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Another Shinawatra family member most likely to head Pheu Thai Party


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31 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Don't be so sure of that.


If they can still "influence" village headmen and provincial "powers" to deliver bloc votes for them; then maybe. But the less easily influenced and coerced voters, the younger, better educated, more worldly wise - a lot of those who voted PTP in 2011 see through the Shins now. They know a vote for PTP is a vote to give Thaksin total whitewash amnesty. And perhaps more than they think find that simply too distasteful.

Well... my biggest concern is not really that and whoever wins, wins. My biggest concern for this country is the years they are spending ensuring that NO elected government will have any power and will 'show' the international community how 'democracy has been restored' when the reality will be far, far different.


THAT is Thailand's sadness to come

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Don't be so sure of that.


If they can still "influence" village headmen and provincial "powers" to deliver bloc votes for them; then maybe. But the less easily influenced and coerced voters, the younger, better educated, more worldly wise - a lot of those who voted PTP in 2011 see through the Shins now. They know a vote for PTP is a vote to give Thaksin total whitewash amnesty. And perhaps more than they think find that simply too distasteful.

Yeah, and the new govt make them open their eyes.....and move them to PTP.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


VW might; and one or two others have announced things.


You might want to check first before repeating the old mantras from 2014.

You might want to check out reality someday.... 

They will setup in Vietnam or Indonesia because those places are stable and probably cost less as well now that thais need a minimum wage 


An unstable country that can break into civil war anytime  because half of them don't like the political situation is not optimal for commerce.

They will consider the last decade and realize  that could happen again

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2 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

You might want to check that foreign investment into Thailand has fallen 70-80% since 2014 and hasn't recovered. 


Investors ain't stupid, they won't risk Thailand while under a military *********** and they certainly won't want their brand image associated with doing business in a country governed by martial law (section 44, same same). 


You might want to check the organizations who have announced investments since 2014. Businesses, NGO's, trade delegations and foreign governments. 



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5 hours ago, Siripon said:

Time for the Pheua Thai MPs to revolt and say enough is enough from this family.

Yet another member with no knowledge or interest in politics, like the last member currently on trial, is proposed to be the leader of a grassroots party. In addition she has a conviction for insider trading- rings a bell- Thaksin's asset concealment case back in 20001.

Sudarat would be a far better choice imo, at least she is a seasoned politician, but perhaps there is no love lost between Thaksin's sisters and her. One day this clan's history will make a fine soap opera- it has all the ingredients-:an insatiable lust for power, greed, deceit, envy, ignorance and unfaithfulness.




Good point but not reality because the paymaster owns (repeat owns) the party.


In other words the paid yes men 'politicians' have no say in the party, none at all, they are in fact paid employees of the owner of the business (the party).


In other words democracy is not in the picture.


Laws which totally outlaw all of the above are desperately needed.

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5 hours ago, Siripon said:

Time for the Pheua Thai MPs to revolt and say enough is enough from this family.

Yet another member with no knowledge or interest in politics, like the last member currently on trial, is proposed to be the leader of a grassroots party. In addition she has a conviction for insider trading- rings a bell- Thaksin's asset concealment case back in 20001.

Sudarat would be a far better choice imo, at least she is a seasoned politician, but perhaps there is no love lost between Thaksin's sisters and her. One day this clan's history will make a fine soap opera- it has all the ingredients-:an insatiable lust for power, greed, deceit, envy, ignorance and unfaithfulness.



Another member with no knowledge of politics? Why? The USA have just chosen one and look where that is heading.:saai:

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3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

I think Oak would be the best choice to head Pheu Thai and be a candidate for Prime Minister of Thailand. He meets all qualifications. And he is a real man-child. 

and cheats at school.. so well suited.

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18 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Wow, you cannot even accept facts from the junta Deputy Prime Minister himself.


Just... wow. 


Of course they want more and more foreign investment - using internal revenue on military upgrades!


But, to say there has been no investment, and that no big firms will invest here, as some posters are doing, which has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, is nonsense. Many large MNC's have. 


No need for the theatrics, btw, fools nobody,

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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

While most of the rest of us view it as nepotism, dressed up as democracy, when the PTP-machine vote in whoever has been selected from afar.



Well said. In fact the ptp claims to be the protectors of democracy is the greatest laugh for the last 14 years in Thailand. 

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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

PTP-supporters can only stand in awe, that one particular family is able to supply so many outstanding winning-candidates, for the top-job.  Not that it's rigged, or anything.  :dry:


While most of the rest of us view it as nepotism, dressed up as democracy, when the PTP-machine vote in whoever has been selected from afar.


