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Cholesterol - What the ........ !


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  I was symptomatic, but accepted the doctor's diagnosis.  Big mistake.


Ah, now I understand your reasons.  I never experience any shortness of breath during or after running, (even though I have mild asthma and a lung illness - Aspergillosis). So I think things are OK with my heart.  But my last stress test was about 3 years ago, so it is prudent to have another.


Best wishes on your full recovery!

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4 hours ago, thequietman said:

yes, I read a little more and you are correct. So which is it............... eat fish , don't eat fish, it is getting confusing now!


I want to lower my cholesterol - what has to be done?


no sugar,OK - is lots of fruit OK? veggies are carbs, too many cards means more sugar - correct ?

no processed food - OK, that's clear.

No saturated fat - fine, I understand that.

No white rice - but is brown OK?

I love boiled Thai pumpkin - is that Ok ?


If it is a carbohydrate it is a sugar, you cannot cut all carbs vegetables ok. Fruit is out as it is very high in sugar. Just try to eat in moderation and eat more than 3 meals break up your food intake into about 5 meals a day which will require you to eat less at each meal. Mainly cut out anything high in sugar drinks sweeten with sugar, fruits, and the white foods I mentioned earlier. Increase your protien intake while lowering carb intake except for vegetables. Watch your calories

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21 hours ago, thequietman said:

Result was 225 with low count of 'good' cholesterol, 48. Also sugar high - he says 25 points more and I am diabetic. Wow!


Diabetic is just a label. I've been hovering just under the threshold for nearly 30 years and in tests the level has barely varied in all that time.



18 hours ago, thequietman said:

I want to lower my cholesterol - what has to be done?


Statins work for me.

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17 hours ago, impulse said:

BTW, after bypass surgery, I'm on statins that get me down to crazy low levels recommended by my cardiac guy.  But I feel like crap all the time.


Isnt that just old age? I had that long before I started taking statins.

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14 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

Isnt that just old age? I had that long before I started taking statins.


It's a specific complaint having to do with muscle aches and cramping.  Not the usual old fart stuff.


Edit:  My suspicion (and that's all it is) is that there's an anatomical reason my family's bodies all create high levels of cholesterol, and that taking the statins is defeating a a genetic need for high cholesterol.  But that may just be my natural suspicion of Big Pharma after reading a bunch of wingnut conspiracy studies about statins and high death rates from causes other than coronary.  In any case, I envy people who can control their cholesterol with diet.  In addition to being Godawful expensive over the long term, taking statins just plain sucks.


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3 hours ago, impulse said:

In addition to being Godawful expensive over the long term, taking statins just plain sucks.


My statins are dirt cheap (just a few hundred Baht a year) and dont seem to do anything to me apart from lower my cholesterol level.


Being old does suck.

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