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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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Trump said on Sunday he and Putin had discussed forming a cyber security unit, an idea harshly criticized by Republicans who said Moscow could not be trusted after its alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

What a great idea. How about getting together with Assad to form a chemical weapons abatement program, or partnering with ISIS on that anti-terrorism movement. Maybe get together with Thailand to see what can be done to improve the USA's crumbling education sector.
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17 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I could not watch 21 mins of Rachel Maddow, that's for sure.


You can, but it's that you won't.

Thanks for validating my position. :thumbsup:



1. Used to indicate ability
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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rip Van Winkle has just woken up? Anybody have the patience to fill him in on what the big deal is?

a bunch of overconfident democrats thought their candidate was a shoo-in to win the US prudential election.


especially since the challenger was painted as a brash, loud, obnoxious man who had zero chance of winning.


but they forgot how badly tainted and corrupt their own candidate was….people hated her so much they voted for the other guy


and he won.


so now they started to question the result by alleging all sorts of crazy stuff…..russians, wild russians, golden showers, more russians



So now Rip is up to speed.



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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

a bunch of overconfident democrats thought their candidate was a shoo-in to win the US prudential election.


especially since the challenger was painted as a brash, loud, obnoxious man who had zero chance of winning.


but they forgot how badly tainted and corrupt their own candidate was….people hated her so much they voted for the other guy


and he won.


so now they started to question the result by alleging all sorts of crazy stuff…..russians, wild russians, golden showers, more russians



So now Rip is up to speed.



Once again, the argument "Trump won, so no matter what you say is wrong", has surfaced. When a Trump supporter has got nothing, this is what many of them resort to.

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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rip Van Winkle has just woken up? Anybody have the patience to fill him in on what the big deal is?

You mean Dems crying they lost and it's all Russia's fault?  what a joke 

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Nasty little family. He obviously was not asking for a borsch recipe. 

Nasty is being polite. Their entire reason for wanting political power is to enhance their wealth.... gain more power.... more wealth. Is there any wonder he wants to mimic Putin?


I believe I read somewhere that Putin is the richest person in the world.


I wonder if there will be parades when they are finally put to rest?

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When I read about the joint "cyber security  unit" I thought the spooks aren't going to like this. Shouldn't take long for another Russian collusion shoe to drop. It didn't. The NSA has a budget of >$14b with <40,000 employees. I'm thinking they have a transcript of the Don Jr/Putin lawyer meeting plus the pee video. Just a matter of time before it is all leaked, drip, drip, drip......

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25 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

….people hated her so much they voted for the other guy

so now they started to question the result by alleging all sorts of crazy stuff…..russians, wild russians, golden showers, more russians etc.


Well, as we all know, the huckster didn't get close to winning the people's vote.


And darn those two Republicans, Director Comey and Special Councel Mueller for being patriots...


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4 hours ago, bendejo said:


What an patsy!  The orange doesn't fall far from the tree.

She probably started with offering to show him her new lingerie, and when that didn't work she offered to show her baseball card collection. 



And when I saw their picture together I immediately thought a/b the movie "Dumb and Dumber."  :-)

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2 hours ago, iReason said:



But, but, but Hillary...

Loser spin.



Meanwhile, the wheels of justice continue to to turn. :thumbsup:

How can any patriotic/honest American NOT conclude something is "amiss" when a political "team" is so heavily involved with an enemy? It's not just a random ph call by an errant worker, it's a systematic approach to gain assistance.... from an ENEMY of democracy/America?


Do 45 defenders hate truth/decency/civil rights so much that they denigrate what Americans have died for for generations?


Is hatred for different life styles/color of skin etc. such an overwhelming element in their mind-sets?

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43 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

a bunch of overconfident democrats thought their candidate was a shoo-in to win the US prudential election.


Interesting to hear you describe Lindsay Graham (R- SC) as an overconfident democrat.  Graham, on the other hand, had some choice words for Trump's USA ♥ Russia cyber security "idea":



It's not the dumbest idea I've ever heard but it's pretty close.


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6 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

How can any patriotic/honest American NOT conclude something is "amiss" when a political "team" is so heavily involved with an enemy? It's not just a random ph call by an errant worker, it's a systematic approach to gain assistance.... from an ENEMY of democracy/America?


Do 45 defenders hate truth/decency/civil rights so much that they denigrate what Americans have died for for generations?


Is hatred for different life styles/color of skin etc. such an overwhelming element in their mind-sets?

Enemy?  what enemy?  have you ever visited Russia?  any clue at all?  or are you just a dumb right wing nationalist who thinks America the greatest nation on the earth?  why not stop the rhetoric and open your mind

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3 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms.

And you believe Kushner's lawyer?!  Is he as believable as Trump's lawyer who repeatedly claimed Trump was not under investigation, when everyone and their maid knows he is under investigation.  

Note; Congressional Intel committees have formally asked for security clearance forms from the WH which pertain to Oval Office insiders.  They were denied.   So neither you nor I know what Kushner, Flynn, Bannon, Pence or anyone else jotted down on their respective security clearance forms.  Of course, Trump himself isn't required to fill out a security clearance, because everyone assumes he will be the #1 person looking out for the best interests of the US.   Big Mistake.  


Also:  Don Jr. isn't required to fill out a security clearance forms because they don't formally work in the WH.  Yet he, and his siblings can visit the Oval Office as easy as you can visit your mom's house.  Do you trust Trump family prancing around in the Oval Office?   I don't.  The WH is being occupied by a nefarious consortium which is closely allied with Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and working to undermine the best interests of the USA and its citizens.   Even hard-right dirty trickster Stone was angered when Trump curtsied to the Saudi King.  