Wouldn't it be refreshing, if the party & its supporters were to select someone who wasn't related to, or an avowed-supporter of, the Big Boss ?


But that would require them to mature into a proper political-party, and I don't see that happening anytime soon, any more than for their main opposition, the Dems. :sad:


They did that once before with Samak but he wouldn't play their rules and he got dumped in favour of .....................


Somchai Wongsawat, who by some really strange coincidence is married to Thaksin's sister Yaowapha, who just happens to be the subject of this topic.

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7 hours ago, Prbkk said:

The problem is the double standard: he goes after a selected few, on the basis of politics rather than anything. Consequently his credibility is diminished when he is seen to be pursuing some ( and with vindictiveness) while at the same time giving a free pass to all the cronies, old-guard, hiso Bangkok elite ( who funded and encouraged to ferment in the lead up to the coup). 

I think you underestimate the average Thai in the street - not yellow shirts not hardened red shirts but undecided - do they have a clear picture of the corruption shown by the last Pheu thai Government that forced their removal?

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18 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

MOU ........it's a vague intention

Every PM who is democratically elected is better than any junta

And no junta is the future for Thailand. Thailand doesn't increasing expenses for war toys. Thailand needs increasing economy. And this with a wider view. Not by narrow minded soldiers.

And everybody who rules with section 44 seems himself above law.



Many think the junta has performed considerably better than Yinglucks Pheu thai EVER did!!

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28 minutes ago, bizboi said:

Many think the junta has performed considerably better than Yinglucks Pheu thai EVER did!!

You may have a point. The junta does indeed performed better in terms of self authorization of the purchases of military hardwares. In contrast, Yingluck non performance in allowing the increase in military spending. Shame on her.

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42 minutes ago, billd766 said:


They did that once before with Samak but he wouldn't play their rules and he got dumped in favour of .....................


Somchai Wongsawat, who by some really strange coincidence is married to Thaksin's sister Yaowapha, who just happens to be the subject of this topic.


IIRC, the late PM-Samak got uppity, once he'd been elected, and thought he had some role of his own, more than just serving the family's interests as-directed by the Big Boss.


So he was replaced by a family-member  ...  who could be trusted to follow orders more-attentively.


Then Yingluck, and now likely yet-another family-member, well that's just plain nepotism ! 


I find it odd that so many supposedly-democratic posters are vehemently in-favour-of a one-family political-dynasty, and don't seem to want the populist-party to move beyond that.

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13 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


IIRC, the late PM-Samak got uppity, once he'd been elected, and thought he had some role of his own, more than just serving the family's interests as-directed by the Big Boss.


So he was replaced by a family-member  ...  who could be trusted to follow orders more-attentively.


Then Yingluck, and now likely yet-another family-member, well that's just plain nepotism ! 


I find it odd that so many supposedly-democratic posters are vehemently in-favour-of a one-family political-dynasty, and don't seem to want the populist-party to move beyond that.


Well said. 

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11 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

I find it odd that so many supposedly-democratic posters are vehemently in-favour-of a one-family political-dynasty, and don't seem to want the populist-party to move beyond that.


Isn't that a little disingenuous if the voters are in favor of a one-family political dynasty?  


I don't have a dog in the fight.  But it seems the majority of the voters like the fact that the Shins let a little more trickle down to them, even if they all know they're as corrupt as the rest of the bunch- and more corrupt than some.


I find it odd that a lot of guys claim to love democracy as long as the majority don't elect the guy they don't like.


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1 minute ago, impulse said:


Isn't that a little disingenuous if the voters are in favor of a one-family political dynasty?  


I don't have a dog in the fight.  But it seems the majority of the voters like the fact that the Shins let a little more trickle down to them, even if they all know they're as corrupt as the rest of the bunch- and more corrupt than some.


I find it odd that a lot of guys claim to love democracy as long as the majority don't elect the guy they don't like.


They don't have an other choice.. they don't want to vote democrat.. so they vote PTP no matter what devil is in charge. Now if they had a saying in who led the party things might be different. 

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Don't be so sure of that.
If they can still "influence" village headmen and provincial "powers" to deliver bloc votes for them; then maybe. But the less easily influenced and coerced voters, the younger, better educated, more worldly wise - a lot of those who voted PTP in 2011 see through the Shins now. They know a vote for PTP is a vote to give Thaksin total whitewash amnesty. And perhaps more than they think find that simply too distasteful.

