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At G20, Ivanka Trump takes the spotlight - and a seat


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At G20, Ivanka Trump takes the spotlight - and a seat

By Andrea Shalal


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German Chancellor Angela Merkel greets Ivanka Trump (R), daughter of the US President, during the panel discussion "Launch Event Women's Entrepreneur Finance Initiative" on the second day of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, July 8, 2017. REUTERS/Patrik STOLLARZ/Pool


HAMBURG (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump shared the G20 spotlight on Saturday with his daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump, as she helped launch a loan programme for women and caused a stir by briefly occupying her dad's seat at the table with world leaders.


Ivanka, who ran an eponymous clothing and jewellery business before taking a formal job at the White House, has made women's issues one of her signature policy areas, and the G20 revealed the power she wields as a trusted confidante to the president.


The World Bank used the occasion to launch a public-private loan programme aimed at providing over $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs in developing countries, a project Ivanka first initiated just five months ago.


"This is not a cute little project," World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said at the kick-off, attended by six of the 20 world leaders at the summit, plus leaders from other donor countries and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde.


"This is going to be a major driver of economic growth in the future ... and it’s going to drive gender equality at the same time,” Kim said.


He underscored the importance of having a "champion" like Ivanka Trump to galvanise action on an important issue.


Later, as leaders met behind closed doors, Ivanka briefly sat in her father's chair during a session on African development, as the World Bank president spoke.


Her appearance triggered a flurry of tweets and caught the attention of mass-circulation daily Bild, which carried a photograph of her on its website with the headline: “Trump’s replacement: Ivanka Trump suddenly appears at negotiating table.”


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has worked with Ivanka on related issues, dismissed the kerfuffle at a news conference after the G20 summit ended.


"The delegations decide who will sit at the table if the president isn’t there, which can happen from time to time. And Ivanka belongs to the U.S. delegation," Merkel said, noting other delegations do the same thing.


"It’s well known that she works in the White House and is responsible for several initiatives," Merkel said.


The World Bank said the fund for women entrepreneurs had attracted $325 million from donors including Germany, the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and would be matched by hundreds of millions of dollars in additional private capital.


The programme, which aims to start awarding loans before year end, will work with governments "to improve laws and regulations that are stifling women entrepreneurs" and push banks to free up funds for female-owned businesses.


It will also create an online mentoring tool to match women business owners in developing countries with advisers such as Ivanka Trump, Kim said.


As for Trump, he told leaders at the World Bank event that he was very proud of Ivanka.


"A champion. She's a champion. If she weren’t my daughter, it would be so much easier for her," Trump said, drawing laughter.

"Might be the only bad thing she has going, if you want to know the truth," he said.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-09
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Interesting. While dad is busy screwing up America and the world, his daughter is helping women entrepreneurs and championing women's rights across the globe. Maybe Donald should step aside and let Ivanka take over.

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Later, as leaders met behind closed doors, Ivanka briefly sat in her father's chair during a session on African development, as the World Bank president spoke.


Her appearance triggered a flurry of tweets and caught the attention of mass-circulation daily Bild, which carried a photograph of her on its website with the headline: “Trump’s replacement: Ivanka Trump suddenly appears at negotiating table.”


He could have a can of baked beans sit in for him and the usual fans would still laud it. The rest of us look on in dismay..


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I don't know why we just won't give little Princess a break. She has so earned this ! Why, she and Prince Jared are the closest thing to royalty that we will ever have (that is ever since the UnaBomber was jailed anyway). Let's just enjoy it and maybe plan for the 50 year Jubilee ?



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pay attention..... to this.... this is not positive for USA....

a Trump dynasty?? instead of Kennedy's.. Bushes.... Clintons... now it's gonna be.... 

USA's standing goes hand in hand with the dollah. 

Trump's slide in polls is making the chances for repeal & replace even more less likely this year..... and so they are getting nowhere on Medicare and Medicaid.... that is deeply negative for the US public debt situation.  the dollah. 

all of this, including the Trump I, Trump II, Trump III instead of Bush 3..... and Michelle Obama???

makes USA look like it's at the end of it's long post WW2 string.



Edited by maewang99
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Let's not get too gaga too soon about a Trump charity.  If recent history is any indication, every Trump charity has later been shown to secretly shovel lots of money into one or another of the Trump family's big pockets. 


An even worse example than Trump's self-enrichment with charity money, is what his lawyer is doing: Taking poor folks' donations (usually $20 a pop) to pump up a $60 million/year lifestyle for him, his wife and family.


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can;t see anything in this article to criticize yet all I see is criticism.  Funny the liberals can't recognize when one of their main platforms (empowerment for women) is given a tremendous boost. Too much venom to see clearly I guess.

