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Trump Jr. emails suggest he welcomed Russian help against Clinton


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43 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well…there you have it….good luck proving anything of value.

You probably still think Nixon was a great president who did nothing wrong and was just framed by a bunch of bleeding-heart liberals, right? 

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4 hours ago, pmarlin said:

No law was broken, next.

Well what is next is that this has really given investigators some direction. The FBI will now trawl through every Trump campaign email - legally and every single phone call to a Russian will be subpoenaed.


1 hour ago, blazes said:

PS:  I notice nobody is commenting on what exactly Clinton was up to that the Russians thought worthy of investigation.   Was she going to offer a major arms deal?  Was she promising to invade Crimea?

That has got nothing to do with the Trumps wrongdoings. If Mueller thinks Clinton has done something wrong during the course of his investigation he will do something, but so far every single call of Crooked Hilliary is not supported by a single piece of evidence other than what is vomited up on infowar and Breitbart.

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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


5 hours ago, kamahele said:

I wonder what happens when / if it is proven that Trump's election and presidency is illegitimate. Can the administration as a whole be nullified? Wishful thinking?

If you're asking, in a round about way, is hillary clinton going to be president, the answer is NEVER.


No, he was asking directly  " can the administration as a whole be nullified?". It is really clear from what was written. Are you Clinton obsessed?

Edited by Andaman Al
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4 hours ago, pmarlin said:

No law was broken, next.

Actually, that may not be  true.  As a member of his campaign he most likely broke federal statutes that prohibit foreign powers from contributing anything of value to a political campaign and also state that Americans cannot knowingly solicit, accept, or receive any contribution or donation from foreign nationals in connection with an election. Thank you to "The Atlantic" for that information.

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What are the chances that Vladimir Putin did not know about this meeting between a known Russian lawyer and conduit for Russian intelligence agencies and Trump Jnr, Manafort and Kushner. Really, what are the odds that Putin did not know about this meeting that was held in Trump Jnr's office one floor below Donald Trump's office in Trump Tower. The odds of that are zero. Absolutely zero. Now what are the odds that Donald Trump did not know about this meeting and their contents? If he did know then both Donald Trump and those surrounding him have been lying hugely. If he didn't know, well, what does that say about him. Putin knows and the meeting was held by his son, his son in law and his campaign manager and it was held in his building but one floor below his office. The whole thing beggars belief. Someone going to be pushed off this careening bus and it's going to be ugly, very ugly.

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50 minutes ago, blazes said:


A president has that much power?  America is perfectly capable  of destroying itself from within (and without, as Vietnam demonstrated).

Good try

First let's change the subject and talk about Hillary, and when no one took the bait. Ok then let's talk about Vietnam.

 Pay no attention to the orange man behind the curtain 


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I know this is more fuel to the Russia-gate issue but it isn't enough to bring Trump down and that must be the goal.  There really isn't any doubt about Russia's involvement in the US election or that Trump was complicit in it but something undisputable needs to be found to trigger his impeachment. 

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Seems to me that it is precisely this sort of revelation that Donald Trump was trying to head off by sacking FBI's Comey.


You do have to wonder what else Putin has knowledge of that Donald Trump would rather not have in the public domain and what he would do to ensure that it doesn't become public.

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8 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Penthouse Offers $1 Million To Anyone With Tape of Trump’s Alleged ‘Golden Shower’


There you go.  Opposition research often gets paid big money to dig up dirt.  Said dirt therefore has value, Q.E.D.

Good on Mr Heffner, there's life in the old dog yet. Actually anybody could offer 2-3 Million for those tapes. If you got hold of a copy I am quite sure syndicated rights would fetch you much much more.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I know this is more fuel to the Russia-gate issue but it isn't enough to bring Trump down and that must be the goal.  There really isn't any doubt about Russia's involvement in the US election or that Trump was complicit in it but something undisputable needs to be found to trigger his impeachment. 

There will be a canary singing soon! That will take away any doubt. Some of the people involved could be looking at a long stretch in a US prison, if it were me I would sing already. Trump is not owed an ounce of loyalty and is certainly not worth doing 5-10 for.

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Donald Jnr never tells Donald Trump about this meeting? Kusher never tells Donald Trump about this meeting? Kushner never tells Ivanka Trump about this meeting and she never tells Dad Donald about his meeting? That just beggars belief. He was told, he knew, and in order to try to make sure that it didn't come out and show him to have been lying all along he went ahead and sacked Comey. What next? Donald Trump had FSB operatives over to dinner to discuss hair weaves but didn't know they were FSB operatives seeking not tips on hairpiece perfection but a lifting of sanctions in return for a leg up in the election? Really though, what else is there? This is getting bizarre and it's really starting to stink.


Yeah, yeah, yeah - how could any of them known, truly known that this was all put in place by Russian intelligence. For that to be known Boris and Natasha would have to come to the front door saying "hello, were from the FSB and we want to help you with the election. Then and only then is there a smoking gun.

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Is there any laws broken?? There is potential for an amazing amount of laws being broken here, including but not limited to treason, colluding with the Russians (USA #1 enemy), criminal intent, violation of the espionage act, obstruction of justice as this also may be directly related to the firing of Comey, conspiracy, cyber fraud, and defrauding the government.


This now makes Watergate look like a day in the park. Without a doubt the biggest scandal in US political history. 


Bush may have destabilized the middle east but Trump has destabilized the world and trashed the US.


The only thing he has accomplished is he single handedly made RUSSIA great again!! and it took him less than 6 months, he really does get stuff done.

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5 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Donald Jnr never tells Donald Trump about this meeting? Kusher never tells Donald Trump about this meeting? Kushner never tells Ivanka Trump about this meeting and she never tells Dad Donald about his meeting? That just beggars belief.

