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Trump backtracks on cyber unit with Russia after harsh criticism


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53 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I am glad trump backtracked on that…not such a good idea…even i could have told him that. His advisers need to be not so scared to speak up.


So it's the "advisers" fault, then.

Because no one could expect the President of the United States to figure it out himself without being told.

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45 minutes ago, Morch said:


So it's the "advisers" fault, then.

Because no one could expect the President of the United States to figure it out himself without being told.

It also indicates the reports that he does almost no preparation for such important meetings are true. It's inconceivable that any minimally competent president that had done any preparation at all would have even mentioned that dangerously idiotic idea even as a mere trial balloon. He went further and tried to sell it as a major accomplishment. Article 25 Please! The clown has no business being in that office! 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

I am glad trump backtracked on that…not such a good idea…even i could have told him that. His advisers need to be not so scared to speak up.

Critics like just don't understand. Trump is playing 4 dimensional chess whilst people like you are playing tic-tac-toe.

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Critics like just don't understand. Trump is playing 4 dimensional chess whilst people like you are playing tic-tac-toe.

Are you kidding?  Trump isn't even smart enough to make money with a casino.  He couldn't play croquet without a team of advisers guiding his every move, and even then he'd probably hold the wrong end of the mallet.  

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I am glad trump backtracked on that…not such a good idea…even i could have told him that. His advisers need to be not so scared to speak up.

His advisors would tell him to stand down if they were any good at all.  I think the only advisors that Trump hears are voices in his head and they are as nuts as he is!

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He surrounds himself with yes men that are required to PRAISE him mindlessly to keep their jobs. Just like the dictator of a Banana Republic.

He's a deeply un-American president. Ironic that he was elected based on nationalism. 



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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I am glad trump backtracked on that…not such a good idea…even i could have told him that. His advisers need to be not so scared to speak up.

You mean like critical advisors with actual experience like the National Security Advisor who wasn't even allowed in the meeting with Trump and Putin, despite Putin having his whole entourage there. I think some of the advisors like McMaster are not scared to speak up and that is why they are side-lined. Trump looking after US interests, yep sure, I have a really good bridge for sale, you interested? I will let you call it Trump Tower Bridge if you buy it.

Edited by Andaman Al
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46 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You mean like critical advisors with actual experience like the National Security Advisor who wasn't even allowed in the meeting with Trump and Putin, despite Putin having his whole entourage there. I think some of the advisors like McMaster are not scared to speak up and that is why they are side-lined. Trump looking after US interests, yep sure, I have a really good bridge for sale, you interested? I will let you call it Trump Tower Bridge if you buy it.

troubling…. your state of mind is…are you going to carry on like this for the next 8 years…better get yourself attended to man.

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

troubling…. your state of mind is…are you going to carry on like this for the next 8 years…better get yourself attended to man.

I don't want to speak for AA but where does eight years come from?  Maybe eight more months if he is really lucky and can duck and dive for that long.  However I have no doubt that when Trump is finally ousted the Trumpsters will cry "stitch-up".

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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't want to speak for AA but where does eight years come from?  Maybe eight more months if he is really lucky and can duck and dive for that long.  However I have no doubt that when Trump is finally ousted the Trumpsters will cry "stitch-up".

cool…i see you got all your escape routes covered….ok….very nice…..

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Trump's 'Impenetrable' Cyber Unit That Never Was


"Partnering with Putin on a 'Cyber Security Unit' is akin to partnering with Assad on a 'Chemical Weapons Unit,' "

wrote Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio on Twitter."


"A cyber security working group with the very perpetrators of the attack on our election? Might as well just mail our ballots to Moscow," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee."


"The U.S. government knows so much about Russian cyber-exploits, in fact,

that last January, the Justice Department had sufficient evidence to indict four Russians over attacks against the U.S."




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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

another empty insult devoid of relevant content

my job is to refute your evidence and examine it for credibility…..so far you've got none.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I am glad trump backtracked on that…not such a good idea…even i could have told him that. His advisers need to be not so scared to speak up.