I rather suspect that the the younger, better educated, more worldly wise - a lot of those who voted PTP in 2011, will regard the military and their preferred candidate with even more distrust. That's the trouble with the younger, better educated, more worldly wise - they will see both sides for what they really are, and will vote for the side they think offers them more, even if they have reservations. I don't think it will be the authoritarian dinosaurs somehow. I also suspect that these younger, better educated, more worldly wise - voters will take a very dim view if the government they elect is effectively ruled out by these same authoritarian dinosaurs.
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I think you underestimate the average Thai in the street - not yellow shirts not hardened red shirts but undecided - do they have a clear picture of the corruption shown by the last Pheu thai Government that forced their removal?

There is one sure fire way of finding out isn't there - ask them in a free election.

Ah but the coup put a stop to that didn't it, and the junta installed by the coup seems determined to avoid the idea.

I can't for the life of me see why, I mean it's not as if the "wrong side" might win?
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IIRC, the late PM-Samak got uppity, once he'd been elected, and thought he had some role of his own, more than just serving the family's interests as-directed by the Big Boss.
So he was replaced by a family-member  ...  who could be trusted to follow orders more-attentively.
Then Yingluck, and now likely yet-another family-member, well that's just plain nepotism ! 
I find it odd that so many supposedly-democratic posters are vehemently in-favour-of a one-family political-dynasty, and don't seem to want the populist-party to move beyond that.

Samak was removed by the Shinawatras then?

Funny, I could have sworn he was knocked off his perch by a court case - something about a cooking show?
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42 minutes ago, impulse said:


Isn't that a little disingenuous if the voters are in favor of a one-family political dynasty?  


I don't have a dog in the fight.  But it seems the majority of the voters like the fact that the Shins let a little more trickle down to them, even if they all know they're as corrupt as the rest of the bunch- and more corrupt than some.


I find it odd that a lot of guys claim to love democracy as long as the majority don't elect the guy they don't like.



Well every 'view' is possible.


The exact opposite view is also a possibility.  


"...the Shins let a little more trickle down to them,...". did that really happen? Or are you referring to the paymaster's public and loud statement 'everybody will be rich in 6 months'? Which of course never happened, not at all.



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1 hour ago, robblok said:

They don't have an other choice.. they don't want to vote democrat.. so they vote PTP no matter what devil is in charge. Now if they had a saying in who led the party things might be different. 


How true and I would add: they don't want to vote democrat because they listened to (no choice but to listen at the village democracy school), numerous / repeated well scripted hate messages and been forced to listen to doctored audio and video tapes. Plus in many areas the dems didn't campaign because they were frightened to go into the area and no dem literature was distributed because nobody be brave enough to do so.


Well I suppose that's what some call democracy! 

Edited by scorecard
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Why would Thaksin let anyone NOT a member of the family become 'leader ' of 'his'(!) political party. I write 'leader' because it will be him, and nobody else running the show from afar via Skype, etc., nobody's doubting that, is it?

He, and the Shins, own it, pure and simple, like the TRT and PPP before. Who could he trust, more so in the way those Chinese(-with-a-Thai-name) think, more than a family member to be at the top, even for the show, of his 'power tool' he poured a lot of money in, and he got so much more back with?

For what most, I'm afraid, of the other 'politicians' and 'leaders', small and larger, inside PTP, and inside its red militia wing, it's about money and power, the holy trough, that was always filled thanks to the Shins' 'works', how would they risk to compromit the positions and wealth they got to go 'solo', without Thaksin &Co., how small and vulnerable would they be with him/them enemy/ies...?

Remember that the venal bunch of PTP MPs got 100,000B a month, on top of the salary (and all the crooked deals they were allowed to fill their pockets with), paid to them by the convicted-criminal-on-the-run 'master'?

'Thaksin thinks, PTP does': was so, is so, and will remain so, IMO, as long as he lives.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


Isn't that a little disingenuous if the voters are in favor of a one-family political dynasty?  



But are they ?


I think it would be informative if there were a non-Shin-dominated populist-movement available, as an alternative to the existing well-oiled TRT/PPP/PTP machine, perhaps one might have formed around the UDD, had they not been drawn into PTP ?


We might then discover whether the voters really want that one-family political dynasty, and the loose coalition of rich/influential regional-supporters who inevitably come with it, or are merely chosing it as currently the least-bad alternative ?


In fairness I would hasten to add that the Dems appear little better, there are undoubtedly well-entrenched elites supporting them too, I wish Abhisit &  Korn might break-away from them, but doubt that they can/will.


This is drifting off-topic, which is the likelihood that the next PM (or at least leader of the PTP) will be drawn yet again from the same family, and who has the final-decision on the choice.


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