarted by accusations of Russian meddling in the vote and investigations into the Russia ties of Trump associates.


Putin said at the conclusion of the summit on Saturday that Trump had quizzed him on the alleged meddling in a meeting that lasted over two hours but seemed to have been satisfied with the Kremlin leader's denials of interference.


Trump had accused Russia of destabilising behaviour in Ukraine and Syria before the summit. But in Hamburg he struck a conciliatory tone, describing it as an honour to meet Putin and signalling, through Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, that he preferred to focus on future ties and not dwell on the past.


"It was an extraordinarily important meeting," Tillerson said, describing a "very clear positive chemistry" between Trump and the former KGB agent.


In the final communique, the 19 other leaders took note of the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord and declared it "irreversible".


For its part, the United States injected a contentious line saying that it would "endeavour to work closely with other countries to help them access and use fossil fuels more cleanly and efficiently."


French President Emmanuel Macron led a push to soften the U.S. language.


"There is a clear consensus absent the United States," said Thomas Bernes, a distinguished fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. "But that is a problem. Without the largest economy in the world how far can you go?"


Jennifer Morgan, executive director at Greenpeace, said the G19 had "held the line" against Trump's "backward decision" to withdraw from Paris.


On trade, another sticking point, the leaders agreed they would "fight protectionism including all unfair trade practices and recognise the role of legitimate trade defence instruments in this regard."


The leaders also pledged to work together to foster economic development in Africa, a priority project for Merkel.




Merkel chose to host the summit in Hamburg, the port city where she was born, to send a signal about Germany's openness to the world, including its tolerance of peaceful protests.


It was held only a few hundred metres from one of Germany's most potent symbols of left-wing resistance, a former theatre called the "Rote Flora" which was taken over by anti-capitalist squatters nearly three decades ago.


Over the three days of the summit, radicals looted shops, torched cars and lorries. More than 200 police were injured and some 143 people have been arrested and 122 taken into custody.


Some of the worst damage was done as Merkel hosted other leaders at for a concert and lavish dinner at the Elbphilharmonie, a modernist glass concert hall overlooking the Elbe River.


Merkel met police and security force after the summit to thank them, and condemned the "unbridled brutality" of some of the protestors, but she was forced to answer tough questions about hosting the summit in Hamburg during her closing press conference.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-09
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Regardless of what benefits Donald may think he is gaining from his position on trade and the Environment, it pales into insignificance in relation to the damage he is doing to America and the World, by allowing the balance of power to move into the hands of countries like China, who will never relinquish it. Quite stunning that there is a consensus from everyone there, apart from the country that should be leading the way.

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It was unfair agreement as far as the U.S. is concerned. The Obama administration gave too much. The terms (which was never approved in the U.S. Senate) put an unfair financial burden on American tax payers and bushiness. American would have been an ATM to the world if America went along with this.

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1 minute ago, pmarlin said:

It was unfair agreement as far as the U.S. is concerned. The Obama administration gave too much. The terms (which was never approved in the U.S. Senate) put an unfair financial burden on American tax payers and bushiness. American would have been an ATM to the world if America went along with this.

What costs were agreed to by the US for the Paris Agreement? Trump made a number of incorrect  claims when attempting to justify the withdrawal in June. In fact some claim in the longer term Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will damage, not better, US domestic and international interests.

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The "cost" Trump often refers to is that China can delay its "cleaning up" obligations whilst the US can not. And both being manufacturers for the same market is considered unfair by Trump.


(but I guess that is the price one has to pay if one wants China onboard)



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Hmm, I'm a little bit cynical about climate change legislation. I do believe we are massively polluting the planet and would love to see something done however believe the Climate Change thing is just a BS distraction to be seen to be doing something and of course the bankers want those carbon credits trading as they will make a killing.


Pollution by plastics, car pollution, Big Agriculture, Big Mining and of course GM crops perverting our environment will still charge ahead. However once we have an accord in place we can all feel its "Mission Accomplished" then ignore it all. None of those politicians could care less, we all know who funds their election campaigns, as such the whole thing is a scam to pretend to be protecting the environment.

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Why is everyone just plain skirting the real answer...


Climate of Earth is a direct correlation with the Sun. Sunspots have always directed the path of our Weather. Sunspots, are caused by a presence of an object, Magnetically and Electrically in our Solar System. The closer it is to the Sun... The higher rate of the reaction!


Proven Fact!