There is that old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer"

Working together with people , rather than against them, is better all round

Put the idea out there , speak with all parties involved and then decide how to proceed .

   Explore ideas and possibilities 

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There is that old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer"

Working together with people , rather than against them, is better all round

Put the idea out there , speak with all parties involved and then decide how to proceed .

   Explore ideas and possibilities 


That adage may work if you're not a clueless buffoon. If you are and your enemy is a master of his craft, may want to rethink this strategy.

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There is that old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer"

Working together with people , rather than against them, is better all round

Put the idea out there , speak with all parties involved and then decide how to proceed .

   Explore ideas and possibilities 

Oh, another professed graduate of the teachings of Sun Tzu. Unfortunately what you have written has no place in global politics where the consequence of saying the wrong thing to the wrong people can have the most profound effects. Take Trump/Saudi/Qatar mess, with credit taken by Trump. Your schoolboy politics have no place with world super powers. You don't 'work' with the people that just tried (and continue to do so) to destroy your democracy. Trump is turning you all into closet traitors and you have no idea. It is like watching frogs in a pan of cold water with the gas being lit underneath. America is totally frakked.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

 You don't 'work' with the people that just tried (and continue to do so) to destroy your democracy. 

What would be a good way to stop the Russians interning again in the future ?

Working together with them, having a coalition , knowing what they are doing .

Keeping everything out in the open .

Its an idea that was worth looking into

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

What would be a good way to stop the Russians interning again in the future ?

Working together with them, having a coalition , knowing what they are doing .

Keeping everything out in the open .

"Keeping everything out in the open"



You have got to be kidding.


I haven't read such naiveté in a long time.

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Just now, sanemax said:

What would be a good way to stop the Russians interning again in the future ?

Working together with them, having a coalition , knowing what they are doing .

Keeping everything out in the open .

Its an idea that was worth looking into

NO! And it is clearly not an idea worth looking in to. You are now defending a move by Trump when Trump himself has already dismissed it as unworkable after the torrent of abuse he received from senior Republicans.


Sanctions, severe sanctions. Busting the price of oil down to 25 USD a barrel (the USA can now do it) and watching Putin struggle with a fall in GDP and his people kick his ass out when the Russian economy is shrinking and there are no public services. Trade embargo's, sanctions against those countries that trade with Russia and freezing of Russian Oligarchs assets in the US - all made and anointed by Putin etc etc. You don't stroke and hug a King Cobra in the hope of making him like you, you chop off it's head.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

Sanctions, severe sanctions. Busting the price of oil down to 25 USD a barrel (the USA can now do it) and watching Putin struggle with a fall in GDP and his people kick his ass out when the Russian economy is shrinking and there are no public services. Trade embargo's, sanctions against those countries that trade with Russia and freezing of Russian Oligarchs assets in the US - all made and anointed by Putin etc etc. You don't stroke and hug a King Cobra in the hope of making him like you, you chop off it's head.

The cold war is over , the Berlin wall has come down , Russians no longer want to expand communism , they are no longer public enemy No 1

   USA /Russian hostilities have thawed over the last 20 years , so expect further flaws .

   Some Americans furious that Putin tried to get involved in USA politics (allegedly) , the same people now suggest USA getting involved with Russians politics and getting the leader removed .

    Did you learn nothing from Iraq about what happens when you remove a iron fisted leader from a volatile Country ?


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You mean like critical advisors with actual experience like the National Security Advisor who wasn't even allowed in the meeting with Trump and Putin, despite Putin having his whole entourage there. I think some of the advisors like McMaster are not scared to speak up and that is why they are side-lined. Trump looking after US interests, yep sure, I have a really good bridge for sale, you interested? I will let you call it Trump Tower Bridge if you buy it.

troubling…. your state of mind is…are you going to carry on like this for the next 8 years…better get yourself attended to man.