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11 minutes ago, PaceArrow said:

This is what has become of CNN, they are the laughing stock leading the charge in Fake News Media in America and around the world. TV viewers are aware of these Clowns and their fake news stories. Untrustworthy and untruthful same category of New York Times where they are also!!!
God Bless President Trump and America!!!!

                                     CNN is highly respected - outside of the small cadre of rednecks who believe every lie Trump trots out.  Every bit of significant news re; the Russian problem, has been either initiated or reported by CNN, along with other respected news organization like the NY Times and Washington Post.  Please name one bit of breaking news about the Russia problem which has eminated from the WH.  You can't.  


                      It's a dynamic dating back to cave man days:  A bad person is accused of doing something illegal.  The bad person initially denies the charge emphatically.  When that doesn't work as planned, the bad person tries to shut up the messenger or, as in Russia and Turkey and China, they kill the messenger (Trump is easing in that direction).  


                               Trump hates CNN in the same way a thief hates the person who took the photo of him stealing, and takes it to the cops to prove who the thief is.   

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1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

How can any patriotic/honest American NOT conclude something is "amiss" when a political "team" is so heavily involved with an enemy?

It's not just a random ph call by an errant worker, it's a systematic approach to gain assistance.... from an ENEMY of democracy/America?

Do 45 defenders hate truth/decency/civil rights so much that they denigrate what Americans have died for for generations?

Is hatred for different life styles/color of skin etc. such an overwhelming element in their mind-sets?


Yes. I believe so.

It is self-serving at best.



And, add in a small handful of Trolls.


But, no worries, fortunately they are a small minority.


And the wheels of justice are turning. :thumbsup:



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17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                                     CNN is highly respected - outside of the small cadre of rednecks who believe every lie Trump trots out.  Every bit of significant news re; the Russian problem, has been either initiated or reported by CNN, along with other respected news organization like the NY Times and Washington Post.  Please name one bit of breaking news about the Russia problem which has eminated from the WH.  You can't.  


                      It's a dynamic dating back to cave man days:  A bad person is accused of doing something illegal.  The bad person initially denies the charge emphatically.  When that doesn't work as planned, the bad person tries to shut up the messenger or, as in Russia and Turkey and China, they kill the messenger (Trump is easing in that direction).  


                               Trump hates CNN in the same way a thief hates the person who took the photo of him stealing, and takes it to the cops to prove who the thief is.   

Don't assume it's just Trumpers who dislike CNN's coverage of politics. CNN has lost so much kudos over the last 2 years and can't stop making up stories from their 'sources' (whom they never reveal). Being pro-choice, pro-cannabis and pro-democracy I am in no way a Trumper but CNN has lost great credibility and falls into the 'better than nothing' box.



Edited by LannaGuy
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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Right. That Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton."                            Because Putin is such an admirer of Hillary Clinton?  From where do you come up with such nonsense?


"Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms."

That does not contradict what the New York Times reported.  The Times reported that Kushner did report it. But only on a revised form submitted in recent weeks. In other words, he didn't report it on the original form.


"President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting reported by the Times, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Trump's legal team, said in an emailed statement."

Well, if a spokesman for Trump says so, then it must be true.


"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."

"Veselnitskaya then turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children and a U.S. law blacklisting Russians linked to alleged human-rights abuses. Trump Jr. was quoted saying he believed information on Clinton was only a pretext for the meeting."

Are you citing these as fact or just repeating assertions from Trump, Jr.?

Everything I quoted was from the NYT story,  apart from the one quote from the BBC.

The clue was in the post I quoted:

4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

There are so many red flags in that NY Times story.  Here are a few.....


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4 hours ago, Rancid said:

I don't particularly like Trump so can can see why he can infuriate progressives. That aide though, with all this evil Russian meme going on in the US what do you lot actually want? You have already applied sanctions, what is left, war? War with a nuclear armed power isn't going to be like Hollywood, it would probably mean the complete end of your country and even civilization. Is that what you want to risk?


Faux options for the win - either stop digging or its war.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, now that we know you're sure about it, the issue is settled. Do you have any clue as to what constitutes evidence?


He's expressing his opinion.


Which judging by the unsavory activities the Clintons have been involved with in the past, may be a good one.


Or are you suggesting the Clintons are whiter than white and would never lie or be involved in shenanigans and cheating?

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37 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Don't assume it's just Trumpers who dislike CNN's coverage of politics. CNN has lost so much kudos over the last 2 years and can't stop making up stories from their 'sources' (whom they never reveal). Being pro-choice, pro-cannabis and pro-democracy I am in no way a Trumper but CNN has lost great credibility and falls into the 'better than nothing' box.





Jeez, you guys are so desperate.

While grasping at straws.


From the author of that "chart":

(who enjoys "observing communication patterns")


"Memes and tweets and YouTube videos spread quickly, they don’t take any effort to read, and people are convinced by them."


"I cite the fact that it has been shared over 20,000 times on Facebook (that I know of) and viewed 3 million times on Imgur as evidence that I accomplished the goal of it being shareable."


"The fact that the chart is shareable does not necessarily make it TRUE."





Youse guys should be embarrassed...

Edited by iReason
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3 minutes ago, iReason said:



Jeez, you guys are so desperate.

While grasping at straws.


From the author of that "chart":

(who enjoys "observing communication patterns")


"Memes and tweets and YouTube videos spread quickly, they don’t take any effort to read, and people are convinced by them."


"I cite the fact that it has been shared over 20,000 times on Facebook (that I know of) and viewed 3 million times on Imgur as evidence that I accomplished the goal of it being shareable."


"The fact that the chart is shareable does not necessarily make it TRUE."





Youse guys should be embarrassed...

Really?  it's the chart ThaiVisa uses should they be 'embarrassed'? 

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