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14 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

can;t see anything in this article to criticize yet all I see is criticism.  Funny the liberals can't recognize when one of their main platforms (empowerment for women) is given a tremendous boost. Too much venom to see clearly I guess.

                           We can see when some of our interests are being promoted.  We are also wary of false-flag promotions.    Here's an example:   Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever.  He started his job-creating campaign by focusing on Carrier Corp.  While prez-elect, he held a big promo event there where he promised everyone that there would be 1,100 new jobs and a whole lot additional jobs there in coming months.   Even while Trump was stumping, he knew it was all a lie.  Weeks later, hundreds of Carrier jobs were terminated, and zero new jobs created.    That's just one of hundreds of false promo gigs that Trump and his family have floated.


Is Ivanka's initiative for real?   Maybe so.   Let's look back in a few months and see what's transpired.   It doesn't hurt to have tens of millions of dollars getting pumped in your coffers by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.   Heck, I could launch a do-good organization very comfortably with tens of millions of dollars of seed money.  If Ivanka's plan does good for a lot of people, then good.  I'll be the the first to applaud her efforts.


One of several reasons why Ivanka is disliked by many Americans is she's 99% hype and 1% real.  Americans initially breathed a collective sigh of relief when it was reported Ivanka was going to influence her dad in important decisions.  She met with Climate Change experts, and then spoke with her dad.  If she learned anything about climate science and was in favor of reason, she had zero influence on him. ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.   Unless it changes, Ivanka's image is just that:  an image.  A pretty and shapely young woman who is a prop.  A false hope for reasonable people who, thus far, has been a let-down.  She can't influence her dad on his ridiculous mean-spirited tweets, nor on his planet-harming edicts re; global warming.  


SHE IS AN ENABLER .....for the dangerous dufus in the Oval Office.  I'll be glad if/when Ivanka proves me wrong, but I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

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23 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                           We can see when some of our interests are being promoted.  We are also wary of false-flag promotions.    Here's an example:   Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever.  He started his job-creating campaign by focusing on Carrier Corp.  While prez-elect, he held a big promo event there where he promised everyone that there would be 1,100 new jobs and a whole lot additional jobs there in coming months.   Even while Trump was stumping, he knew it was all a lie.  Weeks later, hundreds of Carrier jobs were terminated, and zero new jobs created.    That's just one of hundreds of false promo gigs that Trump and his family have floated.


Is Ivanka's initiative for real?   Maybe so.   Let's look back in a few months and see what's transpired.   It doesn't hurt to have tens of millions of dollars getting pumped in your coffers by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.   Heck, I could launch a do-good organization very comfortably with tens of millions of dollars of seed money.  If Ivanka's plan does good for a lot of people, then good.  I'll be the the first to applaud her efforts.


One of several reasons why Ivanka is disliked by many Americans is she's 99% hype and 1% real.  Americans initially breathed a collective sigh of relief when it was reported Ivanka was going to influence her dad in important decisions.  She met with Climate Change experts, and then spoke with her dad.  If she learned anything about climate science and was in favor of reason, she had zero influence on him. ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.   Unless it changes, Ivanka's image is just that:  an image.  A pretty and shapely young woman who is a prop.  A false hope for reasonable people who, thus far, has been a let-down.  She can't influence her dad on his ridiculous mean-spirited tweets, nor on his planet-harming edicts re; global warming.  


SHE IS AN ENABLER .....for the dangerous dufus in the Oval Office.  I'll be glad if/when Ivanka proves me wrong, but I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Ivanka is being groomed to become the first woman president after her father completes his second term.  Hopefully she, too, realizes climate change is a hoax.

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25 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Who was that Roman Emperor that had his horse as an advisor? Ivanka makes about as mush sense, then of course there's her husband...

The same emperor who "defeated Neptune" and returned to Rome with a booty of sea shells:


The Intercept has more on Princess Ivanka sitting in among 19 genuine world leaders:


When President Donald Trump decided on Saturday to skip part of a discussion about what the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies could do to help Africans improve their lives at home — rather than risk them by migrating to Europe — there was no shortage of cabinet members who could have taken his seat between China’s President, Xi Jinping, and the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May.

The American delegation to the Group of 20 conference in Hamburg, Germany includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is fourth in line for the presidency, as well as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

That Trump chose, instead, to seat his daughter, Ivanka, alongside the other 19 heads of state, was perhaps the most stunning illustration to date that he sees a complete lack of experience in affairs of state as no barrier at all to treating her as his de facto vice president.