Correct. Even more unbelievable is the fact we are expected to believe that Manafort the campaign Manager would have gone to such an explosively charged meeting without briefing Trump. It is just not feasible . It will all come out in the wash soon.

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22 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Good on Mr Heffner, there's life in the old dog yet. Actually anybody could offer 2-3 Million for those tapes. If you got hold of a copy I am quite sure syndicated rights would fetch you much much more.

Heffner is from Playboy not Penthouse

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"Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a short statement from the president at the regular White House press briefing. “My son is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency.” "


If this is true, and Donald Trump Jnr is a "high quality person" and that his "transparency" is to be lauded, then why didn't he tell his father about this meeting? Oh right, he forgot. It didn't seem important.....Sure.

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So everyone in this Family knew about this meeting, but they all kept it from Dad? His ignorance about what his children and step children have been up to is staggering and even more staggering is that he arranged for them to get their fingers into very highly classified stuff. Why isn't he firing all of them now for not telling him about this? Surely that's the first thing he should do if they kept this from him. Putin knew about it and the President didn't?

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 Trump has accomplished nothing other than signing some executive decisions  ,

How is that for "winning so much we will get tired of winning" 

and that's with a republican House, and Senate .

Never has a President done so little , with so much

Once he loses the support of the House and Senate he will become irrelevant,

Just and old Orange Fool  tweeting in the night.

To me a preferable situation than a President Pence.

A pathetic disgrace to say the least, a Sad period for the country.

What a waste of four years.  :sad:


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2 hours ago, blazes said:


Soon the Yanks will be banning Tchaikovsky.



No we won't. By the way, much of what we know about the Trump campaign's contacts with the Russians came from MI5/6 and other European intelligence agencies. Europe has even more to fear from the Russians than we Yanks do.

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21 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Correct. Even more unbelievable is the fact we are expected to believe that Manafort the campaign Manager would have gone to such an explosively charged meeting without briefing Trump. It is just not feasible . It will all come out in the wash soon.

And all along Putin knew about the meeting and, unless he's truly and unbelievably stupid, Donald Trump MUST have known that Putin knew about it.How could the President not know this. Why has he lied about it and covered it up.


I understand that the AF1 flight back from G20 was fraught with arguments as to how to present this picnic hamper full of turd burgers to the public. There was hair pulling and scratching and biting and mutual accusation.


There is very damaging leaking coming from people very very close to this president.

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16 minutes ago, sirineou said:


 Trump has accomplished nothing other than signing some executive decisions  ,

How is that for "winning so much we will get tired of winning" 

and that's with a republican House, and Senate .

Never has a President done so little , with so much

Once he loses the support of the House and Senate he will become irrelevant,

Just and old Orange Fool  tweeting in the night.

To me a preferable situation than a President Pence.

A pathetic disgrace to say the least, a Sad period for the country.

What a waste of four years.  :sad:


"Trump has accomplished nothing other than signing some executive decisions  ,"

"To me a preferable situation than a President Pence."


So to me the conclusion is: keep him there and keep him occupied with this and his golf course, so nothing bad gets done.

Edited by stevenl
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Just now, stevenl said:

"Trump has accomplished nothing other than signing some executive decisions  ,"

"To me a preferable situation than a President Pence."


So to te the conclusion is: keep him there and keep him occupied with this and his golf course.

Nothing would I like better than to see him gone, But consider the options

What is better, an irrelevant Trump, or a President Pence?   

Remember a Dodo bird in the hand is better than a chicken hawk in the bush.


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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Nothing would I like better than to see him gone, But consider the options

What is better, an irrelevant Trump, or a President Pence?   

Remember a Dodo bird in the hand is better than a chicken hawk in the bush.


Nah. Pence might damage the USA, Trump is killing it.

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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

What are the chances that Vladimir Putin did not know about this meeting between a known Russian lawyer and conduit for Russian intelligence agencies and Trump Jnr, Manafort and Kushner. Really, what are the odds that Putin did not know about this meeting that was held in Trump Jnr's office one floor below Donald Trump's office in Trump Tower. The odds of that are zero. Absolutely zero. Now what are the odds that Donald Trump did not know about this meeting and their contents? If he did know then both Donald Trump and those surrounding him have been lying hugely. If he didn't know, well, what does that say about him. Putin knows and the meeting was held by his son, his son in law and his campaign manager and it was held in his building but one floor below his office. The whole thing beggars belief. Someone going to be pushed off this careening bus and it's going to be ugly, very ugly.


you cant win a court case by saying what are the odds….lol.

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2 hours ago, blazes said:

PS:  I notice nobody is commenting on what exactly Clinton was up to that the Russians thought worthy of investigation.   Was she going to offer a major arms deal?  Was she promising to invade Crimea?

Radical, I know, but the title of the thread should give you a hint:


Trump Jr. emails suggest he welcomed Russian help against Clinton

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


you cant win a court case by saying what are the odds….lol.

Gotta agree there. Either Donald Trump knew about the meeting and is hence a duplicitous liar hiding his near treasonous actions from the public or he didn't know and is hence an ignoramus knowing not when his very son, his son in law and his campaign manager meet with agents of the Russian government and then lie to him about having done so. No court needed, logic has done the judging in its stead ...lol

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

well…there you have it….good luck proving anything of value.

What happened to the "fake news" and "nothing burger" spin?

Guess the burger had some meat in it anyway. In fact, it turned out to be a whopper!



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9 minutes ago, Neurath said:

or he didn't know and is hence an ignoramus knowing not when his very son, his son in law and his campaign manager meet with agents of the Russian government and then lie to him about having done so

............In an office on the floor directly below Trumps office!! To consider that Trump senior was not briefed about this meeting is inconceivable. It will all come out.

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