So to say that the massive Ice melts are cause by Solar Green House Gases is like blaming the manure in the yard on the Chickens... When there is three Cows munching on the grass! Besides Cow Pies come from Cows  not any Fowl that I am aware of... Not to say it has a small effect, but not enough to cause damages to the Earths Ozone layer, or 95% of what Politics are stating. Ozone reacts to Solar radiation in return letting Solar Winds warm up Items that forms over 70% of the Earths surface... "Water". Warm waters and Air at the Equator follow  the Gulf streams, as they migrate North and South... Melting our Ice, which is fresh water. In turn fresh water slows the Gulf and Jet Streams down . We are still forming massive layers of Ice in both Polar regions, at alarming rates. Very quickly as being reported, and efforts are being made to hide this Fact! 


How many Polar Projects have just been canceled because Ice breakers have been Unable to lead these Scientific Research Teams to their destinations, not even being able to get anywhere close!

But not enough to stabilize the Weather.


It is a proven fact the you can fool some of the people... Sometimes! But Not all the People... All the time! What causes the most anger in Humans? The loss of an Income that they seemed to acquire with very little effort.


Look at the global stage, look closely at who is causing the highest amount of resistance to the truth.


Are people entering the age of deception... Already understanding the Truth?


Regardless, what Biblical Scholars have said the Prophesier's state. Stand back and look at what is really happening. (I know there will be a few miss spelled words...Sorry) With what is happening to the Global economy we don't have to look at who is raking in huge amounts of cash... Who is reaping the Massive profits, it Certainly is not The Earth. They are stating "Oh we have a Fix", then later state... "Whoops, we missed it!" 


How many times are we going to let them try to scam us? Third time is our Flat Refusal to Listen! The Powers to be will fight our stand, arresting the cause of the rebellion. (They already have massive FEMA Camps set up to hold Them)


When "Marshall Law" Happens will will be to stop the spread of their Failures...


No other reason!! Remember that...


Edited by davidstipek
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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Regardless of what benefits Donald may think he is gaining from his position on trade and the Environment, it pales into insignificance in relation to the damage he is doing to America and the World, by allowing the balance of power to move into the hands of countries like China, who will never relinquish it. Quite stunning that there is a consensus from everyone there, apart from the country that should be leading the way.

Yes, totally agree.

I wonder if trump had actually campaigned explicitly on ISOLATING the USA from the civilized world whether he really would have won.

His campaign was a total lie.

He promised health care for all and yet he is openly supporting degrading access to health care massively, especially to his base voters.

Imagine if he had been HONEST in his campaign.

I will withdraw from the Paris climate accord and make the USA a pariah in the world. I'm Donald trump and I approve this message.

Another way that the sleazeball con man so called president lied his way to power.

A national embarrassment and disgrace. He can't be gone soon enough. 

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I am old enough to remember when the USA led the world! A moral, liberal, crusading, super power!


How sad to see leadship being given away so cheaply. What on earth do Trump and his mob of dissatisfied Americans think they are doing? Putin, Xi and Merkel are the ones showing the way now.


How sad to see the USA brought SO low SO quickly ?

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Nice to see that the young protesters still are following world events and are willing to risk arrest to highlight the corruption in high places. I had lost faith in youth but with their support for Corbyn and the demonstrations in Hamburg have restored my faith in our youth.

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55 minutes ago, perthperson said:

No not news but isn't it rather pointless to rant on about a POTUS which the Electoral College and millions of citizens voted for ? 

Could be but did you notice the clown president still brags about his electoral victory constantly, even while abroad?

A normal president would have made a big effort to UNITE ALL the people after an election where the majority of votes wasn't even won. But this clown has made it real clear that his presidency is only about his supporters, and even that's a big lie, considering what he wants to do to his base's health care. 

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43 minutes ago, perthperson said:


Anyone supporting the anarchy and violence being shown in Hamburg should be ashamed of themselves. 

I think you're right about condemning the violence but it's not fair at all to paint all of the protesters there as being violent or anarchists. 


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, totally agree.

I wonder if trump had actually campaigned explicitly on ISOLATING the USA from the civilized world whether he really would have won.

His campaign was a total lie.

He promised health care for all and yet he is openly supporting degrading access to health care massively, especially to his base voters.

Imagine if he had been HONEST in his campaign.

I will withdraw from the Paris climate accord and make the USA a pariah in the world. I'm Donald trump and I approve this message.

Another way that the sleazeball con man so called president lied his way to power.

A national embarrassment and disgrace. He can't be gone soon enough. 

Oh how I agree. I'd love to see all his defenders gone also; the sooner the better but I guess 2018 isn't Soooooooooooooooo far away. It'll feel like forever. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Could be but did you notice the clown president still brags about his electoral victory constantly, even while abroad?

A normal president would have made a big effort to UNITE ALL the people after an election where the majority of votes wasn't even won. But this clown has made it real clear that his presidency is only about his supporters, and even that's a big lie, considering what he wants to do to his base's health care. 