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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

The same emperor who "defeated Neptune" and returned to Rome with a booty of sea shells:


The Intercept has more on Princess Ivanka sitting in among 19 genuine world leaders:


When President Donald Trump decided on Saturday to skip part of a discussion about what the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies could do to help Africans improve their lives at home — rather than risk them by migrating to Europe — there was no shortage of cabinet members who could have taken his seat between China’s President, Xi Jinping, and the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May.

The American delegation to the Group of 20 conference in Hamburg, Germany includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is fourth in line for the presidency, as well as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

That Trump chose, instead, to seat his daughter, Ivanka, alongside the other 19 heads of state, was perhaps the most stunning illustration to date that he sees a complete lack of experience in affairs of state as no barrier at all to treating her as his de facto vice president.



I've seen businessmen get their children involved early on so that they could help and eventually take over.  IMHO, this is what Trump is now, and not for his real estate empire.  It makes sense.  Why not seat the next president of the United States?  The 2016 election was more than an election; it was a revolution and the start of a Trump dynasty.

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42 minutes ago, mesquite said:

I've seen businessmen get their children involved early on so that they could help and eventually take over.  IMHO, this is what Trump is now, and not for his real estate empire.  It makes sense.  Why not seat the next president of the United States?  The 2016 election was more than an election; it was a revolution and the start of a Trump dynasty.

Because the US government is not a family business. To Trump, perhaps it is, like Zimbabwe or North Korea. So we have that to look forward to.



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Yes, this is all very Banana Republic, but I think the fears of a trump family dynasty are overblown. His sons would have no chance as they are morons without charisma, and Ivanka though she does look good doesn't have the right stuff either. 

trump succeeding in POLITICS is a one off black swan. 

Once sane Americans manage to purge the scourge, I doubt we'll ever see anyone with the trump name ever elected to ANYTHING again. 

Contrast to Chelsea Clinton. She's got politics in her blood. Yes, I think she'll probably have a political career in NEW YORK. 

Huge difference between Chelsea and Ivanka and yes, it's weird they are friends. Ivanka has vapid BRANDING in her blood, not politics. 

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The World Bank said the fund for women entrepreneurs had attracted $325 million from donors including Germany, the United States, Saudi Arabia

I hardly think the KSA encourages women entrepreneurs when they won't let them drive nor travel without their husband's or brother's permission like chattel.

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                            Well, let's look on the bright side, at least Trump isn't trying to put Don Jr. or Eric in the emperor's seat. In my view, the Trump kid that's closest to reasonable is Tiffany.  That's why she's kept far away from the WH.  


                     As for princesses inheriting thrones of their fathers;  In 1,000 ways I'd rather see Malia or Sasha Obama become a future prez, than any of the Trump kids.  Don't discount Chelsea Clinton either.  Any of those 3 would be miles better than any Trump kids - for anyone who wants the best for the future of the USA and its natural environment.

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                            Well, let's look on the bright side, at least Trump isn't trying to put Don Jr. or Eric in the emperor's seat. In my view, the Trump kid that's closest to reasonable is Tiffany.  That's why she's kept far away from the WH.  


                     As for princesses inheriting thrones of their fathers;  In 1,000 ways I'd rather see Malia or Sasha Obama become a future prez, than any of the Trump kids.  Don't discount Chelsea Clinton either.  Any of those 3 would be miles better than any Trump kids - for anyone who wants the best for the future of the USA and its natural environment.

There is nothing wrong with political families as long as the new people work their way up in a semi-normal way. Like when Hillary Clinton became a successful Senator and Secretary of State leading to her running for president as the most qualified person in history to ever run vs. the LEAST qualified person, the dangerous clown trump. 

I still think trump is a black swan and people will learn normal experience is very worthwhile. 

Ivanka could have a political career if she starts a normally but I don't see how she ever wins anything in New York. She might want to move to Texas ... 

The idea that she could transition directly from trump's favorite child to a presidential run is absurd. 

Anyway, she's doing her thing now but I think after her mentally deranged Daddy falls from power, she'll go back to her area of inherited competence and advantage -- BUSINESS. 

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, this is all very Banana Republic, but I think the fears of a trump family dynasty are overblown. His sons would have no chance as they are morons without charisma, and Ivanka though she does look good doesn't have the right stuff either. 

trump succeeding in POLITICS is a one off black swan. 

Once sane Americans manage to purge the scourge, I doubt we'll ever see anyone with the trump name ever elected to ANYTHING again. 

Contrast to Chelsea Clinton. She's got politics in her blood. Yes, I think she'll probably have a political career in NEW YORK. 

Huge difference between Chelsea and Ivanka and yes, it's weird they are friends. Ivanka has vapid BRANDING in her blood, not politics. 