A rather pathetic response wouldn't you agree? Why do you perceive my state of mind 'troubled' when I provide a perfectly reasonable and articulate response to a post. Please explain, and don't continue to be shallow and rude.

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The cold war is over , the Berlin wall has come down , Russians no longer want to expand communism , they are no longer public enemy No 1

   USA /Russian hostilities have thawed over the last 20 years , so expect further flaws .

   Some Americans furious that Putin tried to get involved in USA politics (allegedly) , the same people now suggest USA getting involved with Russians politics and getting the leader removed .

    Did you learn nothing from Iraq about what happens when you remove a iron fisted leader from a volatile Country ?



That you say the cold war is over doesn't make it so. And even if it did, that doesn't mean a new ______ (enter catchy moniker here) war isn't being waged. The Pentagon and most of the US intelligence agencies do see Russia, communist or not, as the US number one enemy. Of course, they could all be agenda driven war-mongers, and Putin could be a really nice guy.





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Just now, sanemax said:

The cold war is over , the Berlin wall has come down , Russians no longer want to expand communism , they are no longer public enemy No 1

   USA /Russian hostilities have thawed over the last 20 years , so expect further flaws .

   Some Americans furious that Putin tried to get involved in USA politics (allegedly) , the same people now suggest USA getting involved with Russians politics and getting the leader removed .

    Did you learn nothing from Iraq about what happens when you remove a iron fisted leader from a volatile Country ?


Please stop, you can find other forums where you can communicate with US traitors. Putin happens to think that the downfall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened. Now he has money and capitalism (of a sort) behind him, he intends to rebuild what was taken/given away. You are foolish to consider this rabid leopard will change it's spots. If you cut Putin in half you would find a hammer and sickle inside him. You are worldly naive. Putin was a senior KGB operative, he took masterclasses in learning how to play people like a stringed instrument, and you are falling for it. Please don't reply, as an alternative, spend the time in going to look in the mirror and asking yourself 'can I really have been duped'. Trump is sitting on a huge oil deal with Russia and he is hoping to eradicate hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate debt. The situation is dire for Trump, he either plays along with Putin and reaps his reward (the KGB never reward) or Putin will instruct the Russian lenders to call in their debts and Trump will be left without a pot to pee in. Watch and wait :wink:

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The cold war is over , the Berlin wall has come down , Russians no longer want to expand communism , they are no longer public enemy No 1

   USA /Russian hostilities have thawed over the last 20 years , so expect further flaws .

   Some Americans furious that Putin tried to get involved in USA politics (allegedly) , the same people now suggest USA getting involved with Russians politics and getting the leader removed .

    Did you learn nothing from Iraq about what happens when you remove a iron fisted leader from a volatile Country ?


Interesting response, especially comparing Trump to Saddam.  I did fall about laughing at the suggestion that Trump might be seen as an "iron fisted leader" though.  Still you have conceded in an earlier post that the Russians did indeed interfere with the US election which affected the result.  So you must also think that the election result should be invalid?

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Please stop, you can find other forums where you can communicate with US traitors. Putin happens to think that the downfall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened. Now he has money and capitalism (of a sort) behind him, he intends to rebuild what was taken/given away. 

This is news to me .

How do you know this ?

Putin wants to take back the Eastern Block ?

Putin wants to rebuild the USSR ?

Now let me ask you this .

If Putin wanted to spread Communism, then why did he (allegedly) want Trump as POTUS , the Right wing capitalist, over the Left Wing, communist leaning Clinton? 

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9 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Interesting response, especially comparing Trump to Saddam.  I did fall about laughing at the suggestion that Trump might be seen as an "iron fisted leader" though.  Still you have conceded in an earlier post that the Russians did indeed interfere with the US election which affected the result.  So you must also think that the election result should be invalid?

Add a :smile: when doing humour

You very well know that I was comparing Putin to Saddam

I was also referring to Putin as the iron fisted leader

I did also write "Allegedly" that Putin interfered with US elections 

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