His base will be told it's Obama's fault and b/c most are like 45 and don't read they'll swear to it. Besides it's all the "black guy's" fault don't ya know. 

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7 hours ago, pmarlin said:

It was unfair agreement as far as the U.S. is concerned. The Obama administration gave too much. The terms (which was never approved in the U.S. Senate) put an unfair financial burden on American tax payers and bushiness. American would have been an ATM to the world if America went along with this.

I am betting that you cannot supply a single fact to back up your Fox supplied talking points.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I think you're right about condemning the violence but it's not fair at all to paint all of the protesters there as being violent or anarchists. 


I think everyone condemns violence and destruction generally. However, better to lit the students and the young have their heads without gunning them down. At least Merkel had the good sense to hold the G20 in downtown Hamburg. They could have held it in a fortress. However, this is a democracy and police can handle it. 


The demonstrators will be infiltrated but the BND will round them up.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wonder if trump had actually campaigned explicitly on ISOLATING the USA from the civilized world whether he really would have won.

In a way that is what I think the Trump supporters voted for. However the middle of the road voters who voted against Clinton and therefore voted for Trump by default certainly didn't.


Inside the USA Trump is POTUS and there are enough people around him to condone his peacocking.  In the outside world (now more than ever) he is seen as a complete moron and all he get's is the ridicule he deserves.  So isolation is obviously attractive to Donald even though it will do overwhelming damage to his country.

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The driver of a getaway car of a bank robbery meets one of the bank robbers, months later'  "Everyone wants me to ask you," says one, "did you rob a bank?"  
The other guy says, "No"  
The first guy says. "Ok then, neither did I.  There, that settles it.  That should put this whole issue to rest."


That's how I see Putin and Trump discussing Russian interference in the 2016 US election which both men know happened, were deeply involved in, .....and both are jazzed that they got their desired result.   

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I will withdraw from the Paris climate accord and make the USA a pariah in the world. I'm Donald trump and I approve this message.

When asked why he made that decision, Trump replied "What do I care about the climate in Paris?"

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1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

When asked why he made that decision, Trump replied "What do I care about the climate in Paris?"

November 2012:  True story, Trump gets steps out of Trump Tower in NYC to walk 11 steps to get into his limousine. He sticks a hand out.  "It's freezing and snowing in New York--we need global warming!"

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50 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

November 2012:  True story, Trump gets steps out of Trump Tower in NYC to walk 11 steps to get into his limousine. He sticks a hand out.  "It's freezing and snowing in New York--we need global warming!"

Well, you know, a lot of everyday people say stuff like that as a kind of a joke.

But very few of those people end up being a joke of a president.

trump backing out of the Paris Climate Accord is no joke. 



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8 hours ago, Grouse said:

I am old enough to remember when the USA led the world! A moral, liberal, crusading, super power!


How sad to see leadship being given away so cheaply. What on earth do Trump and his mob of dissatisfied Americans think they are doing? Putin, Xi and Merkel are the ones showing the way now.


How sad to see the USA brought SO low SO quickly ?

This is true.
A president without visions for this planet on which we all live.
The global problems do not stop at the US borders.
The melting of the polar caps can be easily understood by every 8 year old in photosequences and satellite photos from recent years.
Overpopulation, spread of deserts, increasing scarcity of drinking water, microplastics in the seas, extinction of many animal species, hunger, droughts, migrations, wars. Trump does not seem to have the necessary intellect to understand the task associated with his position. He is not a visionary who can show the way to a better world, rather a toddler. The only thing that makes him strong is military force and the nuclear weapons, nothing else. Ethically, morally, Ideally, he is a zero. A selfish, golfing billionaire who is only interested in himself and his personal well-being.

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18 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

The "cost" Trump often refers to is that China can delay its "cleaning up" obligations whilst the US can not. And both being manufacturers for the same market is considered unfair by Trump.


(but I guess that is the price one has to pay if one wants China onboard)



If China had had to reduce THEIR carbon emissions NOW (instead of 13 years from now...), they'd have never gone along.  But for America-haters, THAT would have been understandable...   Few realize that China only signed up because they extorted everybody else into giving in to their demands.  And now that THEIR demands have been met, it's perfectly OK to hammer away at the U.S. for unexpectedly failing to pick up the tab for everybody else, as they've always done.


But the funny part is the title of this article.  LOL.  OK, the U.S. is "isolating" itself.   55555555555   Maybe these idiots would like to "isolate" themselves from U.S. markets...   You know; really show their commitment, and put THEIR workers where their MOUTH is.  What?   No?   I didn't think so.    Meanwhile, Chinese workers just keep pumping up their exports (not to mention emissions) while their leaders roll their eyes at the stupidity of western leaders.




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