Agree that Ivanka is not ready for prime time...yet.  Giver her 7 years or so.

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Ivanka is easy on the eyes….doesnt talk crazy and has every right to obey the wishes of her president…who just happens to also be her dad.


I see no wrong in this….she is not making major policy decisions or controlling the federal reserve. The prime minister of a major asian economy has got his wife running the country's sovereign fund (and losing billions of the taxpayer's pension funds) with no one raising any objections…..so we are all good.


Carry on ivanka.

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4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

can;t see anything in this article to criticize yet all I see is criticism.  Funny the liberals can't recognize when one of their main platforms (empowerment for women) is given a tremendous boost. Too much venom to see clearly I guess.


Can't help you with the contrived blind-spot thing. Pretty sure if this story was about Obama letting a family member participate in a meeting with more fitting and qualified choices at hand, Trump supporters would be all over it. Nepotism is not a requirement for advancing whatever platform.

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2 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Yep in 2024. Americas first female president, will be worth the wait.

Not sure why trumpists would even want that.

Sure now she's forced to be loyal to Big Daddy, but if your bizarre fantasy ever happens, she would be running as herself.

All indications are that her political feelings are very different and much more mainstream, even rather like a DEMOCRAT, than Big Daddy.

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31 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Ivanka is easy on the eyes….doesnt talk crazy and has every right to obey the wishes of her president…who just happens to also be her dad.

I see no wrong in this….she is not making major policy decisions or controlling the federal reserve. The prime minister of a major asian economy has got his wife running the country's sovereign fund (and losing billions of the taxpayer's pension funds) with no one raising any objections…..so we are all good.

Carry on ivanka.

Yes, she's pretty, but there are some shadows in her bright demeanor;


>>>  The Chinese sweat houses where her luxury items are being manufactured.  That in itself is not such a big deal.  Her dad has similar.  What is troubling though, at this time, is the two Chinese journalists who have recently been jailed.  Their crime: investigating close to where Ivanka's items are being made.  If Ivanka wants to create a good image for herself, she could notify China not to jail journalists for doing their jobs.  In other words, don't jail journalists on her behalf.


>>>  her husband is tiptoeing close to treason.  Several times, during the past few months, Jared has purportedly said he would be glad to testify in front of one or another investigative committee.  Thus far, he hasn't.  For the sake of justice, that's probably a good thing.  For the longer he doesn't testify, the longer investigators have to accumulate incriminating evidence - to question him about.   Sometimes, you don't want a suspect to answer questions too early in the process.   Case in point:  Congressional members were hoodwinked by Flynn and Sessions into voting to approve their cabinet positions.  After their confirmations, it became known (by Wash.Post reports) that they were both highly flawed.  Flynn was belatedly (19 days after WH knew he was a Russian/Turkish agent) booted out of office, and Sessions had to recuse himself.  Sessions also lied to Congress several times.  Will he be called on the carpet on that?  Probably not while decrepit Republicans have majority numbers.


>>>   Ivanka herself is not as clean as her platinum blonde looks.  There are indications that she has had inside dealings with Kazakstani mafia, and possibly also with Iran's Secret Service.  It might sound alarmist at this time, but stay tuned.  Some sad times ahead for Ivanka - which will make her dad go ballistic with rage.

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

The same emperor who "defeated Neptune" and returned to Rome with a booty of sea shells:


The Intercept has more on Princess Ivanka sitting in among 19 genuine world leaders:


When President Donald Trump decided on Saturday to skip part of a discussion about what the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies could do to help Africans improve their lives at home — rather than risk them by migrating to Europe — there was no shortage of cabinet members who could have taken his seat between China’s President, Xi Jinping, and the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May.

The American delegation to the Group of 20 conference in Hamburg, Germany includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is fourth in line for the presidency, as well as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

That Trump chose, instead, to seat his daughter, Ivanka, alongside the other 19 heads of state, was perhaps the most stunning illustration to date that he sees a complete lack of experience in affairs of state as no barrier at all to treating her as his de facto vice president.



Really all about selling her brand in China- lot's of pics taken with her next to Xi.

Disgraceful what is happening to US but  50%  turnout of the electorate is how.  Next time people, get out and vote 

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2 hours ago, mesquite said:

I've seen businessmen get their children involved early on so that they could help and eventually take over.  IMHO, this is what Trump is now, and not for his real estate empire.  It makes sense.  Why not seat the next president of the United States?  The 2016 election was more than an election; it was a revolution and the start of a Trump dynasty.

Dynasty? Is that the current word for dictator?

Do you think 45 is Pro democracy and pro America? Or is he pro Putin and Pro dictatorships and his own?  

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